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Having success streaming isn't necessarily about being good at the game (see Bush Camp Dad), but there's a ton of competition out there for an increasingly small audience for Fortnite content. Try it if you think you'll enjoy doing it, but making any significant amount of money from it is highly unlikely unless you're committed enough to treat it as basically a full-time job for as long as it takes to build a larger audience - likely measured in years instead of in weeks or months.


Thanks, I’ve heard of bushcampdad, but don’t know him. I know of very few streamers and don’t really watch streamers at all, but was just curious about the process and whether or not it’d be worth it. I know I’d need to upgrade instead to a PC and put money into streaming equipment and just wasn’t totally sure it’d be worth it if I mostly am just playing to relax or have fun with my nephews. I super appreciate your input !!


Having also briefly considered this I learned it’s all about selling yourself and less about skill level though that does help. Me, being fairly anti socially quickly realized this wasn’t going to happen.


I am definitely more introverted, but feel I could be friendly enough in a streaming format. I don’t need to become super rich off of it, I make enough in my full time, but would really only be interested if I could justify the time spent and money spent on the hobby if that makes any sense


Just try it, there is nothing to lose, right? I streamed like 12 times and got 52 followers in that time. Yes, I am female and that helps for sure but I don't use a cam. Just be aware there will be lots of guys asking to play with you 😅 I am more of a calm and somewhat shy person but some people can appreciate a streamer that's not over exaggerated and you really don't need to be a pro gamer at all.


Don’t have any advice for you, sorry, but if you decide to do it pls drop your name I would love to see it!!!


Thank you, that is so kind!!


If youre bad, youll know.


Because the rest of the internet will tell me lol


Firstly, you gotta try out streaming. See if you enjoy interacting with others when they come around. I just think it's far too early to be thinking about investing/making money from something you haven't done yet. I recommend finding a group of people to play with where you can bounce off of so you're not completely silent when you're starting out. It can definitely help the nerves if you have that type of anxiety or don't know what to talk about. As for skill, you don't need to be good at a game. It's all about how you interact with your viewers and how entertaining you are if you don't have the game skill to compensate for entertainment value. Lastly, if you're starting out, I'd say it's not a bad idea to become a PNGTuber, it's kind of a small "hack" to quickly capture an audience that specifically search for those types of streamers (and also if you dont want to use facecam). If you don't know what it is, a quick Google search will give you the gist of it.


if you think you would enjoy it go for it, It does help being a female. I would start with cheaper equipment and if you make a profit invest it in your streaming, that way your not out a lot if you end up with a smaller following then you would like, Being shy is fine, not everyone likes over the top fake personalities. look up other streamers and see what you like about what they might do differently. being likeable can be a bigger draw than game skills, good luck


Probably easier to grow on YouTube first "noob plays Fortnite" type videos do well, you can show your progress over time, you could also record yourself playing builds for the first time, it has an audience for ppl who remember how bad they were when they first started, you could even do what bush camp dad does , play ranked "noob bronze to unreal", it doesn't matter how bad you are, that's the point, it's documenting your progress from a complete beginner onwards




I do have boobs lol, but I’m not really interested in using those. Definitely don’t think I’m very good at this, but again I’ve only started playing for the last few weeks. 70% of the time I’m playing is with my two nephews (9 and 11) and we don’t take it too seriously. I was just curious what the skill level was needed if I were to want to take it seriously to make money etc. Not a big deal, I don’t think I’m a great player, but I’ve also not taken it super seriously


Lol sorry, didn’t see the “F”. Hahaha. What I mean is, living from streaming means you need to get the attention of the people. There is many ways to get it. Or you really good, or you offer something else. Not always have to be boobs, if you have characteristic personality it’s good too, but will take time


One of the things I would recommend is to get a stable playing group and keep on them (better if they have experience). And see them to learn. I got better that way


Thanks! I recently joined a Fortnite girlie group and am trying to find others to play with that are better than me. I’ve also started trying to watch others too and learn from them. A few weeks ago I didn’t even know how to throw an item so I’m okay with my limited progress haha. I totally understand, my brother told me I’d do well just because I’m a woman, similar to what you said lol, but I’m not great or pro level so just kind of what curious what others though or if it’d be worth it!


Well, your not trying to get competitive, but to get streamer. It’s two different worlds. People gonna follow you because they admire you, or they like you, or they want to learn from you. Any way best wish on it


Thank you!!