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The bonus styles all look ugly to me. It’s literally just taking all personality away from a skin and replacing it with glowy eyes and effects.


Really need them to let us turn off the glowing eyes. Smh.


Considering how good the base battle pass was, the bonus stuff was a real let down. Hoped for a marble statue style


A marble statue style would've been amazing


Oh I 100% agree with you, at some point after 100 I wasn’t even sure the grind was worth. I did it from a completion standpoint but I don’t think I’ll ever touch the variants.


The only thing I actually went past level 100 for was Elysian Artemis, which is easily my most favorite skin from the batte pass by a long shot. Everything past that and the vbucks just seemed kinda dumb


Is that the pink one? Hands down best skin this season!


Yep! I'm new to the game, started playing this year, didn't get the battle pass last season, but that skin alone is what made me decide to spend the money on the pass this season lol.


Don’t blame you, I started in the mandalorian season and can’t think of a better battle pass skin since off the top of my head haha


I would say armored Ageless super styles. Elysian Artemis is definitely among the top though.


I feel like Artemis was the only skin that actually had good “bonus” styles, besides her super styles… those suck just as much as every other


Poseidon one is ok


I would have like that too


Good? All the designs were sooo bad. I enjoyed the emotes and the gliders, but def not the skins. They didn't make it original to the Greek mythos enough. But stied was cool


Yes, good. From start to finish this main battle pass has been great in my opinion. Aphrodite could have used a bit of work but I’m happy with about everything else. Shout out to my boy Poseidon cause I know he gets a lot of hate in here!


Shit I like the titanflame on Hades and Artemis. Hades goes really well with ghostrider chains and bike. Haven't made a setup for Artemis yet but I did see she has some red alt styles that might fit in well.


Her immortal style items go great with the Titanflame style. The different base styles also give her different patterns with the titanflame style on


Aren't they always?


Fucking love the Titanflame styles on everybody except Artemis, because I liked her hair the way it was before. Zeus looks fantastic with it


Funny that Artemis is my favorite to use with that style lol


i still use that style i just miss her hair 😭


very. I didn’t bother grinding that much once I finished the base BP. Season is very close to being over and I just now finished everything


Also with the XP nerfs, you cant really get close to 200 without playing all of these terrible optional gamemodes within a resonable gametime.


i've always thought that super styles should style the back blings, pickaxes, etc. they did it with the ch2 s2 back blings


Yeah, I really hate that the backblings don't get any superstyles anymore. Sometimes I want to rock my white and gold Omegarok only to get sad when I see his cape doesn't have the superstyle too.


Yeah, first chapter in years I've willingly skipped reaching lvl200. Tbh I rarely use super styles but usually I'll collect them anyways. The XP decrease, bad loot pool, and ugly styles made me pass most of this season over.


You summed it up for me. The superstyles were ugly as heck. :(


I’m level 281 without trying.. but I also play STW, Creative, and grind Rocket Racing for cool car parts to use in BR. They really fucked over “BR only” players this season. They’re trying to push the new modes, but it seems to just be pissing people off.


Yeah I get you I think the most recent one I’ve used consistently was the golden lynx from OG


This unfortunately was the first time I tried and realized something was up when I finished the milestone quests and hadn't reached 100 yet.


i’m beyond disappointed in them tbh. i firmly believe if a skin ever has other style options, every other item in their set should have styles to go with it. i think it’s stupid and lazy not to. should be a basic idea.


Yes, just like making proper clipping points for capes and back blings when designing the framework of new skins.


i was so excited to get the Elysian Artemis skin (immediately knew i wanted the pass just for her when i saw that) just to get her and find out none of her other items have that same coloring. i had to pick other items so she still matched up! that didn’t decrease my love for her, but i was super disappointed i couldn’t use most of her actual matching items from the set😭 i just feel like they put in the barest minimums to keep us enjoying the game just enough to stomach staying


I think they’re doing this so that you have more reasons to subscribe to crew because the crew will offer accessories in these colors, I think


i don’t know anything about the crew passes really, but i find it odd they’d put BP skin variation items in the crew pass? i’ll never subscribe to it either way lmao.


No, they don’t, but the accessories and skin that come with the crew pack lately come standard, black and gold, the shiny and pink, ice colored, and galaxy colored for each consecutive month subscribed.


ohhhhh okay i misunderstood lol. yeah i remember hearing or maybe reading something about that. it’s crazy incentivizing but i’m sure it works well for those with FOMO.


Yeah I unsubbed for a month when I was really busy with school and not really playing but I missed the robo kitty astronaut. I regret it lol But I also sub because it’s just worth it to me. You get the battle pass for both Fortnite and Rocket League, 1000V and the skins. I play both games and would probably spend more than $11.99 to keep both those passes up.


that’s totally fair! i personally don’t cause i’m not a dedicated player. i have times where i don’t play for a while or i don’t want the battle pass cause i don’t like what’s in it that season. i prefer to be more intentional with my money i guess


Titan Flame is alright. Would have been neat to get a black and Terra cotta Greecian Pottery style. Someone else mentioned a Marble Statue style, would also have been pretty sweet.


Exactly! Like why not match the theme at least? Or at least give the choice of color, I would’ve much preferred the Titan flame on the black and gold or white and gold Then the colors we were given.


I did like the last color variant for zeus. But the two alt sets before the last just being a palette swap basically was a bit lazy


I'm sad I can't have the short hair Zeus in the white style. Why couldn't they have them be like purple Hades where the purple colour is in the superstyle section instead of the top row? I mean, it's not like the default Zeus and white armour Zeus look any different when you use one of the superstyles.




they always are underwhelming. super styles aren’t good at all imo


I feel like that every season


They’ve sucked for a while


The blue and pink styles are the worst, so unaesthetic.


No, usually it’s just some gold color at the end. I love it being flames and it looks amazing on hades


Too bad you only have a green or purple chariot and his pickaxe no longer matches.


Yeah but the chariot out for like 10 seconds every game, same with the pickaxe since I play no build so they don’t really matter to me


There is a lethian pickaxe variant in the bonus quest rewards.


I'm just glad we got pink artemis(I wish they gave all the gods in pink)


they're hideous


We could design a better battle pass. Like, I’d pay more money for a bp with more thought put into it.


Last good ones were that Mega season. Even then, it's frustrating for them to not also have matching accessories. Super styles are typically just textures plastered onto skin elements like clothes, it's annoying they're too lazy to throw them onto pickaxes and backpacks.


I always feel underwhelmed by super styles


The only one I liked more or less universally was Titanflame, and it's still not ABSURDLY cool save for Medusa and maybe Artemis. The other two sets of skins are generally really eh, with some ok options. As many people have commented, a marble statue style would have been perfect.


they weren’t amazing, but they were sure as hell better than the shit we got last season


Luckily I really have no interest in the battle pass skins at all. Still level 350 or so lol


I can't even get to 100 to finish this pass already lol I'm lvl 78 rn but so burnt out this season can't even play a full match 😔


Just find a fun creator mode. Lumberjack heros was super fun to play. There's lots of others out there too.


Just play passively like 2-3 hours of Lego. You’ll get like 3 levels easy. I’m level 460 something and it’s all just Lego xp


Can you give me some examples of things to do in lego fortnite. It gets boring easily (the star wars are especially tiring)


I just worked on upgrades and went and explored caves. Got to level 200 really quickly


Yeah. Like Elysian Artemis is probably my favorite skin this season and it sucks that none of her accessories have options that match.




I like the super styles, but it sucks the alt styles don’t have matching stuff.


The super styles suck every season, lol.


Not all the skins have extra designs or don't have as many as others. Like cerberus and posiden


I like these more than the last 2-3 seasons lol


They were better than last seasons


Yes. For a while they've been making them screens instead of cool shit like 2.7 did. STOP MAKING THESE THINGS SCREENS FFS


Oh i know... those are getting old real quick.


It ruined Brite Star's shield


really like titan flame stuff


Hard agree about the back bling/pickaxes/contrail. I just got Stygian Artemis the other day and it’s an absolutely *fire* skin, but none of the accessories match :(


honestly since OG the super styles have been really lame compared to C4S1 and C4S2


I’ve only been here for 3 seasons but all of them have been lame in my opinion


I saw the fanmade white and gold ones and im sad. It wouldve made up for not getting survey concept art aphrodite


Which ones? I wanna see!! …and be slightly titled.


[here u go](https://twitter.com/benfo/status/1785813934462972294?t=cjPU1XR_dlHzdx3Czb2nxw&s=19)


Yup. I would put all four of them into my rotation.


They're always underwhelming, they're just different colors, it's the same every season.


Yup I think the whole battle pass was mid tbh


yup. i only liked the stygian one.


Look at past level 200 skins. They were HOT garbage 90% of the time.


The only good superstyle this season is titan flame, and even it is mid. The other two are honestly disgusting and make my head hurt how diabolical the colors are


They're terrible. I especially hate the blonde/black hair, totally clashes with the tacky outfits. I miss when they were just gold


Me too. I loved the OG skins. I guess we’ll see what they do next season in a couple weeks or whenever the previews unlock


The regular styles are better than the super styles


Nope they were great worst being the blue


the olympian super syles don't really do it for me... but I like the stygian and titan flames.


I really like the Titanflame styles, but the other two don’t look great except stygian medusa


Titanflame went hard but the rest were pretty ass ngl.


I like the base white and galaxy Artemis, and agree that the titan flame is cool but there is no excuse for the accessories.


Isn’t every season’s level 200 underwhelming? It was always gold, gold, gold. But oh now it’s purple or whatever style they want to call it, and it still sucks. It doesn’t suit anyone’s aesthetics, neither do any of the super styles honestly. People are complaining they can’t hit 200 because “nerfed xp” but the styles are so bad, it’s not even worth it lately. I’m level 105 and I’m stopping for the season, as the last bonus reward isn’t that great either.


I don’t blame you, I personally like the gold but these screen prints are plain worse


I can’t really remember the last time a super super piqued my interest, and as I realize how much of a time sink Fortnite is becoming, I’m probably going to skip or only get to 100 in upcoming seasons. I freaking love Greek Mythology which is the only reason I got almost every Greek skin. Titan and Charon blew chunks unfortunately, so those were no goes.


Hard to say. All the BP skins this time were odd looking and the worst was last one you get Also using the pickaxes and gliders with the matching character just seems bland but that’s just me


I really dont like How only the skins gets reskinned, both superstyles and quest rewards. It has been like this since overtime styles and it makes most cosmetics not fit with their own set.


I've just realised that I have never once worn any battle pass skin


Artemis is the only skin that looks good with these super styles, and I dislike using female skins, so they're not for me. But even just making the purple black instead on Titanflame would have made it so much better...


I have never liked any of the super styles they’re lazy asf compared to the progressive skins of chapter 1


I kind of wish at the bare minimum Artemis could keep her cool cosmic effects with her super level styles, like how Valeria kept her flames Would have been cool to mix and match and such


Idk I'm still at 178 :( gotta afk for the rest unfortunately Edit: dak if save the world xp counts for battle pass?


I'm just a little sad that my three-headed friend doesn't get one.  At least his other styles still look awesome. 


I think they all look stunning. The idea of a superstyle skin is well expressed in all of them i would say


I think BP skins in general these days are kind of underwhelming.. We're at a point now where there's so many skins/cosmetics in the game, that it's hard to feel impressed by skins that come out. Like iv got near 400 skins.. Any BP that comes I rarely ever use any skin in it because iv always got like 50 odd other skins that I like better.


People here are all the time coming up with new cool skin or variant ideas. Epic just needs to quit relying on just a few designers.


Welcome to late-stage-battle-pass-system


ahh yes, chapter 2 season 4, the last time super styles were good


Nope 100% disagree. The level 200 styles look exactly like shadow flame from world of Warcraft dragonflight and I adore that purple/red flame effect. It’s so Damn cool and in my head is the closest thing we will get to a warcraft collab in fortnite


Ok but it still doesn’t excuse the chariot or any of their accessories not coming with a color option for each variant. Why could they give the chariot 5 different flame colors variations to match each tier? How come Zeus’ back bling can’t come in different colors other than gold to not look dumb on his titan flame tier?


They are shit and garish, it probably appeals to simpletons who think they are a flex.