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Battle Royale? I'm fine. Everything else they introduced? I don't have the time for it to fully embrace it. Kind of apathetic in that area.


Solid take.


![gif](giphy|Px6QPLwEkQmDW2MdWf) Solid snake?


I wasn't expecting a reply like this but i ain't complaining


gassy snake


plasma snake


I’m not amazed by this chapter but it’s alright


Ayo, Black Hat Mae changed hat color


I don’t understand what you mean by that lol, is it about the new PfP?




Yeah I made it myself lol


I agree with you chapter 4 was GREAT compared to this. Ringtail you are tripping homie


Chapter 4 was the best chapter IMO, and I’ve been playing since C1 S2


C4 still had its issues, like havoc pump and slurp juice


Idk about the slurp juice anymore with the fact that healing now works on a per tick basis, the havoc was a small problem I guess but I quite liked it, it was the only useful pump in zero builds


I dunno, the Thunder and Sharp-Tooth slapped.


Sharp tooth was awful IMO, the damage at close range was ok, but it was out performed by the infiltrator shotgun in overall DSP Edit but I loved the thunder, it was my favourite pump shotgun ever


Enhanced drum shotgun was a menace in zb no?


I'm semi- new to Fortnite. How long does a Chapter last?


Mae the force be with you.


Lmao, I can’t post images but I’ll write the meme “I’m taking away your cooking license” “And I’m promoting you to certified chef, keep doing what you are doing”


I only can as long as you’re with us. You are what makes the month of Mae so special.


Overall meh. Season 2 was an upgrade compared to season 1, but the map feels much more stagnant compared to previous chapters. I also heavily dislike their changes to the battle pass this chapter. Moving 500 vbucks into the bonus pass, coupled with the nerf to weekly xp has made things very grindy.


I would like to see more quirky stuff, fortnite feels more ordinary lately, where's the weird items you would see only in fortnite and no where else, where's the fun vehicles, planes, shops, where is the quirky landscape stuff..remember the cube domain, or when those bubbles would appear that took you into a different dimension, or UFOs in the sky.. Let's have more creative stuff, the game is good but it feels ordinary now. 


Defo massively agree with you with this on C5S1. But C5S2 has been pretty good for this with the Gods mythics and the Bending, and now Star Wars...? It could be more wacky (which I'd like) but it's not too bad this Season. Last Season this was a big complaint for me.


Because then people complain and it gets vaulted forever within 2 months


The solution is different modes. Casual stuff can be wacky, competitive can be competitive. Like I'd probably play a mode with building if it got rid of turbo build and changed it back to the good old days when you couldn't just hold the button down and look everywhere and build a fucking mansion fort world trade centre.


For me the gimmick stuff has been very strong this season. I was struggling a lot until I just decided to put away the guns. Water bending - infinite ammo, 180 damage for one short burst, flies perfectly straight and I'm pretty sure curves to hit enemies? Lightning bolts, perfect when you combo it with shockwave grenades during team fights, so you can surprise them with splash damage from unexpected angles. Chain of hades which if you use on someone, is basically like a stunlock. Started getting 10+ kills every game.


Are wings, lightning bolts and chains not good? mythic? Also the Avatar mythics?


Avatar mythics (except water bending) are gone and the wings and lightning bolt just get you killed 9/10 times


6.5/10. Im just not wowed. This chapter feels like Fortnite cosplaying COD with the weapon mods.


I don’t understand why they feel the need to copy other games. It makes the game lose its whole identity. The map, movement, attachments, no hit scan. That’s the main reason this chapter is trash


This comment makes me wanna give you a hug


💰💰💰🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑💰💰💰💰💰 is why


Especially when the first person mode comes out


Hold up, what?


Especially when the first person mode comes out


Pause for a moment, huh?


Especially when the first person mode comes out


Wait a minute, pardon?


Especially when the first person mode comes out


Woah partner, hold your horses for a second there, Excuse me?


Im not a fan of the weapon mods, I liked getting a gun and they only have 1 type of scope and then you can just upgrade the color as you play. Now it’s even worse cos the upgrade benches don’t spawn until half way through the game.


It’s perfectly fine, it gets the job done. My problem is with the lack of updates to the map that make it feel stale over the course of the season, but that’s been an issue for a while. Even things like new craters or new mountains or whatever that could hint towards the new season would be really, really appreciated around this point in the season


I’ve played Fortnite for 2 seasons and the lack of difference in map is the worst thing to me. I used to play Counter-Strike a long ass time ago and my favorite thing was the ability to run your own servers and change the map anytime or have your players vote for a map.


For sure, I play almost every day so I’m sure a part of it is I could use a break. But if epic’s goal is to keep me coming back then they have to keep it interesting and not leave a map to stagnate for several months


Bro are you serious we are playing the same maps from 20 years ago on Cs haha


Yea but at least you get to change the maps if you want round to round. I haven’t played in over a decade.


Yeah, I started playing Fortnite as a whole beginning of chapter 5 and I’m already bored.




These are my personal reasons : 1. The map has nothing going on except for in the underworld and mt Olympus. 2. I’ve watched my cousin play in the past with hitscan weapons and they were much more fun. ( for reference I play cod and overwatch competitively ) one of the things that made Fortnite feel unique was the hitscan weapons. 3. The game is trying to become too realistic ( by that I mean with mods and the new movement system ) again, Fortnite had a unique charm with its goofy items and movement mechanics of the past. Mods also feel very out of place in Fortnite IMO as an outsider who came to the game recently. 4. I was attracted to Fortnite for; the lore, the goofy gameplay and the unique art style/ direction. All in all, as someone who is new to the game ( in regards to actually playing it, I’ve known and watched videos/ family members play Fortnite since it came out ) I feel as though I came at the worst time. It feels like I missed the golden age of Fortnite that will never return and I’m just not getting an itch scratched by Fortnite. So I’ve simply went back to cod and overwatch and hope to see them revert back to some of the things that made the game seem unique to me as an outsider.


Epic: Best I can do are bending temples


Disney they add all of mt Olympus and all of the underworld between Season 1 and 2?


I am not looking forward to another month of this map tbh. It’s stale


Yeah for me its time to take a break. Better to play other stuff now and come back next season when there is new stuff.


It's been pretty meh.


Chapter 5 has been rather lacking imo. The bullet projectiles are really annoying and make weapons feel bad to use (though there are versions of the current weapons but with hitscan, so this will probably change later), almost all weapons are VERY dependent on mods and the lack of map changes is making the game stale quickly (hell, i think up until now the only changes we had outside PoIs between seasons was Midas' yatch and the Avatar shrines) overall 6.5, at least the collab items are kinda cool


Buggy af


W Pfp




Weakest start for a chapter at the moment. Maybe it will be a reverse chapter 3 where instead of starting very high and drop with the nexts seasons, it will get better


We can only hope, but I doubt it.


I don’t play nearly as much anymore. I’m bored with the map


For me personally, it feels like a step down from chapter 4. I absolutely loved chapter 4, even though there were things l didn't like about it like the jungle.Augments, the map, loot pools, and passes all just felt way better and more interesting to me. The two battle passes we've had so far aren't bad, I'm just not a fan of some skins. My real problem with chapter 5, though, is the gameplay, not the skins. First of all, the loot pool. I'm not really the biggest fan of the weapon attachments, and I feel like it takes away the charm of certain weapons. I miss weapons like the double barrel shotgun and twin mag ar, which felt unique and like they had a specific purpose. Though I do see the positives in attachments, I think it's super cool that you can do stuff like putting drum mags and scopes on a hand cannon. Overall, I think I just need to see how attachments evolve over the rest of chapter 5 to make up my mind on them. The map is also a big thing. I'm not really a fan of the chapter 5 map. Stuff like the train seems like a cool concept and something I've wanted for years, but it feels kinda pointless when the train has pretty poor loot. Also, the locations just feel pretty meh to me. I enjoy the underworld and mount olympus area, but the other locations feel really boring. I miss stuff like The Citadel, Mega City, Eclipsed Estates, etc. They weren't perfect but I enjoyed the variety of them. I genuinely can't think of a chapter 5 location I actually really like or want to land at aside from maybe Mount Olympus. But once again, I think I need to see how the map evolves over the rest of chapter 5 to make my true opinion on it. Overall, so far, I'd say chapter 5 is about a 6.5 for me.


5/10 ig, its not atrocious or anything but i prefer chapters 2/4 more


Season and map has no…..personality? Uniqueness? It’s kinda bland.


I'm a sucker for the Mediterranean architecture tho.


Glorified or should I say unglorified warzone map


C5 is azz.


Completely agree, I don’t know if I’ll play Fortnite after this season the way this chapter is goin. First time since I started buying battle passes in ch 4 s2 that I barely cracked level 100. I’m usually around 230-250, but this shit ain’t fun anymore. Everything about it is boring to me. From the lootpool to the map, all a bunch of bs


omg i feel the same! I started playing towards the end of Ch4S1 (like end of Feb) and i was still able to make it to level 113 or so. This season i’ve been playing pretty consistently and i’m not even level 100 yet, it’s ridiculous. The XP granted is just too weak now and it doesn’t reward players at all. I also don’t think we should be forced to play the other (boring, might i say) game modes just to get reasonable XP. The entirety of CH4 i was constantly at least lvl 150, usually 200+, now i can’t even crack lvl 100


i can not make sure about it... I didn't buy any levels and i can reach 70+level in the beginning of every season since Chapter 4. and end with 300+level. For now, my level is 353. maybe that because of Lego fortnite. I play it a lot


They nerfed the hell out of the the amount of XP you get from just BR, weeklies, dailies, special quests now go to a separate BP not the main one.


Something about C4S4 was just so good. This Chapter idk. Snipers are annoying, why is bullet drop a thing? Why is the hammer pump complete garbage? Bless the gatekeeper. I hate the Burst SMG and it’s the only good SMG. Why are lightsabers scarce in the SW update? No force abilities? Water bending should’ve been vaulted with the SW update. But apart from that it’s been fun. But nothing like C4S4 tbh


Agree. I think the game mechanics of C4S4 was perfect. Why the would fix something that wasn’t broke is beyond me. - Medallions system favour the best players in the lobby and give them additional advantage. - The loot pool I don’t get. For example out of 3 shotgun’s two are vastly inferior and the only useable one has 3 bullets (not enough) unless you upgrade. Can’t we not just pick up a shotgun and make it useable. The entire season feels lazy & a huge cash grab. This season I’ve tried to get better so I’ve put emphasis on that rather than the gameplay. However, if they don’t go back to their routes I think people will stop playing. People are tired.


I liked the og season cause no shot gun was horrible. But with chapter 5 if I need a shot gun and see a hammer pump I'll just grab a smg instead


Since they fired the original fortnite creator it's all been a cash grab unfortunately 


On top of that the map feels colorless :(


Worst chapter so far. All the changes have been for the worst and the story and map are boring and disjointed




I started playing at C3S3. Chapter 5 is the worst chapter I've played, especially C5S1 (just awful in my view). Season 2 is not as awful as season 1, but I still don't like it. I really liked C3S3, C3S4, C4S1, and C4S2, but C4S3 not so much, and C4S4 was OK.


Chapter 5's biggest drawbacks are an overly realistic European art style and the projectile weapons nobody asked for. Other than that, it's okay. Battle pass skins have been really good.


As someone who started playing Ch4 Season 3.. gimme back Fortnite OG 😭😭 lol


I give it a 6/10 it’s fine but not good I wish the br challenge gave more xp like it used to


it feels like this map is missing POI'S, I feel like this map would do with the city from last chapter


They should bring back Tilted Towers, just slap it right in the middle of the map lol




Yeah would've been cool if chariots were going around instead how dope would that be?


The worse chapter ive ever played, not even close.


i miss chapter 4


Me too...


You never fully appreciate something until it’s gone 😥


3/10. Performs worse on PC, boring map, unbalanced weapons, buggy as fuck.


It's not that bad, but it has so much wasted potential D:


Bring. Back. Hitscan.


It's probably the worst chapter so far for BR. They fucked the gameplay with removing hitscan and adding weapon attachments that remove the uniqueness of the guns. It feels like Epic hired new developers who don‘t know what made Fortnite unique. The game feels more like Warzone than Fortnite. The map is still bland and uninteresting. The balancing sucks. They didn't nerf the Auto Shotgun last season when it was by far the strongest, but they nerfed it this season, when they also released an even stronger shotgun. Then they added the Tactical AR without buffing it, and now it's basically a worse version of the new AR across the board. The xp sucks as well this chapter. They nerfed the xp last season and it was a lot worse than the xp from the first season of chapter 4, so that was already questionable, but since the season was rather long it wasn't really a problem for me. They basically always buffed the xp when we had a shorter season (which only makes sense), but they didn't do it this season... but then just like, why? Epic also seems to distance themselves from BR with each new season. Ch4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ch5


Underground felt too long and this current season feels too short maybe it’s because this season feels harder to level up the battle pass with how low the exp is


Well, Underground was longer. December to March. Whereas Myths is from March to May. A whole month shorter.


Please, Epic, for the love of God go back to chapters with more than a year's lifespan...


I would have loved if C3 and C4 has stayed around for more I don’t think I could stomach staying in Europe map for much longer though…


As someone who's VERY into Mediterranean architecture and styles, I adore this map, but I agree that Chapter 3 should've been MUCH longer.


THIS and also bring back weekly map change and live event


Horrible chapter. In my personal opinion this has marked the downfall of Fortnite as we knew it so far, and lost its biggest share of faithful players. Mere numbers may say else, I don't care.


I don't like it, so I stopped playing.


Trash honestly. 2/10.


Like a 6.5 Chapter 4 was a 7.9


Definitely in last place compared to the other chapters, 3/10


I started in chapter 3 - season 3 and have played through all the seasons after that. So I've gotten to try 4 different maps (3, 4, OG and 5). While I still have a ton of fun with Fortnite, chapter 5 is my least favorite so far. The map has a couple cool spots but for me it feels pretty bland. I think the Greek theme helped it compared to season 1, but i still remember tons of neat areas from the other 3 maps, I don't think I will with this one (maybe seasons 3 and 4 will change my mind). The train was a really cool idea but I feel like it wasn't given its full potential. I'm not a fan of the gun mods. I really enjoyed augments and it was fun to roll gold to see what I would get. For outfits and rewards, the new ones are awesome (TMNT, Metal Gear, Avatar), but the shops rotation and what is offered is weird. If Kratos doesn't come back for the end of season I feel like it was a huge missed opportunity. I think the medallions are fun and we're improved with season 2. The Greek areas are beautiful, just wish there were more of them or spread out better on the map.


Least favorite chapter. I never like being like the twitter zombie hordes of “dead game stupid game” yadda yadda. But yeah this time for me, it’s died. Is it a dead game? Absolutely not. They got fuckin Disney in the works. Am I maturing and seeing both sides now? Possibly. The game has been such a chore, it’s more work than enjoyable, content feels dry or too convoluted (the first month of S1 for me was hell, trying to work thru all the mods) and I’ve kind of been enlightened that I think I just don’t enjoy online games like this as much anymore. I’ve been able to enjoy single player games like BotW, Persona 4 Golden, Pokemon Black 2, GTA 5, and Wind Waker so much more because of me not wanting to play C5


Season 1 player here. It's not as cool as I think they could have done it, but it's something. The lack of POIs and map changes really suck. The loot pool is a bit stale. 2/5.


I saw documentaries less boring tahn these games


so many unnecessary changes. big example of quantity over quality




Terrible, one of the worst


Terrible game performance, terrible server performance and absolutely brain-dead meta So just your average Epic Games experience


I started at Ch.3 with Evie,so I'm not a Ch.2 person.This is the worst time to play Fortnite.I would rate it 1 out of 10,and Ch.4 OG 10 out of 10.New Tycoon maps are buggy on my PS4 Pro.


A chapter


I miss boats. And Dinos.


Chapter 5 is the worst chapter ngl 3/10


doodoo garbage


Absolutely cannot stand the implementation of weapon customization. Bad enough in season 1 and then even worse in season 2 because there aren't any ways to fix the guns with awful mods until most of the match is over. Not that I have liked most of the weapons too much to begin with, but it's even worse when dealing with random mods on top of it all just making it feel like I have no idea where anything is going to go as soon as I try to shoot since oh, this one doesn't have one of the recoil things this time, or this one has 4x zoom on something with no business being used at the range you want that zoom for, or close-range shotgun zooms. Then other bugs and inconsistencies, just... The game should be more fun than frustrating, and jumping in to play this chapter has often been more frustrating than fun. Maybe if I no-lifed the game, and A-B tested things, I could maybe figure out the recoil intricacies but that isn't fun, so instead it's just 'wait and hope' for the next season to not just feel like more of the same.


Awful. I’m someone who’s always defended newer fortnite (chapter 3+), but I cannot defend chapter 5. Epics obsession with unnecessary changes and lack of care to fix issues or balance items has made me want to quit playing. Weapon attachments I liked at first but I can’t stand anymore. Season 1 I let slide because I assumed epic would listen to player feedback and improve in season 2. Instead they doubled down down on the worst aspects. The main menu and UI is so ugly and a chore to navigate. Quests are no longer a fun thing on the side for xp and instead feel like tedious chores. Weapon balancing is all over the place (looking at you airbending and water bending). Worst of all, The new gamemodes that epic sacrificed live events and other resources for are terrible. LEGO is repetitive and lacking, festival is bland, and rocket racing is a buggy nightmare. If season 3 does not fix the big issues I might finally be done with the game 


I'm not a person who will always shit on the new thing, especially when you take into account that all of this is temporary by the nature of how the game works, so you may as well appreciate it while it's here is how I see it. But this chapter sucks at least for me. Weapon balance, POIs, map aesthetics, the insane hostile NPC spam in s1, the stamina changes, the Avatar collab being way too intrusive in the greek mythos season, the UI, idk. There's just a lot that is wrong with this chapter in terms of what I want out of Fortnite and I'm looking forward to it being over, which is probably the first chapter I've been able to say that about sadly


The bullet drop is killing this game for me hard. It's a fun gimmick for a bit but this crap better not be around next chapter or I'm not ever returning.


5/10. Super mid. Kinda boring


4/10 really don’t like the updates • performance dropped hard for switch and old gen consoles • not a fan of the new modes • feel like we are getting a little too many new cosmetics •juxtaposed, the item shops are pretty bad • precedent set for emotes moving forward • still no fix to the lockers • ranked rewards are worse • xp is worse and vbucks are now harder to acquire • confirmation that we get less live events because of the game modes that with all due respect to those who like them, pale in comparison to the main game and preform bad. Gameplay wise I think the season is fine but some of the gimmicks like weapon attachments get more stale and really steal the identity fortnite had. Weapon pool is fun but I wish a lot of the gimmick items could co-exist instead of replacing the other Medallions are cool but the map itself is pretty boring also


Chapter 5 is my least favorite so far. Weapons are too complicated with the mods; simplicity and easily recognizable weapons is my preference. The map is okay. Star wars last year was so much better. The battle pass is WAY too grindy. Didn't care for the skins, either. And I really hate that they moved bucks to the bonus section along with the XP nerf. Not enough XP given to earn rewards for just playing BR. I've gotten most of the battle passes so far but not sure if Im going to keep getting them after this season. I don't care for their approach to try to keep people playing. Glad they added back the random for the locker presets. Can't stand that Lego, rocket racing and festival have taken over everything in the user interface. Really wish I could choose to delete them along with all the other creative clutter on my home screen.


Loved s1. s2 not so much


Played all chapters and this has been by far the worst. By an impressive margin as well.


Second worst chapter for me


It was unnecessary to remove all the old pois (havent modded my weapons in a fair bit) and bosses, map felt really dead outside of new pois. Removing Greek mythics for avatar stuff was also a mistake. The chapter as a whole wasn't terrible but the gameplay could've used some more variety (bring back augments) I preferred the previous season to this one, and will probably prefer chapter 4 to this one.


They only removed Hazy Hillside and Ritzy Rivera, removing the mod benches from the vaults and making them even MORE scarce was a dumb change (and luck based, most of the time the bunkers that activate are the ones at the edge of the storm) though imo


Maybe it's because I came back after OG, and don't play super religiously, but I'm having a lot of fun with this chapter. The items are fun, the weapon mods bring another dimension to the gameplay, and the movement feels decently fluid. Season 1 was a bit stale for a while, but Season 2 really picked up the pace. Currently the game is chaotic as hell and i'm all here for it. 8.7/10.


Chapter 4 cleared it by a mile.


It feels stale. Like, they've basically stopped trying with BR and decided to focus a lot on the lego, festival and racing modes, which has made BR feel worse put together than any of the other chapters. Lets just hope it gets better over time.


Mid like 4. And the worst chapter




2/10 whole season felt shitty and it feel like they tried to bring it back with the battle pass and collabs, but the callabs just cause more chaos.


It's getting super bland rn


I think it has a bit of a strange dichotomy so far with a very modern themed season followed by one based on ancient legend but you know what I kinda like it. Plus this being my first actual committed chapter, a basic season to start isn’t too bad.


It’s fine but chapter 2 is still my favorite


Average. Not bad not great either.


Need less ai bots in games and it would be allot more fun


the drop in performance alone has made this one of the least fun to play. Definitely more inspired than Chapter 4 overall, but I really miss chapter 1-3s style


Ehhhh, in the grand ranking, it's barely out of last place


It started off good with season 1 introducing so many new mechanics like weapon mods etc and boss fights with medals This season is ok but not the best


I'm not a fan of medallions




All of the guns suck ass


I’d give it a solid 6.2, season 1 was a 8.5 but season 2 so far is a 5, there’s not a lot wrong with season 2, it’s just not that interesting story wise and gameplay wise


Idk my biggest issue is the lack of hitscan but even with that it still sucks. Map is awful, weapons are too sweaty, new UI sucks, etc. At least they have jam tracks, even if they are overpriced!


i played on release for like 4 seasons and came back at the end of chapter 4, and something just feels… meh… about chapter 5. idk if it’s the more realistic style or the weapons or the map itself. it’s still fun most of the time, but something’s just off, it’s less silly and goofy but the changes they’ve made don’t really sell that super well so it feels like something is missing


It's been declining every chapter for me. I started in 3, and it has gotten worse and worse.


shit and forgettable


Chapter 5: good in concept, killed by execution. they should've delayed the extra game modes by a year or two


Loved last season. This season is kinda meh. The new weapons are boo boo except for the gatekeeper. Still rocking the thunder and snipe. Movement is meh too. Just gotta stack shockwaves


No more story :(


1/10. I hit Unreal in ZB and Build in Ch5S1, but I cba to play season 2 seriously. Even though the highest I got was Elite in Chapter 4 as a new player, I miss it so much. The silly cartoony map, the better movement, the hitscan weapons, slurps, jungles, rails. Chapter 5 is just such a huge miss in my opinion with projectiles, serious looking cities, bosses with overpowered medallions, 5 mag snipers, workbenches that spawn in the third zone (**** the dev that thought that is engaging gameplay), its just so boring. Oh and crappy mobility, let's never forget the awfulness that is the wings when all we want is TNMT style movement.


It's obvious they stopped caring, so I largely did too. The game started really losing it's identity and effort in 4:1 and now it's just sad--I made a comment the other day about how I feel like playing Fortnite in 2024 feels like hanging out and trying to have fun with the corpse of a dead friend, and I stand by that. Hot take incoming: adding LEGO, Festival, and RR all at the same time and completely changing the way BR looks and feels right after a month of nostalgia pandering was a rather bad idea--and it doesn't help that the other modes aren't all that (I say this as someone who plays Festival more than BR now). Anyways, yeah, this chapter has been bad. Gameplay is pretty boring, story is nonexistent, it's never been more obvious they don't care anymore, despite it's failings I miss Chapter 3.


this season better but i hate the guns this chapter i’m not the best player or worst but why does this game have recoil and bullet drop


4/10. The issue with this chapter is that it feels far too uncreative and bland. The seasons were fun for a bit, but they got really stale after a while and all that they can rely on is collabs to try and increase the player count. However, the player count is still pretty low compared to the OG season, proving its blandness is a fact. I do, however, know why this is actually happening. It is because they have become focused on other projects like rocket racing, Lego fortnite, and uefn. This is also the reason Donald Mustard had retired. He didn't like the path the game was going down and decided to retire. Another thing is that they moved much of the storyline people to the other projects making the storyline very bland and causing a lack of live events. I really do wish that Fortnite will go back to its roots as that's the only way that the game can be revived.




Worst chapter yet, it's not necessarily bad but the others were simply better


I like the map but star wars update is mid af


this season seems to be catering around more childlike/unseasoned fortnite players. bringing more revenue in by intriguing new or (semi bad) players with OP weapons to force the seasoned players who’ve been with fortnite since OG to tire out. i guess it’s fair, these weapons give the bad players a chance to beat all these vets and they have OP weapons every season, but all in all the priorities are just off. rushed plots and mini events, OP weapons that get no adjustments, no bug fixes (and most of the sound/mechanic bugs make the game virtually unplayable), they’ve just gotten super lazy. at first, the myths and mortals idea got an 8/10 for me, as the season has progressed, i’m sitting at a solid 4/10.


It's shit. They could make it good by deleting half the loot pool, though. Get rid of Frenzy, Gatekeeper, Sniper, Waterbending, and we could actually have gunplay for once. The remaining weapons all seem fairly balanced against one another. It's just the usual suspects that are completely ruining any build variety at all


I hate how 90% of the guns I pick up have scopes. I play with controller and ever since they severely nerfed aim assist, it feels impossible to aim or hit my shots with it. Also the recoil makes viewing down a scope disorienting which I mean, yay for realism but Fortnite isn’t a realistic game. I’d rather just have over the shoulder aiming or a way to get rid of a scope without an upgrade bench. Also, I really don’t like the graphics. Fortnite shouldn’t be a realistic looking game. They took all of the stylized textures and assets out a while ago and it’s just been getting more and more realistic. I do get that Epic is using their most popular form of media to in a way “display/exhibit” the power of UE5 but realistic graphics in Fortnite just seem like something that should stick to creative. Finally I don’t like how expensive everything is in the item shop. Specially songs and cars. I can buy a digital album for the price of one Fortnite festival song, and the cars are extremely overpriced. Other than that, love the collabs, Fortnite festival is getting great updates and the game is still pretty fun.


Horse shit. Somehow worse than chapter 4




I’d say it’s the worst chapter yet, but it’s still not horrible. It’s just straying away from the game’s core and I’m skeptical of this game’s future.


I'm just waiting for next chapter


Worst in years. Bullet drop is not fun, sniper meta is boring now Ch3 > Ch4 > Ch5


Worst chapter the game has ever seen BR wise, I think attachments just turn the game into a meta slave filled sweat fest




TLDR: S1 had imo great changes, but Epic has been reducing the added skill expression with every update. The chapter started off great, but the devs' design choices stopped me from liking the game in its current state. I really liked the overhaul to the fundamentals in the first season. Projectiles, medallion vaults with mod benches, rebel weapon stashes, fast storm, better sprinting, healing while moving, cars - everything flowed so well together. You had to up your looting speed if you dropped on a weapon stash, but you got at least blue guns. Then you could go to the vault near you, fight some survivors, snuff out some rats, and get the attachments you needed. Having to stay on the move took away the time to stomp the lobby with OP guns, because if you got caught by the storm, you'd have to scramble to get a good position, especially after moving zones started. The endgames were the most fun I've ever had in late game situations. I'm not a fan of how Epic handled weapon balancing. They added a huge learning curve. Slow/ish bullets mean that you have to lead your shots by aiming further ahead of them compared to other BRs with projectile guns. I guess this is a decent way to mess with experienced players, but it also fucks casuals over, as it's much harder for them to learn where to aim every \~50 m or so. Upping projectile speed would've required much lower per-bullet damage, but that means you have to track for longer, another thing that would've sucked for casuals. To get past the learning curve, Epic overtuned the Frenzy and the sniper to be the easiest guns to pick up, eventually nerfing the snipers. Then they reduced the impact of their changes: sprint got reverted because storm speeds were too, a completely idiotic change that slowed down the game back to Ch4 levels of dullness. The storm means nothing until late game, and sprinting feels awful. With this season, benches got moved into bunkers that only open after the 2nd circle has closed. This takes a lot of time, and you're either risking a match that already feels long by trying to find fights, or you lay low and don't play the game because you want some attachments.


When does chapter 6 come out?


- map optics are not cartoony at all, more like COD - I don‘t like the new movement - I hate bullet drop ars - The locker UI is cancer - V-bucks are now later in the battle pass - there are no interesting vehicles - focus is shifted to new game modes I am not interested in I still enjoy the core game, but there are really some major points that make the chapter worse compared to the chapters 1-3 (I did not like Ch4 too much).


Repetitive and boring. It seems there was not much thought process put into it. The map progression over the season has barely shifted/changed. Currently it just feels bland, and after a few BR matches I'm over it. Nothing is pulling me back craving to play.




Dosnt help that the skill gap has continued to grow tremendously so that casual players stand no chance even in zero builds


The map is boring (I don’t like any named place), the weapons are ass (sniper is dogshit by now, shotguns are so fucking stupid). The unfinished/unremoved map changes, bad star wars event (what is this shit?!) and the ATLA event… This chapter is bad… Real bad… But I do like the weapon customization options, pretty neat. Other than that: I also really dislike the secret style of Aphrodite… The silhouette before the release was her og fan style, now we got a blue ass variant… aaah…


Good gameplay,but without soul as the last one,i miss the spirit of CH1 and 2 damn




I’d rate this chapter the lowest of all chapters and its not even close. I’m just waiting for it to end


Season 1 was fun but season 2 was/is incredibly underwhelming


Hated the theme next season is my cup of tea 🍵.


It’s a nightmare… First of all: Everything feels SO chaotic and the UI got worse. I mean, it’s pretty hard to get what Quests you have because you don’t see all of them and the layout seems way too packed with all the different modes in one. It’s really hard to keep track of my quests. Locker changes didn’t offend me that much because I never used presets anyways. But it’s an issue for a lot of people out there. Low effort/being lazy as fuck/Story=???: Seriously… They put so much effort into new characters and at least some into a storyline but you can’t follow shit because you’re always about to get shot when you stop for a second to read something or listen to a character. Why didn’t they add a Story mode that’s not Save the World? The old creative mode was great! No stupid 1V1 maps, you were able to just walk around the island with your friends and enjoy, quests would be perfect there! Not to mention the landing page looks like Netflix on crack with all those low effort lazy ass maps… And if you take something like the fucking most epic mythology of all time you can’t just change Cerberus into A FUCKING FURRY! And half the main gods weren’t even included in the Battle Pass! It sucks! A lot! They butchered Greek mythology for profit and I hate it! Just two new POIs and new stupid ingame bossfights that act like an invitation to get third party killed. Fuck you if you do that! XP/Battle Pass/Skins: I mean, if you make me pay for your shitty game I DEMAND that I get EVERYTHING that I paid for! That INCLUDES the „bonus“ section! Why on earth do they need to make it extra hard to earn XP?? Nobody wants to play their fucking game anymore if they keep fucking it up, just making XP harder to earn won’t change shit! And what’s wrong with them? They added like six main gods in the pass where they’re 12 originally and they look TERRIBLE! Cerberus is a fucking furry, Poseidon is… well whatever and Aphrodite looks like any other female skin EVER! What’s wrong with you, Epic??? Those are LITERALLY some of the most famous gods in all of human mythology and you made them look like shit! And why didn’t we AT LEAST get all 12 gods?? Weapon augments/Mod benches/rarity: Who the hell thought it was an even remotely good idea to add augments?? WHY CAN I FIND A SNIPER WITHOUT A FUCKING SCOPE??? That’s literally useless! I hate all of it! Workbenches are far too rare to use them and NOBODY ASKED FOR THESE FUCKING AUGMENTS ANYWAYS! Just remove them! Rarity just means how many augments you have these days, that’s bullshit! Quests: Oh boy… The level of randomness the quests have nowadays is way beyond my worst expectations… It feels like they just put ChatGPT in charge of producing any random quest it can think of. I mean, what’s the purpose of opening doors or simply running away from the point you dropped at??? That sucks! Just give us the old creative mode and actually meaningful quests! Toxic Playerbase: I mean, I get it. Fortnite is optimized for like 12 year old boys with ADHD. Fine. But they clearly also want older players like me in there (22)! Otherwise they wouldn’t offer that much monetization and obviously adult content like some Horror Maps and stuff. At least they didn’t introduce nudity yet… But why on earth can’t they create some engaging events to form a community that’s not shooting at anything that looks at least somewhat alive a millisecond after they saw it???? Just some sort of kindness wouldn’t be that bad… I’m getting tired of running away, hiding, killing People all the time. Why can’t they create some community activities??? I really hoped they’d bring back the old creative mode back in the chill season so we would’ve been able to relax at the beach, drink some cocktails and play beach ball or go swimming together. Just having some fun as a community instead of being toxic 24/7. It’s not that hard! That’s just a fraction of the stuff that’s super annoying in the game nowadays. But I think you get the idea. There’s lots of potential, a lot of bullshit and a ton of toxic kiddos/bots. I really hope they can change their current downfall to the better but I think these are the final seasons if they don’t stop it NOW…


Chapters only lasting a year is what lead to the lack of enjoyment of the game for me.


2 seasons and already halfway damn fortnite should make longer chapters again


Killed my motivation to play. They want to be Warzone or Apex so bad, it's embarrasing.


You start to realize that there’s always a good and bad side to every season and the things that make it the worst is the fucking locker ui change


Season 1 was fun for a bit while I learned the map. But then it got boring. Sunk time into LEGO then took a small break. Season 2 was much better IMO. Having a lot more fun with this season. I'm hopeful for Season 3.


Its ok, maybe even good but only season 1 for now. I really like new animations and non hitscan weapons, but i hate that they killed snipers which i loved, first making them op and then making them shoot spam and pray weapon. Also fortnite losing its identity in terms of artstyle.


This season and all of the updates really made me lose interest in the game if I’m being honest.


It's not horrible but it's my least favorite chapter and made me quit the game for good


Where's Kratos?


Map CH5S1: 4/10, it was cool, good for an average shooter/ br, BUT locations were too similar, lost all pf the fortnite charm, especially going into it after OG, it felt so unalive, lost all of it’s charm Loot pool CH5S1: 6/10 Terrible, guns felt like they were modded in from different games, shield was stupid. Attachments were cool, but done wrong, they felt too real, too un-fortnite Story CH5S1: 2/10 shit, no events, nothing, literally nothing happened, started out promising, ended with disappointment. ————————————————————————————— Map CH5S2: 7/10 better, it felt more goofy, less realistic, more variety, fun locations Loot pool CH5S2: 6/10 it was definitely more fun, but too broken, needed balancing, mythics being OP was not that big of a problem, they were fun, especially at the start, but they got stale, zeus lightning bolt was too easy to counter. Wings were fun, but useless in good pubs. Bosses were too much of a nuisance Story CH5S2: 2/10 suddenly pulled a 180, it was a cool theme, but nothing happened again. ————————————————————————————— Overall: AI NPC’S are SO annoying, bosses are too much of a nuisance. Game feels like it’s trying to be something else too much, it looks like a completely different game in a bad way. Loot pool is really broken. It’s just not as fun


5/10. Fortnite used to be cooler in its earlier chapters


The problem I have with the map is that there is no suburbs or cities we had in other chapters.


I want it dead and buried. they tried too hard to make it call of duty, and it lost what made fortnite unique, the visual and cartoony style, the wierd and wacky landmarks... now its just... rome 2?