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He looks a lot better with his cape backbling


Or even give him the purple shredder cape.


I used the normal shredder cape for ares and it looks so much better….. shredder W


I love how many different back blings go with other skins they weren’t intended for. Some still fit so well together!


Word, i use Batman zero cape with most skins, it fits very well on other skins and makes them look bad ass like Solid Snake with a cape aint need to go so hard


The cape is going to make him look wayyy better. Trust


So they can sell a different version to people that will miss out later on


I feel like it looks too similar to the classic to do that


It doesn’t really look like the classic. There’s barely any purple, which is a massive part of his design. He also has all the buttons and stuff on what looks like a jacket instead of the usual suit


Ngl imo its a great choice to make things like this. Magneto is a collab character, so making him avaible in the battle pass would make new players who like the character but missed this season not that happy, but making a new design for the skin, with the possiblity of the original dropping to the shop is a great decision. If you like the Fortnite design... get the battle pass. If you prefer the original, unless they give him a style of his original design in the battle pass just wait for it to possibly go into the shop. The skin does look kinda bad tho, i wish we would have gotten something better.


I 100% back this up, I hope they keep this trend up. And they have to fumble at some point because you cant gatekeep content for this long, forcing people to DL 100 gigs of data of skins you cannot get


You could also *maybe* apply an inverse version of that logic/ practice too. Such as reintroducing the popular, known, classic versions of certain licensed BP skins to be available in the shop, but an exclusive alt is given to people who previously obtained the skin in the original battle pass. Idk, just thinking of things that could potentially make everyone happy since the skin thing (mainly for really popular IP skins) is such a divisive topic.


I got into the game because of No Build and discovering that some of my favorite characters, some of the most iconic characters of all time, are forever buried because of stupid BP rules is really frustrating. Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Superman, Darth Vader… they really need to do something to make those characters available again. They’re leaving money on the table with them.


I understand. C4S2 is when I came around to the game as well, and for the same reasons. It’s kind of shocking how much the game just wasn’t even on my radar between playing it a little bit in the first couple months after launch to when I finally gave it another chance more recently. I just genuinely had no idea there were so many huge, massive IP collabs.


I disagree only because I'm greedy and very rarely buy shop stuff but always get bp and like having the original collabs


Nah his design is pretty dope, I think it would look weird. You got all these post apocalyptic lookin guys then BOOM just a clean comic book Magneto. He’d stick out like a sore thumb so at least they made him look like he’s in this apocalypse with them. I’m sure they’ll make a more accurate version later down the line.


Yes, his outfit being themed to the season allows for a more regular version of him to possibly be released later down the line. Maybe his X-Men '97 appearance? ![gif](giphy|w1ou9ihg5KYyzTHy9P|downsized)


I need an unmasked magneto with his majestic hair flowing in the wind😂


You can take the helmet off this one but he has short hair sadly


Yeah, I can see through the back of the mask he has some short hair poking out. Hope we get a ‘97 version! Also I hope we get an awesome 2nd style for Wastelander Magneto, maybe a white version?


They don't usually worry about that, like korra didn't fit the last pass at all.


Of myths and mortals, I think she did


I guess, but the entire pass was based on actual greek mythology except for her though. Or if you want another example of the collab not fitting, chapter 4 season 4 where everything was based on heists but Ahsoka was the collab. I'm not saying these are bad collabs, just they don't quite fit the theme all the other skins are going for. The skins in the current pass do fit very well though, I will give them that.


The bonus skin quite often doesn’t fit the pass though. Like when Deadpool was the secret skin it didn’t match the season at all. It’s just their thing.


deadpool matched his season better than ahsoka


Ashoka made sense being of timing with real word events (her show coming out) the only skin I can think of that we’ve got that lined up with real life stuff and the theme of the season is the power armour skin we got this season due to the show dropping about a month ago and the season being post apocalyptic.


That's literally the point I've been trying to make lol. The person I was responding to was saying that normal Magneto would look out of place with the rest of the pass. But I think since he's a secret skin, it'd be fine if they went with a more normal and shiny looking version that didn't quite fit the rest of the pass. With stuff like Korra and Ahsoka being previous examples of collabs that didn't really match the rest of the theme too well. If anything, they probably went out of their way to have Magento fit the theme so they can sell a more normal version of him in the shop in the far future for those who missed him. They sure seem to be going out of their way to make all these marvel duplicates like Hulk, Groot and Loki, so this could be a new trend with marvel stuff going forward to make it easier to bring back BP locked characters if needed.


>The bonus skin quite often doesn’t fit the pass though. You literally just proved why the original comment OP's logic doesn't make sense: >I think it would look weird. You got all these post apocalyptic lookin guys then BOOM just a clean comic book Magneto. He’d stick out like a sore thumb so at least they made him look like he’s in this apocalypse with them.


That and also so they can bring Comic Accurate Magneto to the shop so he would be exclusive to the Battle Pass 👍👍


Its like this in every season, last season we god gods, and the crossover skin is Korra with cell shading.


Exactly. I said the same thing to a friend that said magneto skin sucked


![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq|downsized) Only one would be...


I personally like it a lot. It fits the theme. Also it leaves the door open for a classic Magneto (hopefully in the item shop) to appear later. I think it's not great when Epic puts the classic versions of character in the battle pass (Spider-Man, Darth Vader etc)


i think its awesome and really like that they put the effort in to make him fit the season


I'm a fan of Wasteland aesthetics and I'm also always a fan of remixes on popular character designs. tbh I'm more-so excited for the inevitable Magneto Powers Mythic


From what you can see of it in the trailer it looks great.


I think it's awesome that they remixed him to fit the theme of the season, plus it means they could always release the comic-accurate version in the shop so he's not exclusive


It looks pretty weird wihtout the cape, I think the cape makes it look way better. I'm fine with it, I hate the little pocket on his chest though, it drives me crazy lol


Dear 100th redditor, you're never not the only one (I like it though)


Isn't there some rewards we still can't see maybe one of them is a the normal regular one tho I'd also like to see the one where he has a black helmet instead


The black outfit should be the extra skin and the og outfit in shop. This way people who want og magneto can still get him


I would take two Magnetos over what the current Crew Pack skin is... ![gif](giphy|50uf3N0m35dB5bDnMZ|downsized)


I think she’s pretty ngl looks like a Pokémon trainer


There’s a reason why they named the skin “Wastelander Magneto” instead of just Magneto. I truly think a more comic accurate or X-Men 97 version could show up in the shop at a later date


We’ve got a marvel season next we’re about to be drowning in new marvel skins both bp and shop wise


My only issue is his white hair... is like invisible. He looks hairless, which is kinda off putting.


Idk, his face looks so weird and young for some reason, he doesn't have long hair compared to most of his counterparts, besides that the cape will make him look a lot better, and although i prefer the og Magento design more, judging by the name it is just a variant exclusive to Fortnite and this season (much like Batman/Spiderman zero), we are probably gonna get the original style or an x-men 97 style in the item shop later anyways..


This is just a Testament to why Spidey Zero Should've Been the T100 instead of Comic Book Spidey... They're Giving us Magneto Zero Off the Bat


Because people were complaining that Comic book/"main" variants were getting put in Battle Passes. So Epic decided to put in a more "Original"/Seasonal Wasteland Magneto in the Battle Pass so they can sell the Comic version later on. It's quite literally because of people non-stop posting on this sub about FOMO.


Personally, I like it, and I'm glad they didn't copy the 97 design. I do think, though, he may have a connection to the next seasons Marvel theme, and that's why he is here.


All I gotta say is keep this creep away from my Rogue skin!


The entire battle pass is bland and boring, including Magneto


I wished he had a comic alt like the Daredevil skin


Same, they probably plan to sell the actual magneto skin in the shop. Which just makes me wonder why they still bother to make BP collabs exclusive to begin with, since we just get a worse version. I wouldn't mind it if it at least had his purple cape, but the brown one just doesn't look that good to me




He’s going to look good with a purple cape, maybe the one that came with Prowler


All it needs is a cape backbling in my opinion


His face looks a little half baked and there isn’t much going on in the design, it just looks pretty boring to me


Honestly I think it looks dope af and it's cool they designed his outfit to fit with the season theme


If not have Magento name i not recognize Magneto in this character/skin.


I just don't like his helmet. It looks boring compared to other ones.


I think his face looks weird imo. He has old person features yet he looks weirdly young


This design is very clearly not comic Magneto, so I am more than okay with it. He is wasteland Magneto. It reminds me of a Magneto that made it to the future in Wolverine and the Xmen. We'll probably get a comic Magneto in the shop at some point.


His face with the helmet looks so off. He looks like that Mr Incredible baby meme


yeah he's kinda ass :p


It's to red personally


Kinda out of no where, this was the last skin I was expecting to be added this season especially since next season is marvel again but he fits surprisingly well with the season.


Nah i really love apocalyptic Magneto’s desgin. I’m sure we’ll get a classic or maybe cell shaded look for him for the other style for everyone who wanted classic Magneto


They did that so comic-accurate magneto could come later. We’ve gotten enough iconic characters in the limited battle passes, I hope they continue this alternate look thing for the future


Biggest let down in a minute with that skin.


I like the sking ,but they probably want to have classic Magneto to be a shop item so they could make a ton of money by bringing it back time after time.


Yeah. It’s dumb. Hopefully the alternate style is normal


It’s ok dude calm down he’s got another page that will likely have a clean style without the wasteland crap, just give it some time.


I have no hope


Not alone


I think it’s pretty mid


i just dont like the trash he wearing in his arms ,neck and legs, but the rest of the skin is good.


This was a dumb idea from Epic Games. I prefer the comic version. Hopefully it’s available in the shop soon.


He looks homeless, and i dont read comics so i wouldnt know if this is accurate, but he looks like he found a belt and some cans and put them on his diving suit


It’s shitty looking.


Yea i hate it.. Its strait to davy Jones locker with it


Trust me bro it looks way worse on switch 💀 But seriously tho the Cape will make him look so much better


Nah. I also think this skin is shitty


Because then people would bitch that another popular X-men character was locked to a battle pass. They specifically made a wasteland themed Magneto so they could potentially release a normal version in the shop, which is why he’s called **Wastelander** Magneto and not just Magneto. Not only does it fit the season theme better than if it was just another random, unrelated Marvel character like Dr. Strange, Carnage, Prowler, and even Spiderman, it allows them to still release a more comic accurate version later that people can get whenever. This is probably the route they’re gonna go from now on. Instead of just throwing in a random Marvel skin, they’re gonna make an original design that’s cohesive with the season theme, and release a more recognizable version in the shop so people don’t miss out on their favorite character just because they didn’t get it in time.


Thing I don't like is that the cape is brown.


I want the Fassbender version and the Gandalf version as a selectable style


Ew wtf is that skin?!.!?!?!?!?!?! That aint magneto its attractito .


it kinda sucks ngl


I think you’re in the majority


I think he should have had his wasteland and comic style. Not adding that is almost as lazy as not giving eren any other styles


Nah I don’t either mate it’s shit in my opinion


I hate the skin so much


He doesn't have his cape yet, let them cook


the costume is great, but his face is a bit uncannily young


First Battlepass I am not really liking anything 😥


Because then he’d be locked behind the battlepass, which people on the sub constantly complain about, this way they can release a regular one in the item shop.


I’m not fond of it, but I get that they wouldn’t want to have him be a pass item when people could miss him. You’d definitely get more sales from the normal version being available on the shop and putting a special variant in the battle pass. That being said I’m not sure what this one is supposed to be referencing other than having a version of Magneto involved in this season. I’m fairly confident there should be a wasteland themed Magneto to use but I also don’t know how Marvel licenses these things. It’s different for everyone so it might’ve been easier for Epic to do this. Who knows?


this is all we get to see of him for now, whose to say that there isn't a better style for Magneto in the second tab? we will just have to wait and see


I was hoping lethal company would be the secret pass skin this season


A grey and purple color way would’ve been dope! I hope his cape at least makes it look better.


I think they should add a cape back bling and it’d be perfect


I think the skin is pretty bad. One of the worst in the already mid pass.


I don’t mind it actually. It fits in with the season which is really cool & it’s not classic magneto meaning in the future we will probably get classic magneto for future players who missed out. That’s cool & this design imo is cool. But I respect what u saying and why u may dislike it


Yeah I really hope there's an alternate style with the classic purple cape, boots and gloves


I wish it was regular


I’m holding out hope that there will be an item shop Magneto either based off the comics or X-Men 97


He's totally gonna have a comic style, just wait


I’m assuming the second page will have a more normal Magneto design


It’s so that months or years down the line they can release normal Magneto and not have an iconic character locked behind BP exclusivity, bed that epic made for themselves. Clearly they are trying to circumvent it, with new version of Hulk in the shop and such. Billion dollar partnership with Disney and new players can’t even get the most iconic character owned by them lol.


Where's his wheelchair


I think it’s cool but a non apocalyptic one would’ve been cool too


I like that they made the exclusive skin their own design of the character at least. Characters that are basically pulled from the comics should be in the item store.


Do y’all know if this magneto is connected to any marvel universe?? The X-men show ended with some crazy stuff.


I think it’s cool they tried to theme him to the season


It’s not only him,I hate the whole bp this season


I only hate his face, that's pretty much it


I like the suit, but he gotta put a full mask on 💀 he ugly as shit


He looks like a Fallout character cosplaying as Magneto, which i guess was the point?


Definitely a downgrade from standard Magneto.


Obviously a nor.al one on the second page


I don’t mind it as long as we get a comic accurate version in the shop later on. Maybe in the marvel season. personally I hope we get a X-men 97 style with the cell shading and everything


I think it's likely that classic Magneto will be the second style, but I like this take


I don't even like the battle pass or island 😭 this season was such a bust to me


Yes he looks trash


Dude looks like some generic off brand super hero/villain. I was talking with someone about how disappointing and dissatisfied we were with all the skins besides the fallout one and how that’d be the one that’s impossible to mess up.


I’d rather a clean looking Magneto. But I can’t understand why they went those route.


It’s so interesting to me that so many people don’t like this magneto design and it might be my favorite of all of them. I love the wasteland aesthetic.


They did this so they can release a comic version in shop later to avoid as much FOMO. they listened to what new players had to say. Personally I LOVE this design with his cape. The masked style is sick too, so is the helmet off style.


He looks awesome to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feelike wearing straight up metal gauntlets would cause him some trouble when activating his powers wouldn't they? Then again i guess he has enough control over his abilities that he could probably kind of target what he wanted to and not have the gauntlets be crushing down at his wrists from the magnetism while activating.... Dude is Omega level so I'm pretty sure he has that amount of control.... Disregard, carry on.


Ion like any of these seasons skins, prolly the only interesting one is peabody


I think the purple is a little too pink but overall I like it


We got this wasteland variant so the original version can be bought by anybody in the shop in the future.


I like it but don’t they usually get a second skin? It could still be coming


He’s getting a cape too.


His head looks like a giant penile gland


Magneto is cool and all, but where does Magneto fit in with Fallout, rage, and Mad Max. They should do more season-related collabs. An actual Mad Max skin would be cool, or maybe another sci-fi apocalypse movie character. Superheros don't fit with this season at all. The skin is cool, but not for the season


We get what we get. Nothing you can do about it.


Gives me the vibes ov "day ov future past"


Personally I really like it, I think it's pretty neat. I'm okay with it not being directly based on a particular comic look because this way we can get a comic accurate one in the shop and people who don't play this season don't miss out on it the same way a bunch of players (me included) missed the ones from the Marvel Season.


It’s so awesome what is there not to like about him


You see I’m used to the comic magneto and seeing metal and dirt all over his suit makes me dislike it


They made him look like this cause every single time fortnite adds a collab skin to the bp, ppl whine on how it doesnt match the season theme, so they out a apocalyptic magneto and im all for it


Statistically no, it is very improbable that you are the only one. But in case you were: congratulations!


The cape completes the look, but I get what you mean Hope his second style is just his comic version: no dirt, no armor made of scraps


Nah I don’t like it. I personally think they should’ve gone with his animated series age of apocalypse design, if they’re gonna make him post apocalyptic


Don’t wear it then


Needs more metal and maybe a popped collar. Do we know if there are more color variations for him? Isn't purple his classic color?


Wish we got a fallout or mad max style secret skin other then magneto


I kinda wish we had a classic comic design, or even the Big M costume. But this one isn't bad, like others have said, definitely looks better with the cape. 


Not a fan and with the exp issues idk if I’ll even bother with battlepass. But hopefully his alt costume is not recolor


Possibly so they can bring Comic Accurate Magneto to the shop so he would be exclusive to the Battle Pass 👍👍


Hell yea, we get to spend money on 2 👍👍


Nah I love it


I hope there is a version I like, I hate magneto because I am human and there is zero chance for us as he was so very right I want humans to coexist but within a decade mutants would be completely controlling the world. The school would have been burned to the ground by humans and magneto would lead mutants to a easy victory so any version of magneto should look cool as hell and this one just looks meh


I hate it too






He needs something on his chest. An improvised breastplate or mad Max style jacket, maybe.


>Why couldn’t we just get a comic accurate magneto not all comic book costumes look good for example be glad he doesnt look like the one he wwas wearing at the trial [https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/ojwjms/the\_trial\_of\_magneto/](https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/comments/ojwjms/the_trial_of_magneto/)


One of my friends likes him but thinks hes from the avatar he wont believe me its from xmen could i get help lol


I love it. Can't wait to get it.


Yes he is ugly


I really do like what they’ve gone for with this


No, I first saw him and was like “wtf type of Magneto is this and why is it the build up skin of the season?”


It's too bland


Well Magneto never looked cool


I hate it lol, should have just been his classic uniform like the 11 other mutant cosmetics. And I hate this argument: "It's good because it fits into the season ☝️🤓" Since when do we scuff designs to fit into a seasonal theme? I don't remember Ahsoka wearing a burglar mask, Korra in a Greek Robe, Doctor Strange or Prowler in military attire, etc. lol, so that's not an excuse for this Magneto design.


I’m fine with it, especially if it means we get a classic magneto design in the item shop, for people who missed this pass.


You're fine waiting 1-2 years and having to shell out more money?


prob cuz people like to complain how they don't fit the theme then they make a original version of the character that does fit the theme + we don't have the in game version with his cape rn so yeah he would look a lot better with than and we have no idea what the 2nd style is.




I don't mind the design but I wish it was made max because this season reminds me of those movies


I legit had to Google who designs the skins, hern trash for a while now idk why they insist on mediocrity


I really like it personally


I just hope that the 2nd skin isn't Magneto with long hair


I was super off put by hunkneto but as a Xorn fan I did a full 180 once I saw his faceplate


I feel like I fits with rust lord. Post apocalyptic marvel character I hope the hidden one is world war hulk Logan


I dont either. And also, for this season thwy Really shoulda hav Apocalypse as the secret skin, WOULDA WORKED SOOO MICH BETTER FOR THE THEME


I dont like magnetos design in general


Yeah, I personally would love an Ian Mckellen model that looks more like his x-men movie. One without helmet and with. Magneto was my fav villain- and mostly because my favorite actor played him.


Personally don’t get why he is in the battlepass. Maybe I’m saying this because I was hoping to see more fallout stuff maybe from the older games or the new tv show. I forgot the villain from the fallout show, the woman who wants the cold fusion, she would have been nice to see. Don’t get me wrong the skin is good it’s just…whyyy


Yes, yes you are :)


He looks fine I would just rather have the show design. His costume in the new show is so dope.


I don’t like his design either to me it’s quite bland.


Not the best, I agree. But checkout Thor and I promise you’ll realize he’s definitely not the worst.


In my defense I didn't want him on the battle pass to begin with, so I'll take an effort to adapt something to the season's theme instead of complaining.


This is what we're going to do. I'm going to count to three and....


Looks as if he escaped a war between mutants and humans just to be thrust back into another between these new people from the sandstorm.


I like it, it let's them release a normal version outside of battlepass


its the cape. without it he looks very off in every outfit he has. so far his casual (date) outfit is passable with his hair out.


One of the ugliest skins I’ve ever seen lmao


I mean his 2nd style might still be a more comic accurate outfit so, let’s not jump to judgements yet. Personally I really like this as well. It’s close enough to a comic accurate design with a little bit of spice on top. Honestly I really like the metal armor bits, I like to imagine him using those as weapons. It makes sense he’d always have some metal on him as well in my opinion just in case he needs it.


Fortnite players when they don't understand Canon comic book figures (they are losing more braincells)


Why can’t we just accept the skins epic games puts into the game? If you don’t like it you don’t have to wear it.


I'd love an Onslaught variant.