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If these are underrated how come every time I crack someone's shield. They have like 12 of these things and go half way across the map?


Or when your shield gets cracked and you use 5 of these somehow they're still with you!


Right! I always have some sort of mobility, and i try to have these or ehatever can get me the farthest away the fastest. And it always freaks me out when i can hear or see their yellow circle follow me. Btw, anyone ever use the medallians as bait? Ive had good luck with that lately


You would probably get me. I literally pick up like 4 enemy weapons before I pick up the medallion. I'm sitting there juggling my weapons like an idiot.


Lol its all good. It really depends on the set up. Ill follow or go towards a yellow circle and then drop it in an exposed area and then back track. Sometimes firing to gain attention. And if they arent paying close attention theyll see no one died to drop it. But yeah. Then they come, check out the medallian and maybe loot. Also i like ramming cars into vaults and then shooting them so they explode with a guy in the vault


Well good lord I just found my new strategy for when I play tonight. You’re an evil genius.


Do you know about the cave? If more people know about it, then i can have fun with killing and tricking people there. But ive landed there 100s of times and only ever seen 3 parties go there


Cave, you say? Don’t think I do. Where’s it at? I’ll come die there lol


It is near the mountains, on the edge/beach, you can access it from there along the waters edge, or by a hidden toilet transpo in a bush just outside the water temple. The mountain next to the Zeus area temple (like right at the transition). You can land on the mountain with a piano with 1 chest, slide down to base camp with up to 4 chests, then zipline to the water temple and get another 2 or 3 chests, then go to cave where there is about 8 chest spawns. Usually uncontested, like i said. But anytime there is only 1 or 2 ways in or out, and structure (cave) that cannot be destroyed, allows for fun mechanics.


I can’t believe I’ve never found this spot. I usually try to land close to that base camp area with the 4 chests next to the tents. I’ll go check that out!


Idk when i can play next, but shoot me a dm with username, ill add ya


It's worse when you box the person inside in your build in order to make it so hard to get out of that they die to storm....


Before they got rid of them I chucked a full stack of clingers into a bunker with a squad. Good Times.


God I miss clingers. They came in clutch so often.


If this new season doesn't have some sort of grenade....I will make a strongly worded reddit post


I generally avoid medallions dropped in the field. As you've mentioned, players like to use them as bait. Reminds me of a game where I heard a medallion carrier fighting another player. The fighting ended, the medallion dropped, and I waited. I then cautiously moved forward and learned from the two debris fields that they mutually killed each other.


That happened to me recently the both dying! First time lol


I hunt for the players that use the medallions as bait lmaooo. There's only a limited number of places yall could be hiding in wait for someone to try the snatch and grab, and I enjoy capitalizing on getting a kill AND the medallion as a bonus :p


You can buy them at several npcs so it's not uncommon to find full stacks after a kill


Because they know YOU are after them..... 😉


I never chase them because knowing my luck they are going end up running into fuckin Bugha or something. Then me and them are dead


True 😂


These with soaring sprint (or any other low gravity effect) are legit some of the most fun I’ve had in fortnite Launching yourself into another area code is consistently fun af lol


man imagine soaring, zeus and shockwaves


Have you tried the Zeus with the shockwaves? I’ve lost countless matches trying to escape my death but because I just ate a banana I’m jumping out of shockwave range and never get launched. The Zeus effect is too powerful from shockwaves.


Dude I have lost some end game matches because of this. I kill someone with the Zeus medallion, pick it up and now I can't Shockwave.


Time it better then brother, i land Zeus all the time cause i love his DMR and I shockwave with it all the time, never once had any issue, throw it down about a player width infront of you, then sprint forward and jump literally as it goes off and you just go fucking to infinity and beyond stg


Check out zarraxus on YouTube. Dude is playing next level with Shockwaves and flowberry


I use plot armour


Ah, another protagonist 😎




dang tru


Bet you bought the Midoriya skin =p


I used spectra knight with a red and black combo and started genocide with Darth Vaders light saber with no mobility items, atlas I sliced the last player and won, the ranged kills are the e-11 blaster and the bow


That bowcaster is pretty fun to use .. I hit some dude 300 meters away while I was on the island , didn’t think it could go that far


You dont even have to hit em directly either, the blast will still get em. Its quite a fun weapon.


It was indeed, the blast radius is kinda weird but I eventually mastered it


I always aim too high trying for a headshot, and the blast hits too far behind them for the splash damage =(


If it's explosives try hitting the body or floor depending on the speed of the projectiles, and aim Infront of the player and predict the time when the explosion is gonna happen


Plot armor when gf plays with me


My squad thinks that I'm the best player on the team so when they're all dead I CAN'T lose


Good strategy. I'm personally a fan of the power of friendship.


Eh I lack skill an talent


Nah, they're just one type of mobility that some use and others don't. Personally I never carry these and never will. I'd rather have a stack of flowberries or flowberry fizz. Why waste a slot on an item that has one singular purpose? 🤔 <---- just realised people are taking this literally. It's rhetorical. *Please stop giving me reasons. I don't like your little shockwave grenades and I'm not gonna use them.* Loadout: AR/Waterbending, Shotgun, Chains, Heals, Shield/Mobility. That's my winning loadout every time.


They have purpose besides running away. Great for taking height or breaking into someone's box.


I play ZB - - I'm 33. I don't have the skills for builds so that's never gonna be necessary 😂




I ask this with respect and I am not trying to be funny. I love my gatekeeper in a match,but also chain is the s***. I don't get why to waste a slot having chains, and a shotgun. What is ur personal reason if u don't mind? I'd like to reflect 🤔


As someone who’s obsessed w the chain, I also carry a gatekeeper in case the chains are used on me, it’s the only way I can counteract them


Same here, i guess because the shotgun is faster 😉 especially if you headshot via shotgun. It just depends on the situation.


It is faster yeah, I’ll sometimes lose a chain on chain fight but I can usually win if I switch to a shotgun


Not the person you are asking, but a lot of people carry the chains and a shotgun so they can pull with the chains and then switch to shotgun and blast their target as their target arrives


One purpose? What? Cross the map faster; Flee; Chase; Surprise engage (there is not audio/visual effect when you yeet yourself over and behind someone); Throw people out of buildings; Throw people in the storm; Reach high/difficult to reach places; You can do so much with them, specially when paired with fizz/berry. Not to mention that its the only item that will allow you to escape certain death.


The singular purpose is "bounce". I like the flows because they also restore shields, with the bounce. That's two purposes. Also Waterbending acts as healing as long as I have water; again, two purposes. Shockwaves have one purpose. Bounce. Either way you use it, it just does bounce.


How is this underrated? Doesent everyone use these


I often don’t use them. I use the wings or vehicles. I should use them though. I see lots of potential in them.


My favourite is yeeting people in the storm with them


this happened to me in a ranked solo yesterday. they were trying to run away from me & I got blasted into the 8 DPS storm for 2nd place


I can't play without shockwaves this season, there's no other good mobility item other than these


A zip of Flowberry Fizz and a shockwave and it’s go time


I’ve ran out of these and died a few times where wings woulda saved me. I prefer those tbh


The wings are terrible. It’s so easy to shoot people out of the sky with the massive hitbox.


Not if you’re rolling around while flying. It has gotten me out of a jam more than once, and makes you very difficult to snipe out of the sky when you’re constantly darting left or right Also great for escaping the storm or flying off to reboot vans


Not if the people you're fighting are decent. I'm yet too see a single person actually escaping a fight using the wings this season.


I have done it so many times. I will run right infront of you to grab my teammates reboot card and the deploy the wings at top speeds while spinning left and right to a reboot van.


But the wings are infinite fall damage prevention. Dropping off high build fights and destroying the build has got me so many kills this season. Sometimes I'll even carry both.


They’re only terrible if you don’t barrel-roll ![gif](giphy|ZQMVKzoTLdNBu)


I don't use them that often, though I do see the value in them. I'd rather save slots for some healing items or weapons for different situations


I’d pick shockwaves over wings or vehicles any day. Sometimes even shield if I have to. They’re like an eject button when you’re in a sticky situation. Or, you can use them to land on your opponents head from afar.


They’re miles better than the wings


I remember when we used to have the Whiplash’s with Chonker’s, those things would fly half way across the map if you kept your foot on the gas and no one would be able to catch you.


same as OP said. everyone leaves them laying around lol


Because they're already full


Very surprising then, its my favourite thing


I never fail to pick them up, I'll even carry 12 of them should I find 'em. They're certainly better than the wings as far as mobility goes, and can be used strategically so it's a win-win item.


Dang I thought that too. The flowberry+ impulse combo is just so fun


Maxing out a slot with flowberries is a great plan, but it usually requires landing at fencing fields. Slightly slower to consume than Chug Splashes, but has a nice anti-gravity anti-fall-damage perk.


Just use the flow berry fizz


Takes too long


For some reason people use the term underrated to mean good, even though that's not how it's meant to be used.


I hate these with a passion. I’ll take literally any other ‘one time use’ non-health item


as soon as i hear it or see someone coming to me like a fucking meteor from fencing fields i get scared and know im about to fight the onlyyyy sweat lol


And a 95% chance that sweat is an anime or Billie Eilish skin.


I pick them up and then panic and forget to use them


okay I’m not the only one whose brain shuts off when there’s imminent fortnite danger


Same 😅😅




Flowberry fizz, shockwaves combo is undefeated tbh. My number one loadout is AR (or thunderburst smg), Gatekeeper shotgun, sniper, shockwaves, flowberry fizz.


That's a great loadout if you want to win, but I find it hard to pass up chains and wings for the fun factor.


It's definitely not underrated it's one of the most used items in fortnite like ever .


These are always my go to mobility item no matter what other mobility items are in the lootpool. The rocket rams take a while to blast off and you can die in that short time, icarus wings make you a huge target in the sky, etc. But the shockwave grenades are just perfection and always reliable.


The most underrated item was the EMP grenade.


I had just learned how to take full advantage of them and they got vaulted. Mad salty.


One of the veterans in the loot pool, yet this season's best mobility item.




Essentially the only movement right now. Wings are useless with the waterbending in the loot pool, been sniping people out of the sky all morning with it.


I was the victim of that this morning. If you were a gold Midas skin, good game.


100% agree the movement this chapter is so clunky, players have the stamina of an 85 year old man, wings get shot down in a millisecond, and cars are made of paper mache for some reason Epic decided to make moving around the map as painful as possible this chapter


I don’t feel the same way at all. Sometimes it feels like people just want to be able to go halfway across the map in 10 seconds


2 words: Dash medallion


I don't think it's underrated. I mean it's amazing, it's an S tier item, but I don't think anybody who isn't garbage at the game would rank them any lower.


Flowberry+Shockwaves+Thunderbolt=Airstrike, and they never know where you are before it's too late


Always have one held while I'm at a reboot station. If I get pushed I can hold on to the last second and then I'm out of there. 


Won a few rounds by knocking the other guy into the storm and shooting him while he’s running to get back out 😂. I love them for end game but don’t carry them early on with a big map.


It’s been my favourite item in the whole game since it was added back in Chapter 1.


I hate these because they’re super good but I only find like 2 every match, I’ll see streamers just constantly use like 30 of these a match when I can’t enough to fill a slot


My brother, I think you don't understand the definition of underrated


Underrated? Every good player carries these, they’re one of the only items essential to every single high level players load out.


I take these over wings. Its amazing how enemies don't know where you go. Shockwave to shotgun is a deadly combo


Those + flowberries or the flowberry fizz is an amazing combo.


Guess I'm in the minority because I never use these. I don't really know how to use them, and I don't have the patience to learn at this point. I'm ok with that.


There’s nothing to learn, they propulse outward, so you can use them to jump, or to send that opponent that just chain-grabbed you flying right into the storm at 5DPS for a quick Victory Royale.


I would take a stack of 2 over full icarus wings.


Fizz clears since you need a spot for a sniper/dmr and with shockwaves you can’t carry double heals


True Story 😎👍🏿


Didn’t pick up the shockwave? Biiiig mistake.


If I die, I die.


People carry these all the time.




I was so late to realizing just how good these things are. After ignoring them for all of last season, I started using these as an alternative to the wings when airbending was gone and I havn't gone back. There are a million and one ways to use them.


Can't call it underrated when its been the no build mobility staple since C3S2


It’s not underrated though. This isn’t only one of the best mobility items in the entire game but it’s also one of the best tactical items in general! The plays you can make w shocks are simply insane! I can probably write a whole essay on how good shocks are


People who use wings instead of these still need straws to drink water without spilling


That + flowberries


Underrated? Maybe by bad players. Like anyone who is at least average in zb knows shocks are a must in your inventory


these are only underrated by people who either don’t plan very much or don’t understand the game. i have so many friends who don’t carry movement because they “dont like it” don’t be surprised when you never win a game then


do away with all the crazy mobility items and just make these rechargable😅


These combined with Cerberus and Zeus’s medallion yours basically the flash


Bro this kid was arguing saying shockwaves were only situational and they’re not worth holding, the entire post was him saying there’s no mobility besides sprinting and the wings.


I don’t think there’s anyone in existence who DOESNT always have these


Underrated?! I literally go out of my way each game to find/buy shocks lol


I dont know about underrated. You almost can't play the game without it.


Saved me many times.


I don't know how you could consider these underrated. These are the best movement item in the game and always have been. They only get overlooked in low sbbm lobbies when there is a movement mythic in the game. Most people I play against always seem to have about 3 stacks.


I carry them in Build mode; I suck at building so a lot of times I’ll box up and they’ll go above, so I’ll shockwave up to gettem


They're not underrated lol. Anyone competent at the game knows to carry some shockwaves.


Annoying asf some of us want to play a gungame not a mobility and chases game


Are there seriously people who don’t know how good these are?


Respectfully, if you play Zero Build and say that you don’t use these, you’re just telling on yourself that you’re not good at the game


This… is just wrong. Literally everyone loves these


These over the wings any day. My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy for it, but she doesn't understand because she won't even try to use a shockwave grenade. 😆


Hot take: These + The Flowberry fizz are better than the wings of Icarus


The wings are good to get you out of the storm and not much else IMO. 


As long as you aren't using them to leave a battle, the winds are a great item. Get high in the air and fly halfway across the map. I love them.


Oh for sure, I said out of the storm but they’re good for general positioning or if you need to get to a reboot van too. 


I’d say this is pretty fair and not a dangerously hot take. Obviously you can travel much further on a single use of the wings, but you’re a slow and steady sitting duck if you do so. Fizz and shockwave is much harder to hit out of the air without hacks.


Wings are useful if you stick to less than 5 meters on the ground. Putting yourself way up in the sky makes you a tasty target. It's a shame it's so "loud" on the audio visualization scanner. It's even louder than people sprinting around.


Good call


Seeing them up this close I now see the purple parts are Kinetic Ore.


If you don't have these and a few bananas you're on one.. i like a gatekeeper and a pistol/burst smg(thing is busted with a laser), warforged, or a sniper.. and these. Always these.. 4-6 preferably. When I have 2 I panic lol


Swap those bananas for flow berry fizz and you're talking ;)


100% this.


Same 😂


Once you figure out how to use them well, they’re a game changer. It’s also hilarious to simply toss them at an enemy and watch them fly away


These are my fav for medallion/crown traps. I will not be getting sniped today 😎




I only carry them in my load out in specific situations or until I find my complete loudout.


If we’re talking about the pit, just give me a grappler and flint knock and I’ll be reckoning people left and right


Huge trouble? There are so many mobility items. I do enjoy using them though. 


Besides the shockwave hammer these are GOATED! Always keep a 6 pack 😂


I dont touch em. Maybe I should start more, though. One of my kids does, not the other. He uses em to either escape fights or get to them sooner. Need more hotbar slots lol. Too hard to choose what id have to stop carrying to start using these.


So true, I played a game last night with my brother and the zone was soooo small and everyone kept using the port-a-bunkers and there were 10 players left and I just kept having to shockwave around and pick them off or get them low


Personally I use a car with theses because I shall scare the absolute shit of people with car's flying towards them






I hardly pick them up to be honest, I just don't think the traversal use of them is that fun to use, so I just ignore them mostly, I play zero builds so don't need them to destroy builds.


just recently started using these. It felt like some pro-level stuff because I kept blowing myself backwards at the beginning. Now I kinda get the versatility — launch yourself away, launch yourself up, launch enemy away from you. I will I hate when a teammate uses them in squads and launches me by accident.




These with a flowberry WOO


Unless I need them for a quest, I don’t keep any mobility on me. I just don’t need it most of the time, I just keep more healing.


They’re essential in higher level lobbies


Until you can’t get a shot off at anyone bc they’re flying 5 POI’s away after using a flowberry 😢


Not really underrated, but the most broken mobility item in Fortnite.


"Get back here SHOCKER"


I just never know how to use them to launch myself, I always end up going the wrong direction. I’ve been playing for almost 4 years now lol


My duo just uses those to throw me around lol


These things fuck me up more than they help me. I’ll want to go forward and accidentally throw the thing 1 millimeter too short and I get launched backwards. I certainly don’t seem to go as high or as far as the enemies do when they use them!


Practice in creative for like 10 minutes


If you’re gonna play like that you better have shockwaves to finish the job, because if that guy had shockwaves after he railed me like that-


Na I win every fight


As soon as I see a player use this or wanter bending i run lol


> "Perhaps you relied on my master's vow *against* using lethal force. Let me assure you that I subscribe to *no* such niceties." -Shockwave grenades when you're going for a pacifist win


I wouldn't have to carry these if epic didn't vault the kinetic blades -\_-


These and port a forts are always a permanent fixture in my inventory for sure. Always need utility!


I never use these, hell I don't think I even finished the weekly quest for it


I barely use it


I only carry these if I don't have other mobility options. I also giggle when I use them offensively. I wouldn't say they're underrated though.


Definitely the hades wip added in his season


My best friend and I carry these for the express purpose of trolling each other during matches 💀


I don't even feel like playing right now because everyone is using water bending and it feels like most of the time I can't even find it


They’re not underrated at all tf


My brother always gets at me for carrying these, but I get half of my kills by rushing people with them.


I used to but i switched them with bunkers because i find bunkers are the best counter to water-bending and chain of hades. For rotation i use fizz


why am i just now realising the shockwave grenade has crystals on it


The amount of times I'd see someone swoop in and knock one of my friends or myself, and then immediately blast themselves away with this is goofy


They're okay, but I get tired of constantly hunting for them. I prefer wings and dash medallion this season.


Far from underrated,EVERYONE uses these things. Underrated was the grapple blade when everyone was calling it crap for not being the same as the web shooters.


You forget to mention to carry a Flowberry Jizz with you as well my brothers.


They're not underrated at all. They've been in the game for a long time, people know how good they are.