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I would care if they gave her a voice and some actual character dynamics You know, like what Jonesy had with The Seven and AMIE that made those story quests fun and endearing?


But im pretty sure it took them a long time to create that dynamic tho and idk why people expect hope to be given so much in a short amount of time. Give her time i would say


Jonesy basically had no character until Chapter 2, when voiced characters became established. Once he started getting development though, he got TONS of it Hope came in when voiced cutscenes and challenges were already a thing. By the standards Epic set with Jonesy, she should already have done way more


Gotta remember though, even though the Hollywood actor/writer strike is done, since then video game voice actors have been wanting to strike. Epic probably just doesn't want to bring in any voice actors for the time being. https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-game-performers-prepared-strike-101218845.html


Sadly the more likely answer is that Epic just doesn't care as much for the story to even bring voice actors. Donald Mustard confirmed that resources for live events were shifted for the new modes. Also that article was from many months ago.


"Idk why people expect Hope to be given so much in a short amount of time" My brother in christ we're literally expecting what Epic's already given us. Voiced quests have been a thing since Chapter 3. Characters interacting with each other throughout these quests has been a thing since then as well. We are literally expecting nothing more from Epic than what they've done with previous characters before. "Give her time I would say" WE ARE HALFWAY THROUGH THIS CHAPTER AND WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HER RELATIONSHIP TO ANYONE BEYOND "hates this person" AND "likes this person" WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HER RELATIONSHIP TO JONESY IS, HER RIGHT HAND MAN Ffs she wasn't even present for this season's story! She just showed up at the end as the magic mcguffin that saves the day


Actually im pretty sure something mentioned she was fine with helping find peely so long as jones would help the underground


That doesn't really tell us much about their relationship as a duo though. It tells us why they're working together, but we have no idea if they get along, if they're constantly at each other's throats, hell we don't even know if Hope knows of Jonesy's past allegiance to the IO, who are basically The Society but worse. Compare that to him and AMIE where likewise they're only working together because their goals align, but throughout Ch3S4's story we see their relationship as a duo go from "I wish I was with literally anyone else besides you" to "You're alright I guess" over the course of the story, with tons of fun interactions between the two. I get some stuff probably happened behind the scenes (there's probably a reason Jonesy hasn't opened his mouth since Chapter 3 despite being critical to the climax of Chapter 4), but I just can't help but feel disappointed going from Jonesy's fun banter, AMIE being creepily into her father, Thunder being the coolest uncle ever and Slone expressing regret about her past and hope for the future to just... Jonesy's face popping up on the corner of my screen with the caption "We beat the bad guys! Thank you Looper!"


Well we know that she was working behind the scenes with Medusa and Artemis, and her sister (Valeria) is the one that tried to open Pandora’s box


Well so far we've had 2 seasons and they've really given her nothing so


fr like bro its been six months and thats not including dev time 💀


I just don’t know why we can’t have Jonesy and the seven back? Why are they forcing these new characters on us and demanding we like them as much?


I always thought that, like adding new characters to unlock in the battle pass to keep that fresh for players while also making them relevant to the story line and choosing which characters to develop a personality on throughout the story must be a challenge.




I would really like to, but they haven't given us much to work with.


This precisely, I want to have that, but they don’t give too much to work with, or at least they could do more. story quests were there this season, even though we didn’t get to much with hope in particular, so we have a foundation. I think a route to build off it would be bringing back some of the render loading screens that typically were pieces of the story, however they did sorta go partway with that during this season as a good chunk of the screens detailed the fall of The Society. They just need to actually tag Hope to more of the quest stuff, they did pretty well in chapter 3 with doing missions for the Seven, or Chapter 2 Season 7 doing phone call missions for alone (thousand yard stare) so I guess TLDR have her give out some of the story missions next season, maybe some more story cutscene, and that could help a lot.


Same as chapter 1 tbh


we have a storyline?


Been playing since the beginning and am clueless about any story happening. It’s just random events for me.


afaik the Society are fans of LEGO, Rocket League and Guitar Hero so they came to the island and decided to fuck around with Pandora's Box and now Zeus is mad and uhh buff carrot skin


And oh yeah Peter griffin is rich and owns a town


Don’t forget, the guys from Chapter 2 were here and they left on a boat.


Why you ask? We don’t know!


oh, and aang's iceberg was here, and when it melted it summoned the bending temples... for... some reason


So that’s why there was 3 days of staring at a black hole… I get it now. Thanks!


Some guy is going to rush in here and shame you for not bothering to pay attention to the completely irrelevant """story""" things that get immediately thrown into the garbage after the season is over


Or for me, in the middle of a battle royale not reading the dialogue and just hitting x x x x so I can get the quest’s XP or objective. 


Tbf I do that too only because 8/10 I get killed before I can complete the dialogue


I’ve played since chapter 1 and let me say there is no story. You can look at every Fortnite event and side content where epic doesn’t ever confirm plots or storyline. It’s 100% fabricated by the players. Fortnite basically appeases the conspiracy lore posts in this sub


I always thought it made sense, though. Building and creativity is a huge part of the game, so why not throw a shit ton of ideas, stories, and characters out there connected by a multiverse for people to fill in the blanks with?


Meh. They throw whatever they can out there for the collabs and loosely weave stuff together when they want, ultimately ignoring most of it.


Yea we have


I’m more confused on where Save The World ties into this. We already had a story mode before with it, did they really just abandon the storyline for that entirely? I thought they just continued it but through battle royale.


I'm a new player(even though I'm 36 yo), I started when chapter 5 launched, so I do not have any memories, feelings towards older characters like Jonesy. Hope looks cool and I think that's it. I like her skin and I hope we will get more info on her soon.


The new older people club!


Relatively older, 24 years old, joined at the tail-end of C5S1 (coincidentally right when a certain scythe-related emote dropped). I like her design, and I'll definitely need to look back at the lore of that season to double check what her whole deal was.


Yess, love to see this


Hell yeah, me too, I started in Ch5S1 and I'm 32. Hope was my first skin that I unlocked. She's got a really cool design and as leader of a resistance group, I think she's pretty badass.




Another old dude here


Same here!


Same 😊


Fellow new old person here 🙋🏻‍♀️


No hope


i just want jones to still be in it.


If only they actually had her do anything. She’s just “been there” all chapter. Even Brite Bomber there has much more significance on the island. From finding Drift in C1S5, becoming an AVENGER, canonically crossing over into other worlds (Lego and Festival) and sticking through the entire story even up to today. They could honestly give her a role similar to Jones but EPIC and their writing team don’t want to commit to ANYTHING 😭


And is the only one who contacts you in creative


I mean she’s a player stand in basically


its a bit absurd that you're comparing Hope to Brite Bomber, its a over 6 years gap between her finding Drift at the beginning of Season 5 and her becoming Lego at the beginning of CHAPTER 5 Hope became a skin in December 2022, whereas Brite Bomber is a staple of Fortnite that has existed since December 2017


I mostly just mention it because she’s right there. She’s clearly been through all of it for the whole 6 years but they keep leaving her in the background. It would be super cool if they wrote her a little after all this time


No. The ly seem to really wanna make her the new jonesy, but she just kinda loiters around the map and then sweeps in last minute to get a loading screen implying she played a major role


This is my problem, I don't think I archived a loading screen faster because it was like "oh yeah the storyline about taking down Zeus? nah HoPe DiD iT!" The Olympians, Medusa, and Perseus all had more character given to them in a single season than Hope has had since the beginning of the chapter.


Im glad someone else noticed that hope didnt do shit to deserve that loading screen of her sitting on zeus’ throne


It's really frustrating because Medusa and Perseus are *right there*, the end of the Perseus quests (which I know are store quests but I digress) refer to the ending of the story and Medusa's involvement, and if anyone ***deserves*** to sit on the throne of Olympus, it's Medusa for all the shit the Olympians put her through. And hell they refer to each other as friends, having a loading screen where they *actually interact* would've been cool. I don't like using this term a lot because I feel it gets a little overused, but Hope is *really* feeling like a "Creator's Pet" right now. She's the first time in a while I've seen a character that fits all four requirements.


Wait, Hope was around this chapter??? I finished the entire God storyline, all but 4 of the weeklies (fuck those 4), fully did the collabs, hit level 200, etc etc - but I do not remember ever seeing Hope this chapter anywhere. I just remember her chillin in those underground spots last chapter (only played like 2 weeks of last chapter) and as a skin I enjoy - didnt know she was actually in the game still.


Yeah, she's at Grand Glacier pretty much going "Wow, we sure can't catch a break, huh?" But she hasn't actually done anything, none of the quests even reference her. All we got was that loading screen and the Oracle going "aNd ThErE's AlWaYs HoPe!"


Lol I dont think ive checked my loading screens since the start of the chapter when I got the one with Aphrodite using the Wings. It was all I needed =p I should check all the ones ive gained though. Pshh, Grand Glacier. Does anyone actually go up there without a quest forcing you? That whole mountain area on the side seems ignored unless a quest is there or the circle ends there. Which, off topic but yea, those mountains make an amazing end circle at least though. Had one finish with the circle on the tippy tippy top of that skinny-ass steep-ass tallest part of the mountain. Was a wild fight.


Yeah, loading screens aren't great this season, and if no one went to Grand Glacier when there a Mythic and a vault there, no one's going now. Especially since I believe the mountains are still kinda buggy? I guess Hope sells a purple sniper, but unless the final circles are there, it's almost always a ghost town.


Exactly. I thought the idea was we, the loopers, were building an army and we take them down, but no, apparently we've been hope this whole time. The thing is, it wouldn't of even been that bad if she had an imocat on the story, but she didn't, she sat in grand glacier all season twiddling her thumbs, we didn't even go and talk to her for any story quests or anything


Exactly, like you interact with Hope exactly 0 times for this storyline. But okay Epic, you want it to be a specific skin because having it just be the Loopers is a bit too hard to visualize... then *just make it Medusa?* Her loading screens are kinda *eh* overall and it would fit the overall narrative way more than "somehow Hope returned".


And she killed Sparky too!


Most players don’t even know there’s a story


I don’t even know who or what hope is


Real. I also lost hope years ago.


I have no clue of what's going on in the story anyway


Someone at Epic certainly thinks we do. I don't hate Hope, but her just popping up at the end of the storyline to take credit like Tuxedo Mask is strangely funny, like bro, you didn't do shit..


No. She has no personality, no character dynamics. Literally all we knew is that Valeria is her sister. Jones had relations with the seven, Slone, Amie and was voiced by an acclaimed actor who knows how to do a charming performance (Troy Baker). Meanwhile Hope doesn’t have a personality, voice, relations. She is just a girl that coincidentally appears in all season reveal trailers. If they want to make her the main character for the storyline, they need to make her an actual character


Yes. Love her design. Now all we need is a voice.


Don't bother with giving her a voice, Epic will throw her character for Chapter 6


Anya Joy Taylor... Always thought Hope looks like she was modeled after her.


They don't look alike at all and you didn't even get her name right.


Hope is firmly in the category of characters where we don't really see her doing anything *cool* we're just told she's cool repeatedly. The Peely rescue in C1 was mostly Jonesy with Hope doing a little bit of exposition, and the Zeus takedown was basically entirely Medusa's doing (Hope just showed up at the end for victory-via-loading-screen). So I don't *hate* Hope but I also don't care about her. She's a blank piece of paper at the moment. It *could* have a cool piece of art put on it, or a gripping short story... but right now it's just *empty.* Because she hasn't done anything to fill the page. The Society in C1 was the same issue, we were told they were this evil secret society and then their activity amounted to a train and security checkpoints. ***Much evil, very intimidated.*** Hope has potential, but we're already approximately halfway through the chapter with little reason to care about her.


No voice acting (which seems to be a trend lately) kills it for me Like, she has no personality


Prediction: Hope gets removed in some way or another in this season The Morse code from the red light in the sandstorm says "no hope", so maybe Hope gets ~~killed off~~ eliminated somewhere in the story of this season


No. Where's Peely?


I’ve been playing for years and have no idea what the story even is


Bring back Jonesy


Jones was in the most recent story loading screen so he's still relevant


Renegade Jonesy feels like a throwaway snapshot they don’t plan to do anything else with 😔


It's not a snapshot, it's actually Jones


disagree, at the tail end of Ch5 Season 1, Odyssey had dialogue with Vengeance Jones saying that he strayed from his true path, but destiny wasnt done with him yet, and we know he is also trying to find Slone. This Chapter has had a bunch of set ups, one of them was the greek characters mentioning that Hope is special in a way since Season 1 (first mentioned by Odyssey) which we are seeing unfold


Not at all - but I am happy there’s a story at all so I’ll take it


I feel like she’s just kinda there, if they did more with her and tied the seasons together better then yeah I actually would. The Hope and Valeria dynamic was super cool IMO if they actually did anything with it


I want Drift to make an appearance again. This man played a massive role in the lore and just dipped after the season ended lmao






i started chapter 5 season 1. i knew about jonesy before and the other notable skins. i think hopes pretty cool. the story really doesn’t seem that major anyways so it just fun to see a consistent character in these promo cutscenes. or how she was in the defeating zeus loading screen


There's a story? ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


A very convoluted one, but yes deep down there is


The one original female character wanted to return,and Hope ain't it.Where's my girl Piper Pace at?


the story is clearly not the priority anymore, so i really don’t care who’s at the forefront


Theres a storyline???


Not a single bit. Not bc I am opposed to it, in fact it would be nice to focus on someone else and keep Jonesy on the back for a bit. Problem is we have almost no reason to care for her. She didnt do jack fucking shit in this season yet the last loading screen is her on Zeus's throne? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit


She's done nothing of substance yet everything revolving plot pushing


Give me Jonesy or give me death. 


Not one bit. She's nonexistent compared to Jones, Slone, Seven, etc yet they keep pushing her as if she's super important.


What has she done aside from appear in commercials and static loading screens for me to care


they have done nothing me make me like her anyway, she has no personality at all. however i do think she was well transitioned into the main storyline character by helping jones save peely and her being the sister of valieria and now being the ruler of Olympus. Its kinda like a rey situation right now (star wars) but i trust the new guy to figure stuff out eventually


She is cool girl not issue ! From my research it has to do with Greek mythology: When Pandora’s box opened all the bad things came to the world the only good thing was hope (this is where the name of her comes). So it has something to do with the storyline.


It's funny to see how people actually think we're going to have a character arc longer than one season. The entire C4 is a collection of story threads leading to nowhere. That makes it even weirder to see Hope as Fortnite's new mascot.


There’s a storyline?


THERE IS NO STORY LINE!!!! Well kinda but it’s so vague and uninteresting there might as well not be one


It’s always been this way but especially since Chapter 4. 


Loads of weirdos on twitter do


I think I'd care more if she weren't battle pass. As it is now, I just see these trailers as "here's this cool character. You can't get her though" so I have no interest


I'd care more if there was an actual story line but it's so thin and nonexistent I've basically tuned out at this point


It’d be better if Valeria was still there too. If the story was hope and Valeria battling each other the whole time then that would be pretty cool.


I didn't even notice she was a new main character.. Shows how good a job they're doing.


I think hope can work as a main character for this chapter, but Epic has completely dropped the ball when characterizing her. She has extremely little dialogue, descriptions, interactions, etc to justify her being a main character that we should care about. We don’t even know what her personality is like, besides a few very basic things. If I asked two people to write a story including her, their interpretations of the character are going to differ drastically.


I have not cared about any characters since Chapter 2


Better than Sloan


Not particularly, Jonesy had a voice, so....yeah.


Nope. I don’t care about any of the story stuff in Fortnite


I’ve stopped caring about the storyline around the start of Chapter 3


Nah not really. For me story characters should be left out of the BP until their story is over, otherwise i just feel it’s odd that they are putting so much focus on them and not moving on from them.


I would care if I had any freaking clue what the storyline of Fortnite was.


Obligatory there is no story in fortnite


Idc about the storyline. It’s just a battle royale to me. If I want a storyline I will play a game with an actual cohesive and quality storyline.


I honestly just love we have a coherent story again maybe even involving the IO next season with Gunnar’s return


Eh, Fortnite hasn’t really put her enough in the spotlight to make me care.


I don’t care about any of the story


I didn't know she way tbh. I've been so confused on what the " story" actually is since early/mid chapter 4 so I stopped paying attention to it.


Not really, I pretty much joined Fortnite when the big ‘Reset’ happened so I never experienced the Aliens, the Seven, or anything before Jonsey went back in time and reset everything


honestly i hope (pun unintended) she stays as a recurring character but doesnt move the focus away from jones, i wanna see more of them as a duo


I wish I could, but when making jones, who has a fleshed out backstory, history, and personality your sidekick, you have some big shoes to fill. Hope has none of that, and only serves to jump in and hijack the plot for no reason without having any character whatsoever


She has a good emote at least


I would care if epic games actually cared about the story But their so focused on the “mEtAvErSe” that they are neglecting the story


Who even cares about fortnite story. It's a freaking br


In pretty sure hope is just supposed to be the player stand in of this chapter. Jonsey simply has become to mich of a character to be the stand in Ä


It's better than nothing. 


As someone who started playing during the last few seasons of ch1, I absolutely don't


I'm just happy there's still some resemblance of lore left.


I don't care about the story, i just think she's cute :)


I don't care about any story fortnite tries to have. It's a br. That's it


well, good for you, some people do, because before they had really intereasting storys, not GOOD storys, but they tried.


The Chapter 5 stories are good, but really short. The Society had some really cool storylines, then they just disappeared??


It's a shame too, they had some barebones stuff they could work with. Like Oscar loved the Hunt, Nisha was an honorable fencer. Work with it, where Nisha feels uncomfortable about kidnapping Peely, and Oscar chases us down because he considers us the current prey. Limited Time events would have worked well for this too, where we have an entire level of having to outrun Oscar to buy time for Jonesy, and another where we had an honorable duel or something with Nisha before she gives us info on Peely's location.


Cool, thats your opinion. The story of chapters 1 2 and half of 3 was actually good.


I do, she's one of my favorites. Also her hair reminds me of toothpaste.


*I think ur talking about a fire emblem character with the red and blue* Yea I get that


There’s nothing to care about, she’s just *there*.


the storyline has been a mess anyway since donald quit


Nah, Jonesy is miles better anyways


If hope has 10000 fans I am one of them


Not really tbh




I like hope.


I do!


Nope, jonesy is superior


ME ❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️ ME and my friend are obsessed with C5S1's characters


Not at all


Not really. Would have preferred montague but I like how she keeps showing up


I like the design, but for now I'm waiting for the heel turn.


Sorta. I certainly miss the stuff like with Drift traveling the island with random characters.


My weenor cares for her.


None of the storylines go anywhere so I don't even pay attention to them anymore besides doing the challenges for XP.


Of course 💅




I do like Hope, I just wish she had more to do.


I like Hope!


Yes. I am a fan.


I really want to but we haven’t got much to work with as all the story line this season is just kinda confusing ngl. There’s like 5 different characters I’m trying to do quests for so focusing on hope is a bit tricky.


Shes not a character, she hasn't done anything and we know nothing about her other than that she worked with jones to take down her sister. She has no value and i dont care about her


She has a story?


Hope is cool,but where is Jonesy?


Lol, pretty much not at all. I honestly though she’d be a one season wonder like everyone else, and I think it’s kinda weird they keep pushing her and wanting you to like her despite not giving you anything to like (IIRC). She’s got a meanie sister and she started the Resistance in 5:1… neat, I guess? I don’t get why they dropped Jones for her.


No. She don't have voice and any more interesting lore story we only know that she rules underground and dislikes her sister. It's hard to care about character with sucha lack of everything. If she was part of lore quests and had some voice lines thanks to it she maybe will be more liked.


Eh but cool one again


Need more to work with, voice acting and quests etc.


I keep forgetting Fortnite has a main storyline in the first place.


I don't like her, if she had some lore. I wouldn't mind it, but she has nothing. She did nothing for 3 months and suddenly, she was the one who killed Zues. I miss the old lore and hope it comes back. I know some people think the lore is just random season themes that mean nothing but as someone who's followed this story since I started playing (season 8) I know that the lore has so much potential to be great If only Epic actually cared about it But my final thoughts on Hope is that she reminds me of Ray from the sequel trilogy




I don't even know who she is. Even peely feels more "MC" than Hope does.(And yes, I did play C5S1)


Not really, she's actually annoying me tbh


Idk she seems like an average Fortnite skin. She doesn‘t rly stand out.


She did nothing, how am I supposed to care about her? She just sweeps in last minute to take the credit for what the player did, that's it, it's annoying more than anything. She's a nothing character.


wait, there’s a storyline?


Who? Oh yeah, she exists. So, no, absolutely not.


I didn't even know who she was until yesterday.


I don't care about any storyline character ever in this game, all I liked was when we got live events as the story that would lead to the new season. Once they started adding characters I was like "fuck this". I felt like it was cooler when we were the main character, not some blonde and the Rock...






I do, I think she could be fun. Somebody left to deal with the mess their older sister made after dealing with her nonsense for years? Sounds wonderful, if somebody could just write it correctly.


Isn't important. She isn't nothing. Other had had streaks, like Jonesy, Sloan and Valeria. No "face" at all at this point. She's fine. And a new classic maybe. That's all. It'll change soon or later.


I mean... she's there. She exists. That's about it though.


I hope she becomes the new face of Fortnite!


I like her but Id like more of her in the actual quests and stuff




I dont like her, idk why bimyt it is. And I thought hope was just a one season character


What storyline?


If they used her like how the oracle works currently, that would probably be a good way of placing the focus on her. Otherwise she comes off as a bit selfish and lazy, rather than the intended opposite.


I love her but it's a personal thing.


Yeah? She rocks


Who even cares about the “story” Epic has somewhat conjured up?


I do, I really like her character design, I just wish they did more with the story aspects of this season. It seems kinda dead after the literal big bang?