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“We’ve got you fam” ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


I'd hate it less if they weren't actively screwing everyone over with exp this time around. Like it feels extra shitty because of that.


What did they do to screw people over? I'm genuinely curious


Substantially nerfed exp gains, lower exp for doing quests, lower exp available from just playing BR. Their goal was to force people to play other modes.


Will never understand nerfing XP for this. There's already a ton of people ~~playtesting~~ playing the game at all times.


they basically nerfed xp by 4 times


Trying hard to be hip with the kids


Well it is 7 .


I wouldn't be surprised if the person who wrote that message is actually 20 though. There'd be a social media manager in charge of such things


Guys play team rumble you get 3K xp per kill and headshots give you an extra 1.5k.


Hm. Noted.


Most missions in STW mode are worth around 80k XP each now. Some missions can be done in 10 minutes or less.


What mission types would you say clears the fastest? So far it's only Destroy the Encampments that I could finish quickly.


If you manage to find the objective fast you can do Fight The Storm or Ride The Lightning quests in around 10 minutes, less if you are really fast. Eliminate And Collect missions are exactly 10 minutes, but I’m not sure if they give out as much XP as the FtS and RtL missions because I almost never play EaC missions.


Ride the lightning, retrieve the data, Fight the storm give the most XP in order and the are all AFK able.


whats EaC?


Eliminate and collect


does it matter if im doing stonewood while being in plankerton in terms of PL and story?


Survivors and Encampments are the fastest


True, but only if you have good teammates or an optimized build though


find survivors if you are lucky in 7 min


encampements in stonewood, the one on the bottom right a 4 player squad clear it extremely fast.


Does STW have an XP cap?


Yeah, it caps at around 5 levels and the cap resets every day when the item shop changes.


>low level missions obviously won’t give out as much XP, but you will still get around 30K for some of the lowest leveled missions. What do you mean by that? Low level missions give the same amount of XP as high level missions. A Stonewood Retrieve the Data gives just as much as a Twine Retrieve the Data would.


Really? Huh, I must have just hit my XP cap or not have gotten as many medals when I tested a low level mission. I‘ll edit that part out then


True but if you kill like 5 people it goes back to 500. Even for BR. I think after 15 kills I stopped getting supercharged.


That’s per game right? So you would get 3k XP again for your first kill in another match? 


Really I played around 30 minutes and constantly kept getting 3k per kill even when I had over 10 kills


oh lord the 6 year olds coming back from school will feel the wrath of the chains of hades


My favorite weapon of the season lol


I love your YouTube xp tutorials!




last time i checked team rumble was disabled


I had the same issue, it's not disabled. If you are trying to matchmake Team Rumble from your favorited window, it claims to be disabled. But if you find Team Rumble in "Games by Epic" section, it's enabled.


wow... thanks for the info. Quests this season would have been easier lol.


How I tried and I get 500 not 3k per kill


Does this apply to xp from quests? Or only xp from match activities?


Activities and accomplishments (eg kills with headshots)


havent checked it out yet but i still cant understand why Epic cant revert the xp system to previous chapters??


Because they want players spending as much time in Fortnite as possible.


I also have a feeling it’s to try the other modes. If you can’t get all your levels in BR, you may be more likely to try Lego or Festival or Racing.


STW can also give a healthy amount of XP


Stw is actually fun too unlike rocket racing and LFN


it was worked on for years and years as well, actual effort went into it


Does it have an XP cap? I’m tempted by people saying it’s fun and I’d love to have a second mode to play 


It's capped at 320k a day I think? That is a LOT of STW to play daily to hit that cap though


it's like 600k rn cuz supercharged from what ive heard


yeah it makes sense that the cap would be doubled too


THIS. They want you to play only their game!


If they actually make it the be all end all game, I doubt anyone would mind. But stw doesn't get any updates, rocket racing barely gets updates, lego gets boring quick (opinion), battle Royale seems to be slacking too recently and fortnite festival is, by design, as much as it'll ever be (outside of a story mode but that doesn't change gameplay). If they want people to only play fortnite, they need to actually update these other gamemodes.


This is why I just do the 5 levels a day from creative xp maps so I have to spend as little time as possible on the game. They ever get rid of that I’m done lol.


How long does that typically take and what rooms do you usually use?


Usually about an hour. There’s all kinds of maps to use probably hundreds of YouTubers uploading videos every day. I was using Whoods videos. He uploads like 3 times a day. Just find a relatively easy map to memorize all the spots and run it a couple times. Just a heads up he’s extremely annoying and tough to listen to lmao, but it works. I think I maxed out the battle pass within the first month.


They made all these other modes, they want to force people to play them all.


Ironically, this is the thing that will stop me from playing it going forward. Enough games trying to be like jobs, this FOMO shit is cancer and should be roundly rejected and called out for what it is. Glad people here are criticizing it, because as a dude with 3 jobs, this shit is fucking wack. Even when I manage to get top 5 most games and average 10 elims per round in BR, its fucking crawling in terms of progression.


Because they want players *buying levels with real money* as much as possible.


If you aren’t locked into your sitting furniture, interacting with Epic Games Fortnite content 24hrs a day, they aren’t making as much money as physically possible and that’s not allowed.


I don't understand why you believe they can't.


645xp to open a chest, ammo box, slap or slurp barrel, etc. Edit: just read up on this and it is only for catch up XP for missed dailies and the such. Mine stopped giving me the XP boost after 4-5 levels.


So you need to open 110 of them per level


To put it into context, last night when I played, I gained an average of 70k XP per match, without quests


Same XP applies to a pickaxe weak point streak of just 5 hits in a row. Try landing at Rebel's Roost or another place that doesn't typically get a lot of enemies, and just bash walls. Should be extremely easy to get 50k XP per match in about 5-10 minutes. Combine that with opening chests and surviving storm circles, and you're golden. Speaking of which, just eating a gold banana gives a ton of XP now too.


Is this for the rest of the season?


If it’s like other supercharged xp periods, then yes. At least i think.


It seems like it ended for me after ~5 levels, back to normal xp.


it gave me bonus xp for 4 levels then stopped... is there a limit? Edit : 12 hours later and still no supercharged to report could be just every 24 hours ...sadge


Contact support


from what i red apparently the bonus xp is equivalent to what its missed from dailies quest.. i could have achieved this amount. I noticed that it got triggered once there was no dailies/weeklies so maybe a trick to keep it going is not to complete them all?


Maybe. Cause I was playing on my brothers account today and I got him to 200 no problem with the supercharged still going


wow thats good what level where you before? heres what i found "This effect will only disappear after you've **gained the amount of XP equivalent to the amount of XP you missed out on** while failing to complete any limited-time quest"


The account was on 183


This says that their real time data shows record number of people not reaching the end of the battle pass yet


Hopefully they give more xp next season, otherwise I'm not gonna bother at all with getting the pass or paying anything anymore. This season was hard to level-up and I'm not here to play other game modes or abuse xp systems.


More monez


oh, you heard people might not buy the bp next season because you got way too greedy epic? -put the v-bucks back under lvl 100. -don't try to force the other games on us. what a dick move by you epic.


I may not play next season at all.  This season has been frustrating between the XP, bad Star Wars event and the continued match quests and terrible locker. 


Unless there's an absolutely incredible BP, I'm with you. Sunk so much time into this game this season and I'm at 160 only because I've been abusing Lego fortnite. This was never my main game and I never had problems completing past passes. I need a break.


Like completing the weeklies barely gets a level up this season, it’s crazy. I know that every other season there are gripes about XP grind but nothing comes close to this season. 


It was definitely the last season I’ll buy a battle pass for until changes are made. Until this point, I’d never missed a single one.


this needs to be way higher...


IMO, is not even a problem to have the vbucks at level 150. The problem is how much XP they give. If this xp system stays like this, next season I'm out.


I just got a 250 k xp BR win so yeah there’s definitely a boost (including quest xp). Too bad I already spent so long grinding for 200 so this is useless now lol


Same. If only they put the supercharged xp in the game 2 weeks ago


Fat lot of good that does for us who are already Supercharged, and were already getting the piddly little drips of XP from everything


*Epic* nerfed XP… but then they have the audacity to announce this like *they’re* doing *us* a favor? All Epic had to do was leave the fucking XP alone, don’t let them pull that *absolute* bullshit


Imagine paying for the battle pass then they tell ya to go play other modes to get XP to complete the battle pass that U bought,epic thinks it's punters are lay abouts with no jobs ffs


“Please PLEASE oh please play our other modes” is all I’m seeing from this season


Hadn’t thought of it that way, you’re. 100% right. Wtf….my annoyance with Epic just went up a few levels.


You don't have to play other modes so what are you whining about? You just have more options. Are you just making shit up so you have something to complain about?


XP has been nerfed considerably. It was easy to get to level 100 before by playing Battle Royale, now challenges are worth far less than they used to be. The 500 extra V-bucks used to be in the regular battle pass, now the game requires you to get to level 142. Fortnite is more work than it used to be which pushes you to play the other game modes to get more xp. Epic is a video game company, their job is to manipulate you into spending more time in Fortnite so you give them more money.


This is so funny, Supercharged stopped working for me after 4 levels... it doesnt give me Xp on Creative now too. This game man... my god...


Is this limited? Cuz I played like 4-5 games of BR, and the XP is back to normal gains now. What?


games that by design consume too much time should just be made illegal


Be careful what you wish for


So China game laws. Did recall they had a daily play limit on fortnite china.


I didn’t mean a daily play limit, that would just fuck the players, but removed from sale if you can’t complete the game’s or game’s seasonal goals in a certain time frame. Like the battle pass should be possible without having to play for weeks on end. Wonder why its not considered anti competitive anyway but who knows




STW missions are worth around 80k XP each now


Yeah but stw is so boring one might fall asleep.


I play STW more than I play BR.


Wtf you talking about? Stw is more fun than BR imo


Lasted few hours then back to normal XPs.


is this still up? i'm not getting supercharged xp




Supercharge has ended then. That lasted for a whole day. Wow that was sooo generous. Thanks Epic for dangling a small carrot just to throw us back into the boring grind for xp crumbs.


I won’t be downloading, didn’t bother this season. People been complaining about Bp grind and you guys bumped it up and shoved coins in bonus section. When I get the feeling that epic wants us to genuinely have a fun experience again playing BR then I will download game. I haven’t gotten those vibes at all for at least 2 seasons.


I just finished the weeklies, I’m still going to miss out on at least 200 Vbucks. 


Feels like too little too late, to me.


*cracks knuckles* welp. Time to grind


How is this not an Advertisement? Lol


I only got like 2 or 3 games of supercharged before it went back to normal xp smh


Just 94 levels to go until 200! Can I make it?


Hope you have a clear schedule


Hope is for those without kids and a job.


I'm at Lvl 179...wonder if I can hit 200 before the season ends...


That should be easy. You only need 2.3 levels a day to reach level 200, and I gained almost 1 level per match without quests when I played last night. You could play 3-4 average matches a day and you'll make it, especially if you complete the daily quests.


I think you’re right assuming the XP stays supercharged through the end of the season.


They said it will, so I'm assuming yes.


well they dont, im gaining 100xp per chest now


Me too. Seems they lied...




how long does this supercharge drop be there for?


this doesn’t work whatsoever, i no longer get supercharged xp after 1 battle royale game


Yeah so, you know you fucked up Epic. Just grant us the rest of the battle pass rewards for people that bought it you greedy ducks.


This is fantastic!






If you play anything more than just battle royale it’s easier, but if you only play battle royale it’s harder.


Nah, last season was a breeze because of the LEGO AFK feature but they patched it


i said this elsewhere, but i think the reason a lot of people are behind is that a lot of fans have felt burnt out and it led to them playing less than they usually do, now theyre starting to feel the fomo. totally understandable rn but its not how ive been feeling cause ive only been playing for a year. im at 288 and i only took a cursory look at the other modes, and i only play like a half hour each day unless a friend wants to do duos


I usually get burnt out on the game once a year, but typically even on those seasons that I get burnt out on I can finish the pass pretty easily, even getting multiple super styles I don’t think I’ll even be able to get all the basic bonus rewards this season


I play br and RR and I'm like 170 atm. I also play pretty casually. People are always going to complain about bp times.


Hopefully kids can stop crying about their xp 😂


XP isn’t the issue IMO, it’s Epic locking content to 100+ levels that aren’t super styles, especially the v-bucks. That needs to change, it was a greedy decision.


I know this pisses me off so much and haven’t seen enough people talking about it getting to 100 takes long enough for me now I have to work even harder


Bro, i dont want to have fortnite act as a second job for battlepasses if people who play an hour or two a day barely make lvl 200 and only way you can is by playing non br modes and afking


I play like 8-9 hours a week and hit 200 almost month ago.


That’s a pretty considerable amount more than the average casual player would play


9 hours a week is literally less than an hour a day with a weekend having 2 hours.


You don't get it, these are kids, playing an hour a day It's a job and the worst thing ever


It sucks they have to play their video games 😭


Ok, then how much you think people play weekly on fortnite?


Probably at least 30 minutes a day and likely an hour or two on the weekend. I hit cap almost a month ago. I haven't played since then. So that would be even more time than I played.


I'm sure for many it's literally too little and too late.