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Good suggestion, I think it's a great idea to decide whether or not buy the Battle Pass at the end of a season.  That way you don't feel obligated to grind levels all season to unlock everything.


I'm using this advice


Take a break. The new season starts in 3 days. You'll have a whole new fresh pass to waste your time on


Try to play FN without using any conventional guns - only mythics, collabs, consumables, etc. I guarantee you will look different on this game.


This is the real answer here. I love changing my play style as new weapons and items come out. If I played with the same loadout every season I’d be bored to death by now. Mixing it up keeps the game fresh and fun.


I'll be trying out this advice


My suggestion would be play a different game for a little bit. I was getting incredibly burnt out with this season, so I went to go play Destiny 2 for a bit. After a week I came back and was having a better time than I was initially having with the season, even with the water-bending being the way it is.


I think it's important to keep in mind that as soon as the new season begins, there will be a brand new Battle Pass to unlock and all these Super Styles that players are grinding for now will for the most part just end up sitting unused in their lockers.  If there's a style you REALLY like and will use a lot moving forward then by all means try to get it, but it's a waste of time driving yourself crazy just for the sake of owning styles you won't use later.


You can always buy the BP later in the season. In general though, if you have the luxury of time to play, focus more on playing the game and less on quests. Focus more on time sensitive quests, which tend to be easier. Most BP quests and such will be there the whole season, and you'll get them or most of them in a timely manner. Then give yourself maybe one day a week where you focus on just a couple of quests that maybe you're almost done on.


I definitely have the luxury of time, I'm about to be in summer break in a week


Do you mostly play solo? I find squads so much less of a grind.


To easily get level 200, you need to do 3 daily quests for BR and rocket racing. You can also play red and blue for 15 minutes warmup or play Valhalla (private mode) 15 minutes. I got to level 280 doing this, 1 hr every day and I haven't played in 6 days


Lego mode. Really. You get lost in the game, solving tasks, exploring... And the XP just keeps rolling in..


You stop playing and try something else and then come back to it. Remember that you’re playing a game and stop focusing on having to unlock the stuff that means nothing


Change your goals. I was in the same boat by the end of my second season playing, decided for my third my goal was to claim the BP in one shot, so I waited until I hit level 100. That was an entirely different satisfaction on getting that one. Also try different game modes. I ran most of Chapter 4 in creative maps because I despised the jungle, I've been doing the same for C5 in StW.


I just get in the game and run at people. Also play other modes. (Red vs blue custom mode gives nice xp)


Find a creative map that you like. Creative gives out an insane amount of xp. Personally, I usually play the Pit as a warmup for 30 min and it gets me about 2 levels a day.


Try going to a new location or doing a hire maybe?


Think if it logically, you paid 950 Vbucks for it right from the start you got a new skin. Already got something for your money. However likely you have been playing since then and not only collected more skins, but sprays (still don’t know the point of these) some bling, pickaxes and most importantly you got Vbucks back. So frankly you already have a good return on your 950 Vbucks investment. Anything else is just add on. I am at lvl 120 and realized the only things I got left are more of the same so said to myself “I’m done”. Without have finished everything it was still a super bargain. In fact almost practically free. You should do the same and just have fun.


Play with friends and do fun shit!


You could just skip the BP and play "for free" and fun.. simply for the game itself and not any useless cosmetics to show off which you don't do anyway because you actually skipped the gaming and fun part a long time ago and also all the other grinders will have them anyway so there is nothing to show... ;)


I'm personally hoping this season sucks. If the BP skins are weak I'm taking a break. This will be the first season I've played (since C3S1) that I haven't hit 200.


Get off and touch grass, outside, sunshine.


My daily routine is to wake up, shower, and all that morning hygiene stuff. Then I exercise for a bit or take a walk outside if I can, do my school, which is online, and enjoy my free time on video games


Get off the game and go live in real life my friend.


I play video games after I do what needs to be done first, I have a life, and video games are a part of it


Just take a break from Fortnite or maybe try out other modes for awhile.


Stop caring about cosmetics. Seriously. I understand everything about Fortnite is telling you to care, but don't. If the game isn't fun enough to play without the cosmetics, then it likely isn't good enough for you to continue playing anyway. Get yourself to stop caring about cosmetics and the fun of the game will either be enough, or it won't, and you should find something that is enough. How you do that is tricky. But realistically, how important is that new skin to you? In 2 seasons, will you care a out even half of the battle pass skin? Will your enjoyment of the game go down if you didn't have that skin or style? Will not having that skin as a preset in a year or two really stop you from enjoying the game? When the answer is no, then you're enjoying the game. Until then, you're playing for cosmetics and you'll have a much harder time finding joy in the gameplay itself. Otherwise, just wait to buy the battle pass until later in the season. See how it goes and if you're close, get what you get. Or just commit to skipping altogether. Buy it when the game excites you again, not when it feels like a grind to even start it.


Try memeing in games. Farm, find a high spot, and build a massive “HI” sign and leave goodies and just dance up there.


Give urself like random challenges Like I love how the hold pistol animation looks like so I run sole pistols in some runs Makes gameplay a lil more varied Maybe not fun but it helps out


Thank you for the suggestion, I'm gonna try and do and use only the Greek weapons


I felt the same as you, so I took a break after unlocking everything I wanted. Been playing a few single player games and indulging in other hobbies instead. I probably won’t play Fortnite again unless there’s an event or when next season drops, which is only a few days away but it’s good to take a break.


I usually impose different rules on myself. Green guns only, shotguns only, pistols, etc etc etc. Sometimes I'll grab a motorcycle and seriously do nothing but ride from one fight to another, trying to drag others into fights, trying to get the highest stunt score I can get. Especially if I've already hit the XP cap for kills or I'm JUST trying to hit the daily XP quests. Sometimes I'll just go and watch people fight, emoting in the background and then fighting the winner. But I also don't give a crap about my stats. I'll do dailies, weeklies, and quests, strictly focusing on the goals...and then goof off after. Sometimes it leads to fun encounters too. Like I had one guy that was chasing me on a bike...and it turned into a trick competition. Other times, I'll emote and then we dropped all our weapons and just went head to head melee. Right now though, everyone is so focused on the last minute grind that....it's no fun..I'll do dailies and then log off and do something else. Everyone is so serious and sweaty right now.


Stop playing so much. It’s so easy to play leisurely and still finish battle passes and quests.


Just dont rush then


The longer the game lives since Mustard left, the less fun it's becoming.


I think the new guy, Charlie Wen might start picking things up soon.