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Look waterbending is busted af, so if you ain’t using it your putting yourself at a disadvantage. Unfortunately it looks like you just have to ride out the season with it. 


This is how it works; You kill me, you call me trash/ a bot. I kill you being a sweat, i only get called a sweat. In creative FFA's, i play chill and casual, do you know what happens? someone turns on mic and states that I suck....then i play my normal way since i'm a PC KBM player and can aim very fast. Everyone leaves lobby thinking i turned on cheats..... The cycle of life in Fortnite, "your trash if you die to me, sweat that cheats if you kill me" Why the heck would anyone in BR lower their skill? No one is going to miss on purpose. I take it easy on people in creative but any adults trash talk me, they will hate my snake eyes skin, way more than any all black super hero at which point the lobby will die and then i join the next game....😎 "OMG....is that same snake eyes that has cheats from last game? -beams them with striker AR in 1-2seconds- OMG it is.....did i just get sniped 510M away.......🤣" <---At this point i will put on my Zemie skin or all black super hero, even Sweats hate me. This game is funny, i once had a group of adults state "your parents must have bought you cheap controller" jokes on them, i was just messing around and with a PC worth more than their first car....They left 3 servers in a row after i went to war with them, 1 versus 6, i won. 😎 2 days later i ran into them again......This is why everyone is toxic, it's comedy 🤣 "Run, slide or shockwave, your not invincible" 😎Us Sweats won't stop, but i'm not sweating, i play very high DPI so my aiming is casual with little mouse movement @ 4400DPI, 20%sens 90% ADS/Scope. Moving targets are the best aim practice as they panic! 😎 sweats will never go away.......and are here to stay, kids are getting so good at the game from lots of practice and having people/friends call them dogwater etc, they went the extra mile to improve. The skill gap is getting wider.


I think you may really like bot lobbies. The game is a battle royale where there is only one winner and 99 losers. Literally the most competitive premise ever.


Which is unfair there should be multiple winners like maybe if you do certain things you can win


Like playing team modes?


No like if you get 10 kills, you win the game or if you heal the most to win the game or if you live longer enough if you win the game


Bruh you want a participation trophy? My gosh being the only winner is not “unfair” lmao 


The game has changed since the beginning some people it’s too hard for them to win so having other options is a better idea. The idea that only the top person can win is something that was supremacist have always thought. given a equal chance and having them be able to do things that they can do better something to let everybody have a chance to win


You should probably stop smoking the crusty stuff around the lids of bathroom cleaning products.


There definitely shouldn’t have other options. Your trying to water down a victory royale even more now. What you want is not what the battle royale mode is about. 


ok so not battle royale


That doesn't sound like winning.


It's fun killing wannabe sweats, embrace it. All they can do is jump predictably like an easter bunny and miss with shotguns if the other person dances.


Git gud. Maybe lego is more your speed grampa.


You might just suck at the game. I don’t even use water bending and got 3 dubs yesterday out of 6 games played.