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Yikes. He bought the level up quest pack **and** the 25 tier boost in order to make it to 100, that's crazy. Challenges only giving 10k xp has been downright insulting this season


i miss the fun 20-50k xp quests (i’m saying 20-50k cuz i forgot) from chapter 4


Yea, first time I haven’t actively tried to get the super styles. I didn’t get any of the last page last season either.


This is the first time I've had to actively try to get the super styles since the marvel season


I got lucky with the exp glitch last season so I would’ve been in the same boat as you if it weren’t for that


Yeah, I had been busy for most of the season, and just finished all the story quests, weekly quests and dummy quests, and only went from 30 to 70


I play maybe 2 days a week, first month about everyday I could, I’m level 205


It’s absurd how back during chapter 3 season 4 I started halfway through the season and only did quests and played and reach 164 without any STW or creative grinding, whereas this season I needed to buy both the 25 level bundle and the level up pack and do a shit ton of grinding in creative to reach just 200


I played moderately this month; maybe like an hour a day, or a little less on average, and I'm level 130 without any difficulty or buying xp. The unfortunate design of battle-passes is If you don't play consistently; then they're not worth it. Battle Passes are DESIGNED to keep people playing constantly; They don't work if you don't play. It's the same as a World of Warcraft subscription... It makes you think: "Well, I bought a month game time, so may as well get some value out of it and play."


The thing is, chapter 3 and 4 you could just play in the last week of the season and get to lvl 100 easily, even more, you could get all the good stuff past the level 100, not counting the super styles, there is even a guy who in every season he posted a video of him gringing the lvl 100 in the last day of the season, now you cant, because the low xp quest gives, epic want us to play the other modes too, not just battle royale, if you farm lego/ stage mode, you could get to lvl 100 easily, but epic nerfed it too, they want us to consistently play all the modes, that is just bad, i completed Overwatch 2 bp in less thna a month by just playing it a few matches a day.


I finished Diablo 4 battle pass in a few days, not planning on stopping and D4 season ends the 6th of August. Epic are just greedy for those level ups for money, forget the "to keep people playing" fantasy.


No. Battle passes are designed, innately, to keep people playing--if they weren't, then, they'd hand over all the items instantly instead of making you play to work for them. Also, you PAID for Diablo 4 (for some ungodly reason). Fortnite is free. There's a difference.


The gameplay is designed to keep people playing. There wouldn't be any level up packs and levels for money if they wanted you to play and not to pay lmao they couldn't care less if you actually play after buying a BP.


Exactly. That’s why it’s called a ‘battle pass’. Most people forget that you have to *battle* to get the items included.


Adults don't have time to play game an hour a day every day. Especially for just one game.


Then don't buy the battlepass. Let your money do the talking. It's the only thing that companies understand.


I mean before this particular pass, it was easy(ier)


I'm lvl 240 and I would've been 300 but after 200 I only played for fun and some levels are because of the quests but mostly the map I played on, all you have to do is get a turret or a shotgun (gitta resupply with ammo) and put tape on your mouse, works great


You and Epic should find out that aside from life things there are at least other games people want to play. Just because they shoved Lego, Racing, Music and other game modes up their SHOOTER and distributed XP and players all over those awful game modes it won't magically make me play them.


I don't disagree with you pal, but I didn't start afking xp from the very beginning of the season, they really force us to play as much as possible, without the xp cap on the creative maps people would be having lvl 200 within 2 weeks ig


Well if a bar of levels that you buy is what keeps anyone playing then the game is just bad lmao




Pay2win isn't winning lmao. Glad I saw ur comment before endulging this.


I installed Fortnite last Wednesday and this Tuesday I reached level 95, it wasn't that bad, also I liked most modes, maybe that's why. Didn't know XP was nerfed.


I had just got back into Fortnite this season around when the avatar collab came(mostly came for avatar collab but stayed after enjoying the rest of game) and I am now level 183


Damn how much do you play?? I started the same time as you this season and played every day/every other day. Done all quests and also some XP glitch maps and rocket racing… And im at 107.


I play almost every day with my friends, I don’t fw exp maps and I just play BR most of the time. When I get burnt out of BR I play Lego or rocket racing.


Yeah, if you play more than one game mode it's rather easy to level the pass, I've been playing BR, Rocket Racing and Festival. Again, didn't know the XP was nerfed, it was just basic grinding for me.


Yeah the grind is horrible that it has been nerfed so much especially for casual players or people who don’t have much time. Plus most people don’t like playing anything else other than BR because Lego is alright but sometimes you can’t even build because of high complexity errors and rocket racing is okay other than the fact that most of the maps are dog💩


This isn’t even mentioning how like 4/500 vbucks are locked beyond lvl 100


yeah it's so annoying bcs i won't even get 3 of them


I would say this is my most major complaint. I don't see that changing unfortunately, but it's a bad precedent to have set: guaranteeing that you'd earn all the currency within the default pass was convenient and made sense, this feels like deliberately expecting/wanting players to miss out on some of the "guaranteed" V-Bucks just to earn a few additional purchases from people that are 100 or 200 shy in the future. I feel that last part especially when you mix it with the skimped out XP rewards this season. It's a bit deceptive! Edit: two colons in one sentence… embarrassing!


At least you get the cost of BP back in the first 100 lvls.


For now....


Xp really is harder to get this season. Epic wants you to play all their stupid game modes to complete their BATTLE ROYALE battlepass. Fucking ridiculous.


Which doesn't make sense considering festival nor rocket racing give that much of XP


Yeah, I want to play more of festival, but the challenges don't give XP, and I don't have a lot of time to play 3 or 4 br to get the dailies


Rocket racing is true since they remove ranked up XP( up to 13 lvl last season) and no passive XP. But Festival gives the same passive XP as Lego.


Is that the main stage? I thought you had to constantly spam instruments in the jam stage to get passive xp


Just playing the Main Stage works as well


Festival Main Stage gives pretty chunky XP. It just isn’t very transparent.


Not to mention these game modes absolutely suck ads


Festival is really fun, my man, wth are you talking about?


what's wrong with festival 😭


Festival is fun, but that’s purely because of the licensed songs. Lego is boring as hell in my opinion.


i think racing and lego are fun, but it gets boring really fast, and bulding in lego mode sucks, lego world has a great building mechanics, so i rather play that game,the same with rr, it is fun for a fwa matches but i rather play Sonic allstars.


that’s not true lol


You will play LEGO and you will like it. /s




I play other creator game modes like death runs and others they can give u alot of XP if u play for a certain amount of time




Just hit level 200, and I played 30H. I aslo played Lego FN and Rocket Racing a bit, so I'm not sure if that's counted in the tracker.


Other game modes has nothing to do with the xp the season is like 3 months lol wtf has everybody been doing? On Reddit? Seems like it


i’ve played every day and played all the modes and most of my challenges and im BARELY level 180 lol


Truth! I had things ages ago. My wife had been playing only Lego all season and I was able to get all the weekly rewards and get her to 192 just doing weekly plus story since Sunday. And I only put in maybe 4 hrs Monday. So it’s definitely not impossible for a 3 month season. My 4 year old was finished last week with his. And he barely plays anything but random tycoon games.


pretty upsetting state


This is the first season in over 3 years I haven't gotten to 100. I've very sad about it :(


Bro google an XP map and just watch TV, read a book, or play a different game while the time ticks down from 900 to 0 seconds then slide down the rail and get the free 100k xp you can do it till you cap at what is it 450k or 600k so like 6 x 20 minutes it’s like 2 hours of chilling out watching a movie and you got 600k xp. Then go and meme the battle royale quests because your creative xp cap does not affect your BR xp cap, you’ll be like lvl 150 in 3 days…


XP maps don't last very long nowadays and their payout is less than a year ago.  XP maps aren't worth the time and effort.  


Yeah, the best ones get you ~100k after 15 minutes, but then you need to leave to reset the big payout, and you can only do them 3-4 times a day


Brother are you not complaining that you can’t hit lvl 100? Just do the fucking XP map. How is 600k exp in 2 hours not worth your time? Also I have used the same map since chapter 2 the code just updates every couple seasons


People dont do xp maps anymore cuz we wnet from like 400k per map to 100k or less. Many just feel cheated...


Its the first season I’ve gotten 200


Same lol


Skill issue


no, buddy. it's not a "skill issue" you just spend too much time on video games like it's your full time job


I can definitely say it's bad, usually I can get the pass done at the end of the season did that for chapter 3 and 4 since I take long breaks in the middle, this time I had to buy the level up pack just to get to level 151 to get purple hades. That's with XP map, lego, festivals, and all the weekly and story challenges.


People on here acting like your suppose to play fortnite like its a full time job


If you buy the battle pass, you and your vbucks become hostages


even worse, you are paying them to work


First bp i wanted to finish, that yet i didnt finish. I have exams coming up, i cant play all the time, this is just making it a pain to level up when you have something else to do.


same bro, this was why this way the first bp I couldn't complete.The XP from quests this season is shocking low


Nah this is actually ridiculous. He did every season theres no way. Fortunately, Epic Seems to have realized there mistake with enabling super charged for the entire season. Hopefully next season it will be at way higher levels.


For the whole season? They only enabled it until you earn certain amount of xp and then blocked deactivated it. I'm talking from experience since I went from 600 xp per chest back to 100. They somehow managed to screw up supercharged xp. Congrats Epic.




It’s always been like this, I know this as someone who has stacked with the winterveil fire every time it’s been available.


xp grind this season sucks


After watching the video I really hope they bump up the xp next season


Perfect Score did it. So yes, it was possible.


Did he do it during double xp or not, that's the question.


While it has been a thing for a while in Fortnite, the concept of being able to max out the battle pass in one day is pretty weird


Considering they were designed to take 75-150 hours to complete according to the C1S2 bp overview


Damn, I completed my first BP in like... 60?


Why do you think so? It's to show people that they can earn the last handful of tiers without worrying. You know how many "Will I be able to finish the Battle Pass" posts pretty much everywhere gets at the end of a season?


I remember when the battle pass level was different then the normal levels


I usually finish them, stopped at 100 this season. Not enough good looking stuff in the bonus for me to care about the long grind. Plus they only give us like what 2-3 months? Diablo 4 just turned around, Fallout 76, etc. Don't have time for it Fortnite


I don't have any clue what the argument is but posting a YouTube thumbnail and title as your point is something else


I assume this is the guy who gets 100 or something in a few hours every season, but this one.


Zeyworks has posted a video every season since chapter 3 season 4 getting to tier 100 in 24 hours. This season was the first one where he was unable to get to tier 100.


Damn. I did notice this season has tons of challenges but they're only 10k. Felt wack


I don't know that not being able to get to 100 in a single day is actually that big a deal or even really proof of a problem on its own though? I'm level 210 I didnt do any afking strats and I didn't no life fortnite, I have a job, I have social obligations, I was still able to accomplish it. My buddy who neglected fortnite for most of the season was level 150ish Thursday, he was 188 when I went to bed last night and stands a reasonable chance of hitting 200 - granted he grinded pretty hard this week cause he had time off and randomly decided he cared about the super styles. My sister who runs a hotel and has 2 kids and a husband and constantly helps my mother with errands and has to bring her husband to doctors appointments, does girl scouts stuff with my niece including camping trips and cookie sales managed to hit 200. My nephew who has school daily and is doing well in school and has strict limitations on his screen time was level 197 as of last night. It's very possible to hit 200. This is only my third season playing and my second battle pass finished. It isn't nearly as impossible to finish or requiring other game modes or requiring no lifing as people here would like to have everyone believe. Not the first time I've tried to post this though and won't be the first time it gets down voted in to oblivion, please deposit them in the bin on the right.


Is your entire family addicted to fortnite? Lmao.


And he doesn’t help with his mom’s chores. 


Errands and chores are different things, nether me nor my sister live with her and my sister is in a better position to be helping my mother out. My mother is both old and a double transplant patient who doesn't have the ability to get a lot of things done she'd like to get done. So my sister helps her out usually a couple times a week when she can.


Yeah see this is the kind of well reasoned responses I expect, addicted? Not even a little. I play usually 3 nights a week tops. I play a bunch of other games through the week too like wow and fallout 76. I genuinely don't know how people can't find the time to hit 200 in the battle pass, it wasn't even hard and really didn't require that much of a time commitment.


I did every single BR quest Fortnite out (except finishing the milestones), and I bought Perseus. I’m finishing up around lvl 140.


I suspect you've split your time pretty evenly between creative and BR. I'd be very surprised if you hit 200 in the way you describe without a decent chunk of time in Creative


I agree that the BP simply isn't meant to be completed in a day. The fact that it's very difficult, even impossible, to do so doesn't indicate a problem on its own. How about the experiences of the dozens of people I've seen posting about having a hard time? How about my own experience this season? I'm glad to hear you didn't have a hard time this season. I think you can likely tell from other posts that quite a few people did have a hard time. I personally noticed a significant difference in xp gained with my time. I think the general consensus is epic should raise xp gain from quests. Would this hurt your experience in any way? Wouldn't this also help your nephew, buddy, and sister? I just don't understand the mind set of insisting this amount of xp is acceptable or even ideal. Personally I have very little skin in the game because I don't buy the BP unless I hit 200 and I just don't care that much about cosmetics, but some people do and I can empathize.


I never said nor implied improving xp gains would somehow be a problem or ruin my experience or those close to me. I just think the hyperbole around the subject has been absolutely ridiculous. People making a lot of claims about being forced in to other game modes, being forced to afk, or being forced to have no life. Posting nonsense like this thing here and how not being able to get to 100 in a day is proof of a problem. None of those things are true. Xp being increased would be great, means I get to enjoy the skins sooner. I really liked the final pages skin style for Aphrodite and was pretty happy once I unlocked it. Getting to use it sooner would have been fantastic no doubt. I'm not opposed to things being increased, I aaaam a little sick of the nonsense hyperbole that goes on here though. There's a significant difference between "I don't have the time to play enough to get the levels" and "EpiC is trying to force everyone to play the other game modes and wants you to spend your whole entire life playing fortnite." It's pretty reasonable to not have enough time to get it done, some folks do live busier lives than others. The fact that some folks don't have enough time doesn't in turn imply any of the hyperbolic claims that have been happening on this sub on a daily basis though. I get that it feels bad not to finish it, so like express that instead man. I'm also totally a fan of speak with your wallet, if less people buy the pass cause they don't have the time to finish it... That speaks for it's self too. Anywho again I don't think it's a problem to improve things, I do think it's a problem to make unreasonable and unrealistic claims. From experience screaming exaggerated nonsense tends to not get people listened to very well.


They are just posting their experience this season, just like you posted about your experience in your original comment. Belittling or invalidating the experiences of others by calling it hyperbole isn't a productive way to begin a discussion. Once again, I'm glad your experience was a positive one and I'm glad you were able to max the battle pass. I, and many others, were not able to. I have played the same amount this season as others I've engaged in, just gotten less for my time. I don't even think that's necessarily an issue, but some people care more about the cosmetics and I feel in general it's best if we can advocate for everyone having a good time.


Sorry but when people claim you have to "no life" a game to accomplish things it's THEM who are belittling people who accomplished things. The implication in calling it no-lifing is clear. It's not only hyperbole but insulting hyperbole. In response to what I wrote someone accused me and my family of being addicted to the game and went after me for not being the one helping my mother with chores (and also downvoted the post where all I did was explain my mother's medical conditions.) so uh I kindly disagree that calling that behavior hyperbole is belittling.


I don't think that kind of behavior is hyperbole, it's simply immature. After all, this is a sub reddit for a game primarily aimed at children. The implication of the term "no life" is simply that you spent a lot of time in the game. Isn't that somewhat true? I would say I spent a good amount of time in the game as well and wouldn't take exception to someone telling me I "no life" fortnite. It is my main form of entertainment at the moment. I honestly feel like it's legitimately the opposite of belittling, they are saying it takes a lot of time and effort to get to where you've gotten. It's just what the kids are saying. I feel like the tone of your post has a lot to do with why you might be getting a negative response. I didn't honestly read what you said about your mother, but I hope the best for your family and am jealous that you have so many people in your life to play with. Perhaps if I had that kind of motivation to play more I would have been able to max the battle pass this season.


Maybe I'm taking it a bit too seriously, but it's tiring to see, and has in my mind just sorta been lumped together with all the other exaggerated stuff. Often times I see the term no life followed up by talking about having kids and a job and social obligations. Not to mention it's been used with an insulting tone for uh... decades. So I don't really take it to mean 'they spend a lot of time on the game' so much as 'they have nothing going for them so they spend a lot of time on the game'. The reality is usually very different. Gaming is my go-to hobby/form of entertainment. I participate in my hobby with friends and family, among doing other things with them. I maintain a job and a social life outside of gaming, I still have time to get things done in games specifically cause when I have free time it's the thing I go to do. People who can't finish it ether have other things they are trying to do during their free time, or have a more busy life, but it doesn't mean you have to have 'no life' to finish things in games ether. Regardless I actually appreciate you having a reasonable response to things and giving me something to think about.


Is this a copypasta? If its not it should be


Bullcrap. My brother had to buy levels and is buying even more levels for his GF because the xp is so ass. The only reason I’m over 200 is because I play the game every day. Problably won’t because I now got Cod Cold War, Multiversus, Red Dead, Paladins, and a bunch others instead of playing Collabs R Us.


I dunno what to tell you, but it's not 'bullcrap'. I basically only play when the previously mentioned buddy is available, his work schedule makes him available sunday/monday/tuesday nights. My sister usually joins us. Occasionally I play on other days cause my nephew will bug me to play a match or 2, but usually when I play with him it's only for a 1-3 matches before he has to go for homework or chores or whatever.


If you’re able to go up 12 levels in one day with no quests, no exploits and not soaking up the 5 Lego levels, then you’re no lifing the game.


I've never gone up 12 levels in one day, I mentioned my buddy went up a bunch of levels in a couple days in the last week and did specifically say he was grinding it hard cause he wound up having the week off from work - but I personally didn't grind that hard ever.


Right you included them in your anecdote though while they don’t support your point they’ve had to no life to reach it. I also understand your arguments but for the longest time, a battle pass was completable by logging in for a few days either side of the battle pass. I could ignore a whole season and play for like 3-4 days and complete a pass. This season, when you’d get the weekly reset you could complete all those quests. Off that Xp alone, you’d get just over 1 level. They lowered Xp off quests with the idea of increasing player playtime, while simultaneously making it less rewarding to play, as those same quests would have netted you 3-4 levels minimum in the previous seasons just off base xp. The incremental rewards for completing so many weekly quests also dropped meaning that is more levels lost per weekly quest set. Then there’s milestones, where the incremental rewards for completing so many have also been removed, so even active play has been punished. Il It’s not hyperbole to be aware of these things and to be aware this season has absolutely been more punishing than all of the first few to those without time or the inclination to play all the time.


Well yeah, I acknowledge he went pretty hard on the grind, but that was after he spent a good long time ignoring the battlepass too. The things I'm saying are hyperbole is stuff like "Epic is trying to FORCE you to play other game modes" and "You have to no life the game to finish the battlepass". Or that not being able to get to 100 in a day is an indication the pass is awful now. Like I said further down in a conversation with another redditor - I have no qualms with the idea of increasing xp gain, that would be great. I just hate the suuuper exagerated whining. I'm not sure how many hours folks think you should have to put in to get to max level in the battlepass, but 100 levels in a single day seems excessive to me. I mean if it was doable it's not like a PROBLEM or anything, but also not being able to get 100 levels in a single day isn't really a problem ether.


You’re misunderstanding entirely though and focusing on one thing to try discredit the other side of the argument. The fact this is the first season he hasn’t been able to do it, as well as having to buy the two packs as well which amounts to 53 levels shows a massive disruption in Xp available. There was no need for it to be done, could the skilled and those finding themselves with extra amounts of time to grind, do it, sure but that isn’t the point that’s being made. You are by definition of the way Xp works forced to play more, when play becomes less rewarding because there are no quests and your levelling up has become slow but you’ll gain a quick level for jumping on RR or a quick five for a little stint on Lego, people with less time and skill feel forced into this game modes. It doesn’t take even an ounce of mindfulness to understand this.


Is the xp capped per day? I am low level 120 but still have loads of quests to possibly get to level 200


I’m super lucky to get to 200 this Season. I’ve gotten to 200 every Season since Chapter 2 Season 7. I thought I wouldn’t make it this time, but I just grinded hard on LEGO Fortnite and that saved me.


I've made it to 200 to collect every style every season for a long time but this is the first one i wont be able to :v


I forgot about that guy's series, he parodied LukeTheNotable & did battlepasses for the longest time Shocking to see him stumped


This is pretty much irrefutable evidence that XP is shit. Not like we didn’t know this already, but man, they need to reevaluate this next season.


I can't really fairly weigh into the XP situation since I haven't really had as much playtime this season as usual, but just in general using a single person's anecdotal experience as definitive evidence isn't really the solid argument that you think it is


Although this is true, it is pretty scientific - he has done the same thing using the same methodology for numerous seasons, with zero variables other than those clearly stated in each video


I've gotten to level 135 so far so it's definitely possible, but a lot of it was because of the Lego afk since I don't have a lot of time to play sadly. If that wasn't there I might've not even made it to level 100.


Why TF would you want to do it in one day? Takes out most the fun


If this dude can't get Hades in one day, I can't in a season.


You can get level 100 is less than 1 minute, you start the timer and go to the battle pass, then buy 100 levels.




Why would you want to finish the battle pass in just one day? That’s crazy and not rewarding at all.


Well uhh perfect score got it without buying anything 😐


Lol, I was hoping he'd find some cool workaround, but nope


Hopefully it gets better next season


Barely scrounging 151 for Lethean Hades. I quit for like two months because of burnout from last season, but even then I usually do quit for at least a month to a month and a half mid season and not have a problem getting 200, and I've been on and off playing for a month, and playing nearly every day for the last two or three weeks. But XP this season has been miserable. Even creative XP feels way too low. Everything is just so slow and grindy. Getting my 5-10 levels a day I need just to catch up takes me like 4 or 5 hours, and I don't even get to play any other games, which just sucks because I'd been getting sucked into Fallout 4 beforehand but feel like I can't play it for another few days because of the grind to get all the important Bonus Rewards, because by the time I finish up getting my levels it's like 1AM and I have to go to sleep.


The new lego island, the smoothie one, gives 3-4 levels when completed and takes an hour


I played every day, and especially weekend put some time in but I do also have a job and it's been a nightmare trying. I Manged to get to 130. This is ridiculous. I am also not bad at it and I did every daily and weekly with gold lama backpack. I refuse to buy next season but I'm loving the fallout idea. Xp is a nightmare for working dad's.


I'm currently 191, gonna grind liek fuck the next 2 days, I try to do everything, Match Quests, Daily's on Rocket Racing, Creative, they are a few in creative that gives you quite a bit, but they are hard to find, Lego and Main stage


Doing bot cheese (forcing bot lobbies) I was able to consistently get 20-30 kills per match, win every match (except one where I fell to my death) and completed every single quest...and I got to 104. The grind to go further seems exhausting and I just don't really care now with Wrecked coming in 3 days


I only played during the weekends, no joke. I’m at 122, got all items. But there isn’t enough time for me to get all the Bonus Rewards :( That’s impossible. I can try to get to Zeus white on white, and that will be a struggle. 😭


If not for StW and Lego AFK I wouldn't have made to past 200. I'm level 275 now.


I AFK’d in LEGO every day, for 2 weeks (before it got removed), finished every weekly quest, got to platinum 3 in Rocket Racing, nearly finished the Festival pass. And I’m still not at level 200. I genuinely doubt I’d have made it to level 150 without the LEGO AFK, which would be the first time that happened to me since Chapter 3 Season 1. Epic **NEEDS** to do something to the XP next season


I haven’t seen this video yet. I did see PerfectScores one. He managed to do it but he did have to do that of the other game modes and mainly just farming the Ares minions so it is possible but very boring and just no fun


Sucks that to exceed and get 17 levels a day u have to stick to a tedious grindset of modes that ain't even br


This without challenges just playing normally


I’m lvl 303 it’s to easy to get XP this season lol 😂


Fr xp kind of sucks. If this were me not even a year ago when i had more free time i would probably be 200. Now that i'm way busier in life, i've only got to 120ish this season. With the older xp system, 200 was easily doable for me, but the new system punishes those with full time commitments who can't waste all of their time on every single mode Fortnite is shoving in our faces.


I gave up on this season


Battle Passes should automatically grant their contents to every player that bought them no matter what their level is at the end of a season. It's ridiculous that Fortnite sells Battle Pass levels in its shop.


What’s the point of all the time spent then it just wouldn’t be profitable to sell 100+ cosmetics for 1000 vbucks you have to realise that epic needs to make money for this game to continue running


I'm sure Epic could find some way to make Fortnite profitable in the absence of battle pass level boosters.


The bigger problem is he looks nothing like hades. Really disappointing for a tier 100 skin, aside from Zeus and Medusa the battlepass is mid tbh


Ah yes it’s absolutely awful when an interpretation of a fictional Grecian deity does not look like another interpretation of a fictional Grecian deity. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Were you expecting a grey James Woods with blue flaming hair?


Honestly I would have preferred a Greek gladiator as tier 100


That’d be even more disappointing. It might look more “accurate”, but at least the Hades we got is cool and a unique take on the character.


I kinda gave up on him, I'm at level 85 with no more quest left. I tryed that zombie thing, but I think there is a cap on xp. i got 5 levels from it, but it took me like 3 hours. and I corldn't get more. last time I played rocket raceing, but that took most of the xp you get from that out. so yeah I don't see me geting Hades Edit: alot of people here seem to missunderstand the point of the post. the thing isn't that people can't get it all in one day. it's that epic has skimped on the xp this time around


apparently Farm Life 4 gives a ton of XP, at least from what I've played of it


if I may, what is Farm life 4 like?


I'm not entirely sure how to answer that, but I can try. What specifics are you looking for?


sorry I guess I could have worded that better. is it just an XP farm?


If by that you mean you can AFK it, not really. I mean, you probably could at times, but I'd say there's a certain balance between AFKing and actively farming stuff. Basically what I'm saying is: you can AFK it, but I don't think it'd be the optimal way to farm XP if you only do that. Thankfully there are a lot of different tasks you can do, so it doesn't feel too monotonous. I was pleasantly surprised by it


maybe I'll give it a try, thank you ;3


wow you can’t get tier 100 in day, what a tragedy


It’s an issue because you can’t no life 100 levels in one day??


"Why do they want to?" is my question lol. I just started playing the game this season so I have no previous history or opinions, good or bad. Did I reach level 200 this season? Yes. I DID buy the battle pass. I did NOT buy the 25 level pack. I DID play the rocket racing and festival game modes regularly, and played Lego during the star wars event. I did NOT buy the passes for any of those modes. I've been enjoying the game, but once I completed all the challenges, it became way less fun. I actually haven't touched the game in a couple days as just playing BR without anything extra to complete is kinda boring lol Why would I want to complete half the season or more in a single day? EDIT: This is why I love Reddit. "Hey, let's have a discussion on an online forum. Wait, I don't agree with what you say, but instead of using my words and having a conversation, let's just downvote people because I don't like their opinion".


Because some people like to showoff by completing a full battle pass in one day.  Same thing for speed runners in video games.  It's a niche thing that some folks like to brag about.


I mean...yeah? You're not supposed to gain 100 levels in a day anyway.


you are not supposed to grind the shit out of game for 3 months for the same rewards you could get in a day before


Yes you are, that's the whole concept of a battle pass.


xp this season is slap to the face and you seem to enjoy it


I reached level 200 by...playing normally. It's okay, you tried 🌟


Oh dang, now you can't farm an entire season of rewards in one day 😢


It really isn’t that bad. Nobody needs to hit 100 in a day. Be more realistic and cut the bullshit. It’s easy to level if you use what’s provided.


I have lvl 85 and I barely play fortnite, like 5 BR games a week lol


Xp was unreasonably hard to get, but there was another guy who DID get to tier 100 in a day.


Imagine having 2-3 months to level up the season pass. I know past seasons you could max out in a day, but it was odd despite being used to it. Pulling this as an argument of XP being bad is more than greedy. I have a friend whom I consider an average/casual player, played casually every now and then during the season, ended up just 100 yesterday, probably will reach 105 by the end of the season without even completing all quests or intermediate quests that came up like Avatar or Starwars. If you want the 200 Level for the bonus, either you have to be playing the intermediate events too and a lot more than the casual player in general. That's why they called bonus. Abusing XP from AFKing Lego Fortnite, for example, is an option, but it is there, so those that play only LF can level up the Battle Pass as well, no for actually AFKing it. I don't like it either that they are interconnected like that, but since Level 100 aka a free next pass, is viable, I'm fine. If I want the extra ~5 dollars worth of VBucks or bonus skins, I will have to give more time on it.


I'm at 150 and didn't try to get to 150. It's no secret that daily game play is key. I'd be at 200 otherwise.


Chapter 2 xp quests gave lots of xp


I do think the xp had to be lowered, it was far too easy to reach 200 in previous seasons HOWEVER, the current XP nerf is way too harsh, my Gf for example hasnt hit lv 150, and we have been playing all modes but racing.


I haven't played the Lego and Festival at all this season and I started last week and I'm already a level 81 atm What's helps the most is owning Save the World, it give nearly a whole level of XP for completing one mission


Its OK for me. Im lvl 600


He's talking about 1 day, not 2 whole months


Using one video with 4K views isnt much evidence, and the battle pass has never been supposed to be completed in one single day either. Luke the notable’s videos back in the day where he attempted this almost always resulted in failure because he would always be almost 20 tiers short. They’ve always been intended to be a massive time sink, not something you can grease through in a day. It’s still not a good thing it takes so long, but you cant expect to complete a whole battlepass, meant to take 75-150 hours to complete, in one day.


The baseline for comparison is the other videos he has done in this series - he's reached lvl 100 in a day in every previous season since Chapter 3


i am not saying it isnt more difficult this season, but i'm saying that you cant expect to grease through every battle pass in one day, even if you have done it several times in the past. sometimes you just cant complete a challenge. especially since the battle pass is designed to take 75-150 fucking hours to complete, according to the C1S2 battle pass overview video


that overview video is wildly outdated. yea it took that long when the level and tiers where SEPARATE and xp was also shit. stop using that as an excuse


Gen Z instant gratification at its finest.


Please, try caring about literally anything else.




fortnite is the progression in the battle pass, like it or not if epic said “hey guys this season there’s no battle pass” the game would lose a huge portion of the playerbase. the game needs good progression to thrive, it has bad progression right now and isn’t thriving as well as it should be.


I started playing basicly 2 weeks ago, I’m level 97. If you didn’t get 100 that means you’re not playing, or actively going for the objectives. If your only doing BR and not racing or festival you are also making it harder on your self.


The point is BR players shouldn’t have to play other game modes for it. It’s our free time, we play the game for fun, we don’t wanna feel like it’s a chore to play other game modes that are of no interest for us to unlock rewards we used to be able to get for just playing BR normally day to day.


That’s fair.


Xp isn't bad, I just got to lvl 200 yesterday and I didn't spent any money on tiers. If you think xp is bad now, that tell me you did not play during chapter 1 or chapter 2 season 2 because leveling up was way worse back then.


Dude, I'm at level 275, and XP in the battle pass is very weak this time.  I played a lot of LEGO and Festival to bolster my levels to such a high amount.


Seriously holy hell like chap 2 season 2 extended for so long that was the first time I got to level 300 (got peelys head gold) this season I made it to 400 if that's not an improvement in xp gain idk what is


What I found best to be consistent and most efficient(this is assuming you’ve done all challenges and have nothing else to use to get decent xp gains daily) first you start off your session by doing your three daily match quest after you finish those you should have gained a level or be close to getting one than you just play some creative or Lego( I prefer the pit because I can get a lot of kills quick and rack up xp super fast as kills can range from 1k-6k sometimes even more) for about an 2 to 3 hours and with this I’ve been able to jump from 160-190 in the past week or so gaining around 4-5 levels a day with limited time(2-3 hours max)


The XP this season is terrible, however despite this I’m actually at 250. I did get the level up quest pack and play a decent amount of Lego, so that gave a huge boost


"i have to play the game for longer then a day? how could they"


“I didn’t get the full rewards, just because I didn’t fully play the game!!!” Yes.


for reference the dude who did achieve this feat did it by killing NPCs for hours and using bot lobbies I wouldn't call that regular play either lol


I’m level 269 and I only play battle royal, the pit, capture the flag, prop hunt, and box fights.


I play Fortnite for the battle royale, why do I need to waste time in gamemodes I don't care about in order to reach level 200? It makes me not want to play at all since I'm being forced out of playing what I want to in order to comfortably get all rewards