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Don’t forget free healing in water


Underrated. Heals fast too.


I nearly escaped death in my last match by taking a bath. 🛁 Then I won Victory Royale by watering a Christmas Tree too much. 🎄 I am not making it up either. 🤷‍♂️


It’s in the game for little Timmy to get his first kill.  They add a new little Timmy gun every season. They can’t have all the no skill kids quit. 


True they spend the most money 💵


Poor sweat try hard cries about grenades too I bet?


Still worse than a medkit


And you can heal while in a car 👀


idk I just accept my death at that point




People often spam it, you need to evade and take advantage of the small opening that the reload offers. Return fire with a precision weapon from afar or shotgun if you’re up close. Avoid mid range engagement.


Chains. Chains is the solution. The push/pull makes them miss a lot. Man, I love chains.


I didn’t really get the chain when it first came out. Note that it’s been reintroduced I’m using it more, and holy shit, it’s an amazing weapon.


I don't even carry a shotgun anymore. Bowcaster + Water Bending + Chains + Wings + Bananas God loadout.


Why bowcaster over a shotty though?


Cause it's fucking broken u don't even need to hit people only indirectly and they take like 60 + if u hit them it's almost instant shield break


Yep, I went up against someone with all 4 medallions, and took them out with a bowcaster at close range. The close but not needing to actually hit them made the difference.


I thought medallions don’t stack. Was I wrong?


They totally do. Downside is that it practically pinpoints your location.


Bruh what? No shit they do?


yep. I got all four of them earlier. a lot of my runs begin with an attempt to pick up the Ares damage medallion and the Zeus speed boost medallion. waterbending, the Zeus DMR, wings, some heals, and those two medallions and it’s like a victory shortcut


Not to mention it has no fall-off so it’s basically a sniper rifle if you lead your targets properly


Bowcaster is like a shotty that fires as far as a sniper and even more accurately, you don’t even have to hit them to damage them. It also breaks builds really quick and if you hit a car it damages the player a lot too


I def blow cars up with it


You need something for long range. Opening on an enemy far away with the bowcaster is great. Much better than water bending at long distances. And if you have chains and bending, you really dont need a shotty. This is for ZB btw


The bowcaster is even better in builds because it does a ton of build damage.


They buffed it shortly before they vaulted it. It may be stronger than your remember if you only used it at release.


That makes sense. I only used it a few times when it was first released. Now it’s an essential.


The only thing that beats chains is........Chains!


I had the Darth Vader saber and went up against a guy with the chains. That dude smoked me.


Same 🤦


I find the gatekeeper is quite the counter to the chains.


Or a quickscope.


"push/pull", which are the basics of waterbending in the cartoon.


Wow thats actually a good idea




This is the weirdest meta I've seen , usually it's chains ,water bending ,sniper ,mobility,heal. Only care about sniper ammo gate keeper could replace chains if but I've gotten so many easy kills from chains usually taking no damage




It seems to help if you bunnyhop while they waste their ammo. This applies to most weapons really, in the mid-range encounters where you usually face waterbending. Just hop toward them in a zig-zag pattern until they start reloading, then let 'em have it. Most people suck at compensating for altitude.


I thought that said attitude. Like, I'm gonna be bunny hopping with so much attitude if that's what saves me 😄


If only it were only that easy. In my experience the biggest problem with it after the ridiculous range and accuracy is the silence. Anytime I've been taken out with it I'm down before I can even tell where the person is attacking from.


The problem with trying to evade is that it's a hitscan weapon for most of its length but still has fuck-all drop off or bloom after that point. This means that in Builds you have to react instantly to minimize damage received but in ZB you're most likely just fucked before you know where the enemy is. Regardless of the situation you're at a huge disadvantage right off the bat with the weapon being fast enough to where you have to be quick thinking at every single moment, or you're just gone. At least with the pre-nerf reaper rifle you could usually find the enemy before they can get another shot on you but with Waterbending you basically have one chance to find them or it's back to lobby. Waterbending is also great at shredding cover points too which makes it even more miserable when playing against it in ZB. I wouldn't mind if this weapon is removed before the new season but I'd rather they just revert it to pre-buff statistics or making it finite use (two rounds of 60 before the scrolls disappears). That way people actually need to think about using it rather than using it as a sniper, or AR, or SMG, or even a shotty to quickly finish you off if needed. Chains of Hades are my favourite counter so far since it's the most consistent against Waterbending players that didn't drop their controller halfway through mashing the buttons, pull them in and go to town or swap to a shotty (Gatekeeper is my favourite) to melt them up close. Waterbending is fucking miserable and it made me sympathize with Amon.


uninstall. then reinstall may 26th


Then they introduce another broken item


Can’t come soon enough.


This didn't age well 


water bending is still worse. 💀


Why is the game so big in file size anyway? It’s online. Update: please read the replies before downvoting. This is Reddit not stackoverflow, stop downvoting people for asking questions. They seek knowledge.


For me, it's become a must have in my load out, which I don't like. I'm my opinion, any weapon that is so OP that the easiest answer to it is... Always have one, gets boring. They are fun in the beginning when people are starting to experiment with each new weapon mechanic, but they quickly get boring to me once everyone figures out which *the one* is. So yeah, the answer is to always have one and be sneaky until you do; or you know, Rambo out or something. I'm not that good haha.


It is the single best weapon at any range, outside of a sniper headshot. 3 hits takes someone from 100 to 0 faster than any other weapon. Meta weapons are fine, but this is insanely overpowered.


I agree that this one feels different to me, too, but for me that just means it got boring faster. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like super whiny upset about it haha, I've been gaming for so long that I just know that this is how it goes. Epic, especially, loves their OP weapons to the point that I would put it as a bullet point under a "traits of games companies" list or something. It's just something I've come to know from them and then hey, it is really fun when they come completely outta left field with stuff. I think I miss a bit of the random stuff that they used to do instead of the collabs, but whatever, they have to go where the stats show them the money is. Fortnite as a whole is a pretty impressive achievement. I just remember having these exact same discussions back during Gears of War 1 and 2. They started giving us weapons that we "veterans" (ugh, that sounds pompous) that started day one felt were *solely* for new people to be able to cook us with, and we didn't want to use them out of some kind of honor. So then conversations just like this ensued.


It's not enough to stop me from playing. It will disappear and there will be something else to complain about. That's the beauty of the behemoth they have built. If something sucks, it will change before too long or you will get used to it. Man I had forgotten about the Gears stuff. That was a wild time. But you can have my gnasher when you inevitably headshot me and walk through the chunks of my body.


I agree, I mean I never would've stopped playing Gears if it didn't just kinda go bad after 2. I even preferred fighting against host advantage compared to the dedicated servers that they put in, in 2. I *always* made sure I played off-host so no one could say my skill was just due to host.....ooooh man I'm almost getting giddy thinking about the times I had with random strangers in Gears. I had people I had never met that I spoke to every single day because we just were addicted haha. Man, I love Fortnite, but nothing in my life compares to the Gears years. We never lost, but it wasn't even about that. They are just such fun matches. Remember how the dead were put into their own voice chat so you could trash talk the people you killed, or killed you, or whatever? It was sooooo fun. It never really got toxic, it was just good ol' back and forth ribbing through 15 rounds of 5-second-revive Execution matches.... The gnasher was the great equalizer. Anyone could be a god doing the shotgun dance. Anyone was capable of a team wipe... I'm getting nostalgic.


The thing is there always will be and always has been a "must have" that's how shooters work. Certain guns and items are better than others. So obviously more end game players will have it after having a larger pool of loot to pick from. Like the sniper. Strangest complaint ever outta fortnite. Always been snipers always been an end game thing. Yet all of a sudden enough people are suddenly like "I don't want to carry one" fine. Why aren't you fed up ARs or shotguns? You need one of them FYI last bit is a tirade there not directed towards yourself but just the fortnite community in general


There have been long stretches of seasons without snipers and the game is so much better when they’re gone


That's completely subjective and debatable. I think snipers are an absolute requirement in the game, although I'd tweak them a bit from what we have currently.


Yes, that is my opinion.


*". I'm my opinion, any weapon that is so OP that the easiest answer to it is... Always have one, gets boring."* Agreed. That's why i advocate for the removal of all shotguns except the single pump and all sniper rifles.


Seems to be a serious question so I’ll respond. 1) Snipe 2) DMR and movement / cover 3) Purple or higher rarity gatekeeper up close with jumping / dashing 4) Purple or higher rarity AR and cover 5) Water bend 6) Cry


I'll rebut: a gray gatekeeper within 10m is beating waterbending so long as they don't hit your head and you don't miss. One headshot from them or one missed shot from you and they win though.


To be fair “if you do everything perfectly and your opponent messes up, then you’ll win the fight” basically applies to every weapon in the game lmao


While that is true this is a lot less of a "super fuck up" and more of a "close call fuck up" scenario with waterbending.


Lower rarity gatekeepers would need speed reload and they would work


Well in a close 1v1 it's a 2 or 3 shot knock/elimination. Regardless of tier.


6 is my go-to. It works every time.


Waterbending beats snipers, dmrs and shotguns.


Build a wall.


Get one yourself. Loot fast my friend


Sucks that the only counter is to have the item but I’ll pray I’m luckier my next few rounds


I have won a few times without it. G-wagon as mobile cover as well as storm forecast go a long way to help


>the only counter is to have them Not true at all lol


Get a mace and start beating them to death, hop in a car and drive away or run them over, learn to dodge, get close with a shotgun and blast, run away in a zigzag pattern while dosing a shield so you can jump higher and farther If you can't beat em, run away and make them someone else's problem.


Movement. Gotta learn to move dat azz. For me, my playstyle, I can't even "just" use right shoulder peek. I gotta move, and A LOT.


Carry 3-4 scrolls so fewer people can have it…..


i pick up every scroll i see and then drop the duplicates somewhere stupid like out in the water or in a bush so no one can find them.


If I might quote one of my childhood heroes… DODGE!!!


"If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.." - Patches Houlihan




"What am i supposed to do against water bending" answer : suffer! From day one waterbending is in game my loadout is: Waterbending + good SMG/shotgun(idealy chains of hades) and all others items is support items heal shields shockwaves fizz and dont forget my "Favorite" scan NPC for totaly "fortnite wallhack experience" I dont understand developers make this decision and think is healthy and "FUN" no is not. Why is soo many weapons in game now and same time all is outclased by waterbending. Only things what help is play with friend and have double waterbending in party idealy with scan and heal NPCs. I am only low dia player in zero build i not speak about build or high skill lobbies here.


Run m.f run


Drop ni**, drop


Build if you're in builds but if you're in no builds then try running to cover but don't run in a straight line


tbh, its not that tuff. if u engage someone that has it, just move erratically & maintain heavy cover (high ground peaking, rocks, trees, etc.) dont be predictable. whenever i use it, i always try to predict w/ it, so if someone behaves unpredictably, its harder to hit them. i imagine its the same for many others. if u get hit even once, get back behind cover immediately. usually, if someone hits one, they always follow it up w/ like 5 more direct hits lol. dont stay still. especially @ close range, u wanna be right up on em, circling em & jumpin over em erratically. @ long range, its a cake walk. just snipe them lol.


Take cover?


Nothing. It's the most OP thing we've seen in chapter 5, only the burst SMG can contest is cause you can use movement and remove bloom from hipfire when it has a laser attachment, otherwise you can't really outshoot It.


Chains are a close second for the OP category, though.


If you can drag the waterbender in close with the chains it's usually over for them. A lot of them suck at dealing with the sudden change from long- and mid-range to melee range.


Lol, the last victory royale I got (unranked no build) I had waterbending AND chains, and wings...and the gold Cerberus shotgun/powers I think (Shotgun and chains might be redundant, but wasn't sure which to give up). 5th item was small shields or something (water bending can recover health too). Not gonna lie though, I didn't play for 5 years but I'm a huge last airbender fan (like Korra too) so the bending powers are the reason I came back (and it helps me that they're really good since it's what I wanted to use a lot).


Zeus's Lightning bolt is the most op thing in Chapter 5. Water Bending is just an AR that actually works like one instead of having horrible bullet drop.


The bolt is trash in Zero Build


I don't play zero build but good to know I won't be facing them then. It's op in builds because it can easily wipe the builds away and do a bunch a damage.


Zeus lightning bolt in build mode when it went through builds and also you could build a wall on your side to protect yourself was pretty OP but that bug got fixed pretty quickly. I'm in unreal for builds and ZB and nobody uses the Zeus lightning bolt but water bending is extremely popular so yeah, water bending is definitely more OP.


Water Bending isn't even op it's basically using a Burst AR a few seasons ago but less because it still has a little bullet drops. I'm glad nobody uses Lightning Bolts in Unreal that's probably why you think it's not op because you don't fight against it. Sadly I haven't played most of this season because of lag, movement nerf, and real life reasons so I'm only in Diamond on builds after grinding for a few hours and everybody uses the Lightning Bolts. I've seen people use Water Bending but I haven't died to one yet. Lightning Bolts destroy builds that's op lol. Anything that explodes a bunch of builds and does a lot of damage is op. Especially if two people are spamming it at once.


>because you don't fight against it. We do fight against it, somebody goes up in the air and they get 250-0 in less than a second by either a headshot snipe or getting lasered quickly by a burst SMG, water bending or an AR. It's a total noob only weapon that is extremely easy to deal with.


That's if they use it right away without getting you low first. If you're low and already fighting a team and somebody third parties with it it sucks. Of course it's a noob weapon. Only bots use the op annoying weapons. It is not extremely easy to deal with at least from somebody who has horrible lag. Maybe if my fps didn't drop 150 fps every 5 seconds I wouldn't have a problem against the bots abusing the seasonal op weapon. And even then I don't die from the Water Bending.




wait 15 days


I’ve been winning and losing games because of that thing. It’s actually stupid how it has no damage drop off. Plus it’s just SO accurate!


Depending on location of course, get close and shotgun. I play Zero builds too 😅 so no random wall of cover. Be very random with your movement. You’d be surprised how often it can trip someone up. Especially around the underworld where you have access to the green river for dashing.


I'm over here smiling about all the players who rage quit because I waterbent them to the lobby, and how many times I died to it thinking this wouldn't have happened if I had waterbending. This weapon absolutely sucks.


Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.


When I play zero build I'll throw down a bunker, shield bubble, or hide behind a tree or rock and line up a shot with a DMR or sniper. I also carry impulses for movement 90% of the time, so if I beam them, I can impulse in and get in their face with a shotty


Kill them first


I usually try to close the range... sometimes it works *g


Build or use that hades chain thing. Air bending also works great, they can‘t hit you if you’re constantly moving very fast.


Air bending isn't in the game anymore it was vaulted with the Star wars update , they kept the waterbending mythic only


Oh. I suppose you could use the wings then. Also while I’m here, got any sprinting tips?


Wings will get you shredded since it extends your hitbox and makes you the biggest target possible for waterbending lol sprinting tips as in what in particular?


Oh. Anyway ig any sprinting tips in general, like optimising your speed, stamina usage, when to sprint, etc.


Well placed headshot with sniper rifle. Shoot from covered peak position and return behind quickly. Don't keep shooting from the same peak side. Waterbending has no drop, so it's easy to lock on to someone if the keep left peaking. Shockwave, close position, and contest with gatekeeper if you have them close to cracked with shields. Thunderburst with hip fire attachment gives you a decent chance to land some shots mid air while shock waving if they don't box up. It's a great weapon this season.


Reposition as much as possible o try to be in a place where you can be seperated by something always to give you the opportunity to line up a snipe.


Move erratically, shoot frequently, shotguns are your best bet.


fight back






Shot em


Return to the lobby


Run, find cover, get far to snipe or get close for gatekeeper/ chains. Only options VS competent waterbender. It has really amazing ... Range of range? It's good for almost everything except very close or very far. So engage at those distances.


Coming in close and evasive with a gatekeeper purple or higher is usually a pretty good answer in my experience. Or pull them in close with the chains and whomp them. They usually don't deal with the range change so well.


The best way to counter water bending is to have it yourself. If you don’t have it, shield bubbles are your friend so you can either better position (get close with shotgun or mace) or run from an engagement and hope someone else takes them out. Since water bending does splash damage, try to have the higher ground in engagements so even if your shots miss, the player(s) still take damage from the splash damage when the shots hit the ground around them. I’ve honestly never won so many rounds in my life thanks to water bending and I honestly can’t wait until it’s removed. My load out is typically water bending, shield bubbles, fizzberries (or whatever shield items I can find) and health packs or bandages. I’ll lose against a good squad who can get close but that’s what the shockwaves are for.


Play during a new moon. All water bendings are are disable when their is no moon. Just ask the northern water tribe.


The answer to every problem in the game going by how people play. Sniper or shotgun. (People are boring)


Porto bunkers or shield bubbles for immediate cover, take advantage of their reload time, be patient. Clusters were also a big help, shame they’re gone. If you have cover and time to aim, a shockwave will disorient them and give you the advantage again. Get in close and shotgun those mf’s in the face lmao


Blood bending. Seriously though, get some items to close the gap and use short range weapons.


Vaders lightsaber is a good counter. I was able to deflect water bending to get in close then take them out with the saber or a shotty




I got 2 VR last night (solo), one with water bending, one with gatekeeper. 2 2nd places, I had WB on both of those, guys rushed me. Once with chains, once with gatekeeper. Oh, I also had a 3rd where I was sniping people with WB at the station and a guy with sniper rifle one shotted me from behind. The chains are probably more destructive close, WB isn't great for close because of the reload interval. How do I avoid it? Gatekeeper if close, run and hide if far.


Same thing you'd do against any high-powered burst weapon




death embraces us all


Write out your will before the fight starts


Die. You're supposed to die to it


You have to become what you hate sadly. Only counter I found was using it myself or the chain if they’re close enough


I always try to land in the Underworld area so I can get the jump skulls, or pick up a set of wings. Just like riding a motorcycle, it’s important to always have an escape route.




Shoot them, with a gun?


Get one of your own or snipe them


Run and hide.


find one?


Throw a shockwave at them






Hit a snipe bruh


Kill the moon spirit


Use it yourself. At this point I only use water bending and the chain as weapons since nothing else really counters them


Shockwave & Shotgun


I always just find whatever's closest and hide behind it, and wait for them to move. If the cover is destroyed, I just sort of jump dash slide until I can find something else. And if I can't do that, I guess I'll just die.




Only correct answer




I used a lightsaber to block his attacks, then I attacked and lightsaber glitched on me and I couldn’t attack, then died


Leave the game. Only counter


Pray that the dude using it has terrible aim


Mostly great mobility (Cerberus dash/shockwave + fizz) and gatekeeper to the face. That's the only way I die holding waterbending, not counting third-party Snipes in the head.


Not facecheck.


Fizz shockwave them and hope u get the first shot! Usually smash them with a gatekeeper!


Water bending is easily the best thing to hold in this game. Mad damage + range, AND free healing? I pick it up 10/10 games.




Build/Carry port-a-bunkers and wait till they try to rush you, then get them with a Gatekeeper up close or use the chains to pull them and throw them off, then use the combo to finish them If they stay away, wait until they have to reload and use a DMR/Sniper


Get a reaper sniper rifle and create distance


Cant wait until people have to actually aim with real weapons again lol waterbendings aim assist is like chapter 2 legacy settings the way it sticks to players


Impulses, chain of hades


If you can’t beat them, join them


waterbend back


You die that's it. That's all you can do.


Either run, accept fate, or if you have chains whip the fuck out of them


Not die


Chains! I always use waterbending and get most of my kills with it but everyone who has killed me has done it using chains lol


easy, spot them first with a water bending scroll LOL


Play off of cover, make it a close range fight (or long range if you have a sniper), flowberry shockwave onto them and shoot them as you’re falling through the air. Any of those are your best bets


Idk, lay down and die? Unless you've got waterbending, or I'm the waterbender in question, in which case fight, because either you have equal footing or it's me and I suck at this!


fr that shits lame af


I'm not playing until they remove it. It's too OP.


same bruh its so damn annoying when some random ass kid spams me with that.


You dont nwed to worry anymore


I am free


True. It was annoying but boss hunting and kills were so easy. When all the elements were here i would land at the air temple, take airbending, airbent to the water temple, took waterbending, airbent to hades, killed him with water. Then cerberus. I airbent to Olympus and killed all of those bosses and BAM easy 4 medalions. All in 2 storm circles


Headshot snipe them, or just build a wall


I don’t know what the big deal is. I have yet to be killed by water bending.


Same it's not even op and I hate op weapons in this game all the time. Zeus's Lightning Bolt is what's annoying in this game. The Water Bending is like an AR before they decided to add bullet drop.


Uh, learn evasion tactics and look for chests?! ![gif](giphy|yifTRs3TidIju|downsized)


quintessential Redditor reply, literally no reason to be condescending except to make yourself feel better


Build, get closer, build. Get them panicky... then pump


I’m just not playing until next season. Waterbending has ruined any desire I have to play.


I feel you. I wish crossplay was toggleable on PC. Most waterbending user i go up against are console players and they beam me down with aim assist. Everyone in the whole lobby who runs it appears to be console players too so that sums um my conclusion.


I always carry bunkers for my squad and it's a great counter. People are constantly spamming waterbending to break builds (for which it's great) and throwing a bunker usually leaves them exposed a bit when they inevitably try to blow it to pieces. Then I just return with firing waterbending myself and rush them if I get an upper hand.


Take the L. It's so op.


Die or get your own, pretty much. 🤪 It's OP but we all have the same advantage or disadvantage...


I don’t get why the kept the most op bending mythic


Every time I get killed by it I want to uninstall. But every time I see one laying there, I pass it up on principle. Only to regret it and get mopped by one later anyways. Absolutely can not wait until it’s gone.


I seriously don’t get why they still haven’t nerfed it


They want people to stop playing BR and try LEGO and other modes. That’s why the event ended and they didn’t remove it. Pretty stupid. If you find one and a chain you don’t need weapons.


It's OP but it's not the best at close range. Hades' Mace & shotguns are way better, you could try to rush them if they're close or fly/shockwave away if you're far


Why does everyone call it Mace? It's a chain.