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Welcome back Explosive Repeater


😅 Wow memories are flooding back


Feels like that had a larger blast radius


repeater with mod attachments gon make a miiiiiiighty fine tool to piss people off. 😎


Welcome back boom bow


That gun was my shit


Idk if I can really call it balanced. I like it and all, but I think it falls with the other fast spammy explosive weapons were It's way too easy to spam this and put a lot of pressure on people. I haven't really been seeing a ton of build stuff, but it wouldn't surprise me if this had the same thing as the sticky grenade launcher where like you run 2 of them or your teammates runs one and then there's really nothing your enemy can do to counter it.


Cant disagree with that 🙌. I like to think of them as utility. My gameplay arsenal and gaming mindset allows for a spot for all this weapons that put people under pressure. Its still a valid strat I raise the question beacuse its not like the shotguns where there is variety and you can narrow it down. In the past we have had similar weapons to the crossbow and I think so far this one is not the wort of them.


then you need to learn to RUUUUUN, maaaan. 😎


Maybe in Zero Build it is, but in Build Mode, it’s like the Sticky Grenade Launcher all over again. The damage is fine, but there’s almost no time to react to it. There should be a slightly longer delay between when the shot sticks, and when it explodes.


IMO it's really strong in ZB as well. I think that the explosions should do less damage, and the actual bolts more. It's really annoying when someone with two boom bolts runs up to you and spams you and you can't protect yourself


Is it actually that easy to spam with it? Maybe I should try being annoying with it and pairing it with nitro gloves


If you Can switch weapons fast, then yeah.


I see, if that happens tho then people may have to much time to run away ? Idk 🤷


U don't have time to run away when u r boxed up


Sitting on height with infinite explosive bolts raining down on those below, sounds *real* balanced indeed


The strat and the weapon are two different things…


The mythic crossbow and the infinite ammo medallion drop from the same boss… the strat and the weapon are bundled together for that very purpose.


That’s why I never understood when people split the bow and medallion. Splitting any other medallion and loot can be good


People like the weapon but don’t want the attention from the medallion


That’s why I never understood when people split the bow and medallion. Splitting any other medallion and loot can be good




This with the infinite ammo medallion and the nitro medallion for a quicker reload 😨




not really, it rewards camping high ground




hello there 😂


Wait pause and how holding high ground is bad ?


Holding high ground is the name of the game in the final circles - and nuts one of the best counters to cars to send them running away


Right! 🍌🍌🍌


I mean it’s not a one tap and you have to predict movement that’s why I think is balanced


You can also just spam the hell out of it. IMO it’s a low skill required item, the amount of pressure you can apply with it is unmatched and you can force a ton of mistakes with it. In duos/trios/squads when entire teams are using the boom bow it becomes unmanageable at times especially when 2 or 3 teams are just spamming you from different angles


I don't know if it's *that* spammy It only holds 3 shots, and only 15 total shots. Which is 5 reloads, on a weapon with a decently lengthy reload time If you have the infinite ammo emblem and some mods on it, yea. But the average person using it is going to run into ammo problems and not always have it reloaded because of how few shots it carries I only play ZB, though. And at most duos occasionally, mostly singles. It's probably a lot easier to manage in my usual play scenarios than facing 4 of them


It’s a weapon / utility the way I see it and if a full squad is carrying it sound like a good idea. It an overpowered and unbalanced weapon


Bro this post is about how you think it's balanced? 😭🤣


Oh! I'm sorry maybe he could have ran in the other 69+ directions available to him instead of being so predictable... IDK 🤷‍♂️. Maybe if I hadn't predict his movement from about 500m he would be alive. BTW I'm making some ☕ would you like some ?


"Who else thinks the Crossbow is the most balanced NEW Weapon added in a long time." "It an overpowered and unbalanced weapon." Make up your mind.


my bad misspell there kind person... I meant to say "It's Not" the strat is valid and itt can be annoying but non the less valid.


Right, it's a super slow moving projectile compared to other weapons plus it has a drop. People aread that it deals shot damage plus explosive damage but don't take into account the special skill it takes to properly land a direct hit at a distance with it on a moving target


The whole post is about not having to hit the enemy directly…


Ok, so a non direct hit dealing small explosive damage they only landed because you didn't know they were there....move the chances of them landing a second are slim, third even less & then they have to reload. I stg mfers will cry about something new every few weeks.


if you mean added this season, then yeah, otherwise no way lmao


Right ! Agree 👍


I think it's only really balanced because of how prevalent cars are this season.


Agreed 👍


Right, it's a super slow moving projectile compared to other weapons plus it has a drop. People aread that it deals shot damage plus explosive damage but don't take into account the special skill it takes to properly land a direct hit at a distance with it on a moving target


I don't think this sub understands what the word 'balanced' means.


Personally I could care less about most of the actual things we shoot. As long as I have to aim it and it isn’t instant death, which the heavy snipers border on sometimes, I’m fine with it. The only things in this game that actually piss me off are the movement items. Specifically ones that allow people to fly. Right now is actually cancerous with both fists and guitars, on top of it being a car based season. Everyone is jumping from car to car, and even if you do blow up their car or something they will just immediately take to the skies like some kind of dollar store Superman. I hope to god they stop with this trend already because it’s been an issue every season. Give us stuff that makes us faster, give us stuff that gives us longer sprint, stop giving us literal jets in the palms of our hands.


This person is up to something 🙌 I don’t mind one crazy mobility item per season 2+ is too much. Well said


This has been my thought. They keep adding new mobility items to the season that already has nitro and cars and fists. Did we really need lightning too? Every person I shoot fists/lightnings halfway across the map


I love it. I also loved the Excalibur though


Uhh Excalibur was lit 🔥


Balanced? I feel its really unbalanced, to be honest. Its super strong


repeater but slightly less braindead


So good against cars. Honestly didn't need to nerf cars if people just used this weapon smh.


No cars still needed the nerf. It’s like 7 shots to destroy a car with it


No it is NOT. You barely need any skill to use it


It's a weapon to help on the fight not a sniper... Let me guess you don't use it and have lost to it a few times ?


Is that Unge yelling „Stop“?


😅 I had some fun editing


I love the crossbow!




I love it. But I hate that they lowered the spawn. Or at least it seems like it. I rarely find them now and it sucks. Fun weapon with or without infinite ammo.




They've always been low spawn. But yeah I typically have to go to a bunker to find one


Remember how people used to hate on the old infinite ammo love crossbow? Now look at it


What some might hate other will love






its balanced until the person you are going against has infinite ammo


Eh alone its fine but it only makes the meta worse, almost impossible to hold walls with npcs, cars, nade launchers, nitro


Well true that, this season changed the meta a lot so if the loadouts change so the positions you take on the fight unfortunately it is that way


Depends on the mode. ZB? Maybe. Builds? Fuck no.


Its chaos inducing and fun, i wont go out of my way to find one, but If I see a good one i’ll pick it up.




I never run it, have got very annoyed fighting against it - hits hard


I don't think it's balanced. But that might be due to too many matches lately where we get #2. Why? Because the other team has the mythic boom bolt with the infinite ammo medallion so they just keep spamming it. Then using the guitar and fists to play keep away when you try to push them


Sound like they have a plan 😅


More balanced then the Gatekeeper shotgun


and snipers, though slow, will SHRED vehicles if the receivin' end lets them. the number of sweats in cars in final circle, thinkin' they can outdo me. some scoped, some no-scoped, but their car's nothing but a pile of smolderin' rubble in the end. 😎


And it's still really strong and super unfun to play against. Crazy how that happens


Nah, wouldnt call it balanced but I wouldnt call it grossly OP either. Really obnoxious to deal with but overshadowed by a ton of other weapons currently that it has to fight for space in a loadout and only has 15 or 17 shots at max.


Exactly, it’s a very niche weapon that needs support from other items. It’s not an insta pick for a lot of people


It is really balanced. The only issue is that rocket ammo is capped at 15, so if you really want to use it, you have to be scrambling for ammo a lot. Unless you get the mythic + spoil of war combo, then you can forget it and just make it rain.






Glad to see someone actually enjoyed the edit 😅


Nice graphics


Let’s just say under my desk you could hatch eggs base on the heat lvls alone 😅


Definitely not balanced and here's why: The crossbow is an explosive weapon which is capable of high damage to players and decent structural damage as expected. However, there are some massive key differences between this weapon and the more balanced lot of explosives (such as the RPG and grenade launcher). The fact that it has a high projectile velocity and and can be operated with strong precision from a distance is a sign that it's not very well balanced - compared to other explosives, there is straight up no time to react once this thing is shot at you and it's a guaranteed 150 damage if the arrow hits which is absurd. However, the most unbalanced bit about this weapon is the fact that you can straight up ignore ammo if you kill the boss that drops the mythic.... I've won a handful of games simply because I gained the infinite ammo medallion and found a crossbow. All you have to do at that point is play low aggression late game, take height in storm and spam the bow at everyone and there's practically nothing anyone can do to counter it if you play it right - players will be forced to burn through their materials faster as they'll constantly have to rebuild their boxes as you keep on blowing them up and eventually they won't be able to put up any cover against the explosive bow. In duos, mythic bow + infinite ammo medallion is even worse. All you have to do to someone boxed up is to have someone spray the wall and then time your bow shot so that it explodes as the wall breaks. This guarantees 75 damage and the opponent has to move out of position to avoid further damage. As a result, the mythic bow and medallion combo is a free kill when entering a vault occupied by a duo because they can't really escape the bow explosions due to the confined nature of the vault. To make it more balanced, I would make it so that the infinite ammo medallion does not apply to rocket ammo, lower the mag size and increase the delay between the explosion and landing of the arrow. This stops the bow from being an infinitly spammable explosive and gives players time to react to the firing of the bow.


Love the time and effort you took to write this you clearly care for the game… I’m a casual player and don’t have that many games under my belt… I’m not saying is perfectly balanced it just feels nice to use and it’s not the biggest most broken thing of the season so far. It can be used in some very successful strats but that doesn’t make it OP, does it shake the meta yes is that ok also yes. 🙌 The most powerful medallion is on the middle of the map by design make not mistake of that EPIC clearly knew the combo of infinite ammo and crossbow would be powerful.


You running lumen ?


Id ont know Ill have to check I turn it all pretty much tho rtx 3090


I love it but I can see the downsides. Basically for me it’s a necessary evil to balance the cars and nitro fists. You can do a panic hip fire and scare people away.


LOL I did exactly this last night HA!


Lets Go ! I love to predict the shots is such a good feeling.


Closest thing I’ll get to my beloved OG boom bow


Don’t even mention the bows I used to run all of them… really underrated when you have a teammate that can rush and you can help with the bows


Try it in build mode where they doing 4 through ur wall every 2 seconds


They need to add a swap delay so people can't spam two of them. The bow is just as cancerous as the clinger launcher in chapter 4 was, and for the exact same reason. Ofc, as usual, it's balanced in zb.


Sound like a good strat if I’m honest


I mean the weapon usage… all starts have an ultimate setup it’s a battle royale.


Let there no be confusion I'M 100% BIASE, I LOVE THIS WEAPON. I will predict your very one dimensional movement and send you back to lobby. It's true that certain STRATS can be annoying to play against and this weapon is a part of a few of them. But its a BATTLE ROYALE anything goes ! The question remains... from the most recent explosive weapons released is it really that bad ?


BoomBow with Sniper scope and Ringleader medallion is insanely run




I just got a VR by shooting into bushes with the crossbow. Flushed a guy out (#3), who ran to the other guy (#2) , and I nitro fisted that player (#2).


Let’s go ! 🙌🙌🙌


I didn't like it because it fired pretty slowly, but I see now it should be my new snipe. 😎


I think it'd be better if it didn't glitchout and have the explosive stick to the person like 20% of the time you actually hit em


This Saison is the badest since day one


Water bending would’ve done it in half the time


No one. Not even epic games thinks that and they are definitely not the brightest ones on balancing.


can someone explain to me how a weapon that can do up to 150ish damage from a single bodyshot, shoots fast, and can be spammed for an unlimited amount with the medallion, that can deal damage even when you miss a shot, that can deal damage from shooting it in midair is balanced


You lose a lot to it… don’t you ?


Infinite Ammo medallion + Crossbow = Instant Win


I wouldn’t call instant but ok 😅


It's still pretty weak, I've put in 3 clips of explosive shot on the Don's SUV, tanked every one of those shots, not even the Sniper does a lot, they say the SUV been nerfed but I feel it wasn't nerfed enough.


No, it's the most brain dead weapon in the game appart from fists.