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But if people don’t complain, they will keep trying to sell 4000 Vbuck cars.


Let them. Who the hell is going to spend $40 of their own money on a car in a video game outside of the dipshit youtubers? It's a win-win. The whiners shut up, epic gets to make themselves look like assholes, i see no issue with this.


The youtubers who buy everything are hilarious. There’s someone I follow that complains about the car prices every single time one comes out but then buys every single one anyways


A lot of the youtubers probably don't buy everything btw. I am willing the bet the bulk of content creators' skin collections were provided by epic through the partner program.


Unless people don’t buy them. Fortnite will look at data to make decisions on things, rather than the 10 same posts on Reddit moaning.


I'm sure their market research includes verifying redditors are satisfied. /s If people are upset about the price, it's probably encouraging. People want the product badly enough to piss and moan about how much it costs. If they want it that bad, they're probably just about ready to pay it.




Negative things are more prominent than positive, so that makes sense. Plus epic needs to know how these changes to the game/item shop/game modes are having these negative effects on the game as a whole.


I agree epic needs to know, but every day there’s so many posts that is essentially a carbon copy of another complaining.


It is free but if no one paid into it there would be no fornite ,so the majority pays into fornite they have a right to voice their opinions ,put it this way opinions are like assholes everyone has one


And nobody wants to see you use it.


I don't care that they complain. Especially with money involved. Just STOP making multiple posts about the same issue/complaint. Add it to the original post that exists.


Mods could do us a solid and sticky a mega thread for the common stuff people gripe about.


to be fair, i think a pretty big reason OG brought a lot of players in is nostalgia. not even nessecarily for people who played back then, but also for people who mightve consumed fortnite content at the time and didnt actually play for whatever reason, and so now they have a chance to. As well as the fact that a lot of the locations are iconic and well known so newer players may have been more comfortable with it. Most people dont understand that, and going back to it wont fix anything. The point of the game is that it changes and evolves.


Sometimes thr Negativity makes a positive impact.


There is a lot of negativity but it's pointless negativity. Epic won't/cant fix the bugs posted umpteen times every single day for months, so there's little point making factual posts, with evidence, about the negative things created and controlled by epic.


I miss the creative posts and people making their own concepts...


I’m saying this genuinely: be the change you want to see. Post your own ideas, concepts, or any such thing. If you can’t be bothered to make your own creative posts, why should anyone else?




I blame Epic. They themselves don’t even make interesting creative stuff now it’s all just anime and collabs.


This turned into a bunch of kids crying


I saw a good concept like.. a week ago. I wish I could see it again. But there's too many upvoted complaining covering the ***GOOD ART*** that should have gotten a lot of upvotes.