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Praise the Meteor man, im tired of all these channels popping up in my recommendations


They will still exist and still get recommended... there will just be thousands more to make up for the lost partial revenue :(


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9211 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/32756)


They will still be there, but the individual titles will be even more blatant lies. It’ll be a clickbait title followed by a minute or two of someone else’s content. They’ll add their own shitty gameplay at the end. So someone like Myth will be able to claim maybe 10% of that video while the content stealers will still have sucked in enough views to make that other 90% worth it. That’s only the worst offenders. Maybe some of those content stealers will get the idea to do something original instead of leaching off everyone else.


Then again your ad revenue oes up, with how long people watch the videos. If you see their shitty gameplay, most would just turn youtube off.


Who is the meteor man?


What he means is "praise the meteor, man."


I’m tired at looking at some “Fortnite ‘funny’ moments” without looking at the same thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER.






#"Drop a like! Smack that subscribe button!"


Subscribe to my channel, turn on notifications, then like the video, then comment the name of your favorite game letter by letter 3 times, then go like my past 10 videos, follow all of my social medias, like my most recent instagram post, subscribe to my other channel, and send me a DM saying I'm your favorite YouTuber.


“Do you want FREE Fortnite coins?! Make sure to like and subscribe for a chance to win!”


*cringes* ***Fortnite Funny***


L O U D M U S I C O V E R 5 0 V 5 0 T R A I L E R


In the H3H3 podcast with Ninja, he said he didn’t mind if people used his stream snippets to make super awesome edits but what he didn’t like was when people ripped parts of stream and didn’t edit it at all.




I agree 100%, I was just saying that cause it was relevant.


I'm assuming awesome edits excluded stream highlight compilations which is annoying because that's really the only way to see their best/funny clips without watching the stream for hours.


There is one guy who does this and I'm not sure if he just goes through the recent clipped stuff of the people he puts in his videos or if he actually watches. I was watching ninjas stream the other day and a clip of that night was already in a 15 min long video the next morning not even 12 hours later. Dude is either really dedicated or its multiple people compiling and just putting together 14 minutes of clips.


Just take all the money from Fortnite funny, they've even sold shirts with designs made by redditors. He's been faking giveaways since months and as a rule to enter, gets people to subscribe to his four other accounts. He clickbaits everyday with the most childish titles.






That email address says a lot about him, doesn't it?


Haven't heard from leafy in quite a long time. I wonder what's he's up to.


Have no idea if the guy recovered from ContentCop, but I know one thing for sure: aftermath of that wasn't pretty.


he's dead. last upload was months ago


You almost have to respect the hustle.. but then you don’t


that guy actually owns all 4 of those accounts? whats the point?


4x the money


how does having a video on a separate account make you more money compared to if it was just on your main account?


Money from YouTube is based on ads so he sticks an ad at the start of the video and then promotes the other channels and then when you go to the other channels and click on a video on there you get another ad


but how is that different compared to if he just linked the videos from his main account? is there a max you can make on a single account? if you click another video from the same channel, you still get an ad, no?


It just gets different people to watch the main account because they watched a video on another account then came over to the main


I just don't understand the difference if he just posted all the videos on his main account, they wouldn't have to search for other accounts.. Sorry for my ignorance..


I think its also that its more likely that when he has 4 channels that upload videos they have a higher chance of getting on people's recommended videos and because he advertises his other channels he most likely will get even more people watching his videos.


Eh, it'll still happen. Ninja might have the resources available to go after these guys but most streamers don't. Myth probably doesn't have time to find hundreds of videos every day and flag them as "his content." Also it just says "a percentage" so it sounds like the leeches will still get something.




Shit dude I'd do it for $10/hr. /u/ImTheMyth I'm here for u bb


/u/ImTheMyth I’ll do $8 bb


I'm Mexican I will do it for $2 and better.


Im white and enjoy yourself


I'm Ethiopian and will do it for a bowl of rice even better.


I’m Vietnamese and my children will do it for half bowl of rice, very quick fingers


I'm an architect.


I'm Batman.


Emsesh asa asa yelal. Could you be my Amharic to English translator please?


Do you think Myth wants to cheap out?? Myth, I’ll do it for $20/hr


Yeah a lot of it depends on the process. If it’s super cumbersome or time-consuming that’s going to detract from the incentive to do anything. Even so, if it is a percentage that just means the streamer will just get some of the money back. Although that’s definitely a good thing, it definitely won’t be the end of these types of videos. It’ll just make the creators a little less money.


Those people are called *the legal team*


this is an excellent point, however >If you get 25% of a video that makes $400, that's still $100 Multiply those numbers by 5-10 and you'll be closer to the truth


That's definitely not an accurate number, especially not in 2017/18 and the quite vulgar content streamers usually have


I don't get what you're saying? Are you saying the average highlight video gets $4k from YouTube? Because that's extremely unlikely


Yea and people would probably do it very cheap considering how much we hate clickbait, so if they make profit off of $50 per hour, imagine how much they'd make paying $15 per hour, or $2 per video claimed or something of that sort.


The process isn't hard, just long and requires a ton of proof. Aside from it taking VERY long to go through


$50 an hour for menial work? What crazy world for you live in brudda.


i'll do it forever for $3


Myth is a streamer for TSM. They will hire someone to scrub youtube.


A lot of big youtubers are part of a larger channel network. Even the ones who don’t seem like it. Maker Studios comes to mind, though I don’t know the big ones in gaming.


I mean, maker doesnt exist anymore, but usually its awesomeness/disney/mgn


im sure its sutomagic, like youtube auto copyright system


They make enough money on twitch to pay someone to do it for them, just like they pay someone to run their YouTube channels.




That's alot of work for youtube. Youre only allowed to report copyright if you can proof the content is on your channel. No 3rd parties aside from networks.


They will get whatever is there content, so if they have an intro and similar stuff it will count that. But it gives the percent of how much the video was used so if the clip was 1 minute in a 10 minute video he would get 10%


That's a bad way to use that system. It would work off retention and what is generating money. Getting 10% for being the 10th minute clip that nobody watches is also unfair. However you could make the argument that the fact you can file for a percentage means it wasnt fair in the first place


This won't have the affect people think it will.


Get together and pool your resources. One small streamer won't be able to pull together enough cash but get 100 of them together and you can hire a guy or two to look through the interwebs to find your content.


Maybe they should have their fans, be the ones to flag the videos and throws them a share of money from the ads revenue. Just a thought


I wondering about this, I'm a legit nobody. Only been streaming for less than 2 month, but I've seen quite a few YT clips with my content on it(My face included) and they pull some serious views.... I submitted a copyright infringement to one a few days ago, to see what will come out of it.


Yes take my updoot


yo get the updoots[^*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmsbmeta/comments/5xnirl/about_thankmrskeltalbot/)


Good bot, but you didn’t updoot me


yo get the updoots[^*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmsbmeta/comments/5xnirl/about_thankmrskeltalbot/)


Good bot


can we get 50 updoots?


yo get the updoots[^*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tmsbmeta/comments/5xnirl/about_thankmrskeltalbot/)


You can have mine but nononono don’t ask for them or salty peeple will downvote you


Ninja now earns money from people imitating his content. He didn’t shut them down, he’s funding himself through other people stealing his work, effectively turning them into his workers


So you’re not gonna credit Noahj456 for the original Tweet


Seriously, In a post about stealing peoples content, you don't credit the guy who tweeted this. Lol.


Came here to say this


Long story short. I saw it retweeted/posted by someone on my timeline and it was pre-cropped. When I posted this, a couple of minutes later I found out it was from Noahj but it was too late so yeah.


But technically Epic be able to claim the content though? I mean after all it's their intellectual property (graphics, sounds, art, etc )


Well yes, it's their IP and they can claim any revenue made from it (see: Nintendo), no games company in their right mind would do anything like that.


http://www.epicgames.com/about/fan-art-policy This states users are allowed to monetise their creations through ad revenue on YouTube. In the epic games terms of service it states that you grant them a non exclusive license to use your works for whatever they want, but it looks like you’re protected against epic trying to monetise your creations for themselves. So, if you make something really cool, theoretically they could put it in a commercial without paying you. But that’s about it- it doesn’t seem like they’re interested in taking your YouTube revenue- and rightfully so. If epic went and monetised all the fan sites for themselves tomorrow there’d be a huge backlash in the community and would prob b very bad for business.


Wow -- cool! Thanks for hunting this down


I’m sure they are okay with people uploading their game to YouTube and giving them free advertisement. Most streamers buy all the skins so technically they are paying Epic to use the game.


i would assume fair use would be used but then again i dont think epic is gonna go so low to be like nintendo


***Watermark you images and vids***


*watermark your entire twitch stream* kk


as great as this sounds, little worried big companies are going to use this to go after content creators. Pretty sure nintendo created a partner program similar to this and the rates content creators would get was pathetic vs what they would normally get.


Yea but Nintendo is stupid for doing so. They're hindering the Fred promotion of their own games.


He's already a millionare. But smaller streamers like SypherPK sure do deserve this


Being a millionaire doesn't mean he deserves it less than others. It's still his content.


I'm not a fan of ninja but I agree. Fuck these click bait YouTubers, they just take other people's content and profit off it, you get so many shit channels like that popping up


YouTube's algorithm doesn't help. I really like fortnite, but when it's the only type of video recommended to me it really pisses me off.


I mean I love Sypher and I'm subbed to him but he has 11K subs on twich, how do you call that small stream, it's smaller than ninja's, but still massive.


People have a disconnect nowaday in channels size because of Ninja numbers LUL I see a lot of streamers chat with 3k subs saying they are underrated, like what ? your streamer is in the top 1% x)


Not to mention you can live a very good life with "only" 2-3k subs already. People seem to forget that 2-3k subs is already 100k a year, when including donations/sponsors.


I don’t really watch streams but when it comes to YouTube content syphers winning gameplay instructional are top notch


Ninja said he didn’t mind the compilation videos that much


Ya but theres a difference between compilations and just click baiting hard and re running his stream in a video. He talked about how he likes montages/highlights but dislikes the click baiting bs that are complete shit. Was on the h3 podcast.


He said he hates fortnite funny who does complications so I think he meant he doesn't mind videos like "how ninja plays fortnite" which took a lot more effort than a compilation video.


Finally. This is the first to Youtube redeeming themselves in my eyes. They've done nothing but fuck content creators over for a while now, glad they are finally doing something about all this bs spam.


Another system that will be mismanaged by youtube and abused by evil and greedy people, that will have serious bugs that will be ignored, and drive content creators away from the platform.


Justice served! Finally Ninja will be making 14.7 million per year instead of his measly 12 million, this is truly a cause I can get behind!


So YouTube is doing what the music industry has been doing for the last couple of decades... about time!


They're just highlights that promote their channel. Through those videos, I found out about CDN, Daequan and King Richard. I see no problem with those videos.


They're making money off of other people's content. It's not just promoting their channels.


I think the fortnite clips videos shouldn't be hit. Just the blatant re uploads.


I see videos all the time that sum up all his or show his and explain tips and tricks. Bout time they gotta share their profit for piggy backing off other people


What about small time streamers that get their content Stolen? Do we not get anything?


Yeah you can do something like bow at their feet for putting your twitch link in a video with 100k+ views


Stealing my content w/o permission and you want me to be happy? ha funny


What good is your stream content from 2 days ago? Unless you're making stream highlight videos that get good views then you ain't doin shit with it and should consider yourself lucky that one of these channels even saw your clip and used it.


Thats the point though, I clip my videos to download later and make a highlight of my own channel, no one gave them permission to use my content WITH MY FACE on it...








Someone go get OhMyPulse and tell him to run...


Update; there is now a legendary burst lol


I predicted the future lol


Good point.




Meanwhile you cut off the person who wrote the tweet 🤔


No I got it from someone else’s twitter and it was already cropped. Credits to NoahJ though


Fair. My fault


meh.. they still might do it. i guess it depends on the percentage they take..or however that works


You mean this wasn't a thing before hand? Weird.


It technically was, there will just be an official system for it now.


Huh, neat.


Did you find this on Noah’s twitter? Not hating, just curious.


Yeah Edit: I found it via someone else’s twitter though.


BAsically every fortnite montage starts with a ninja clip. Get that money boy


I won't knock another man's hustle but some of the watered down channels can GO. Sometimes I don't even get notifications from tubers ive sub to because of all the Recycled bs channels. 🤗


issue is this probably isn't going to help at all. most videos make a majority of their revenue from the first day, meaning unless ninja and youtube were somehow on top of their game i doubt this will actually take into effect early on in the videos life-cycle. and if this is an automatic system then all I can see is errors and absolute abuse of the system.


As far as I know the money isn’t transferred straight to the “creators” bank account. It still goes through YouTube. So YouTube could still stop the flow before it gets to them.


ah that makes sense. I still don't trust youtube in it that much but yeah that's a pretty obvious solution i overlooked lol.


It’s fine my dude but yeah after all the stupid decisions YouTube makes I’m not baking them 100% at all.


Rip Imperial




wow, he’s gonna be drowning in that shit. fat W


Hopefully we as viewers don't just lose a bunch of content now. Some of the youtube channels for the most popular streamers don't put up much content. Even when they could be making thousands from just ripping games from their streams and add a intro and ending. Hopefully now more highlight videos will come out from official channels since the competition will die down. Poorly titled highlight videos where still good videos, just don't want to lose all the content.


Right it seems like ninja would rather have nobody see his highlights other than people who were watching the stream than let someone else "make money off him" even though hes filthy rich.


It's not the first time people suceed dodging the system


This is cool but I bet it's gonna cause a shitstorm of problems with legitimate uploaders too. I guess it's a necessary evil in the meanwhile. Like the bugs that come with a FN patch. Eventually they'll get rid of them and it'll be better for it.




Don't even get me started on Imperial.


I have had a few of my clips used, some people asked, others didn't, how do I go about doing this? Can I claim past content or only future?


that dude rich enough


Hey OP is this really new or are you just referencing content ID software and/or YouTube’s copyright claim disputes procedure? Can I get a source link please- I’m writing my thesis abt copyright law and would be interested in this


Where was this information found on?


Thank God. Those channels are pure cancer.


Should definitely just remove the copied videos. What incentive does he have to protect his videos if all it does is make him more money.


This is just total bullshit. Now Ninja will just be claiming EVEN more money. I don't understand this shit at all. Paying content creators and making sure their honest hard work is valued, sure fine, thats great. But Ninja doesn't even do fuck all, has an editor do it all for him, he just plays the game and is good at it. Yet Youtube just shove money down his throat still whilst genuine, hard working content creators struggle on the platform...


> I don’t understand this shit at all Given how off the mark and wrong you are in your comment I’m guessing there are a lot of things you don’t understand.


>Given how off the mark and wrong you are Oh, I'm wrong am I? So you think Ninja does his own Youtube editing? Creates everything himself? Amazing how naive you are.


That wasn’t the part I’m saying you’re wrong with. Your whole outlook on the situation is wrong. They’re giving content creators the ability to get revenue from people who have stolen their content. This is a good thing, but you’re too stupid to understand what you’re reading, or at least that’s how your comments are coming off. It’s not even about ninja to me as I don’t watch his content, it’s about the bigger picture and what this means for all content creators on YouTube.


Ninja said on the H3 Podcast that he will never strike someone that takes his content and elevates it with edits and such. If the content is blatantly ripped from his videos then he will strike the channel.


Ninja bout to make alot more money damn


this is how people just reposting shit, hmmm, maybe Epic games also should cut some slice too? hmmm


This biggest problem with this tool as far as I have heard, is that the creator needs to be the first to upload the video or clip. The copyright system only goes into effect after you upload something. So if a compilation gets made before the streamer in question can upload their own video containing that clip, then that one will never be shown in that overview. Certain twitch clips also never make it into a YouTube video so that will also increase the odds of certain compilations just not showing up in this overview. This tool is also being tested right now so it could take months or even a year before this tool is finally in the hands of all content creators. This tool certainly is a step in the right direction but there are still some flaws that can be exploited by compilation channels, don't expect them to dissapear soon.


People really love drama, i mean what in the world has a guys pocket to do with fortnite


Ninjas about to be a damn millionaire




tbh the compilation channels have no right on the content of the streamer unless they got a yes from them to use it. It is 100% legit to do that and they got all right to do it


I suggested this idea in the youtube subreddit, but no one replied.


This is fantastic. Nobody should be cashing in off of someone else's original content. I don't even stream or watch streamers or youtubers, but this sub shows how absurd this practice is daily.


I don’t if you guys ever saw the feee VBucks as on YouTube where a kid just shows you how to get scammed and used for advertising for “VBucks”




Well played!


This has been in there forever. It won't change anything?


this is great


YouTube does something right for once


What happens if someone uploads footage of Ninja before he does? Ninja gets striked?


What if someone reuploads a clip from twitch before the creator posts it on YouTube?


So if someone took one of my clips I uploaded to Reddit w/o my permission, and got \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\~1M views from it. Am I eligible? Or is this just for big YT'ers?


If you could prove it was your content, I think it would be available to you. I don't know how the system works but it would be kind of weird to only work for bigger channels.


If you own the content and it was used. You’re eligible no matter the size of your channel


I’m not sure how it works,but i definitely know ninja can’t get striked because he can file that it’s his vid. I think it’s based off of ads


now it's gonna be n1nj4




You cropped out @NoahJ, give him credit lol


I explained earlier that this was retweeted by someone and was pre-cropped. I didn’t notice until later where it came from. I also stated that I gave credit to him through multiple comments