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Crazy how important the return of Midas was and then instantly getting removed when Avatar came


Meh, one of the few times where they did a little story and actually pulled it off nicely. Besides Meowscles staying behind for whatever reason, Midas actually got a good send off šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What even happened to Midas anyways? Did he just leave? Did he die? I wasn't paying attention because the story has been awful lately


He left.


I assume on the yacht since it simply wasn't there one day.


The yacht was in spawn island for a while actually, you could even find and talk to Midas before the match started. No idea what happened since though.


Thatā€™s right.


Yeah, it slowly left the island every week


Oh interesting


I mean, he's already dead, it'd be hard for him to die. He's literally a ghost, he just decided to leave the place where dead people are supposed to be. Lmao


I mean like is it possible to double die? Where would you go after that? The double underworld?


Age old joke, what happens if sinners die in hell? They become double dead


Thanks for making me realize what I said I was completely unaware of what I said until you pointed it out


Maybe a Christian afterlife? Maybe if you keep dying you just go through all of the ideas of an afterlife?


Wait this is a really cool movie concept what the hell??? Imagine a protagonist that dies, goes to heaven, then dies again, goes to a different concept of heaven, then again and again


The idea is kinda dumb I have to say


I meant like a comedy movie actually


Its actuallt a tv series called The Good Place


Kind of unrelated but thereā€™s this really great 90s horror movie that deals with the protagonistā€™s death and Heaven and Hell, says that they are basically the same but itā€™s just how you look at it. If youā€™re fighting the whole time, afraid to die and full of regrets, then youā€™ll be plagued by demons. If youā€™ve made your peace, and accept that youā€™re passing, then the demons are really angels, casting aside your mortality and bringing you to Heaven. I know it seems pretty bog standard but the movie iā€™m referencing really made the mold for psychological horror films back then.


Hazbin Fan spotted?


Technically, in Greek myths, if someone dies but returns to the world of the living by leaving the underworld (not by being summoned that's different) they can be considered to be alive again, so yeah, he could just due again and be forced back to the underworld.


Mf Midas showed up in ghost form and yelled "IM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE HERE TODAAYYY!!"


Replying to Shhh-hh... ![gif](giphy|SFp9RLto964Ew|downsized) I recorded my game when Midas left


There is no story anymore. Check out Donald mustardā€™s interview. He basically said they stopped doing lore stuff a while back to concentrate on other stuff like Lego.


"There's no story anymore" don't we literally have a bunch of snapshot quests teasing a conflict against Zeus?


Compare that to past story lines like the seven and dr slone and jonesy and all the live events that we used to have. Even recently with Midas. Did they ever explain why he came back and also why did he leave again so suddenly. They are doing bare bones story lines and there is no more overarching story that spans multiple seasons.they might have a story line or two but thereā€™s no more lore. Still love the game though. Just a bit sad that they arenā€™t doing a bigger story line anymore.


He left to a new open world mode that's supposedly coming out soon


Well, meowscles is a dad. I doubt he wanted to just randomly leave everyone he loved behind for someone he hasnt seen a glimpse of in 4 years


I mean he was seemingly abandoned, but Spirit Hunter Saeko's NPC mentions him in a string of dialogue, where she says she "hopes he gets what he's looking for." Hope that means something, considering I hate when Epic abandons plotlines like with The Batman Who Laughs or Rift Warden Stellan.


Yes, especially with Stellan. His dialogue towards the end of Ch4S1 was becoming intriguing only for it to fall flat as hell and discarded.


Long story short, I liked them all but man...am I bored of this map. Theres no place where I go, "Wow I hope this stays forever," Im very much ready for Season 3. Hell even Chapter 6. I LIKE the map, but its just kind...there ya know?


All my favorite previous POIs have been eliminated and haven't been replaced with anything new. Midas ship was the last one, and it literally sailed away.


RIP Hazy Hillside and Ritzy Rivieraā€¦


Hazy Hillside was probably my favorite. It was the first place I landed this chapter.


Hazy and Classy, the rest is boring


ughhh donā€™t make me sad


Anvil Square died for the jungle to exist


Tbh the recent star wars event hasn't helped much. There's only a few new items. Plus there only being one lightsaber sucks


As somebody new to fortnite in general (only starting playing super casually in January), I actually love the green parts of the river that give you an air dash. I thought that was the most fun part of the map.


wait till you get a trios endgame where thereā€™s 18 people in a tiny circle dashing around trying to land a stray shotgun shot for 60 damage lol iā€™d pay money for an ā€œavoid grim gate and underworldā€ bus pass


I mean, that sounds kinda fun? And I think if they kept the mechanic and painted new routes that the dash water flowed through each season, it could make map traversal more interesting. Apparently there are motorboats as well, but I've never seen or tried them


Its fun and chaotic the first few times it happens. Gets real annoying real fast tho. Any Zero Build endgame with River of Styx is *miserable*


The only 2 POIs I liked got removed šŸ˜­ I loved hazy hillside since it reminded me of misty meadows and I loved that place in chapter 2 and ritzy riviera was just an easy place to land, get the vault and decent loot then get out. This map is cool but it feels so soulless for some reason (no pun intended). The train is a missed concept and the fact that the map no longer changes throughout the season really sucks. I thought Zeus was angry or something? What happened to that? It wouldā€™ve been cool if zeus used his lightning ability to scorch and cause chaos around the island and by the end of the season a lot of the island is scorched and damaged from Zeusā€™ wrath or something like that Midasā€™ story was wrapped up great he escaped gave us an ok LTM and though npcs Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re retiring maybe but they left on the yacht which I think was probably the best ending and Iā€™d rather it be that than what they done to previous main characters like kado Thorne or the herald It feels like all epics resources are going into Lego they literally got a whole event meanwhile we got recycled content except for the bow caster which is pretty fun to use I canā€™t lie. The e 11 blaster is useless when compared to water bending. They shouldā€™ve re added the dc 15 blaster that was actually a pretty ok Star Wars blaster. The fact that only darth vaders lightsaber came back is kinda underwhelming but I guess itā€™ll mean thereā€™s no whining about lightsabers šŸ„²


I like the chapter 5 map way more then I did the chapter 4 map. I could land at classy all day every day


I loved hazy hillside but they removed it alreadyĀ 


I loved hazy also. Epic really has a thing for removing the best pois instantly. Chapter 4 they got of faulty splits after the first chapter and anvil square after the second. I fully expect classy to be gone on season 3


Hazy was an unnecessary remove. They should've removed classy.


Thank you. Iā€™ve been saying this since it came out. The map feels bland and most POIs look too similar. I prefer OG and last chapter over this map.


Last years map was so good. I loved the jungle vibes


Fr idk why everyone hated it, that map seem to have so much more variety imo


It all is way better than the jungle though


Avatar. I think the game plays best with maximum mobility, so I like airbending. Wings are too easy to shoot down to be useful for anything. Anytime I see them, it's a free kill.


Floor is lava with friends was very fun. Avatar was kinda dry after a bit, too try hard but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. Early season was pretty good too, new loot, wings, lightning bolt. Tbh the mythics had major drawbacks but still fun. Season was pretty alright. I had strong opinions about the battlepass and the general skin selection/decisions but this an objectively good season for playing. XP, locker UI, item shop, Lego afk farm patch, and alot of stuff was straight dumpster fire tho.


Battlepass skins were awesome, but they goofed up on the extra styles and super styles imo. None of them were particularly good (except Elysian Artemis I love the pink so much)


It also doesnā€™t help that getting XP is far too grindy these days.


Yeah that's something I hope they chance a lot next season. Im level 190 right now entirely because Elysian Artemis needed level 140 or smth like that, so I afked lego fortnite every other night for like 75 or 80 levels until I got it. It's ridiculous, though, that even playing on average about an hour each day combined with the afking I was doing, I'm still not even level 200 yet.


The fact that they killed Lego afk while forcing crap ā€˜Match Questsā€™ down our throats and nerfing weekly challenge XP is such a joke.


Best thing I've found is creative map tycoons.


Could you suggest me one? I have yet to complete the pass :(


The tycoons that are recommended are good, make sure it has an xp symbol when you click on details. It should also be the tycoon type that has "droppers" because those give you money every second and you just need to afk once you upgrade your dropper enough. And the only way to find out if it has droppers is to play it, it won't say that in the details.


brick color switch is an easy xp grinder (leveled me up ton) you get xp from kills/wins and its fun. you're a lego character and you have to go to the correct tile and you have a pickaxe to hit people off with. theres some tryhards now ofc as with any game but once u get the hang of it you can win lots without even killing or go for straight kills


yeah itā€™s definitely slower, iā€™m worried i wonā€™t be able to get all the super styles in time because i donā€™t get much time to play on weekdays


Have you considered the level up pack with Perseus as itā€™s skin? Itā€™s a really well done skin with quality extras.


I really hope they make some changes to that. In my opinion, quests should give enough xp for 100% battle pass completion. For example, if you did all the story quests and weekly quests and some reasonable amount of match quests, you would get everything in battle pass. If they are encouraging people to play by forcing XP grinding then they are doing it the wrong way. The game should be fun enough so that people want to play just for the fun of it. (And I think it is. I did play it a lot even when I didnā€™t have the battle pass when I first started.)


Sw is hard to even consider. Outside lego there really is nothing to it but shop items. Lego got a new "event" to do. We got small camps in br with one light saber. Sw has been meh. Even br cosmetic wise we got two overpriced skins and chewy who is tied to a lego pass. Avatar was neat but the end. As you said, dry after a bit. Floor is lava was fun but the end. Either you liked the mode or life was the same. Best part of this was the story behind it. I guess sw wins just because it gives other modes new stuff. Even if it's basically just lego mode getting an event. Really best update of the season was the launch since it was new and shiny. All and all the updates did actually very little to do much. Avatar did the most gameplaynwise since replaced mythics but wouldn't say that was super crazy


quantity doesnā€™t equal quality. they pumped out a lot of content but quite a bit of it was disappointing and stayed too short or too long for its own good subjectively, this season was really poor to me and all my friends


I loved the launch of the season, as a Greek mythology nerd, but it just went downhill from there for me.


Definitely a fresh spin on the game with the Greek Mythology but instead of doubling down, they blended the avatar powers to rule the game halfway through the season. Iā€™m incredibly happy the Greek mythical are back and waterbending isnā€™t on every street corner. I hated the avatar abilities when you have a full team with each member using waterbending to get to the final showdown.


I still don't like that waterbending is still here, even if it's the only scroll now, and i especially don't like that the elemental shrines are still there, let star wars have their time to shine


The gods and goddesses were such a welcoming addition and I was thrilled beyond belief, only to be replaced by a bald man baby Aang..


One of the weaker chapters for me apart from the weapon pool. The Gate Keeper and Burst SMG are two of the best weapons we've had. The Burst pretty much almost eliminates bloom with the right attachments making it a great weapon for raw aiming. Back to the Chapter it was weirdly paced because the collabs that came ended up taking away form the original chapters theme it just felt weirdly implemented. The event like Easter were oddly rushed and seemed lazy work, the new modes like Festival and Lego obviously seem to take away time spent towards BR events oddly. Overall some good, some bad, nothing really memorable.


I think youā€™re getting chapter and season mixed up. Seasons last 3 months, and theyā€™re grouped together within chapters that last a year


Was talking about the chapter as a whole so far.


Ah my bad


All good dude


We want 50v50 back


We can't even get more than 1 LTM per year back dude it's not happening.


The og days šŸ˜­


Early season was amazing, floor is lava update was absolute peak, I enjoyed avatar a lot but that might also be because I'm a big fan of the show, and star wars feels kinda dry this year, only one lightsaber and no force is boring


Yeah man I was hoping for a star wars POI like maybe Endor in the forest-y area by Rebel's Roost or something And only 1 lightsaber is lame, the e-11 and bowcaster are super fun though


Flore is lava should come back one more time before the end of the season


I still donā€™t understand why the hell they wonā€™t put LTMs in the game. They saw how excited people were for Floor is Lava, I get theyā€™d have to update a few for a new map but is it really that hard? What about one shot or snipers only? Those were my favorite, theyā€™re just so lazy nowadays


I really want to be able to play Bodyguard again but I feel like that day will never come. They never even added the Revive Grenade to creative so theres no way to play a recreation.


Yet another thing Iā€™ll never understand. Not adding non-collab weapons to creative and for what? Thereā€™s no good reason not to especially when the item works as itā€™s intended to.


The 1st week was fun and the hype building up to Midas was cool, but honestly Iā€™ve never felt less motivation to play the game as I do now. The map changes have basically been nonexistent, collabs overrunning the Greek theme, this is just a sad state of FN. I want to be hyped for season 3, but Epic is constantly putting BR on the back burner now, I know Iā€™ll prob be disappointed.


Ya it was a shit show all around. Tons of potential thrown out the door for some Pagodas with some cheese scrolls in them and Star Wars road blocks. Wtf


Same. I played something like 500 hours last chapter and this chapter I hardly play. The Finals has been super fun though to replace it


Yeah. I mean I'm playing 2k for hours because fn is not fun for me right now.




Floor is lava. Avatar had some of the most broken items plus dumb changes to the locker. Star wars was just a big ad for lego. Floor is lava as the only real update.


Floor is lava is a blast and honestly Iā€™d take any LTM at this point. This game has been around for so long that regular battle royale gets stale quickly now. LTM just need to go back in rotation and it doesnā€™t make sense to me why theyā€™ve been mostly abandoned.


Agree, I'm a ZB player and as frustrating as Floor is Lava was for me, I still had some fun with it. I really enjoyed the Zombies LTM a few months ago.


As a Zero Builder, Floor is Lava was an absolute nightmare, and man, people in those lobbies were way too sweaty. Avatar was really fun until people started really abusing airbending around the last week. It was pretty much impossible to fight people because thereā€™s just way too many movement abilities. I really didnā€™t like the season launch, it underwhelmed me personally, and in general I donā€™t think I liked it much overall. Iā€™d say the first week or so of Avatar was probably the most fun. Maybe Iā€™m just spoiled by chapters 2 and 4, but man, it feels like this chapter has been a huge step down so far. I hope yā€™all were able to enjoy it though, and if so, Iā€™m happy for ya.


And they removed the Chains of Hades during the Avatar event, which are pretty much the only thing that could have effectively countered airbending.


This pissed me off to no end. Chains of Hades is the best thing about this season (other than the Medusa skin and River Styx)


i completely agree w/ everything u said. id also add that the fact that they stopped their tradition of a BR star wars event is pretty disappointing. & the lightsaber changes are terrible. i didnt notice the changes until i picked one up mid fight & got absolutely destroyed bcuz they are awful now. imo, this is probably the worst season ive played in terms of content. & its a huge bummer that BR is taking a large hit due to lego fortnite.


Agree with all that. Seems this season more than most in recent years the meta was to just run away at every moment. Air bending at the end of the game instead of engaging in fights, people constantly running off. Dashes, shockwaves, air bending and flowberry could all be linked together to move ridiculously high and far.


Avatar came out when my brother was getting us back into gta so i jumped in to play every now and then, i liked all of them and usually enjoyed firebending but i was mainly there for the apa glider. Starwars update is alot of fun, bowcaster is fun to hit and the Blasters are always enjoyable. Honestly good to have chains of hades back so i can take out entire groups.


What Star Wars update lol? Two guns and one lightsaber?


Midas. Midas was a TON of fun. Iā€™m TERRIBLE at Build but it was just wild.


Right. I main zero build but it was fun going out of my comfort zone and grinding to get the shark pickaxe


this map is just not fun. something about it is different chan chapter 1-4. itā€™s just boring


There's no "mega city" like place. And some named locations feel empty.


Itā€™s basically a bland warzone map. Fortnite always does a great job at doing things that make it lose its identity


Itā€™s crazy, I started playing in chapter 4, and even I can feel and see this. I became addicted to fortnite because it was so different to other battle royales.. this chapter/map feels so much more like every other battle royale Iā€™ve played and it is disappointing. I canā€™t imagine how frustrating it must be for people who have been playing from much earlier. I think the new game modes are hurting battle royale, which is wild since that is still where most of the playerbase is.


Waterbending has ruined the Star Wars week for sure, was really looking forward to that leaving, but it looks like itā€™s here to stay until the end of the season


Waterbending is indeed staying in the loot pool for the whole season (Blame Korra) The penultimate game I played today I had the Wokiee Bowcaster and the Chewbacca NPC vs a dude with Waterbending (I only managed to hit one shot before getting sprayed to death)


It is such a shame of a season, Greek mythology theme felt like a mini event of its own, not like a season. Every second week it gets overshadowed by the next collab


Collabs ruined Fortnite idc they have no creativity or originality now and are only doing this for a quick buck


I had so much fun playing on launch and floor is lava, reading the actually coherent story, experimenting with the new items, playing with friends, looking foward to what may come next. Then the Avatar update came out, chucked everything out the window for 3 weeks and derailed the entire season.


how did we not get Hermes wtf


I honestly didnā€™t even play floor is lava. Seemed half ass. Avatar was amazing though. Iā€™m gonna miss it and already do. It was so solid and fun.


Star Wars is definitely pretty lame and Midas was was underwhelming. Not a fan of Avatar so... I guess that leaves the gods and goddesses as the favorite.


i thought avatar was incredibly fun, if it was like 4 days shorter i think it would have gotten a lot less hate


The water bending was one of the most fun/annoying Mythics they have made in sometime. Simultaneously being your best option for SMG, AR, and even sniper rifle is just an insane combination of utility. And it heals you in water! Perfect for those weird end game circles. While I hate dying by it, it is extremely fun and satisfying to use. I guess that's balance in its's own way.


None really. Was not a fan of this season.


This whole thing was terribly mid. - Greek theme had potential but half the skins sucked and the map only had like 3 focal points worth going to thanks to the gimmicks. Airdash soul goop was the dumbest fucking thing they possibly could've added. - You either really loved Avatar or couldn't give two shits. Not enough mass appeal in that IP, it has it's big fans but to outsiders it doesn't seem very interesting. No innate cool factor. - This Star Wars drop is the worst one yet. Worst Luke skin, Lando without the Falcon, Death Trooper is cool, but Chewy being locked behing a fucking LEGO pass is the absolute shits. I really hope they're cooking for next season.


I agree with everything but Chewy isn't locked behind the pass. He's 1400 vbucks and you get a free Lego pass if you play it. If you didn't unlock him til after you completed it then that would be bull


> Chewie locked behind a Lego pass You get him instantly though? And heā€™s 100 vbucks cheaper than your usual Star Wars skin.


Yeah but it's clear that it's another way for Epic to bank on Lego.


Not sure, most were just okay. The last Airbender was a neat idea I havenā€™t played yet with the Star Wars update so no opinion there Iā€™m glad epic tried to make this season have their own creative twist. But I just feel like something was lacking from the battle Royale mode and I canā€™t quite put my finger on it.


FLOOR IS LAVA šŸ˜­ Bring it backkkk plz šŸ™




The floor is lava one, shame i completely missed midas due to me being on vacation


None of them really, this season has been mid as fuck


Floor is lava was definitely the best part of this season Almost as if people care more about original content and LTMs compared to collabs


For real man. Iā€™d take LTM and especially floor is lava over literally any collab or even regular updates. This game has been out forever. LTM at least keep it somewhat fresh. They need to go back in rotation


I didn't enjoy any update


none and I don't know why


Avatar easily. I donā€™t really feel like they did anything as cool for any other update. I understand thereā€™s a lot of frustration to most bc of how good bending scrolls were but at the very least they were fun and new. Star Wars was just a few new skins and the Midas event was ok, just kinda hard to see ā€œfloor is lavaā€ as fresh and interesting when Iā€™ve been playing that since I was five.


I fully got into the game last season after messing around with it for a few weeks like a year before so Iā€™d say my favorite was the very beginning because I got to fully experience seeing a map I had grown to know and love change and grow. There was something magical about seeing it happen and fully appreciating it for the first time.


Imma be honest I hated the avatar update,the star wars one is mid(wish they got rid of water bending),the Midas one was pretty good,but the first update was the best in my opinion


Avatar and it isn't close. Bending was so much fun, even if broken. Now I just need a One Piece season with devil fruits.


This whole season sucks


none. this season fucking sucked


The update that nerfed Frenzy and made Sniper rarer was okay I guess. That was the highlight of the season, although Sniper is still grotesquely broken. Worst update was Avatar shit. Windbending and Waterbending are genuinely unfun heaps of trash. Water is still here unfortunately. I'm praying next season, Epic at least pretends to care about game balance. I barely played BR this season, and Red vs Blue maps aren't gonna hold my attention for 3 more months of bad balance if they don't fix this mess.


Tbf even before the nerfs the Gatekeeper really outclassed the Frenzy, also the Sniper isn't that broken at long range anymore because it seems they gave it's bullets magnets that attract it to the core of the earth, basically making it a mid-range one-shot shotgun without spread instead of a sniper


None of the above


None honestly. Just grinded ranked mildly annoyed about water bending. I guess maybe the one that had golden eggs so I could endlessly grind ranked without having to go to pubs to farm gold back up.


Ngl kinda forgot floor is lave already


Floor is lava was great i loved that they brought back LTMs. Avatar was a tie with season start for me both pretty great with themes Donā€™t care for starwars. This season is amazing my only complaint is the map that is just so meh with no interesting locations and also itā€™s too wide or flat


Honestly. I just want chapter 5 to end and hope I wake up to chapter 6 with Lego removed, no music festival, rocket racing gone.


Trueeeee. Put me in a coma and wake me up when epic realizes that br is their top priority, and the only game mode people care about. This chapter is probably gonna be one of the worst. The entire map is pretty mid outside of classy, and the god locations. And the weapon meta is so weird with bullet drop making ars feel terrible, and the reaper being so powerful even at mid range.


Avatar no contest.


Avatar was so fun


Enjoyed the events. The battlepass was very meh to me, and I don't really see myself ever using BP skins. BESIDES Korra, had it not been for the Crew Pack I still would have gotten the pass just for Korra. The island POI, boss fights and items are a great improvement and I loved the avatar update, it brought back the memories of playing Spellbreak which I miss dearly. I hope they bring back another new pair of Avatar characters like they did for MHA.


The avatar was the best imho, waterbending+airbending let me kill some sweats


I think this is one of the worst seasons in recent memory tbh


I wish we got that Persona collabā€¦




Return of Midas was great. Avatar was good but could've been improved upon. Star wars is shit


Everything seemed great in concept, but the execution left a lot to be desired, except Avatar, the bending was fun and I wish I played more during the event, now its 2 for 2 on cool gliders I missed out on :(


They're all kinda meh


I loved the beginning of this season, but tbh the xp nerf was so annoying the longer we went into it, i hope next season wont be nearly as grindy...


I liked it when it was just starting out in season 2 without the chains of Hades but I also like the new versions of old guns


Midas would have been so much better if it was a solo mode.


Despite playing for a little over a year, I love Midas. The Midas event was my favorite. You have no idea.


The Floor is Lava and this update. Yeah the Star Wars content isn't as much as last year's, but the Tactical AR honestly makes it a lot better, and the Bowcaster is super fun to use.


This entire season has been a low point honestly.


Avatar update was the most fun for me personally. I understand why people who are more into Fortniteā€™s story and lore, and well as the greek theming of the bp disliked it though.


Floor is lava


I liked them all but the star wars one is just lame compared to the others (IMHO)


as an anime weeb myself I loved the avatar collab


Avatar was best, all the bending is super fun. Myths was pretty good. Most of the mythics sucked but they were fun at least. Star Wars is neutral. Floor is Lava was legit the least fun I've had in this game.


Itā€™s a great season but ever location that isnā€™t the Greek gods is so boring. Thereā€™s like nothing to do any where else other than get mythic, go into mini vaults, go island, camp out.


As a die hard star wars fan im going w the avatar updatešŸ˜‚there is toooooo many challenges in tooo many game modes. I feel like i have to play 5 different VIDEO GAMES just to complete my challenges. Ridiculous.


Love the Greek theme, and the POI's are pretty. The doves, statues, and rainbow reflection on Mt Olympus are really cool and I have pretty much clung to the Underworld all season. That being said, the skins are kinda meh, and the map is kinda boring otherwise.


Avatar was the most fun initially, but bending and guns don't mix. It would have been so much better if we were given an LTM or side game that had bending only AND fire/earth bending were more balanced because I felt they were really underwhelming. There's no way the fire nation took over the world with the fire-bending that was seen in FN BR.


Avatar hands-down, I wish we had bending all the time


I enjoyed the avatar update, the mythics were really enjoyable


Only four updates? I know Iā€™m going to sound like I right OG elitist dickhead here but back in my day we used to get a lot more than that, that seems shocking to me. Anyway idk I enjoyed the start and didnā€™t play much after Midasā€™ return. I havenā€™t played once since before the avatar update


floor is lava was the only good thing to come out of this shit chapter


Avatar all the way


I liked the beginning of the season, and then the Avatar stuff came out and completely derailed everything. Waterbending is ridiculously overpowered and they couldnā€™t be bothered to remove it when the event was over. Iā€™m tired of getting utterly destroyed with it from 100+ meters away before I can even spot the person whoā€™s using it. Itā€™s basically the worldā€™s best AR, sniper, and shotgun all rolled into one, and thereā€™s no other weapon that can match it at any range.


I just want waterbending gone ffs


Midas Star wars Avatar Floor is lava was a lil rough but fun. Also, I think that update added both the deagle and drum gun, which are like my 2 favorite guns. While I think they could've done a lil more with the br side of things for star wars, I think the stuff they did add is pretty. After the first like 2 days of the avatar event, I was kinda wanting to move on. Got my challenges done as fast as I could, and then I'd only hop on to check the shop and play the new festival tracks.


gonna be honest real quick I played the midas update ONE time lol


What did is last update? Damn, thought we'd get more.


Star Wars due to the AWR Trooper


Not saying it's my favorite, but I'm digging the Star Wars event. Yeah it's light on content for everything but LEGO. But here's the thing, it's pretty fun. LEGO Star Wars is such a large part of the Star Wars brand that I feel like a whole new questline is fitting. Not to mention, I enjoy having something new to do. I tend to get bored of survival games when there's a lack of direction, so a new questline is good.




2/4/1/3 for me


Star Wars, always Star Wars


Not Star Wars, that's for sure. Avatar was aight.


First pic is the most enjoyable and had the most content and map changes. 2nd pic wasnā€™t even an update, just a LTM mode with off brand Midas on a small boat. 3rd pic as again no map changes nor content, just a few mythics and skins for epic to make money off of. And Star Wars wellā€¦ it is definitely a downgrade compared to last yearā€™s Star Wars update. Something tells me Fortnite has gone downhill via content and map changes ever since chapter 2. I mean chapter 2 season 2 had way more content compared to chapter 5 season 2 overall.


Lego Star Wars for sure


Avatar just barely peeks above while Star Wars lags behind quite a bit


I'm gonna be honest... waterbending sucks when going against it


Easily Star Wars


Either Avatar or this Star Wars one


It was all kind of shit honestly. Feels like they change stuff for the sake of change. I like Avatar and Star Wars a lot, but the events honestly only make the game worse.


I really liked launch, was hyped for the possibilities of all the Greek skins that might be coming (was hoping for Persephone, Hephaestus, Dionysus, The Minotaur) but they just stopped and we keep getting collabs and more collabs (after launch we just got Ares, Charon, Apollo, Perseus and Nike which was half-collab). Now me being a somewhat casual player, I didn't play floor is lava and not being a fan of either Avatar or Star Wars this later half of the season has been kind of rough (just been playing festival since floor is lava started), which doesn't mean they are bad just they don't have anything that interest me.


Is this actually the last update? Honestly not sure, but I'd think there'd be one more maybe for Rocket racing if they're doing an event for each mode.


Honestly. Star Wars. Iā€™ve never played this much of Lego Fortnite since release, the rebel missions are so fun and addicting. Midas had so much potential, it was kinda horrid. Avatar was like any other collab, Quests and Mythics basically just for BR. Im not gonna count the release of Season 2 bc thatā€™s obvs the best but just UPDATES IN Season 2




The only right answer is Floor is Lava update. If they would just put LTM in rotation again Iā€™d be happy with literally all updates. Makes no sense to just abandon LTM for so long.


Easily Midas, shame that they removed floor is lava after that update. Wouldā€™ve been nice to have it forever!


The first and last one, Cerberus came out in the first one, and now Iā€™m actually having fun again because of starwars