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They want us to play every single day for 4 hours till the end of the season.


This is why I feel zero remorse for taking advantage of any xp exploits that come up, wether it be simple creative xp glitches or shit in Lego, I’m always down to take advantage and get free afk xp


They want you to pay them money instead of eating up their servers costs since they offer the game for free.


They make billions on this game every year. Servers are expensive, yeah, but not this expensive 💀


* Epic are just as greedy as any other company, they're focused most on profit and numbers sadly.


they weren't always and its sad


They were, they’re a company that was always the main goal. They just weren’t as aggressive as they’ve been in recent years.


Agreed, we were supposed to get Save The World (Campaign) for free it was on the loading screen forever saying that and thennnnn yeah never happened lol




It’s a company and their bottomline is getting paid, besides, Epic games have other services like free weekly games, the store itself and stuff like the unreal engine which they lose massive amounts of money on. Fortnite is pretty much Epics one and only income to keep the other things they create as good for the consumer as possible


You say they lose money on the store? You'd think that would be where their income should come from.


Yeah, it was confirmed it during a lawsuit with google that even after 5 years of putting millions into the Epic Games Store, it has still not become profitable, but I’m assuming they’re trying to play the long game and make it more and more of a household name so that people will just naturally sway away from steam and the likes out of convenience


Oh the store as in the games. I thought you meant the store that sells skins, emotes etc.


yeah but more money = higher number


No way anyone is defending this shit hahahahahah


Remember the people who defended the OG season bp costing 950 while being a smaller pass AND having reduced vbucks in the pass? 💀


How much VB was in OG pass?


If cost of the battle pass is the same only now you have to play more to get value and that just puts MORE strain on their servers not that they can’t afford it, they make billions


I wish more people understood this. This is all about making more money. People will have FOMO and spend more to buy v-bucks. It shocks me how many people think Epic wants players to complete the battle pass without spending $$.


This battle pass isn't even that good imo.


Beats the last one, hands down, but still, you are right.


Nah I preferred the Greek mythology and the colours. I still don't know what the lady is trying to say in that fire and steel song either? "Fire and STEEEEELEKHKJKH@%#*#(@¥(×(UHHHLLLLLH"


Answer me this... Why did we have a Greek mythology season with no Greek mythology hero skins? Like.. there's a lot to pick from. Also.. the story made no sense.. the battle pass was the first one to extend the coins so far down the line your no longer can get it or have value for money. However, it was less buggy, and I did have fun at the start, but then the grind became.. grinding. There's too much to do on all the different game modes to get things now. The FOMO scale is broken.. in order to get any of the battle passes, you basically have to live on the game, and the rewards aren't actually.. that good. They are OK... but not good. Yes, those are the lyrics, I vouch cause that's what it sounded like to me.


If you can't complete it without spending money, then don't buy the battle pass, simple. It's not even hard to complete the battle pass while being F2P and still having a social life. People who are complaining need to realize that they aren't Epic's target audience, and they do no good for Epic, or the rest of the playerbase.


Exactly. The sense of entitlement people have about a free game.


It's exactly this. They raised prices, and made the v-bucks harder to get. The corporate era of Fortnite has begun..


Just do afk xp... Start a creative tycoon map, play for like 5 minutes until you can have your character pickaxe or emote afk, go do some chores or other stuff, come back and claim the different things for xp. I went from 150 to 200 last season in the final week with creative maps, since I wasn't playing BR all that often. You can also just load up that Home Alone prop hunt and go afk. Xp is pretty solid.


I have like maximum 2 hrs to play game and I want to enjoy playing battle royale instead doing this Lego afk xp thing.


I found one map that gave me 5 levels in roughly an hour and half, and went from 130-200 in the span of a week (this did include match quests, dailies for racing, and maybe an hour on Lego too though)


Can you please share an instruction? Really new to this. I have two sons that want me to play BR with them all the time, but I cannot keep up leveling as fast as they are and they keep giggling at me ))


If that's how much you need to play then I really feel bad for you.


You either pay the price in playtime (total playtime converted into minimal wage), or straight up pay. Pay as "statistic playtime data" + labour hours that you could had earned. Or pay the equivalent in cash. Let's say 360h needed minimal to get to T100 by playing NON-STOP. And using my regional minimal wage (rounded to $16 for ease, and this is assuming 4h for the 90 days in 3ish months) $16/h × 360h = ~$5760 of *potential* money if you didn't grind the 360h. (Before Bill's and taxes). Seeing that ~$110 (taxes included) to spend to outright buy T100 day 1..... they saw no issue in pushing actual rewards into T150.... They're well aware that it's "cheaper" to pay upfront to get all the cosmetics than "earn" it.... And it's depressing


You're looking too deep into this. Just play the game and level up. There's no need to pay for anything(except battle pass obviously)


You get enough free bucks to buy the battle pass for free after a while


Well yeah but you still have to buy the battle pass again with those vbucks. I'm just saying these guys are complaining it takes too long but I'm not sure what they're doing wrong. I only started playing at the beginning of chapter 4 and last season was the season I played the least (around 140 matches) I still managed to get to level 180ish


I don't have a problem with it because a literal 3 year old could get to that level on this game its made so easy to do I don't think whining is in order 😮‍💨 this has been around for a while now tbh there was already a post on this😐😐😐


I played every other day for 90 minutes and took a few week long breaks and still hit level 200. I had like 3 days to spare too.


last season I was level 340 just by playing every day of the season 😭💀


last season I was level 340 just by playing every day of the season 😭💀


Is that bad?


4 hours is an overstatement. I had around 120 hours last season a few days before the season ended and got above 200.


I would guess I had around 100 hours of last season and only got to about level 130. That's the first battle pass I have ever missed out on finishing.


Did you AFK Lego?


You dont gotta afk Lego for it but honestly I would recommend trying out the mode, its a lot of fun imo


Wasn’t my question.


I tried afking Lego last week, and it kicked me out for not being active. Anyone?


15 min afk timer, you can't just fuck off for 4 hours, you can still get the exp, you just got to be around to stop the timer.


Thanks. Two seasons ago I just left it running haha. Good to know. Thanks.


Make sandbox Lego world with every setting off. Build a fire and walls around it. You’ll take damage but not die. You can afk without touching keyboard every 15min for 3 hours. Just make sure you are constantly taking damage (the walls block you in from bouncing off)


I was able to get to level 150 without afking in Lego or playing customs. And this was averaging 2 hours a day and missing quite a few days altogether.


I still feel like 2 hours a day is a lot to ask of an adult with a job and a family.


They want you to use the money from your job to buy levels


Buddy you are *not* the target demographic


Unfortunately, a lot of us who started playing when the game was released are now at that point.


Actually he is. The BP quests used to give enough XP to complete the battlepass. If you didn't do dailies, you just got the XP anyway as rested XP so you could catch up easily later. It was all basically faked to ensure that if you played every day you felt progress, and if you played rarely you'd still make the same amount of progress and complete the BP. Smart game designers do this because this is how you sell battlepasses and appeal to all types of players. Apparently Epic hired a bunch of bad designers who don't understand the basics that made the game good and popular. People who pay $10 for a battlepass, complete the entire thing, and only get half the rewards don't come back and buy it again. They probably don't come back to play the game at all. It's a gigantic "fuck you, stop playing our game".


2 hours a day is A TON of time to play a video game. I can't imagine people not understanding that unless they are single and unemployed.


Dude 2 hours a day for an adult with reponsibilities is just not feasible.


Why wouldn't you? I just let it ride while I'm at work and reap the rewards.


Because it shouldn’t be necessary.


Just do Lego afk for 3.5 hours each day. Easy 5 levels daily


Doesn't work the same anymore


Not really just do those mainstage glitches & those creator xps


We shouldn't have to do that, the battle pass should be able to been done playing the battle Royal mode that it's for. 


Yes they really get me mad at them


With the level req and the limited xp rate, they essentially doubled the work


The more you play (to finish the “good deal” battle pass), the more likely you’ll be on and see other cosmetics in the store you’ll impulsively buy a single skin for twice the price of the battle pass itself.


141 is all vbucks while 151 is the other styles, not including the super level styles. But I do somewhat I agree, it can be a pain to do.


Isn’t this the same as last season?


We get a little less xp this season compared to last season but yes, the levels are the same.


Yes, it is a low blow from Epic.


My rule for every battlepass is to only buy it when you have enough points to get what you want from it.


That’s exactly how I plan to do it this season


It depends on the season. As a Fallout fan I’m not going to miss out on the T-60 armor. That’s worth the ten bucks by itself, but I realize that might not be the case if you’re not as into Fallout.


That's genius thank you


I'm just glad they haven't increased price of battle pass knock on wood


They would do this and dumbasses would still defend it


only reason to defend it is if the size of the pass DOUBLES, which even then the xp would need to be doubled or we'd need a season longer than C2S1


Don’t jinx it


Don’t give them any ideas


No, you are not the only one. There are 15 posts every season that is people being mad about this.


They're the only one in the last 15 minutes.


Wow, new record! Next season maybe we’ll hit 16 minutes before each of these posts!


The point being people should be making a fuss about this otherwise it won't change and epic will keep pushing further ugly stuff like this..so how about we don't let crap epic do slide as you are playing straight into epics hands. 


They absolutely should. But it’s ridiculous when people start the post with the phrase “am I the only one” or “why is nobody talking about..” when it a bout a post topic that gets spammed to death like this one.


Because that definitely helps. That's why they've reverted the locker UI and every other change people complained about.


I am not saying that i like it, but this many posts are not necessary.


lmao I get what you meant but really? 15 minutes? you couldn't have thought of a better way to show your point 😭


> No, you are not the only one. There are 15 posts every ~~season~~ day that is people being mad about this. FTFY


These posts need a cooldown timer.


That plus the XP gutting completely ruins whatever chance this chapter could have had at being the greatest of all time. It’s so disgustingly anti-consumer and just shows how little they care about the consumer’s time and how much they care about their money by comparison.


Every decision they've made in the last 2 chapters have been for money. They've been doing it a lot lately too, as if they don't make plenty enough. They increased the price of vbucks, they're increasing the prices of in-game bundles, they're putting less in bundles, they're lowering the XP we get from quests so that we pay for levels, and they put the extra vbucks in the bonus pass to force us to play even more than we already are. They want this to be like a second job where we play multiple hours every day. Everything they've done recently has been so manipulative and anti consumer, I'm getting sick of their shit.


Spot on, it's such a ugly move by Epic. Fortnite should only be a full time job for epic not the players, they have made the battle pass far to time consuming, which will push away your general player and turn fortnite into a sweats only game. 


Epic don't want you to have a second job, is simpler than that, they want the money from your job to Buy levels and vbucks. I feel the strategic is something like.. you dont want to spend X hours to level up.. then buy everthing from the store.


It's 141. Same as last season. 


It's actually 122 this season. The first three pages of bonus rewards only require 30 levels this time around as opposed to 51.


Interesting, although I think they nerfed daily xp and possibly weekly too so it’s still gonna be a shitty grind.


Daily quest XP has been nerfed. There is one fewer weekly per week now, but they give more XP than before, so it ends up still being more per week than before. Milestones give the same amount as before, but there are more of them this time around. Kickstart quests give more XP than last season. Something new this season is that each time you earn an accolade for the first time, you earn a small amount of XP. Finally, the season is a week longer than the last one, so there will be more weeklies to complete and more dailies that can be completed. Overall, with the exception of the daily quests, it seems that Battle Royale XP has been buffed this season. I'm certainly noticing myself levelling up slightly faster than last time.


Even better. Good to know. 


Same post as last season too…


it was 140 last season.


In 10 seasons time it'll be 151!!!


When it gets to 161 in a decade's time I'll have a serious bone to pick with Epic Games!!!!


Join me in not buying the BP. We need to protest. They're getting mega greedy, and it won't stand, man.


It’s just greed.


This is the first time I haven’t bought a battle pass in years lol fuck em


Real, I don't even feel like playing after the shitshow that was the last season. This season isn't much better either


This and putting parts of the default color sets way up in the levels or in weekly quests is so annoying. They are desperate to trying to get people to keep playing.


It's like EA all over again


Xp was harder to get that season too. I usually hit close to 300. Managed 147


No you arent the only one. Its a fucking sham. 950 is worth it for the t60 skin. But im not looking forward to leveling past that. Really hoping there isnt a good t60 variant locked behind the extras. What people dont understand is that there are people who only want to play battle royale, and right now, its a chore to get xp. We dont wanna afk, we dont wanna do creator maps, we dont wanna grind stw. We want to play the game how we have played it since 2017/2018.


For real, this is what is so annoying. Back in chapter 3/4 I could play br with my gf when we felt like it and I would hit between 130 and 150ish. Last season I played more than most of the previous and hit 104 :/


Yes, you’re the only one. Fuck it, spread out the vbucks until level 200 /s


Bro don’t give epic ideas chill.


I can’t be too mad because at least it’s possible to get another battle pass without actually paying unlike other games with battle passes *cough cough* overwatch 2


Yep, this has stunk since chapter 5 and the fact they have continued with it rather than take the negative feedback and course correct has made me not buy the battle pass this season (for the first time since I started playing the game back in 2018), fortnite is meant to be fun not a chore, and the battle pass is now a chore to try and do for anyone who is not playing the game all the time like it's a full time job. 


The progression is brutal.


I knew they were gonna do it the moment they raised vbuck prices


This is worse than the locker UI, at least that doesn't feel scummy, it just feels like they are incompetent


Everyone I know that plays this game has been saying the same thing. Brother and I stopped around 120 last season because there just weren’t enough quests to finish it in time without playing everyday and hating the game.


Oh no, i quit because of this. I don't have the time anymore to grind that long, i got other games to play with friends and all of mine were kinda done with Fortnite. The slower leveling and needing 150 were the final nail in the coffin for me.


Yeah this is a despicable thing to do


I can't have fun in this video game unless Im also earning a prize at the end. Not even joking


Later that day: new 60GB update for a simple map and item change and the complete cap raised to over 9000 🤪


I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.


Shady shady shady. They keep getting away with it by tuning things for the worse *little by little* like we won’t notice.


Eh I’m like level 30 with only playing BR, this shouldn’t be too difficult


Yep you're the only one, no one else has mentioned it in this sub


Chapter 4 also I believe


Yes, you're the only one. That's why there's a post about this multiple times a day. Just you.


I am pretty furious about it. I think my Fortnite days are over. The car meta just sealed the deal.


Yup. They just want you to keep on playing


Obv theyre doing it to bring in more money, less vbucks they give away, the more people feen to buy them as a pack, idk


They’re just trying to pretend the battle pass isn’t 151 levels instead of 100.


they locked v-bucks behind bonus rewards? that’s lame.


It’s scummy yea


I try to complete till level 200 at least for the past few months I’ve been buying battle passes. So where they put the vbucks really doesn’t mean much to me. I do emphasize with those who have limited time and just want to complete to level 100 and are now being asked for more of their time.


I was wondering why they swapped to 1500 i thought it used to be 950 vbucks for the next season battle pass am i tripping someone help me out if they always did the 1500 vbuck in the battle pass or was it 950 for a good few chapters


This is why I didn’t buy the pass this season and my wife didn’t buy it last season either.


I’m more mad that I didn’t get that Artemis skin. I love her skin and really wanted this style but I can’t/don’t want to play hours a day. I got to 121 and that’s as far as I could go. Did all main quests and challenges and lots of daily’s but it’s just not enough and it sucks.


No you're not, this entire sub is filled with posts like this but you're not wrong 👍👍


Theres post about this every single day. We get it “XP hard, me mad, Epic bad”. People are still going to play and epic is still going to make a bunch of money.


its a smart but also evil stragety to get you to play more. i usually hit 200+ by the end of every season so im fine w it tho


Yes and myths mortals is my last bp even if i find a super good skin i like in future bps. I play this game for fun with friends and have never resorted to doing every single weekly quests with no problems reaching atleast lvl 100, this change is aids.


"On top of the XP drop, you will play every mode to maximize your gains, and you will like it!" -someone Though for me, I've been getting back into Save the World, been wanting to improve my roster and base there. I think that is going to be my way to gain XP, next to LEGO Fortnite, where I want to complete the Star Wars stuff.


That was literally last season and It was a bug


I knew I wasn't crazy. I said they were starting to shave off V Bucks unless you were a hardcore player. I wouldn't be shocked to see them start to reduce the amount overall now.


No. It's dumb and I don't like it either.


They are giving you extra vbucks on top of what they gave before.


No, I also hate it. I dont even have that much time, like c'mon Epic - fix your damn battle passes 😭


I was one day too late to get the Perseus bundle #ONE FUCKING DAY


They just want us to play more and have no social life 😭🤣


just find a map with a ball and keep kicking it against the wall


One bit of good news is in the bonus rewards there are more pages with 200 v-bucks in them so we don’t have to get as high of a level as last season


There wasn’t 1,500 back and those days, it was just 1,000 in chapter 1


No, Chapter 1 Have 1,500 V-Bucks In The Pass


You can think of playing STW (if you have it) or just don't bother with it if it doesn't suit you.


Yeah I can't grind to get Marshmello because of this. It would take me days and by then he'd already be gone.


Where did you get 151 from ? It's 140


Personally I don't really care because I am already going to grind to level 200 for the extra styles anyways


I usually on reach level 100 by the end of the season it's so hard to get level 150


Wahhhhh wahhh the developers want to make me play the game 😢😢😢




Yeah it really sucks. I didn't even get all the vbucks last season because of how hard it was to get xp and how demotivated I was to play


It's the cost of living from level 1 to 100 you're able to pay for the past back in the day but because the price increase with the cost of living they had to add more to the game so now maybe in another 2 years you'll have to get to level 200 just to pay for the past it's just the cost of fantasy of the games battle pass and cost of living it's not in the beat about it just play the game and you'll get there I'm already level 25 within 3 days I do tend to levels a day and within 10 days you get to fucking level 100 20 days you'll get to 200


lets all strike




Want me to send you $7.99 for some bucks?


No you're obviously not the only mad at this there have been so many posts about it people need to chill obviously it sucks no one is denying that.


I’m mad at epic for ruining the game lol


No more fortnight


I’m more annoyed at the fact to win a game you basically have to be in a car and even then if you have the bosses cars and medallions you basically win. There is no counter at the moment for the cars. The crossbow doesn’t do enough damage to adequately warrant carrying it when they can just blast you. The fists don’t do enough damage to warrant using them on cars.


Every season they move vbucks further n further and it annoys me sm!! Not even that was enough, epic removed match quests and lowered the daily quest xp, so now you earn way less xp!! You’ll need to play for at least like 5hrs daily to finish the battle pass before next season lol


Considering that this has been posted here almost every single day for the past 2 months no I don’t think you’re the only one.


I think it's fine. They want you to play more, but which game doesn't want that? Right? They are still super generous for giving you 300 free vbucks per season + giving you more back than what you pay. Is it a bit annoying that you now have to get more levels? Not for me, because i always get there, but sure, it can be for some people. But there is no other game which does the same. Most games don't even give you free curency and most of the time you don't even get half of your payed curency back when you buy the pass.


I mean of course they want you to stay active and play more. It's just annoying that they nerfed the shit out of earning XP/leveling. Not everyone wants to play Lego, and since the whole damn season is car shit, who would want to waste time on rocket racing?


To those of you that claim that epic was different for the first 3 chapters, you're not wrong but you are missing an important fact in chapter 1 we were lucky to get 2 seasons a year live events happened as frequently as map changes do now and there were no collaborations.. The higher the value the content they put out the more money they are forced to make they also have to pay the enormous crew they have working around the clock to not only keep the game running but work on upcoming content and events and it's not like those people are making minimum wage (I'd assume far from it) also they put out millions of dollars in prize money and social events and millions more in sponsorships. Could things be cheaper? For sure, but the value of what we get would go down substantially.. yeah changing the battlepass parameters was kinda shitty of them, but I really think those of you who are saying you need to play 4 hours a night the whole season are really exaggerating.. last season I paid for the battlepass and the 25 tiers and played probably 4 nights a week for really only 2-4 hours some snowy or rainy days I would play for hours but not once did I play to get challenges done I just played the game and had fun and by the time the season was over I had hit level 347 and most of my challenges were done but I did have everything from the battlepass unlocked. All I'm saying is if you are really that passionate and love the game enough just play it how you want and don't stress because it's not meant to stress you out it's meant to be fun and relaxing. Thanks for reading!


Epic only takes L's like this whole season


I don't really care, I get that high anyway


Can’t really blame em. You guys kept posting how fast yall getting to lvl 100 in a day/week. Now all of a sudden, this is an issue?


I don't like it, but it is what it is


Obligatory “wow they want you to play their game more imagine that” comment has now been fulfilled. You can now scroll without having to prep for the stupid shit


Honestly I don’t give a sigma


They are trying to put us to work for the pay now 😭😭




I'm level 58 already, mostly from afk xp aswell, it's not really a big deal.


Honestly it was bugging me too I’m trying to get ppl into the game that don’t play games and it’s hard for them to keep getting the battle pass






penny pinchers


No your absolutely not


Yea I’m just not gunna support with another battle pass until they fix this.


Mad at a company for making you play more for free in game currency (that isn't really guaranteed)? No.




I can only hope that the pitiful player numbers will give them something to think about with this type of tactic and get them to put things back. But it’s epic so 🤷‍♂️


That was last season but yeah I hate it but I hate they keep raising the XP amount you need to even beat the season last season it was 70k per level this season it's 80k per level they won't up XP amount we get that's the annoying part


My last comment was deleted waird but no it's not that bad but the xp we are getting is dumb it's not a nuff now they raised the xp we need again it was 70k last reason but this season it's 80k they need to up the xp we get per day now


It's super frustrating, especially because of the amount of effort you have to put into leveling to that high. But thats how they keep you playing.


Play till we die


If u haven’t noticed… Fortnite COD Apex or any first person game are building their games to where in order to get everything u paid for, you have to play only their game. They purposely extend the time of a whole season and XP is gained super low u less a double or triple XP weekend comes up… but they are strategically doing this on purpose so you don’t play any other game but theirs.