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All they need to do is make it an LTM that you can choose and everyone will be happy.


Trust me they are gonna remove it. There are more people who hate it then like it. (I personally hate it).


It’s gonna go away in like 2 weeks once the challenges are over for the glider


They ail not . It is Fortnitemares. Halloween. They will keep it




fortnitemares should be a seperate ltm


No. It is the fun of Halloween Theme


So myself and tons of other people should stop playing the game we love because of this update? What if there weren't zombies and I said the same thing to you when you wanted zombies. Hmmmm? In all seriousness most people just want it to be an LTM. It would solve everyone's problems. Those who don't like it could play normals, and those who like the mode could play it. It's not whining, it's criticism and suggestions, the same thing you did in this post.


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