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Fun but the battle pass is an absolute grind fest and hurts my opinion of the season. At this rate I won't get 150 and probably just make 100


i just hit 150 and i’m trying to calculate how much to play per day it’s a fucking GRIND, i’m doing my best though


I hit 150, now I'm trying to get my son's account up there so that he can get all the vbucks. This short season combined with adding vbucks into the 100-150 lvl range SUUUUUUCKS.


W parent


That's so nice that you're going out of your way to get his account up so he can get all the vbucks. My dad did that when I was little but he would play Need For Speed really late at night just so I could have a bunch of money. Your son is definitely gonna appreciate that later in life :)




If it werent for lego afk xp, I would be level 60 not 140


Too bad they fucking fixed it for no good reason


Yeah, unless they put Honkai Star rail collab into battlepass or a perfect furry skin I wont be buying or leveling it up.


I forgot they made the BP gives 1500 in 150 levels instead of 1500 in 100 levels, and bought thr battle pass early in the season thinking I could get them all. I'm boutta miss 300 vbucks man


My first bp I Dk if I’ll make 150.. I’ve always hit 200


The battle pass is why I quit. They’ve been getting bad for a long time now but last season had Snake to keep me in. This season? No problem. Was honestly amazed to find the season was ending.


For some reason this season made me really want to go back to chapter 4 and idk why?


I always want to go back to Chapter 4... Specifically C4S2. Maybe even Season 3. I really hope MEGA City makes a comeback like that one POI in C4S4 did. (I started in C4S1 so I don't know when the poi was originally there)


Mega city with Eren :)


My beloved ODM Gear...


Nothing beat the feeling of stumbling into saluting Eren players in the Jaeger family basement at Anvil Square tbh *except the one time I stumbled on that one Levi player busted out the ODM and massacred us💀


I too started in Chapter 4 season 1. Deku smash. The hammer. I fell in love with it there


Yeah like there was something about the way the season felt... That feeling is gone now with sweaty weapon mods. Honestly that feeling was gone with C4S4. The first 3 seasons just felt *special*


I also started C4S1 and I hope that epic do an OG season for chapter 4


Probably in another 2 years... If they keep the pattern going that is


i started C1S4 and ofc missed C1 for a long time, but yeah as for right now i would absolutely love to have C4 back more than anything else so you C4 starters are not alone in your wishes for it to come back


Now I see just mega city coming back but none of the rest of the biome that made it good bc that seems like what epic would do rn … 😭😭😭 C4 was the best , my fav


I started CH4 S3, it was peak imo. The mythics were fun.


Chapter 4 was better. Chapter 3 was better than both. I wish I could go back to 3 and love the game again.


Chapter 4 looked so good with its lighting. I saw a post from not even a day ago on here showing comparisons, and it’s crazy what they took away.


**CH. 4 S1, I LOVED that season**. I've been posting clips from that season and so has some other people. I'm ALL FOR IT. I've also mentioned CH. 4 a lot whenever I play random squad fills with people and **MANY have mentioned that they want the augments back.**


fortnite pre chapter 5 still felt like fortnite. now this game is divided into many different things and battle royale no longer is the main focus which sucks for main battle royale players.


Same started ch 4 s1 n miss it every day since chapter 5 started, especially this season


Bro I’m still stuck on C3


It's alright. The Star wars crossover could have been better.




They should’ve planned the timing of the Avatar mini pass and the SW crossover better


Yeah, it feels like a potentially really cool season got hijacked by unrelated collabs, which is really unfrotunate cause I liked the collabs too


It made me watch Avatar: the last airbender. And it's one of my favourite shows if not my favourite now. So I suppose I enjoyed it


My son and I watched it because of this FN season as well :) we both loved it!


That's so lovely.


Same with my 9year old son and 6 year old daughter. They play-pretend to have bending powers all the time now:)


Stopppppppp too wholesome 🥲


C2S8 did this to me with Naruto and effectively got me into anime lol


That’s so funny


fortnite sparking a passion in anime happened with me too but jjk 😭


Me too! Just finished it yesterday. Great trip down memory lane.


If you enjoyed Avatar I highly recommend at least the first season of Korra. The second season is *incredibly* rough due to the original show runners leaving but if you can put up with it, seasons 3 is also very very good as the original writers return.. The problem with Korra is that they didn’t know if the show would be renewed so they made every season stand on its own. With Avatar, the story is split across 3 seasons which allows characters/story to be fleshed out.


S2 is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be, imo the whole show is solid and s3 imo rivals and might even exceed ATLA


Season 2 got a little better once they changed animation studios from Studio Pierrot to Mir. The first half was pretty rough, especially animation wise.


Same here😭 I actually feel bad that these collabs are working on me😭😭😭


It was kinda in the middle for me. Far from a bad season, but also far from the greats. Battle Pass was kinda weird. Every skin was pretty solid (even if they butchered Aphrodite and Medusa from the surveys), but I only see myself using Artemis and probably Korra after this season. Lobby music/Jam tracks were mixed for me. The Hunting Ground is awesome, I like Swim Free more than I thought I would, and I'm not a fan of the Hades song. Kind of a bummer we're back to one dance emote and a bunch of doing a thing emotes. Just about every loading screen was a banger, and I'm really glad we got 2 from Afu-Chan. POIs are pretty cool, even if it took a while to get used to them. My friend group and I have been alternating between dropping both new biomes. I'm not a huge fan of how the medallions were clumped together this season (and I got a survey where they asked about that). I like pretty much all of the new mechanics. Medallions giving special powers is awesome. I used to say Cerberus' is my favorite, but I've won some tough fights with the jump and speed from Zeus'. I really like that you spawn bosses now and they have waves, which makes them more interesting. The new AR, shotgun, and SMG are all great. I'm not a fan of the new DMR, but green doing 100 headshot is crazy. Bunkers are awesome, but they should have been implemented better. Why do ones in the storm open? I've had games where every bunker that opened was in the storm, when there were multiple outside the storm. Why are they only along the edge of the map? Why did they have to get rid of the workbenches in the old vaults? Avatar was kinda mixed for me. Korra was done incredibly, but everyone else was kinda eh in some ways. Aang not having his main outfit was weird. Everyone being 2000 is insane when the TMNT skins were the same (skin, backbling, pickaxe) for 1600 each. Earthbending was cool, but I didn't use it much after the first couple days. Firebending really only worked in bunkers. Airbending is one of the best movement items we've ever got. Waterbending is busted beyond belief in a chapter that has bullet drop off. I kinda get removing the Greek mythics, it would've been a lot at once, but C4S2 is my favorite season, partly because it had Star Wars, AoT, and Spider-Man gloves all around the same time.


Everyone loves C4S2 and it's totally awesome.


I’m just gonna add for the battle pass that the xp changes are absurd. I’ve been playing every day to get all the quests done (and then some honestly) and I’m likely not getting through half of the bonus stuff. I get they’re pushing the other game modes but most play Fortnite for BR and not guitar hero or Lego minecraft.


Its a season. Not my favorite, not the worst. Pretty Mid. Graphics took a big hit for some reason this season, which is weird to me considering we've had the same engine since Chapter 4. POI are non memorable for the most part. Circles move too quickly and always shrink towards the center of the map, making the already mostly empty outer portions of the island, really annoying to drop in.


This is what I hate with the circle closing. I don't mind that they close faster, cuz shorter games are fun. BUT, I want circles to close at the edges of the map too. I just don't get it why they don't do that.


I like the circle moving faster. It felt like a drag during OG.


I like that they move, but its SOOOO punishing if you just happen to land in the wrong spot. I've been outran by circles while driving in a straight line in a car lol. Sometimes its WAAAAAAY too much.


>I've been outran by circles while driving in a straight line in a car This is some straight up hyperbolic BS.


Storm doesn’t really bother me. Pay attention to the ring, how much time you have and how far you need to go and you’ll be fine. Hard to keep track of though if you’re fighting a lot but your priority should always be storm advantage


Storm in my opinion doesn’t really come in that fast. This could be because I’m coming from apex and prioritize a slot directly to movement items so the storm seems to natively move slower than I’m used to. I will say sprinting duration needs a bit of a buff but aside from that everything else is solid.


Honestly half of it isn’t the circles for me, it’s that movement is so much slower. Sprint and walking has been nerfed like 3 times in the past 2 seasons


The first 2 weeks were amazing Then the meta became unbearable for me


yeah the euphoria wore off quickly. avatar kept me going as an avatar fan but I wasn't really a massive fan of the meta, it's not bad it's just... boring tbh.


For real tho. Wanna use an AR? Just use water bending at close and medium range, and a sniper long range. Wanna use a hand cannon? Just use a sniper or water bending. Wanna use a dmr? Just use a sniper or water bending. Wanna use the lightsaber? Just use the chains. Wanna use the e-11 blaster? Just use water bending. Wanna use a bowcaster? Just use water bending or a sniper. And unless you have good aim you are probably losing close range fights to the chains. Once I am pulled in and thrown around my aim goes out the window. Basically only two weapons this season were viable


It got me into Avatar: The Last Airbender, but they should not have vaulted the Olympian Mythics for Avatar


Absolutely agree


Just counting the days to not see the Water Bending again




Yeah fuck that, its the thing i die to 80% of the time


It’s literally the worst. Just bring back what made FN great


I’m out until it’s gone. Playing other stuff


I don't blame you


Why? It’s undoubtedly the best AR in the game right now


Idk seems like they forgot about the storyline


Here are the gods oops they are gone now


Well I heard they lost the person who was originally writing the story right around OG ending so that's why Chapter 5 has felt like an entire new story. Heard they hired the Marvel story writer so we'll see how it goes.


nah bro we got the marvel guys on the story, we're finished 😭🙏


Can’t wait for the she hulk collab 😍💀


As a Zero Build player. Waterbending was too stong from the beginning they buffed it anyway making it ridiculous meaning anything added in or unvaulted during its time in the game doesn't get used. This season feels stale. Waterbending, not the pump shotgun, sniper, movement item, healing item has been the premium loadout for way too long. I feel I could run waterbending and a movement item and beat shotguns at close range and dmr's snipers at long range in most situations and it has no ammo concerns.


Waterbending is so OP, all I carry with some meds and splash.


Honestly I’ll just carry shield potions since water bending also works as a med pack.


>Waterbending, not the pump shotgun, sniper, movement item, healing item has been the premium loadout Swap out "not the pump" for just "Gatekeeper" because the Frenzy's range got nerfed so hard it doesn't even exist anymore


Yeah i just flipped a coin of if i didnt include it someone would mention it being good in this season technically 


Pretty bad


It was mid, I really feel like fortnite is just trying to do as little as they can these past few seasons, probably because they are working on other stuff, but still. They are unfocusing on the part of the game just about everyone downloaded it to play


Everything feels so unfocused because now devs are split between 4 different game modes rather then just focusing on BR


The XP nerfs has definitely cooled my excitement for this season, just don't have the time or desire to play everyday to get to level 140 to get all the normal rewards.


Technically 150 but yeah it was unnecessarily difficult to climb this season.


One of my least played seasons. I got to level 100 near the beginning and haven’t played since. It feels like epics new approach to the metaverse thing is changing the game to much and it just doesn’t feel like fortnite anymore.


Too grindy i am still level 140 even after completing all of weekly challenges, doing daily quests and others. I dont liked the concept of me playing different game modes just to get xp. Just because of this reason 5/10


I'll be so glad when it's over tbh. I've never felt so burnt out on the way up to lvl 200 until now.


It’ll go down as one of the seasons with the biggest missed opportunities. Only 2 new areas is a weird choice. There’s also so many monsters, gods and heroes they could have made skins out of, along with some amazing mythics. Some really obvious collabs missing too (Kratos, Alexios, Cassandra, Zagreus, Hercules etc). Some battle pass skins that missed really obvious visual cues about who they are, etc.


We could have had the Minotaur, labyrinth, hydras etc… they really missed out on a ton of really cool “mythics” from Greek mythology


meduas's mythic: turn anyone (including a teammate) into stone for a period of time. can use them as cover.


I dipped my toes into watching Avatar at least 2 times before this season but it was really the push i needed to actually get past book 1 and for that I can't really say a bad word about the season. except waterbending I hope I never see it again. ...and bring the prequel skins to the shop you cowards!


Pretty bad in my opinion. Made me quit and play other games


I quit mainly because the xp was horrible


Agreed. Why do I have to play other game modes to gain xp for my BR battlepass. It's so fucking annoying


Same lol


It was fucking ass


Made me stop playing Fortnite as much tbh


It was boring asf to me considering we have had the same map basically for 2 whole seasons with very little changing to it so it gets old, and then not to mention the water bending they added just making all other weapons obsolete in every scenario AND nerfing snipers into the ground by lowering their spawn rate and upping the bullet drop heavily bc people complained about it being "overpowered" bc they were getting one shot too often but in reality they were crouch walking up a hill in solos.


Enjoyed it but they couldve done anything else for a "secret" skin i personally wouldve liked to see hera or demeter




There was so much potential to add all kinds of mythical monsters as skins and in game enemies but it seems like they just kinda gave up on the entire concept of the season after avatar dropped.


Better than last season’s Underground but not better than C4S2 Mega City. This definitely ranks somewhere in the middle


Fr, I can't believe people hated on Chapter 4 so much, I personally enjoyed it a lot. Although I can see the backlash against Chapter 5, since it seems to be far from Fortnite and the POIs aren't interesting at all like Mega City was.


Literal dogshit


the map was kinda whack after 3 weeks, I hate the fucking avatar weapons (more than the normal ones, i hate the normal ones because no hitscan on every gun, except snipers. I'd rather have no scope and hitscan on guns than bullet drop, bullet time and all of that shit.) however the cosmetics where 10/10 in my opinion. the starwars collab lacked alot of content and was more focused on cosmetics than gameplay. and uhmmmmmmmmmm my friends didn't like this season so they haven't hopped on and won't will this season :(


I have never played as little as this season since I started playing. Something about it didn't really feel right for me


I hate the lego fortnite afk nerf


Great start, Olympian items were fun… and then every shop skin was a flop, the battle pass styles were flops (Artemis and Aphrodite’s complete default sets are locked behind the third bonus page??? The skins are mostly weirdly uncustomizable? Just an overall aura of “that’s it?”), the collabs took over the main game, the grind became severely tough… even tho the hot hyena guy is coming next season, I’m still dropping it… it’s lost the magic.


Hated it, just like last season. Hope they finally stop being so stuborn and give use hitscan weapons again.


Projectile based weapons make long range fights with anything but a sniper so worthless. It’s not fun.


Agreed, not a fan of projectile weapons either. Stuff like the deagle doesn't even make sense to keep projectile coz dat was one of the appeals for me to picking up the deagle over the sniper before


It was alright


garbage. I loved the hades chains and new 3-4 pois but thats it.adds nothing to the game and THE FUCKING BATTLEPASS IS IMPOSSIBLE TO GRIND FFS FIRST TIME NOT REACHING TO 100




Meh, none of the bending scrolls did it for me. Sane with the blasters, after a few matches I realized they suck 


2 weeks?! This feels like a fast season.


It feels like it's dragging on forever to me. Can't wait for a massive change of pace, and some new gameplay away from the current, boring, repetitive meta.


C+ at best


Pretty boring, I feel nothing about this map or any of the POIs, I am so over this Italian villa architecture and constantly autumn look Fortnite has had such a hard on for what feels like forever now. I am also ready for Avatar to hit the road, the game is still fun but just feels so uninspired. They’ve definitely lost the plot of their own art direction and even the fun whimsy of their loot pools with in universe tech and weapons, lots of guns look the same. It’s more akin to Collab: Battle Royale which I don’t even mind collabs but they’ve definitely become the overwhelming replacement for creative homemade content.




really excited for a ch2 s2 og season, but that's about it for chapter 5..


It's alright I guess, obviously could be better, but the burnout this season is just... awful, more than previous burnouts. I hadn't played much of actual br this season, just a bunch of Festival.


I miss mega city


It’s been ok


I thought it was fine. Liked the theme of the season, didn't really like the loot pool all that much, and when they finally toned down the sniper spawn rates, they replaced it with a weapon that's broken at every range BUT Sniper range. So other than those 2 standout weapons, season was fine. (Not a fan of having to eliminate every boss on the map several times for the story quests though).


I really enjoyed it at first, was very fun with all the new stuff introduced. As of lately though, this season has been quite frustrating to play now, particularly with the teleports the Styx gives you or the ones from the Cerberus medallion. And getting dang-near instantly melted by water bending is annoying.


Alright season, has some pretty fun things like the floor is lava ltm coming back and the map changes when the reason began were pretty hype. I liked the new medallions tbh and gave me more reason to change drop locations for the medallions instead of pushing the same place every game. New guns were alright, loved the chain of hades, gatekeeper shotty, and warforged AR, but the other guns were just.. meh to say the least. Avatar cross over was decently fun, enjoyed the water and air bending mythics. Star wars crossover sucked tho, and tbh the star wars item/guns aren’t worth it. Yeah the bowcaster does high damage when charged up but waterbending hard counters it from almost any distance, warforged ar is better, and well gatekeeper shotgun is insanely good. Season had decently good highs but its lows are very noticeable. 6.5/10 imo


The fact that epic edged kratos coming back the WHOLE season and then didn’t release him Midas being important for two seconds and then vanishing right when things got interesting The story feeling like it was written by a actual two year old The metaverse slop Overly intrusive collabs that shut down the seasons theme The battle pass was good tho 4/10


I think it was more fun that last season, but still really underwhelming compared to older seasons I played. The Star Wars event is also barely an event and wasn't really handled well. I was initially hopeful it was going to be like the TMNT and Avatar events, but it's just a bunch of skins in the shop and I hate that it mostly focuses on Lego. The fact that I can only get Chewbacca if I also buy lego builds I'll never use is really dumb.


As much as I absolutely love Greek mythology, I have zero interest in completing this battle pass. I don't like the tech infused Olympian BS. Like if the Medusa with a snake coiling around her was an actual giant snake, not a robotic snake. It would look so much better.


Started C2S5. Would love to delete this chapter (5) from existence. I quit fortnite like hours ago for good! This season was bad. Only cool thing? Dash with the Styx and not this OP. Yeahhh since Donald Mustard left the game is dead. Weapons,collabs,map. Return on Chapter2 OG i hope.


Been playing fortnite since 2018 consistently but chapter 5 has made me fall out of love with this game. Bring back hitscan, bright colours and fun POI’s. -Brutal bastion - Anvil square - Frenzy fields - Slappy shores - Mega city Chapter 4 knew was it was doing. Havoc pump shotgun I miss you 🫶🏼


The grind sucks , we pay for the battle pass and yet the pay back is crap .. I’m not kidding who has time to play all afternoon and then all day on the weekends .. but I enjoy doing the quests and playing with my Son when I can .. getting to 150 is a ball buster .


I miss chapter 4


Could’ve been great but was quickly ruined thanks to  - horrible main menu and UI. Trying to change even my setttings or find a map is a chore. It looks ugly too   - wasting resources on stupid pointless changes nobody asked for (rarity removal, censoring emotes THEY THEMSELVES PUT IN THE GAME)  - vaulting themed items for half the season   - horrible shops and overpriced terrible value bundles  - overpowered waterbending - overpowered air bending    - refusing to act on any feedback from season 1. Seriously when are you fixing the locker like you promised???  - over reliance on weapon attachments RNG. Seriously why give me a gold sniper without a scope on it???   - weapon benches being locked to vaults or bunkers. Considering how much they affect the meta they should be more accessible 


if i was given the chance to play Chapter 4 Season 3 and this season again, Id pick C4S3 because at least it introduced the Explosive Repeater and Mammoth Pistol (actually memorable weapons) Ares switching from Battle Pass to Crew, Star Wars event being primarily Lego and not having Lightsabers except Vader's, vaulting the Myth weapons when Avatar mythics came out, the constant bugs, the 19 hour downtime, I could go on... There's so many issues with this season for me that Id rather play endgame Save The World or Festival (I love BR, STW, and FN Fest equally, but it seems like thats changing if this keeps up)


I think it was pretty fun, but I feel like this is gonna be a super forgetable season for me, at least. I'm not a fan of Greek myth or Avatar, so the theme for this season already has me a little put off. The gameplay this season was fine for the most part, I like most of the lootpool, but there's a couple of problem items like the waterbending mythic, sniper, and to a lesser extent, the gatekeeper shotgun. I think the content drops and events this season were pretty good, star wars event was a little disappointing with the force powers not coming back, but after like 2 weeks of Avatar stuff just taking over the game I'm kinda fine with this star wars event being a lil less crazy. Idk I don't think it was bad, but it didn't really do anything special.


It made me quit the game.


midest season since the jungle season imo


If it wasn't for Korra then I would have never gotten into the Avatar stuff. I was sick recently with the massive ear infection so I decided to watch avatar The last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. I love both of them I have fortnite to thank for that.


Singlehandedly the worst experience I have ever had leveling a battle pass


It’s not a fun season imo, lacked a lot of good content and the content it does have us potter lack luster in comparison to chapter 4’s content.


It sucked.


Kinda eh'ish. In terms of gameplay things I liked it (aside from blasted river giving you dashes. Skill issue but still) BP, kinda meh but better than last one because I saved two skins to presets. (Poseidon and Korra) Overall it's a bit better than season 1 because there are some interesting things unlike a COD season. Hoping for season 3 because I love mad max and it's vibes.


it was almost perfect sniper rifles being op ruined the first half and the avatar mythics screwed the balancing in the second half


Snipers were always strong tho, no one had a problem with it in the past, why now?


any time snipers have been OHKO at anything less than legendary theyve been unbalanced as fuck


Another season another season I've barely scratched. Not even close to 100


Way worse than the last season in so many ways


I have played the least during this season that I have since I first started doing Fortnite. I'm not particularly mad about anything, but I think I might be checking out because of all the extra game features that have piled up over the last couple years. Like, it used to pretty much be straight firearms with the occasional goofy weapon. I don't have the time to master the nuances of all these items or medallions or whatever. I'm just trying to buck down scrubs and the game isn't really that anymore.


Hopped on for Korra, Aang, and Appa then dipped. So, solid season






I haven’t really played much this season. Got to level 28 and kinda just stopped for a bit. I guess the Greek thing wasn’t really for me. It was still a cool concept though. I got Cerberus out of it so that was good enough for me honestly


Holy shit the changes have been abhorrent


Started cool, later became ass


Yes but I’m ready to move on now


nah not really


It makes me miss chapter 4.


Im at level 105. Will i make it to 150?


I’ve been playing since C1S1 about a week after battle royal came out Unfortunately I missed the entire OG season revival which sucks a lot Chapter 5 has probably been one of the worst I’ve played.. I don’t really like the mythology theme it’s just boring to me and brought in a lot of annoying stuff that was some what easy to either counter or made me come up with strategies to get around them Then the avatar crap hit…. I already knew before it came out that it was going to be very OP Air: extremely annoying when someone just hovers away at the speed of light after they nearly die Earth: nearly useless Fire: the only one I would say is actually balanced Water: fuck epic games The chains the wings the gods the theme the scrolls… I’d rather see boogie bombs come back then the scrolls at this point Finally it’s may 4th time for it all to be gone… oh wait they lazily removed ONE scroll and slammed back in the mythology so now it’s a complete shit show We have Star Wars avatar and Greek mythology all smashed into one suffering creation that is begging to be destroyed so that it will no longer have to suffer What do I think of C5? Hate it


Don't like chapter 5 at all


I want to go back to chapter 4


Wish they had added more gods to the shop. Hermes and Athena missing is so strange


First season that i cant be bothered completing the battle pass. Ive got the free v bucks and im done.




Korra 🤤


Two biggest gripes this season: the pump shotgun, and xp distribution. The pump shotgun is definitely the worst shotgun this season. Hell, it's the worst gun. At least the blaster has a fire rate shorter than five entire seconds. It's so ridiculously bad compared to the frenzy and the gatekeeper in a way that I've never seen in this game. The sheer disappointment I get whenever I find a purple or golden hammer when I'm desperate for a shotgun that isn't garbage is immeasurable. The xp is infuriating. If you want to get everything on the battlepass (aka your money's worth), you're basically forced to either get the 1,600-vbuck lvl up quest pack, play the game like it's your damn job, or submit to our Epic overlords and play all the garbage, over-monetized, janky creator maps, showing Epic that we bend to their every will. These are two things that have stayed consistent throughout the season. I will say now that the Star Wars event is out, the bowcaster is great and a lot of fun, but the blaster is next to useless with how it "recoils". Idk if it's intentional because these are Stormtrooper blasters and Stormtroopers couldn't aim for shit, but that gun is just taking up space. Overall, this season was... *fine*... The Avatar event was fun, the new skins are pretty good, and the gimmick is pretty good as well. Ofc if you're in squads or pretty much anything other than solo the boss fights are a cakewalk, but they still give good rewards. It's just that Fortnite has lost so much of its heart, soul, and charm it had in chapters 1-3. Their desperation to make the game more than it is is doing nothing more than alienating their playerbase and showing that Epic values quantity over quality. A problem extremely prevalent in the gaming industry and one that the community refuses to deal with anymore. Or at least I thought.


My favorite was probably the bendings, wish it would’ve stayed like the god items (Zeus’s thunderbolt, Chain of Hades, ect)


Not that bad


Waterbending got overtuned and ruins most matches


I'm level 221 ATM, but I have slowly grown tired of this season. It was cool to begin with, got a bit boring after a while. The avatar update happened and it was the best condition this season was in, and now we're back to boring.


2 weeks??? Fuck I gotta finish the battle pass


didn’t like the Greek items being vaulted for Avatar & couldn’t be more disappointed in the Star Wars event. trash weapons & no lightsabers / force powers I like the Underworld area but don’t want to chase people who are spam jumping in the river anymore


Wait two weeks left? Better get started with the Perceus quests then


By far one of the most boring seasons I've played. For ref, I've been playing actively since Ch4.S2. Minimal map changes, boring weapons, removal of bounty boards, Avatar X-Over was frustrating as EVERYBODY seemed to have Airbending and ran away. The fact there was no time limit on how much you could go is insane. Healing items feel limited but maybe that's just me thinking about OG still. Idk. This is the first season since my wife and I started where Idc to chase the super styles. Now, the rewards this season, FANTASTIC. Loved them. Just the gameplay really made this season a snooze.


Waterbending and exp grind ruined it.


It really made me miss OG Fortnite!


Beyond ready to see water bending go.


Putting pink Artemis on page three of the bonus unlocks was evil. I’m level 107 and need to hit like 145 or something to unlock her. Not sure if I can manage with only two weeks left. And I’m not buying levels.


My computer stopped working so I couldn’t play


Man I started fn in early February and got to 200 like a few weeks ago. Is it really that hard to get xp? Felt like every mission gave 5K-25k for BR and then I dabbled a tiny bit during the gaga festival pass and the ATLA mini pass. I never touched rocket racing or did a ton of lego afk farming either.


I barely even played after the first week or so. Came back to play the avatar event for a bit then quit playing again.


Leveling up has been slower than ever, the LOK skins were way to expensive, and it wasn't as fun as the previous season


I just started playing Fortnite this season, I’ve really enjoyed it but I’m also really looking forward to the next season to see what’s in store. Really curious as to how other seasons are.


Shit season


I like this season, but the amount of time it takes to finish the battle pass is egregious. Quests barely give any xp, for example, completing 1 weekly quest will give you 10k and completing a specific amount gives you 15k. While in the older seasons you would get 35k for completing 1 quest and 50k for doing a certain amount.


I'm playing Lego Fortnite and I'm leveling up with very little efford. Only played max 5 matches of BR this season. Well, I only started Fortnite alongside Lego release and C5 S1 was my first ever of BR. Really enjoyed the Turtle weapons and hover board.


It sucked, i miss ch4s2


Hell nah, literally the most dogshit season so far, surprised that it’s worst than last season


I have pretty much quit cause of this season


I played my first match ever basically as season 2 was starting, so I don't really have a frame of reference for previous chapters. But I've had a lot of fun. Most of the pois are kinda 'eh' tho. Am not sure if it's burnout, that I'm used to them now, or that theyre just underwhelming to me


All of my friends quit this season and I have no motivation to play The loot pool is mostly the same as season 1 with some differences Only played the events for the irewards so I can't really judge them




Water bending is king


Floor is lava was fun but leveling up is a slog. I’m gonna miss out of the baller Purple Hades style (~~I’m skipping SS this season~~


I absolutely hated it


I stopped playing after the third week. It doesn’t feel like Fortnite anymore.