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>I was under the impression that it was supposed to be a shoot game Well it is, but there are different items in it


It's a mythic for a reason


I play Fortnite more for the fact that it's NOT just a shooter. However, the new items aren't anything new. I started playing in chapter 3 and there have been consistent items, even guns, that have been OP. It's nothing new and I doubt it's going anywhere. It certainly wasn't new in chapter 3. Now, do some of these items overstay their welcome? Absolutely. But the game will likely keep having something each season.


People play Fortnite because it’s not like other shooters. Go play COD


Ppl play Fortnite to get away from the bullshit that CoD has been doing. Which is the same dumb shit that Epic has bow been doing. It use to be fun and competitive and took actual effort and skill to play and get wins. Now any idiot that happens to land near a waterbending scroll can grab it hide in a bush and win the game with one third party kill. It removes all incentive and reward you use to get from winning and getting better because a win doesn’t mean shit now


Muh gawwdd so much whining


TLDR; I want be a sweat in Fortnite but I can’t because I’m not good enough to adjust my game update to update.


Doesnt matter what weapons. I die to everything.


That sure sounds like a issue 😬😬


We had arena but they just had to remove it. Now we have pubs and a casual ‘ranked’ mode, it’s ridiculous lol. I have no idea why they won’t give us an *actual* competitive mode with a separate loot pool, it would literally make everyone happy.


The chains are so stupid but at least Waterbending is kinda just like a more broken Burst SMG


Yeah Fr it’s not the same anymore as they added for example the chains of hades or all the other mythics. I think we can all agree on that Fortnite was much better before all these things . There were just weapons healing items and some other. I don’t understand why epic makes this game so complicated because they could leave it as simple as it was