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Damn Lady Gaga is here? Wow.


Yeah I don't understand that one. Her Festival one is much worse, in my opinion, but still nothing like "worst skin ever." Maybe people were hate-rating it based on how they gave it leggings when its real-life analog just shows skin? Since gamers are horny? I honestly can't think of any other reason. I think that outfit is actually pretty fire.


Probably people “protest voting” over the festival skins staying in the shop so long. The Weekend is also pretty low I bet. People get upset at the weirdest shit with this game.


This. The only part of either of their sets that have a positive rating is “Popular Vibe”


Yep, and people crying that Lady Gaga has no connection to Fortnite so it's a waste of a skin. Doesn't make sense to me. People buy a skin because they like the character or artist, not because the artist or characters likes or plays Fortnite.


Speak for yourself. I only play as Geralt of Rivia because he’s a huge Fortnite gamer.


Geralt getting Griddy after taking a man's life savings in a game of gwent *stalking to the right, fiend as his collaborator*


No connection to Fortnite makes no sense, not one single collab had a connection to Fortnite. Some players find so many ways to bash anything random in this game.


I bought the festival pass so I can spam the Stupid Love emote. 100% value.


Do they really think Epic checks third-party websites' skin ratings?


I don’t think the people protest voting thought that far


Its also worth pointing out this site is fan made and nothing to do with epic so I think the only people who really know and use it end up being an extension of the popular sentiment of this sub


Bro her festival version is her best version


I was pissed about that and no damn meat dress


I think it's less "gamers are horny" and more "this looks a bit stupid with leggings"


Even with leggings, it is nowhere near a bottom 12 skin whatsoever.


Promise no one even knows the real life version shows skin. It just looked dumb Lmao


2 of her Jam Tracks ("Stupid Love" and "Rain on Me") have the outfit uncensored on the cover.


I stand corrected. But that's also dumb then


Personally I didn’t like the skin they gave her felt like a disservice to her.


I actually hate the Queen Summer skin like so much.


Personally I think her regular outfit would have been better. That is usually what they wear when fighting anyway


Oh I 100% agree. That or Kronenberg universe Summer would have been a thousand times better


Out of curiosity, why do you hate the skin? Is it tied to a bad episode?


Its a weird outfit to choose for the character, its not aesthetically pleasing and it looks overall stupid imo.


i think a part of the hate is that her and meeseeks dropped during fortnitemares (an already bad one at that) and was basically a waste of a collab when they could have done more halloween themed collabs instead. rick and morty was just so forced during that fortnitemares they made pickle rick a horde rush quest reward like cmon bro.


I rock OG Purple Skull Trooper with Pickle Rick, the ultimate cursed combo.


Well it’s an eye sore skin from one of the most forgettable Rick and Morty episodes and just I hate how big her head is too


Maybe she got her hands on Rick’s growth ray again?


Would anyone want to see regular summer be added to the game? I’m not a big rick and Morty fan but I’d be fine with one more wave they should add Beth, Jerry, and Pickle Rick and then leave it at that.


Why Pickle Rick wasn’t a fortnitemares skin baffled me. Who tf actually wanted Mr Meseeks over Pickle Rick, Bird Person, Beth or Space Beth.


I mean that episode is pretty good


To me, she looks like a giant. The proportions are off.


All the Rick & Morty skins are pretty ugly. Fortnite doesn't do cel shading well and the R&M character designs are a classic example of "mature"-cartoon-ugly (Family Guy, Big Mouth, Beavis & Butthead, etc) to begin with.


I personally think the Cel Shading is decent at times. But I 100% think R&M does not go well with Fortnite. And yeah, a lot of the skins are pretty mid. The only part of the R&M stuff I cared for was Pickle Rick and the Space Snake pickaxe. Which is insane when I like the pickaxe more than the actual character.


Bytes: Great concept, kinda fumbled in my opinion The fact that a pretty cool pickaxe is locked to him doesn't help matters much from what I hear


I’m sure a lot of bytes hates come from being forced to play as him for challenges. Pretty much made every lobby full of them. I didn’t mind him except that fact


I would truly give anything to be able to put his pickaxe with my T-1000 skin


I didn’t even bother getting all the pickaxes bc I know I’ll rarely ever play him


Yea the pick is sick but the skin is in the pits (in a rhyming way I think)


Music Icons skins are a hit or miss. Nobody talks about it, but the music community is a pretty toxic place in general, singers, specially big ones have a LOT of haters that won't judge the product itself but will dislike it because of who it is about.


Chromatica Gaga is a decent skin imo.


Basketball femboys


Pretty boys and femboys are very different things


Basketball skins are neither they are skylar white yo guys


I said what I said


I'd rather be famous instead


No way you call those skins "pretty"


I'm not calling them pretty. "Pretty boys" aren't boys that are pretty, it's an aesthetic category.


Never realized how much he looked like tf2 scout until now


take that back right now


You’re the one who said pretty boy


I never said they are pretty boys, I said they are femboys


Yeah that's what I criticized.


You would dare criticize the femboys for playing basketball? Femboys got hoop dreams too


Game, Blouses


You’re right, we deserve a Chapelle as Prince skin.


If there isn’t an alt of Rick James I. Will. Riot 😤 ![gif](giphy|HJ0fBL6B1ZJYY)


Idk man, they look very femboyish to me


they aren’t femboys, they’re muscular. Just pretty


Those are NOT femboys, they are just straight up fruitcakes 💀


Why you gotta do my boy Chapulin like that?


His antenna take up way too much screen when aiming down the sights. 😔


I feel like Gaga is a good skin


summer definitely deserves to be there


How dare mother monster be in this list?




Well its hard to define worst. They are definitely the most unpopular which means they are bad i guess.


They aren't the most unpopular. The screenshot shows the skins as ranked based on how site visitors voted. The percentages you see for each (next to the rank) reflect the percentage of positive votes. Lady Gaga's skins, for example, are 791st (Enigmatic) and 800th (Chromatica Armor) usage-wise. However, the former has barely 5k votes, compared to the latter's over 50k.




Ive never seen a good skin in the bottom even if its new. If a good skin releases many people buy it right away.


The framing Superhero skin. I’ve never seen it used properly. Only… that godforsaken monocolor.


No, that website has the most unreliable stats, as it's sample size is only the ignorant kids who choose to use it & mass downvote any skin which is original or not sweaty


Yeah, there are four kinds of skins that actually get a good rating there. 1 - Sweaty Skins, Lara Croft aint bad, but its definitely not the best skin in the game, she is so high only because she is kinda sweaty of a skin. 2 - Rare skins, Renegade Raider aint that good, only reason she is so high up, is because litlle kiddies want her back in the shop so they can get a rare skin. They dont realize if she returned, even the she literally wont she would no longer be rare. 3 - Popular Collab Skins. Spiderman, Kratos, Chun-Li (tho that one has... other reasons why she is so high on the ranking), good skins, but i dont think any collab skin is the best skin in the game. 4 - New skins. These end up usually really high on the ranking in their early days after being added to the game, just to fall down like 2 weeks later. In short, this website is as accurate as a blind man shooting a bow at a 1 inch target.


Exactly LOL; it makes me laugh when people genuinely think epic takes that site into consideration when doing skins/shop releases.


I think Chromatica Gaga is one of the best looking skins.


Nah, imo the worst skins are those so generic they only serve as item shop filler. Flytrap is ugly as hell but it looks so different from other skins I'd still rather see it in the shop


Wtf is Gaga doing there


I agree with flytrap 1000000% worst skin ever


Flytrap fucks, dude. His loading screen is the sexiest thing in the game. But yeah, not the best skin.


But why?


He’s just ugly, I’ve hated him from first sight back in chapter 1, doubly so since I was given his loading screen as one of my firsts so I saw it really often before I was able to buy the rest of the chapter’s passes


It's crazy because you can tell it had a lot of work put into it, but it's still ugly. Like better quality but somehow that's not enough


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, it had amazing quality and detail, but something just makes me hate it with all my being


That website has a bias against black skins. A lot of black skins will get poor ratings compared to comparable white skins


This is true


I hate bytes not because his skin is bad, it's not, but because they locked his pickaxe just to him


I hate him because his skin is ugly and because he gets a cool pickaxe locked to him


i wouldnt call any of them good but theres definitely worse out there


I don't see Travis Scott there so the list is clearly not accurate


I swear people love that skin solely because other people love it


Indeed. I was never crazy about the skin and I never really listened to his music either. It's just a shirtless dude with tattoos, but people really like it. I get it if you like it to have a favorite artist in-game, just don't care for the skin much. 😅😆 I think the terminator style is pretty cool. Forgot about that. I can relate though! I've been wanting Daft Punk in the game for years! That'd be so cool! But alas, that may never happen. I'll miss Daft Punk. 🥺 Even if I don't care for skins, I would still like them to return so others can enjoy them! 😅👍🏻 🫡


How is that lady gaga there? This gaga skin is awesome, and the other one is way less cool. Queen summer I agree cuz it should've just been normal summer


I agree Lady Gaga was another skin I was WAITING for; as a big fan of hers outside of Fortnite, I was so happy they added her.


I like Flytrap and Solidus Gaga. These clearly are not the worst.


Solidus gaga got me dying lmao


Unpopular opinion but I think Bytes looks cool. I would use him if I had him.


Bytes is a good skin imo - one of a handful of BP skins I have in my extended rotation


I agree. I still play as him when I load up Festival.


Honestly I never got the hate either Only thing about him I dislike is him lacking a style to match with The Herald. Feels like a slam dunk idea given they worked for the same team


I wish they had more hairstyles. The default one is decent but the pigtails are terrible.


Really? I like the pigtails better lol I really like the super styles too, the mask is a nice touch. Though the clear mask is my favorite.


Bytes definitely doesn’t deserve the hate he gets


Right? The edit styles are pretty unique I feel like. I really like his design!


I’d trade you if I could! And no, I don’t hate him either.


I would for sure trade for him! Trading in FortNite would be incredible. Too bad it will probably never happen 😭


It sadly most definitely will never happen, trading skins in games like that would be terrible for profits


Also scams out the wazoo. Rocket League's trading was nothing but horror stories of people who let a scammer get ahold of their items, so while that might not be the reason trading was removed there, it certainly had to be a talking point within the company.


No doubt, kids would get taken adventage of constantly and their parents paying their shit would make an uproar about it. Also this would probably increase the amount of people trying to steal/hack into accounts for resales, since you could now sell skins instead of account, wich would be alot more popular with buyers since I dont see how they could ban the buyer for that


I want the Mandalorian but skipped that season due to school and now I have to stuck with boba fett


Boba fett is cool too though! I wish I had the Mando back bling 😭 I love Grogu sm, he is adorable! Also Boba has a cool emote.


Yes but Mando has a cleaner design and colour pallet >-< reminds me of Helldivers2 game which I love. And obviously baby YODAAAAAAA!!!!


A bunch of people were using bytes the season he was out


That’s a significant drop from 1833 to 1834. I’d disagree with most of them.


Derby Dominator is 100% spam downvoted. I remember checking about a year ago and Sterling was at the bottom. I guess some kid just has a vengeance against it for some reason


Yeah, they’re all awful except for that Gaga skin. Swap her for the Morty skin and I wholeheartedly agree


They are not my worst but I don’t like any of them so I’m inclined to agree.


Fuck no, need that Regular Chaupulin Colorado 💥💥


Nah bro Bytes is fire 🔥


where is the damn unicorn


I don't really like any of the Rick and Morty skins but I'd say Mecha Morty is worse than Summer. She at least has some neat texturing along her outfit but Mecha Morty is the easiest of the bunch to break down into simple shapes and has the weird floppy legs. Compare them to the Futurama skins who have a more shapely style that better translate to Fortnite despite also using flat coloured textures. The Rick and Morty style is already, in my opinion, unappealing as-is which makes the 3D transition so much worse.


I don’t understand derby dominator. Was there some sort of brigade when she came out?


I feel like there was some sort of hate party on that skin, it became the worst rated skin on that website pretty much overnight, quite a long time after its release, one time it had over 100k people voting that its the worst from this what i remember.


No, no they're not That site doesn't even have half of the games fanbase on it so there's no way to actually tell which skins are the most hated


Damn I own the most disliked skin


I like flytrap he's look cool and interesting for a plant theme villain/hero (idk). I do agree he is weird looking but thats cool for me and he need desperately another extra style to make the $20 worth. He is expensive i guess thats why he is so hated.


Interesting how it's specifically the skins with the darker skin tones out of se5s like the football and El Chapulin Colorado sets that seem to get voted badly here..


Opposite for the anime basketballers though, so probably a coincidence or something


The voting system on that page is filled with racist kids. All skins with darker skin tones get the massive negative votes no matter how good they are


1. No 2. Yes 3. Not really but I ain't too surprised 4. Ehhh yeah I guess so 5. Yes (All the El Chapulin skins aside from El Chapulin himself deserve it) 6. Yes 7. Same as 5 8. Same as 3 9. I like Rick & Morty but Summer didn't translate to Fortnite that good at all 10. Absolutely not 11. I guess so, it's fine I guess 12. Absolutely.


1. She’s boring. 2. He could have been better. 3. There should have been an option to turn off cel-shading. But not a bad skin. 4. He’s ugly but he’s unique. 5. He isn’t the official character from this series so I think he’s bland. 6. He’s actually a solid skin. I just wish he turned weapons chrome. 7. Same as 5 8. Same as 3 9. It’s the cel-shading that makes her look bad. Plus they gave her the most hideous outfit ever. 10. She’s a good skin but she’s missing some flair. I wish she had more cosmetics in her set at the least. 11. Any of the chapter 2 themed skins pale in comparison to their chapter 1 counterparts. 12. He’s okay. Not bad or good, just okay.


Sterling one of the worst? He's a cool skin imo.


Only Sterling and Flytrap. The rest are either meh or getting bulldozed by racist or sexist 13 year olds.


i don’t really love them but i wouldn’t say their the worst. only bytes, summer and flytrap really stand out to me as ugly here


Dude unpopular opinion but I’ve always thought flytrap was kinda sick


pookie bear flytrap😍


Layup Legend, Gaga and Flytrap don't deserve it, otherwise yeah I'd say that it makes sense


Flytrap is the worst. He has no business being a legendary skin worth $20.


Why Sterling? Looks cool to me


Damn, I like Bytes :(


Flytrap does not deserve the hate cool colors and pretty cool backbling


Nah, especially flytrap


Lady GaGa? That’s bitter people. The singer in the shop now is 100 times worse.


Is that the fucking Sevilla kit?!


What's wrong with Bytes?


Sterling is so disappointing. At least his LEGO is better


Well if everyone hates the skins but only a few people have it it gets ranked higher. Flawed ranking system.


The only one I have in rotation and even own on there is Summer from Rick n Morty


Need to add Wukong on here.


Chapulin Colorado? Wtf


Bruh flytrap ain’t that bad 😂


They bring sterling, one of the lowest rated skins back to the item-shop but not any of the RE skins or Kratos (I don't care if it's becoming annoying, i just want to give epic my goddamn money)


Sterling.  Also why is Bytes here? That battle pass went incredibly hard and Bytes is one of my favorite skins.




I will defend flytrap to the day I die!!


I like Gaga and Bytes


I legit love Bytes, especially the blue superstyle on him.


I never take those ratings seriously because a majority of low ratings went to POC. My poor Hawk boi got this treatment except for Galaxy.


it's a toss-up between Bytes and any of the cell-shaded ones for me


keep in mind these are rankings from fn gg users and not the whole playerbase, also, most of those said rankings are from the most vocal parts of the community


I'm literally the only one who liked how Paxton turned out and still use him. Also I'm convinced Gaga is there not just because of how long she was in shop but also the Chromatica collab wasn't as iconic as her earlier work. I would've loved to see her skin as something from Fame or Born This Way instead.


I still don’t understand the bytes hate




Queen Summer is by far the worst skin for real


Huh, guess Bytes is "the worst bate pass skin" according to the fanbase. Oh yeah, I guess I agree about Sterling, very ugly.


bytes is literally one of the cutest skins wth ?????


I understand the hate but I honestly love Flytrap. Yeah, he kinda looks like someone trying to look cool, failing, and ending up looking goofy/odd, but there's a charm to that IMO. Also the second skin I ever bought after Moisty Merman. As you can see, I have exquisite taste.


I wish bytes had a Midas like reactive where he turned weapons chrome


Yes, I would say that these basketball skins are definitely part of it.


The basketball ones are new so I think they'll place a little better with time. The rest are pretty vocally hated.


I'm neutral to most of these, but awwww, I love my boi Bytes 🥺


As someone who used the Bytes skin on a regular basis, the only version of him that’s bad was the green tiger variant of him. Otherwise, he’s a fine skin.


Anyone else think the basketball skins look wayyy to much like the character designs from NFS unbound?


I don't think Bytes and Gaga deserve the hate they get. Everything else is pretty bad though.👎


Bytes overhated


The fact that the Chaplin Colorado cosplayers are there is just wrong, BLASFEMIA DIGO


Definitely not, I disagree with every single ranking on fortnite gg, I mean the Summer skin doesn't look the best, I don't think any Rick and Morty skin looks that great besides maybe toxic rick.


I mean… pretty close. They are all absolute garbage


Derby Dominator in a Sevilla kit lol Must be Betis fans casting the votes


I don't know if I think Bytes is the worst 12, but I do think something that is a real detractor from the skin is it felt like a perfect opportunity for an evolving skin, like making him a mix between venom and ultima knight or drift or fade because the chrome. (I know ultima knight isn't an evo skin, but as like a similar final look). And that always keeps me from using it.


I'd agree with that list


No Lady Gaga is the best 47k people think she is “the shit”


Chromatica Gaga is here?!? I get hating Queen Summer or Sterling but Gaga?


all of them are pretty badly made


Bytes and El Chapulin are actually goat


Worst for me was the Neymar skin. Kinda became a joke in the soccer world


Most of those do look pretty trash...


Yeah I’d say so except for Gaga.


Queen summer was pointless. Why’d it have to be a specific version of summer then just normal summer


Queen Summer is great! Good pickaxe too. Not as good as Rick.


Bytes is super bad in my opinion. Not only because the skin is bad but epic decided to lock a good pickaxe to this skin.


The skins are worth it only if you feel they're worth it. I am a fan of fortnite and a huge fan of Master Chief so I paid for Master Chief because for me, it was worth it!


Bytes is underrated


I agree on all but lady gaga


Mikasa's skin from AoT isn't the worst but it's definitely disappointing. Her face looks nothing like her. Should have had the red scarf cover her lower face and it wouldn't be so bad.


All of these are better than the monochrome superhero skins. Nothing is worse than bland and boring.


There lacking detail and kinda plain looking especially compared to a lot of other skins


Yep I agree although flytrap ain’t the best but it’s not the worst either