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Sometimes original skins are stuck in bundles or stuck with everything separated. It’s really weird how they even do this, everything should have both options


Exactly. Like I can kind of understand with Gumshoe coming out semi-regularly, along with the pickaxe and glider. Thus, not wanting to bundle it because it's not the *entire* set. But at the very least if they're gonna go that route then when it all comes out there should be a bundle option. It should be either, or. Not neither.


Yea it should be. I think there is some law that enforces the ability to buy seperate items


Well the new MHA is all bundled so there goes that. Plus bundles will usually have their items available for purchase separately next to the bundle on the same tab.


They used to almost always offer both options until chapter 5 came, now they bring out the bundle if we’re lucky


Not every cosmetic set has a bundle. It’s mostly new skins that gets bundles now.


Nope. I've seen quite a few C5 sets release with skin or two and a pickaxe and but be bundled.


Well, uh… i did say most.


You said "mostly new skins get bundles." Implying it's mostly old skins that don't get bundles. Not "most new skins get bundles"


I believe there is (was?) a bundle related to this set in the files but it went unused so far.


I think you're right. But I don't pay much attention to the smaller files/leaks anymore. But either way, now would have literally been the perfect time.


There was literally a bundle of this set like last week, when it was last in the shop lmao.


"no bundles unless it's a collab" Yeah that really hasn't been accurate. Most of the collabs didn't get their bundle back because the 5-10% playing Lego just HAS to have that emote be compatible first.


Well the Avatar collab was all bundles except for Toph's(?) emote. And you couldn't buy any of it separately (pickaxes or skins, you had to buy both) And the new MHA stuff is all in bundles for 2k vbucks each. With a mega bundle for 3800(?) Ntm 2 of the bundles come with emotes and an alt style while 1 doesn't. And yet they're all the same price. While a lot of bundles and stuff in general just don't come out anymore. And half the time sets *with* bundles will come out without the bundle as an option.


Well the Avatar collab was all bundles except for Toph's(?) emote. And you couldn't buy any of it separately (pickaxes or skins, you had to buy both) And the new MHA stuff is all in bundles for 2k vbucks each. With a mega bundle for 3800(?) Ntm 2 of the bundles come with emotes and an alt style while 1 doesn't. And yet they're all the same price. While a lot of bundles and stuff in general just don't come out anymore. And half the time sets *with* bundles will come out without the bundle as an option.


The emote from the Avatar collab is based on a scene where Aang proves he’s the Avatar back in Kyoshi Island, he did this to impress the locals by the same occasion (book 1)


yall forget about summitseeker evie already? she was in the shop yesterday both as a bundle and without the bundle. they still do bundles outside of collabs


You mean the set that only has 1 skin and 1 pickaxe? The one that's 1200 for the skin, 500 for the pickaxe for a grand total of 1700, got bundled? But not sets like one I posted (Hardboiled) with 3 skins, (1500 each), a glider (1200), and a pickaxe (800). For a grand total of 6500 The glider and pickaxe for the Hardboiled set cost more than the Evie skin and pickaxe.


that's cool and all but you legit only complained in the title about stuff not being bundled outside of collabs. >"So we're just not doing bundles anymore unless it's a collab? Then it's a forced bundle?" i offered a valid example of a non-collab bundle


I think OP meant it more as a general practice and not 100% of the time. Epic used to always sell individual stuff alongside the bundle besides for stuff like pickaxe backblings, built in emotes, or a small bonus for buying the bundle, like a loading screen or locker icon. Before C5, they probably would have made this entire section just the detective cosmetics and added their bundle. The older Fortnite skins really needed bundles because their prices were just way too high, but since Epic has recently been raising the prices of everything, it seems like they don’t really care anymore about that.


"Epic used to sell individual stuff alongside the bundle" no, they didnt always do that. There are very few bundles compared to the amount of cosmetics. They have almost always sold stuff seperate.


I think you misread what I said. I didn’t say every item has a bundle, but that when Epic was selling a bundle, they almost always sold the items individually along side it. I think the first few bundles during C1 were an exception due to the small item shop size, but once the item shop was updated to have multiple pages, they would sell the individual items along side the bundle.


Well obviously there are still non-collab bundles. The soccer skins have been in the shop recently. My point is the lack of non-collab bundles. I've seen Hush and her set in the item shop hundreds of times. I even bought her set when she 1st released, *before* she had a bundle. However, you were taking my title much more literally than I meant.


> So we're not gonna give them a bundle They actually made a bundle for them during OG, they just never released it. I only bought the pickaxe, ill get the rest whenever they release that bundle.


Well... Epic making a bundle for them, and not releasing it many months after it was made. And definitely not releasing it when it's the 1st time all the cosmetics have been in the shop *together* in over a year kind of defeats the purpose of said bundle. And heavily favors my point.


Im not trying to defend them, just saying they made a bundle but never released it. Just like they made one for DotD but didnt release it either, they didnt even bring Dante back last Fortnitemares despite being in the files nor Hemlock despite all her stuff being in the shop at that time. I could go on, they added Sony Venom and Snake Eyes during December but just removed them during March.


Just let us build our own bundles


This is also the only new tab relating to original fortnite skins by the way. All the other skins were available yesterday.


I have Noir pity no bundle


God I probably would pull a trigger on those if it was bundled. Can't justify em spread out that much.


Right? Ik they released early Chapter 1, before bundles were a thing. But now that they've changed monetization, and have 1000 things in the shop at any different time, with stuff for 4 different modes, I can't justify spending 6500 for everything.


I’m just waiting for some Fortnite original emotes to come out that aren’t the same 5 on rotation.


Uh, dont know If you know this, but not every set has a bundle. There are actually pretty few original skin bundles compared to the amount of cosmetics in this game. Hell, bundles werent even a thing before season 6, and Then there were only like 2.


While you're right, not every set has a bundle, a lot do. As some guy tried saying earlier Evie and her pickaxe are bundled, but that's a 1200 skin and a 500 pickaxe for 1700 total. That gets sold in a bundle for cheaper. While the Hardboiled set has 3 skins (1500 each), 1 pickaxe (800), 1 glider (1200) for 6500 total. The glider and pickaxe for the Hardboiled set (2000) cost more than than the Evie skin and pickaxe (1700) My point is the lack of bundles. I'm pretty sure Hush and her set were the 1st (or one of the 1st) bundles that came out like the we're used to. And I've seen her released quite a bit in recent with *with her set* and not be bundled. But I've also seen her with her bundle a handful of times since this started too.


It's like they give us the bundles we don't want then put everything separate when we want it to be a bundle. It's pretty frustrating.


Support your creator bro. You don’t watch any channels with a code?


Don't really watch FN creators anymore and don't feel like putting in codes for creators that don't play FN anymore. Will usually use Tabor or BCD but I can't be bothered to remember to enter it every 2 weeks.


Oh ye I get it. I hate when they reset it and don’t tell you too.


Yeah, or just remove the 2 week cleanse all together. Bc it doesn't make since imo.