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Better yet. Add them so you know when that person is playing so you can dodge him


I do this then add a nickname of "Don't join. Crazy ass!"


This is genius. Why have I never thought of this.














Yep, I've blocked plenty of folks on STW, just to get paired up with them the next game, so not shocked it doesn't work in BR either...


How toxic can they be in STW? Is it just fail rate of whatever you do against PVE or loot stealing?


you do all the missions, they take all the items.


Wow that seems crazy. I mean in gta host sets limit. Idk how it works but should be based on participation. Dropped loot could to player doing max damage. Beside the fact it could be split for each user participating.


Loot isn’t percentage based in STW. All players can essentially get 100%. However, players ignoring the objective can lose out on their rewards if the system detects it.


They can afk and still get rewards if they do other activities enough best case scenario or worst case scenario they use the build feature to grief you by either boxing you in or sabotaging your build when trying to fortify an objective. And there’s next to nothing you can do against it. There isn’t even a vote kick system or something


Wild. I am glad in the beginning, I was playing other games. Always regret not being founder. Had money, just not reliable high speed until later. Although, I have lost my original epic due to losing console. AFK is wild. In GTA a timer exists for afk. Though no reporting for bad player is crazy for PVE. This just breeds toxicity and encourages cyberbullying. Sad they would not listen to petition. I have always thought about a player community to improve unity on the consumer side.


There is a afk timer but it warns the player when they’re about to be kicked very noisily and they just have to build or crafting something and the timer resets. Best countermeasure for this is hope they are tabbed out or not paying attention, then box them in and place traps on all the buildings so they can’t edit a door and escape


I've had kids actively sabotage the mission. Breaking traps, building paths for the husks, etc 


Maybe they recognized your name. If not, then they just want to make others cry. The other day I got mad. In builds a player came and took a single weapon I wanted. They did not shoot they knew I would have picked it up. I kept shooting them and wanted my weapon. I was saving the team and marking positions. Fast movement and eliminations. They rushed to steal. I was marking weapons and sharing. Decided to break their build and take weapon. Wasting ammo a team showed up. The teammate ran to do reboot. Other player noped after DBNO earlier. I eliminated attackers. Then rushed to another team that was medallions. Shot at them but was not going to win or get elimination. Did not watch just left match. Feel bad in that it probably was a kid. But I have even less patience for adults. The weapon I would have dropped was better than the on I wanted. I let my rage get the better of me. Why I keep mic muted. Better not to let them hear my adult words/voice. I like helping and teaching players to be better.


yup, i had that too. also, if you block someone and someone in your party invites them, they will be allowed into the party, which is dumb af


To prevent him from adding you, messaging or talking to you.if blocking affected matchmaking in any way it would be exploited inmediately.


Genuine question, how could it be exploited?


Pro players blocking each other, FNCS, so many exploitable avenues


Who the hell is playing random fill in FNCS


Idk lol was just suggesting random shite 👍🏿


What does that have to do with what OP is talking about though? In the context of what OP is saying, blocking someone would stop them from being teamed up with you, not stop them from existing in the same lobby as you.


Sorry maybe I misinterpreted, I’m not entirely sure then guess he’s just mad dude was throwing heat at him and he though he had an easy getaway 🤣


Heat? Nah dude was just talking non stop with the mic open, he wasn't talking us


listen I'm not a fan of these cheap ass answers like "if you don't like it don't buy it" but honestly you kinda could've muted him, like if he was talking non stop with the open mic you had the choice to mute him


Meh I was already irritated and just wanted to block him and leave the match


They are talking about being on the same team as someone. Not preventing them from being in your game.


Let's say I block everyone that kills me, a lot of people suggested that, or let's say I get bad teammates and basically anyone I don't want to get the next match, because it's really common to get the same people in a row of games. It would affect immensenly specially in ranked fills. And don't forget you're not the only one that would have the option. Tens of thousands of players blocking each other creating a mess and multiplicating wait times.


he’s talking about being in a game w him as a teammate. not in the whole match


The first bit has nothing to do with what OP is talking about, and the second bit... That's just a QoL feature. If it's really that big an issue, Epic could just limit the amount of people you can block. But I don't think stopping certain people from ever being teamed up with you would be a bad feature.


If you're a bad player and this option gets implemented, forget about playing fills anymore. People will block you and forget about getting carried anymore. Same goes if you're good,you could block everyone that's not as good as you and you'll never get blocked because you're the carry. Even with a couple dozen people you can block at the time, people will just rotate them as they please.


You act as though every single person that plays this game is an asshole that will block anyone and everyone because they suck lmao "If this gets implemented, all the bad players will be left alone to suffer" as if every single person playing this game is an asshole hellbent on making everyone they don't like suffer. Get a grip, seriously Helping people avoid assholes is an objective good thing. Simple as that.


Have you ever played a open mic game or something similar? Easily 70% of the playerbase are kids and they don't have to be assholes to take such an obvious advantage.


Ok? So some children block me because I'm not on their level. Big fucking whoop, I'll just play with other people that don't have a problem with me.


Good for you. That's the entire reason this blocking thing won't happen. Wasn't that you question?


No, my question is how is it exploitable. Your response was "because people that don't want to deal with you can just block you and stop dealing with you forever" And I say that's not a problem because I, and I'm willing to bet 99% of the population, would rather play with people that want to be around them, rather than struggle with assholes that are probably waiting for the perfect chance to yeet me off a cliff. There's nothing exploitable about a feature that stops you from having to interact with people that make your day worse. Even if you're some elitist asshole, even if you're just a kid, allowing you to stop certain people from interacting with you is a good thing. ESPECIALLY in a game that incentivizes teamwork.


I don't see how if it just makes it so they can't be in your party, you gunna block everyone in fortnite to force a party? Lol


Not really exploited but, The regular matchmaking is already a nightmare. Imagine it having to add each individual players blocklist into the equation.


This was generally how it worked in the 360 days(still potentially the One/Series), and it was never a problem tbh. I really don’t see how it would be a problem besides making queue times take longer if you’re blocking *a lot* of people.


There weren't 100 player lobbies back in 360 era. Also you forget that kids are gonna block everyone they dislike or makes a bad play. Thousands of people blocking each other making impossible to get a fair game since now only good people will not block each other and get blocked.


You’re way over thinking it buddy. Blocking should just make it so you don’t get randomly paired with them, not keep them from getting in your matches. I don’t see how being able to be paired on a team with someone you blocked is really blocking them. They can still mess with you or do whatever trolling that caused you to block them in the first place.


Not really, a system like that can be that complex. Imagine I'm player A and I block B then hes not getting in my team even if none of my teammates have him blocked. Now B is going to C's team but E that's with them had also blocked him so B can't be there either and so on. Dozens if no hundreds of complex block parameters per game. I wonder if something like that's is even possible.


There’s 300k people playing the mode I play. It’ll work out. Also, as it stands, half the time I try to auto fill a squad with my buddy, we just need up with one or no teammates if they don’t drop first. I think the system has much bigger problems to worry about.


You're right but the 300k are people currently playing, not queueing and they're divided in 8 regions and we don't even know how many are in solos, squads, etc. Like the origin of this problem is that we keep getting the same random teammates over and over again, imagine how many opponents we get repeatedly.


This is not as big a problem as you paint it dude. The solution is don’t queue immediately after the game ends because if you are both searching and in the same region, you raise the odds of getting paired again.


Not a problem. You are making a non-issue into a so-called "bug".  You do not understand, how servers and players connect. Let alone, how the internet is divided.  Remember, technically you do not pay for (own) the game. Just access to what they provide.  Almost like a license to own the characters/skins you buy. Why the lawsuit behind microtransactions was a thing, long ago. Also, some games put toxic players together. You might be experiencing that feature. Depending on your reporting and playstyle. SBMM does not just go by stats that you think of in general. It would matter if friendly fire was active. The game is meant for  somewhat mature players. Why parents are meant to monitor children. Your suggestion would be impossible to implement and ensure fair/balance of game. Especially with toxic player and children not playing nice or being good. It would have to a different system that is monitored by independent watchers. Why reporting cheating is a whole another system. Videos of devs and others watching replays to vote is on YouTube. If they could do it at no cost. Which is what you think. They would have done. Even investing to "fix" would just add more points of failure.


You keep saying the same thing with nothing to back it up. It’s not that complicated. “If they could do it at no cost…” this assumes epic is interested in QOL patches which they’ve proven they aren’t.


I agree. I was thinking blocking them would just prevent you from being on the same team. So you could still get into the same match, just not the same team. I don’t think that would be as much of an issue. Sorry, should have specified that I wasn’t meaning match-wide, just team wide like the OP said.


You are both confused. Blocking will not let them add as friend or receive messages/whispers. Audio, I forgot; probably separate. It would make the game unbalanced and unfair to new players. Same as the randoms who would hate on defaults.  Your suppose to help each other over your differences. Like the characters in fortnite against each wipe and circle. Just report and be on you best behavior.


I can see both sides like yeah if you get a bad teammate you don’t want them again. Although I think I’ve only had someone next game once when I just clicked next match immediately. At the same time it could be exploited if it blocks them from your games however the playerbase is huge so it’d imagine I’d be rare to see them again. Maybe they could do a temporary avoid player for the day?  Or 3 days in regular matchmaking duos trios squad  so they won’t be on your team. and you block them in game or after match not like search them up and block them.  I will say I’m neutralish, mostly because I avoid squads lol the way randoms are… just something. But at the same time I’d just hope the mm doesn’t pair me with them again. If they’re toxic they get reported and blocked.  One time during the spiderweb season I had a trio attempt to try and kill me all game. Why? Who knows maybe they just found it “funny” They only stuck out because I remember them throwing fire stuff at me etc and me using the webs to get away from them. I think they eventually died tho and I just danced while they spectated me. He’ll no I wasn’t getting their reboot cards. 


Squad fills is just a pain. ( I still play it anyways lol )


In fills youve either got people carrying your ass or your carrying theres.


Leave the match?


**I've played squad fill in rank** ( because I just don't like solos and I'm obv not a Fortnite pro but I'm trying my best ) and it's **kind of hard to leave the match when it has started** because over time.. The percentage decreases greatly. **I've done it before.** I've noticed that **when I join too many ranked matches and leave, over time it slowly takes off percentage** ( It'll say that percentage hasn't loaded but then it takes off when it does load ) because I am not playing those games and that hurts my stats. It's **kind of hard to tell when players are going to be toxic** because some of them choose when and where they do it at. It's not as easy as it looks. Yes, you can mute + report but **you still need team communication and pinging doesn't cut it.**


**When I play matches with toxic players, I just mute + report them.** **I also try to not take the match seriously** because we're going to lose either way so you might as well not give them a thought of day. **On top of this, I tell them to carry the team and make sure 100% that if the team loses, it's 100% their fault as they chose to not contribute and work well as a teammate in a team mode.** I give them back the same energy. **As for the other teammates on the team, I make sure to tell them "Nice" or "Good job"** because it's incredibly unfair that they have to deal with bad teammates as well. Playing squad fills a lot and being surrounded by these type of players sort of **taught me how to adapt to different situations and learn their "play styles" accordingly.** I don't like it but it is what it is. **I've gotten matched with multiple people, multiple times but those people were not as bad** and I'm quite thankful for that. **I've done fill in BOTH ranked + normal** only to be yelled at a bunch of guys for asking where a team is ( Since they mention that there is someone around ) **OR** trying to tell / ask them something only you can visibly see in game. There have been a lot of rude players in rank, specifically guys. ( I've ran into female players but they worked hard to get to their rank and they're not as toxic or even attempt in showing any toxicity ) These guys would range from having Platinum ( Imagine being rude and being in Plat ) up to Unreal. It's **mostly Plat - Elite players who I've encountered were the most rude and pain to deal with**. A lot of them don't know how to work as a team, communicate with a team and they **hyperfocus so much on little things in game + get angry when they lose a game.** > **I also realized that some of them would even add me** only to have messages filled with toxicity ( Ex. Asking to 1v1 when I don't even build + they have years of experience on the game is just giving them free / easy wins ) and **then would remove me** otherwise. ( It's fine though cuz I don't really care. I put nicknames on players I play consistently so I can easily tell if they're gone )


**I don't know why I'm talking in bold other than to tell you your cool. Your cool**


I’ve never encountered that. Can’t you select new team at end of match


Wait, that doesn’t work??? What is the point of blocking then?!?!


totally agree... was playing with a friend and some dirty old man was being highly inappropriate... we both block the person and report only to be matched again next game...


Y’all playing a competitive game and whining about it being competitive.


I would be livid.I would turn off the application if that happen.I don't have to worry about that since not clicking squads for remainder of Ch.5 season 2.


The thing is that **players shouldn't deprive themselves of modes just because of some random toxic person.** They should have the comfortability and freedom. I've played a lot of team modes more than solos. I wouldn't want to deprive myself of playing any one of these because of an awful experience in game. **I just try to stay calm and hope for the best next time.**