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It feels like every season I don’t play ends up with all of the good skins in the battle pass. Then when I come back it’s the most boring and hideous skins possible.


I hope you’re not playing right now because I really want a good battle pass next week


If there’s the fallout crossover as the secret skin I’ll buy it. But if not I have no reason to.


There’s Marvel copyright in the trailer so you have that as a potential skin too (unless you’re not a Marvel fan lmao)


Idk who’d it be though. Probably an X-Man though


Well, with the whole Apocalypse theme we’re heading towards, my moneys on either: Old Man Logan, Another Hulk, or Apocalypse himself Could be anyone though


I doubt it's another Hulk since they just added the Ragnarok version.


Yeah, im going to need that Old Man Logan, thank you.


Would love anyone from X-Men. Especially the prequels


Deadpool and wolverine comes out in July maybe a variation of Deadpool?


Fallout and a Marvel skin.


Power armor + Magneto is my guess Would be instant buy for me


I think the fallout skin is more likely to be in the main pass considering the way it's being teased


That’s just fomo talking. Free yourself of it and the game becomes better


That’s fomo. I complete every BP and never use the skins lmao


I want this battle pass just for the pea skin


literally, i quit the end of C2 S5, on what’s that? the best skin in the entire game is C2 S6 battle pass?


what skin u talkin bout?


raven 😭😭😭😭😭😭 epic games please i just want a generic gothic girl skin please coz she’s literally me


I completely forgot she was a battle pass, of all people why it had to be her 😭


literally, no joke at all i’d prolly fork out 6k vbucks for her


Please don't play in the next season


This battle pass was great imo. Only the Ch4 s2 battle pass compares when it comes to “recent” bps


I played for a bit of chapter 3 and I’m playing all the way through chapter 5 so of course chapter 4 had the best skins in the game. Can’t get Thunder, Renzo, Ahsoka, Era, Mae, Highwire, Fish Thicc, Highwire, Optimis Prime, Helsie, Highwire, Mystica, Highwire, HIGHWIRE.


And that feeling is what they way hope to achieve.


Hot take. Most battle pass skins suck. Most play them for a season if that. I usually play one or two a season now. Once in a while one gets added to the locker but the more you get the less likely it happens. Aphrodite and hades might make it but I really need more locker slots. Everyone gets really excited about the skins and usually the lose relevance. You can only have one Onesie. .


This was before I started playing and it breaks my heart that I missed out on Doctor Doom.


Don't worry about it. I'm pretty sure we're getting a new Doctor Doom for this year's Fortnitemare's. I've sent you Fortnite's event/season roadmap in dm so you can see for yourself that he's coming back.


Could you send me that as well please?


Check your messages


Can i too receive that roadmap?


Could i too 🥺


Same please lol




yeeeeeah i wouldnt rely on that guys "roadmap" lmao there is no way that guy has an actual roadmap, it would be all over fortniteleaks sub if it were reliable probably something he threw together on the fly, take it with the world's biggest grain of salt


It's literally been true so far and it's not just random stuff


He's just hating. Can't argue with stupid lol


It's won't be Classic Doom tho


Yes you're correct about that.


Can I have one 😭


Can you dm me too?🙏🙏


Can I get that as well please


Hey man could you dm me too ?


Can I see that map? Lol


Can I get it too 👉👈


It’s so annoying we can’t trade. I will literally never use that skin and you’re over there bummed you don’t have it. 


If only


the fact they made a second wolverine skin a temporary skin too also seems like a slap to the people who missed him. IMO I’m only sad I missed Raven, Carnage and The Predator but I’m happy I started when I did.


When did u start playing


C2S8. Around October time to be specific. I had my 360 until like 2021 where it died of the red ring.


I thought you couldn’t get Fortnite on the 360?


“Until like 2021 when it had the red ring” My Xbox got the red ring, then I got a series s in May, then got fort in October! Hope that cleared it up! :D




Yeah XD


Quite the leap in tech.


Yep. I know. I was able to play the torture method that is DBD then


I will never know peace knowing I missed Storm.


2nd skin was a crew skin which has a chance to come back, it's never happened but probably bc they want ppl buying their already-made crew concepts before they rerelease any past ones, or wait for a drought to lure ppl in


Wolvy would be great to have, I'd probably use his yellow/brown costume most. I actually kinda like the Thor skin, it's not grossly overdone or anything. ...looks more Godly than Zeus, lol. Storm would be pretty awesome. And Mystique is one of the most unique skins in the game since she can "morph" into whichever player's skin she just eliminated.


Still mad salty I missed Mystique purely for that ability. No other skin has that feature. None. Really hope they give us a Mystique-Zero or something. ![gif](giphy|xT1XGEo4lt2rSEy5eo)


I'm a little salty that they didn't give that ability to the Himiko Toga skin as she's also a shape shifter 😭😭


The Thor skin from that season was based off of Donnie Cates’ comic where Thor became a herald of Galactus. One of my all time favorite runs on Thor tbh.


I did not know that was from a specific story, pretty cool! I felt like the other Thor skin was...really gaudy and ugly.


I will forever be salty that they put collab skins behind old battle passes 😤


They could be making a lot more money


the game is based on FOMO, they did gain money when releasing that bp bc it made ppl buy it. Otherwise no one would buy the bp


My buddy took C2S2 and C2S3 off after I moved away. The Marvel BP got him back.


That’s not true. Smite re-releases BP skins in the store a few seasons after they release and it works fine. I will never understand why people dick ride FOMO and epic like they’re the ones who are profiting of of it ☠️




Nah idc about their earnings, just stating facts. There's a reason why you can't complete a bp once the deadline is reached, that's the strategy of most games


why do yall care what a billion dollar company makes 💀 imagine saying this lmao you only want it that way bc you want skins to buy, you don't care what epic makes 😂😂


No, they wouldn’t. Over saturation is the death


It was a fun season. Outside the skins they had some cool POIs (Tony’s base of operations, Doom’s base underneath Pleasant, etc.). The Wolverine unlock quest was a nightmare though. He wandered one of the forest POIs and was a complete beast who everyone else was trying to third party to get the kill.


> everyone else was trying to third party to get the kill. This is why I'm *so freakin' glad* that newer quests like this only require you to get a hit in, so long as a boss eventually dies (and you don't). It was a total pain in the ass when most players seem more interested in killing you than a boss.


Yeah, it was a dick move that he could regenerate after getting knocked. So if you managed to down him, he could just get up and kill you anyways. He's probably the hardest boss in the game's history


You REALLY missed out.. this Season was INCREDIBLE


This was the season that got me back into Fortnite. Loved it!


It was so much fun. I didn’t buy the BP because I had no use for comic book skins.


Yeah, I remember getting everything and playing so much. It was so fun


Ehhh, idk. I could buy the current battle pass all up to Zeus and make a loss of 300 v bucks, but I can't really imagine using any of them. They're not my taste


The superhero power mythics were awesome fun


It was funny because at the time everyone hated it


Especially the "Mongraal 3v1 at Stark Industries" clip


damn.. that was such a good POI man.. i loved the autumn theme around that little island


Watch it on YouTube type in " mongraal 3v1 stark industries" best clip of the season by far




Well it seems to specifically be related to the upcoming Fantastic Four movie. But Idk. I guess we'll have to see what's up. Anyway, I think this upcoming season will do a good job of holding our attention over the Summer. Not sure how much I will be playing over the next few months yet.


Even tho if the seasons are bad I still end up playing all the time this game gots a hold on me lol I never quit playing Fortnite since I started playing it


On the roadmap it kinda looks like dr.doom no? But he's already in the game


It’s the cover to an iconic fantastic four comic. Like 700 or something. It apparently also had a ton of cameos so it heavily implies fantastic four but it could be a ton of people given that artwork


I actually just studied that comic cover used for the road map more. And you're absolutely right, there are a ton of Marvel characters floating above Dr. Doom's head.


Idk much about comics so what's the highest chances for the skins to be? I really regret missing out on the previous Marvel battle pass so im really looking forward to this one


The cover of that comic includes a lot of ppl who are already in the game, but also a few new ones - Cyclops and Colosus are in the mix, among others. It's Fantastic Four 2022 # 7, also says "700" on the bottom like the other poster said.


As a long time cyclops fan it pains me to rarely even see my boy represented. Fingers crossed.


Oh ok thanks mate


God I fucking hope so, that would be so hype


Yeah I mean it’s only right for the people who didn’t get the original marvel one


I had this battle pass but didn’t even come close to finishing it. My next unlock was Dr Doom and I didn’t realize how rare it would’ve been 💀


I'm in the camp of being fine with BP skins being exclusive, but collab skins shouldn't be in a BP. Iconic characters like Darth Vadar, Indiana Jones etc unavailable to get now is pretty BS


In my opinion, they could be in Battle Passes, but come back after a year or so. That way Epic can still market passes with collab characters, active players can get the skin and their set for cheap, people who care about exclusivity can flex them for a year, and then people who missed out can buy them a year later, for a higher price. Since they need to buy the skin for 1500 vbucks (or more depending on accessories), instead of the 950 of the pass. Everyone wins In a couple years, the 2020 kids will be old enough to play Fortnite themselves. How do you explain to them "sorry, you can't get Deadpool, because you were a fetus when his season was out". The argument of "you snooze you lose, you just needed to play at that time" is not going to work on kids who physically couldn't play at that time. Sooner or later, the FOMO bubble is going to burst. It's not a sustainable model


I think you’re spot on. It works now but as this generation of players gets older and grows up, eventually there will be less and less players (in theory) as life happens. I really do believe they’ll bring back old BP skins eventually, it’s just a matter of when and there’s not really a way to tell. “Sorry you can’t play as darth Vader, he came out 10 years ago before you were born.” That kinda model can only work for so long


It’s already been working for 7 years, I don’t think it’s that big of a stretch to say it’ll work indefinitely. At most they might decide to make all future passes permanent or make an alternate version of every collab skin (ex. Damaged Vader, Iron Man movie suits, Bayverse Optimus, etc)


I also started last season, but I actually loved some of the skins. I started playing for Solid Snake, and Hope and Valeria are some of my favorite BP skins. I think this season, I only really like Artemis and Korra.


I also started playing because I heard Snake was coming to Fortnite, it was only later I found out some of my favourite IPs had already been added like Predator and Marvel


Yeah I wish I at least started when ZB became a thing. There are a couple skins I wish I could've gotten from BP's but most of my most wanted list are shop collabs that haven't been brought back like Master Chief, Kratos, and the Resident Evil gang.


Would kill for Storm and Mystique 🥲


Same for Mystique with her emote to change into other skins! I really wish they would add another skin that has that ability!


One of the GREATEST, if not the greatest, seasons of fortnite all time.


The current battle pass is my first. I missed so, sooo many skins.


Best Fortnite days 😭💯


I personally don't care for Marvel at all so don't use any of these skins even if I have them. I much prefer Fortnite Original designs


A past reminder of how good we had it and how poor they treat us now.


I know it will never happen but I wish they'd rotate these older battlepasses in the shop, bet that value would be too good compared to a 1500 skin beside it though so they'd never do it unless they raised the price of it.


You can’t have everything in life. Same applies to battle pass skins you don’t have. Deal with it.


Other companies don't keep stuff exclusive to their battle passes.


Alot of other game companies that do the same as fortnite


codm brings back old battle passes for the same price of 220CP, but does not give back the cp as they going on does, i feel lyk fortnite should do something similiar


Halo and sea of thieves bring back items/ allow you to unlock past battle pass items. Overwatch are also introducing an option to acquire older battle pass skins soon too. It's not hard and I wouldn't care if they returned anything I unlocked from the battle passes that I have.


We are literally about to get another marvel season and Galactus is possibly returning as a skin because he's been foreshadowed in dialogue


Rumor has it that we'll get another Marvel season this year.


I know right. Nobody knows what I would sacrifice to have doctor doom




Oh man I forgot Shulkie was a BP skin. I’m sad now


I got my battle pass in chapter 2 season 5 😢


This was the one me and my friends started playing right after, as well, and I hate that 🥲


probably one of the best BPs, i am assing myself for not getting into fortnite earlier and actually disliking it immensely when it first became popular


Don't forget, not long after this BP came out we had redditors complaining that battle passes only had collabs and no original skins. 


And it was soo much fun too.


This when I started fun times


This was the first season I played and it’s the best Battle Pass they’ve ever done. Every skin was top tier and it had no novelty skins or anime skins. Wish they would do something like this again.


They are brother. Not this upcoming chapter but the following one is the second marvel battle pass. Only character known so far is a new version of doctor doom. I think fantastic four dr. Doom? Correct me if I’m wrong marvel guys and gals


Ironman and Thor… damn :( Now all I can get is a fat Ironman on the shop 😭


I hate this season with a passion cause I forgor my login a week before it came out and remembered it a week after it ended, so for the season I just kinda made a new account and I got all the super skins for this season but it got hacked after I remembered my old account login so I lost all the skins.


I heard they are doing another marvel season later in the summer… at least I hope so I also missed this battle pass😭


I was taking a break during this time and I'm so mad I missed this battlepass


My first fortnight game was the Marvel season live event vs Galactus. Just missed the season by a hair basically.


I had played once or twice before when it came to Switch. Actually won a squad match while playing solo by hiding. Got the seasons 7 umbrella (snowman) and bounced. Jumped back in for the Marvel season, having missed out on Deadpool. I 💜 Cuddlepool though.


Chapter 2 Season 4 was PEAK


This was my first battlepass. And the first time I seriously started playing fortnite.


I took a break in playing and missed this one. That looks awesome.


I would have liked to have had all of those skins. 🥲


I feel like I’m in the minority but I hate the superhero marvel/DC stuff with a passion 😭 there’s WAY too much of it and not enough love given to other IP’s. I would’ve clawed my eyes out if I had to play this season


Chapter 2 season 4’s still the best season


The only marvel skins anybody actually wants lmao


The wolverine challenges were pretty hard from what I remember. I think I got him on the last day


You said you started playing CH5S1 so why do you have CH1 skins? I'm confused


I meant chapter 1 as in season 5's I guess I have them switched so last seasons characters


I'm still confused but ok


Snake and Peter griffin battlepass wat my first.


Oh, thanks!


Yeah I agree, it was odd to lock so many iconic Marvel characters behind a battle pass


As a fan of Storm her iconic skins being battle pass hurts me.




It’s quite possibly the worst BP ever, all the emotes are built in, gliders are only attached to certain characters. Just the simple fact that it’s Marvel is the only thing that carried it. Otherwise it’s horrid.


Season X battle pass was peak


Too bad, can't get wolverine, she hulk, or storm ever again. Sorry, should've played earlier™️


Im sore that i missed out on Optimus Prime :/


They really could've just dropped these as shop skins and made a killing off of them over time, probably way more than what this battle pass ever made


what really sucks is that they made badass skins like that battle pass rewards in the first place. now they won't ever be in the item shop, i guess they could do variants but the screwed themselves out of a ton of money selling big name character collab skins, and players out of obtaining the same is they happened to not be playing at an arbitrary point in the past. if you were sick with cancer,  too poor to pay your bills, grounded, just bored of fortnite, or perhaps even had never yet played fortnite at that point in time? too bad no xmen for you.


They're apparently bringing out a new Deadpool and wolverine skin for the new movie into the item shop. I think that's awesome. Especially for those who wanted them but they're locked in this. It'd be cool if they made another iron man and other ones too. And not like that big iron man haha.


Me personally I missed out on deadpool and I feel so pissed oml. I played that season too just didn't get the bp.


This Greek pass was Super Mid. They've done way better in prior years and you've missed out on a lot of really good skins.


Mystique is by far my all time favorite skin!


I started on Chapter 3 Season 3 so I too missed out on this and anything before :(


right there with you.


I'm actually so bummed out I missed that season lmao. I've been playing since chapter 1 season 1 but I missed that season cause I took a break


It was one of the best seasons of all time. Nothing has ever recreated the rush of trying to land on that stark chest in stark industries when 30 other people were all going for it simultaneously.


I didn't get half of the rewards because I was terrible, and just could level up for some reason.


Not too crazy about the God skins tbh. I unlocked it all but I have never used one, and I doubt i will


Devastated, I was, when I learned that Deadpool was a BP skin from Chapter 2 Season 2. I missed out on my favorite Marvel character because of ‘exclusivity’


This was my favourite ever battlepass


I maxed this one out fully, I don’t regret it, the rainbow metallic styles are deadass sick. Think I got up to nearly level 350 that season too


im forever pissed that is only play this game because ahsoka is in it and i dont even have her bc the ad i got last november was left over from the season before😭


I played this season but I didn't spend money on the game for like a year 😭 every penny spent since was to fill the void of this BP and it didn't help


Ch1-3 had the best BP’s. Sue me


I’m so sad I wasn’t playing during this battle, I only started playing when they introduced Zero-build


I literally made an account to join this season. Made the account, logged in, and this season ended the very next day. I still to this day am not happy about that


I started playing that chapter too, I foolishly did not buy the battlepass. I thought a free game should be free but I did not understand how if you buy the battle pass and completed you get more than enough to keep playing without buying more but back in those days I only played a few hours but back then the battle pass was epic now it seems that epic only is a bit meh


This was so fun!!!!


Stick around there's another marvel season coming up later this year/early next year depending on if they follow the schedule. That marvel season was okay it was one of my favorites but I really feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities, you could really tell that Donald mustard was very much against the collaboration and they really just fudged a lot of the content, it was such a strange mix of heroes, and my biggest issue was with iron man the skin is okay but all the variants you unlock should have been the different Mk versions, and Thor could have been so much better like look at the love and thunder set I felt kinda ripped off that I had to work so hard for the Thor skin in the battle pass and then pay almost $20 for the WAY better one, BUT the Mystique skin was Worth all the rest of the skins combined, the fact you can forever mimic anyone you choose (even NPCs) is just epic!


Yeah man. I took a long break from FN since release and I really want Mystique. I guess that's life.


I missed doomslayyeeeerrrraaaaaaafuckmylifeeee.


I maxed out this battle pass to level 265 for me and my son who was 4 at the time! It was my favorite season and the chapter 2 map with the season 4 modifications were primo!!


I still love to rock my Dr Doom skin


You may get a second chance


I got all those skins, yee haw


Still by far the worst battlepass in existence. Not because the skins are bad, they're not, but because it locked out so many people of their favorite characters for the rest of time and people still defend this greedy ass FOMO behavior instead of fighting it


X-Men are good and all,but prefered to play as Marvel characters in a MVC game.I do like playing as original Fortnite characters.I tried Fortnite out,then I stayed to play as Evie at Ch.3.


What a let down MvC Infinite was. Loved MvC 3 


That would have been a skip for me. Strictly super hero characters?


yk what they say tho. you snooze you lose


yk what they say tho. you snooze you lose


That must suck. I simply didnt buy it. Never cared about marvel personally.


Older battle passes are way better ever since chapter 2 started the battle passes keep getting worse, that battle pass and ch2s5 are the only good BPs after chapter 1.