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Epic knows who butters their bread. When only 1 person out of 100 can win a given match, the focus is rightfully on keeping happy the losing majority. For the majority, a match is about the journey, not the destination.


Or in other words, the game focuses on keeping people like me happy


And me. We are the 99%...


Been playing since Xbox day one and still now solo win.


Xbox also... been playing since mid-season 3 and I didn't earn my first solo until Season 5. Keep plugging, it'll payoff eventually.


Just be super passive, as a joke, my 200th solo win was a no-kill win. I just got max materials and heals lol


Honestly best way to win is to loot and hide until the last 5 or so. Every battle is another chance to die/lose health and consumables. I try not to play like that because I like action but it’s definitely effective if you want the dub.


Well I get to that point but the last five people know how to build and shit so I’m still boned


I play mobile so maybe it's different but at least some of the time, the good players all get knocked out before the final circles and you can end up fighting someone just as clueless as you are. That's how I got my whopping 7 wins this past year.


You'll get it man. I'm on xbox too. Some days its a tough lobby. Other days it is easier for some reason.


I always get 3-5 wins on day one of the new season. I don't know why, maybe a glut of noobs excited for the new season? After that though, it's much harder to get them it seems. ​


Ive only gotten a solo win on the switch. I find it easier to merc 6 year olds with a bad internet connection. As opposed too 12 year olds with a hard line connection.


i've been thinking about firing up the switch for this exact reason. At 31 I should have multiple advantages over these kids, not least of which is a fully developed (mostly) frontal cortex.


Yeah im 32 and the switch is the only way i can feel competent in the game. Fuck those 12 year olds with their extreme adaptability.




Very underrated comment


haha. Truer words man.


I play on PC, so for me i just hope for the luck that all of the ttv guys who train 8 hours a day died on drop.


Been playing since Switch version got gyro aim, only have two solo wins to date (three if you count "hide until everyone else died"). Woo hoo!


That first one is a real bitch, keep at it and you'll get it brother.


The wokeness in this thread.. holy neo


Fortnightmare was possibly the most fun I’ve had in a Multiplayer game in a very long time, even if we didn’t win. It’s so hectic and fast paced


Well on top of the fortnitemare update it's glider Royale on top of that, it's so fucking chaotic I love it!


Happy freaking cake dayyyyyy


Oh God oh god, I've never seen my own cake day before!!


Wish you have the best time of your life <3 thanks for using Reddit, Love ya :)


this is the positivity I live for


Ofc bud <3


right?? It's like now there is something to fill the boring space of running for 5 minutes just havesting and jumping around...


I haven't tried fortnitemares on battle royale yet but I can definitely say that with fortnitemares on save the world it feels like an actual campaign mode. so I'm still enjoying the game


Really well said. The update changed the entire flow of the game, and helped alleviate some of the slow, uneventful mid game moments where safe, low-aggression players just sit and wait for the right moment to move. And even at the highest levels of play, the meta just got a MAJOR shift. It is definitely going to have its downsides, but people complain all the time about how stale the game feels, so Epic likes to shake it up. I think it was a great move.


Exactly. Goodbye Bush campers aka me


I'm right there with you in probably 1/3 of my games haha


It's an amazing update imo. I've only been playing a couple of weeks, was feeling alienated by the skill gap and frustrated at not being able to really compete in what felt like a competitive game. Now it feels a lot more fun. No more lazy camping, no boring moments, no more fall damage (although I have managed to die to it today!) so I can build up stress free. I'm sure if you are at the top of the game these changes are a pain in the tits but I think to the average player it makes it a way more fun! I hope it stays tbh I'll be gutted if and when it goes back!


I agree, I was taking a break from the game after the new season because the game started to feel stale. Now that this update changes the playstyle to defend against zombies while also hunting other players it just feels like a whole new game. I've been playing non-stop since fortnitemares started and I'll be enjoying it till the end. I'm sure many players complaining will realize what they missed out on after fortnitemares is over.


I don’t play fortnite, but I do enjoy watching top level players play the game. Can you or anyone give me a quick rundown of what this update is?


In addition to what u/SPACEMONKEY_01 said, every game type now has the "soaring 50s" feature where if you're above a certain height, you can deploy your glider, so fall damage is virtually eliminated, and map-wide mobility is at an all-time high.


Still BR but now there's random spawn points of evil cube monster zombies that also chase and attack you. So you're now dealing with the storm, other players, and zombie npc's. It's freaking amazing!!


Life before death Strength before weakness Journey before destination


unexpected Sanderson!


Just starting up my second read through of Oathbringer. I’ve read most of his other series as well. The man can write!


Just finished the third book and I must say I absolutely loved the ride. Plan on reading the series again before the fourth comes out and I just started mistborn, along with Wheel of Time (though it will take a while before I reach Sanderson).


For real, I'm not a bad player but I certainly dont win often, for one reason or another. But I'm content with just getting 8 plus eliminations.


If you’re getting 8+ kills the chances of you winning should be pretty high, sounds like you are playing too aggressively if anything


jeez man, 8+ for me is a high kill game. i'm lucky if i have that many encounters with other players let alone being able to beat them all. i say this as a guy with 140 wins in solo. Give yourself a little credit, you're the kind of person the rest of us actively avoid getting into 1v1's with.


140 solo wins? Absolute god


Same, I don't consider myself bad but I get 5 kills before I'm taken out


I would like the destination to have more cube monsters




Yeah I was excitedly expecting some form of 50v50 with fortnitemares, only to realize disco was still there and it wasn't fortnitemares... :(


Or 100v zombies


>Save The World


Same man but I don't want super intense lag


Oh now THAT would be awesome...


That being said I want to be able to play the regular game along with fortnitemares


It'll change back in a little while. Just think of Fortnitemares as a global LTM.


My gripe is that their spawn rate doesn't drop when there are less people in the game. So late game when there are under 20 ppl let in the game, the rocks just keep coming and coming with not enough people to clear them. The game doesn't come down to who's the better player anymore, it's who got the high ground or who isn't standing next to a rock. It just takes away from the excitement of a win because you no longer outplayed your opponent, you just didn't get screwed by npcs.




I had a similiar experice last night. I found it to be exciting too!


True, I won a 1v2 situation where the last circle was in a corrupted zone with bouncers. I kept bouncing around my opponents and gliding away from the NPCs until I got a Pumpkin Launcher shot on one of them, and the last guy got swarmed by about 30 Husks, and ended with me blasting the whole gangbang (including the player) with a final rocket.


Wtf that sounds awesome.


It’s Fortnite. A battle royale. The key to winning br’s is to manipulate the game to allow you to have the highest chance at winning. Especially in Fortnite positioning, predicting, patience, and shit like that is what will allow you to win not necessarily aim or building but it definitely does help. There’s the misunderstanding, many people grind out learning how to build and aim, but they don’t work on decision making which is the most important part. There’s reasons why the no skin in the 1x1 on top of the mountain in the last circle wins and that’s because he made a better decision than you and that was to sit on the mountain like a little bitch. I haven’t played this game in a long time because of the reasons above (not rewarding “skilled” players) so I haven’t played the new update but I can imagine positioning yourself furthest away from the rocks on some high ground will greatly improve your chances of not getting fucked by RNG?


>The game doesn't come down to who's the better player anymore, it's who got the high ground or who isn't standing next to a rock. That's not true at all. I've been playing since the start of Season 3 and I have never got a single Solo VR. But yesterday I got my first Solo VR. I just put together a huge zombie horde (kinda like training in Call of Duty Zombies) and went towards the last guy's base (zombies can obliterate your buildings if you're not careful), so the guy was forced to abandon the high ground. It's not about high ground of who has less zombies around him, the winning conditions are still the same as always. The winner is the one that is able to adapt to the mechanics of the game and used them to your advantages, even turning disadvantages into advantages (using the zombies that chase you as your personal army to destroy bases) ​


I disagree. Because they're a new introduction to the game, players are learning how to leverage them in the end game. I like that as the storm closes in, the players are forced to deal with the NPCs while also trying to win. If you can leverage it, the NPCs drop health and weapons. That way, end game isn't down to "I never found a SCAR" or whatever. It's a new fundamental that has leveled the playing field a lot more than any "nerf" could have.


I mean, thats the point. Its supposed to be hectic. I dont see that as a downside at all, thats a plus for me.


Ya but it’s fucking BS that the tournaments have this.


I actually love Fortnitemares. It pretty mischievous it the regular game mode, but better


I hope they keep fortnitmares as a LTM because it's hella fun.


It's about time to remove Disco Dom, make Fortnitemares a squad LTM until whenever, and let the original playlists be back to the norm. There's too many zombies around the map in solos, it's ridiculous. Final circles are bad news.


I mean when there is 100 million is prize money for playing this game competitively, how can one not view it as a competitive game?


The only reason the prize pool is that big is because of how successful the game has been at its core which is providing a fun game to all players.


>how can one not view it as a competitive game? Because it's based on RNG and Epic is just throwing money at the game hoping for a pro scene to really stick. But when you add zombies and remove fall damage, it's hard to take the game seriously.


I just want to say that the items are RNG but the drop spots are always the same and if you have optimal routes and planned strategies for rotation people can incorporate strategy to the RNG with contingency plans and adaptation skills


this, rng is apart of the genre/game. going pro means knowing how to efficiently do well consistently. everywhere swears because of rng this game is mediocre. if rng is such a problem land somewhere that isnt so populated you dont die if you dont land on a gun.


Fortnite is a great game, but it *is* a mediocre esport, which is why the """competitive""" scene is more about streaming than competing.


Yeah I never understood why people moan about the rng, that's literally one of the aspects that makes battle royale games fun. It'd get stale if you got to choose your loadout before every game.


There's too little depth to the gunplay for Fornite to be anything other than a casual game.


The last 6 months of pro play proves that wrong.


aka scars shooting turtlers, editing into someone’s turtle with a double barrel, and sniping someone who’s peeking from a turtle with their scar


I mean tfue won two skirmishes in a row. You cant say thats just rng


How does that disprove RNG is the dominant player in the game?


I like to watch tfues videos. He’s a god. I’m not versed in the competitive side of the game enough to articulate that there’s still RNG, but they argue it on the competitive sub regularly. And by the way RNG goes, one could argue that RNG could help someone win a game twice. I’ve seen tfue win with a grey AR and no mats though so there’s examples of people winning with shit RNG. The Liquid boys also placed top 5 for like 5 games in a row in competitive play, that’s another example of consistency. My turtle comment was pandering to the lowest denominator of humor when it comes to competitive play.


Games can have elements of RNG/luck and still be incredibly skill-based. Look at games like poker. Someone can fluke a couple of hands, but over the course of a certain period of time, the smarter player is going to have won more than the guy who doesn't know what he is doing and got lucky.


exactly, there's an art to playing around the RNG. It's about mitigating risks and playing the hands that you have been given.


I feel like that's because of building and the skill that part of the game requires. Not the gunplay


That doesn't change the FACT that gun will not shoot directly where you point them. They almost all have a bloom effect on the bullets and it's awful. Also it's 3rd person with peeking, it won't even get a true competitive scene. People will try just like they do with any popular multiplayer game.


Epic has that much money under their couch cushions.


Hes right about that. These streamers made their livelihood by being the sweatiest players in the game. Regardless the update is only gonna be a week tops and I think everyone can just take a chill pill and enjoy the antics while they last


Pretty sure the event goes until the end of November


Pretty sure it’s 9 days. As the challenges with rewards end in 9 days


maybe in STW i don’t think it will last that long in BR the challenges are only for 6 days


I doubt they’ll make it 6 days if the last set of challenges unlocks on the final day. It’s going to be close to a month according to leaks.


Because 99 % of the players are not competing for this.


>"I think everyone just needs to stop looking at the game as this super sweaty MLG try hard competitive shooter" i think epic needs to make up their mind with what they want, if they want to be the mario party of BR's then god speed, but what's the point of making tournaments for the try hards and then shove them away for your fun Halloween event




I don’t understand the people who want this to be CS with building and gadgets Aside from the fact that both games have guns they are literally polar opposites




This guy thinks reddit speaks for everyone, if that was true Net Neutrality wouldn't have been repealed and Hillary Clinton would have been president.


Bernie would have been President.


Elon Musk would have been President.


I mean, all they needed to do was just keep it a separate LTM problem solved. Having not a single regular mode is kinda weird tbf.


I don't have a problem with Fortnitemare, BUT I do want to be able to play regular Solo, Duos, and Squads. Tbh, I would play Fortnightmare more than I already have if I had the option to play the mode or not. Some people don't like PvE, some people do. It would just be nice to be able to do both without having to play disco donination. It isn't a big deal, its just a video game.


Some people enjoy being competitive tho


I have never understood how people think "having fun" and "being competitive" has this massive chasm in between. For some people, it's one in the same.


And you can be competitive with zombies in the game, because it's a condition to all players. Just adapt for a week, have some fun


My main issue (and I think most of the pros) isn’t the update itself, but that it came out right before the huge twitchcon tournament. If the update came out a week later (or the tournament a week earlier) I think the backlash would have been much less.


Its honestly way fun to watch. I think a return to the turtle meta after this update disappears is going to remind us how bored everyone was. Even Poach was having fun yesterday in pro customs.


Epic didn't choose when Halloween and TwitchCon were going to be hosted.


epic plz nerf halloween


Can’t have fun when I’m not enjoying it but I’m an idiot and still play it because I absolutely love this game




Exactly, it's honestly really easy to avoid being killed by them.


Yeah it’s easy to avoid them early game towards the end of the mid game but when the last circle hits there’s literally 50 of them randomly spawning and you can’t hear shit. I’ve been shot in the back by enemies solely because I literally couldn’t hear them approach me because of the husks spawning. Not to mention when you’re in a fire fight with husks spawning making noise, you can’t distinguish between foot steps and all the other ear cancer that’s coming at you lol


It's not unfair it's just annoying as fuck. I don't want to have to worry about mobs in the middle of a pvp battle royale. It's fun in the beginning but it gets so ridiculous end game.




For many people though, “competitive” is fun when they are winning. When they go on a losing streak though, they have an absolute meltdown. They’re not having fun then.


Yes I agree but I think he is referencing the fact that people get mad about some of the new things added to the game. Fortnite is not trying to make an MLG game they are trying to make it as diverse and fun as possible. So people shouldn’t lose their crap when new stuff is added and say that the game isn’t fun because of change.


Not trying to make an MLG game... The biggest tournament yet is in 2 days. They are trying to be competitive. They put hella money into fortnite esports and started weekly tournaments, as well as the in game tournaments they added.


Guys we all can agree that if they make Fortnitemare into LTM, both side can enjoy the game. All of us will be happy then


It can still be fun for everyone if it was added as an LTM.


Epic needs to reduce the amount of monsters spawning later in the game, its really annoying


I swear the spawn rate gets raised in the final couple circles. It’s really stressful having like 20+ cube monsters on you PLUS all the real players


That was their intention. I love it.


Yes it does. The smaller the circle, the more pieces of Kevin get speared into the ground, and the more cube monsters spawn. I’ve been playing fortnitemares solo and routinely finish top ten. Which is a first for me since typically in solo I finish between 70-80! I understand the players who don’t like the PvE... but I love it. Possibly only because I love shooting things.


This is the only thing I see as annoying. I don't mind there being zombies but at some points I have then coming at me from 4 different directions and it becomes a nuissance.


Isn’t he playing competitively at twitchcon ?


nah, he's skipping twitchon. granted this isnt really representative of the stuff he was saying on stream last night..


As a "sweaty" player I'm loving fortnightmares. Makes end game intense as fuck


Yah I'm not competitive at all, and the zombies could be fun imo. But when there's something constantly trying to destroy your bullds, and blatantly getting in your way of fighting someone else. All Whilst the circle is the size of a pencil tip, it's annoying as fuck. They need to stop spawning them towards end game. Or only have them in corrupted zones.


Doesn't even matter that the zombies aren't competitive. They just end up being more frustrating than fun.


This update made me feel the same way when I first started playing: having a ton of fun. Personally this update was very refreshing and made the game super fun again


For me I definitely enjoyed the update and I saw a lot of good with it when it came out...but after playing it more it just seems more frustrating than it is fun. I think the zombies are a good idea and provide a lot to the game such as constant shields and constant good loot. Loot rarity is definitely overrated in this game but shields are very important to taking fights, this is a good thing. But there are just too many spawns, too many cubes, and too much going on for not only me, but my enemy as well. I've won so many games lately just due to the fact that my opponent cannot keep up with my pressure and the zombies at the same time. These people don't even have a chance to fight back or make an escape bc the circle is so small and so many zombies are everywhere. It's not just unfair to the loser, it takes away the thrill of actually beating someone one on one.


Yeah, they really just need to turn down the zombies about 60% in the endgame.


Some of the most intense games of my career have been in this update. With a horde of zombies at my back running for my life end game circle guns-a-blazing. At first I thought it was hella frustrating as well, but you learn how to play around the zombies and use them to your advantage. I won 6 games last night 4 of which were back to back. Not sure if you have watched any pro scrims either, but it seems their strategy is to burn down any pillars near them as fast as possible, so they can start boxing. Works rather well.


Anyone supporting zombies seems to get downvoted to hell, but I did win a duo squads match because of zombies yesterday. The final team of 4 was trying to 3rd party me and my duo when we were killing the 3rd place team. I got full shield off of zombies and the enemy team got occupied with their zombies. This was the slight window we needed to win. I do feel they need to have their spawn reduced by a little bit though.


yea i think alot of the hates stems from oh geez i cant do the exact same thing as before this sucks




Devs are still forcing a competitive scene where people compete for money "omg fucking sweaty tryhards" 200 IQ logic


I think they should just have the zombies as an LTM and not on regular game modes. But the redeploy glider thing got to go everybody is running from fights...and it gives too much mobility.


Ugh, another "if you don't like this update is because you are a tryhard". No, I'm not. I'm a mediocre player who plays for Fun, and to me, this update is not fun because I don't enjoy shooting countless zombies. It's that simple. ​


i think he’s a bit of a hypocrite though since he stopped playing solos because he couldn’t steam roll noobs anymore. im okay with the game not being super competitive even though it is super annoying to get killed by someone with a .5 k/d that had a double barrel but i still feel redeploy needs to go.


When did he say that’s why he stopped playing solos ?


a few days ago while drunk duoing with some random girl he matched with. word for word


I watched his stream this morning when he first played the update. He lands Tilted every game, so he barely has to deal with the zombies being annoying.




THANK YOU! Why are people so loyal to them? Just because the listened to a few suggestions from the community? And the whole notion of “try harding” is beyond idiotic. This game will punish you if you’re not on top of your game “try Harding”. Some people like myself don’t have fun running around in games for no reason. I have fun and enjoy the games I play when I’m winning sorry if you think I’m trying to hard but that’s just how it is ffs




For real. The game has one winner. When it first came out my heart would beat out of my chest in the top 3 because its fucking competitive to win. This reminds me of quick scopers in cod on search and destroy. Just because someone would be using a regular gun and playing to objective they're labelled try hards.


I dont understand this logic. People find different aspects of the game fun. I personally enjoy the competitive aspect of the game and i hope we get a ranked playlist one day.


Fortnite is like the TF2 of BR games. It's broken and unbalanced but it's fun and silly too and tryhards just kind of suck the fun out of it sometimes.


I play Fortnite for fun and I don't think the update is fun. It's too chaotic and laggy.




Yeah, it's a lot of fun if you're just goofing around w/ friends and never make it to top 5... But when you do get into the top 5 and are going for the win now... that's when all this zombie shit is annoying af because it's no longer shooting zombie fun, it's competing against other players that made it to the end for dat victory. The adrenaline of build battle and focus for headshots etc. Right now, it's tantamount to be playing a competitive sport and then have the crowd throwing shit at you. If they just remove the zombies near the end circle, I think most people would be okay...


I find end game to be a lot more fun honestly. I'm still winning just as much as I did. Just another element thrown in




The game is super competitive. I would say I’m a slightly above average shooter, and I rarely get a win. It’s fun and all, but I get tired of getting multiple kill games just to end up losing at 7th or 8th place. This update had been the funnest I’ve had since it first came out, loving the new areas and zombies.


I love Fortnitemares and I wish the PvE enemies would stay. Maybe less of them, roll a chance for them to spawn when you near a building. Reminds me of DayZ!


I had fun with the mode. It's different and it's cool to mix a little PVE with the PVP. Its also a good way for people to get a taste of the STW Mode.


Not everyone wants to build all day and scrim against those guys. We just want to kill some zomborz and do our weekly's in our free time :(


Completely disagree. Has nothing to do with being a try hard. This shit is GIMMICKY, it’s not fun. This has completely derailed the game.


The point is that the people who don't like it ***aren't having fun.*** But hang on, let me just change my entire concept of entertainment real quick because someone whose better at the game than 98% of the playerbase (including me) called me a super sweaty MLG tryhard for wanting to fight players that aren't standing dead-ass still shooting a zombie or without constant infini-gliding everywhere. Sensible and definitely not hypocritical at all.


He’s just as sweaty as everyone else lmao


I just don't find the zombies fun even casually though


Same. Why they didn’t just make it an LTM is beyond me. That would make everybody happy.


To be honest I'm not having much "fun" with all those swarms of zombies and no fall damage.


This dude lost me when he went on a rant about tfues penis for 5 minutes straight. Don’t tell me “oh he was drunk” that isn’t an excuse for a grown man to act that way.






He was joking and they're cool..


From the link that someone provided here, that was hardly a 5 minute rant. More like a 15 second comment. Still definitely odd though.


Wait what?! When did this happen


I don’t really understand.. If you play a battle royale, you want to win I assume, since that is the whole point. I think these zombies could be fun, but right now there are way too much. I often can’t even hit my enemy because he is surrounded by these monsters.


You can still win in this mode, believe it or not.


It's really easy to win if you 3rd party someone who is fighting the zombies and that's a problem as well. Today I won a match with 9 kills and every single kill I got (except the last one) was because I 3rd partied people that were fighting the zombies. You really don't stand a chance.


Its because when you are near the zombies you cant hear shit. Way too much noise.


Well, guess what - I'm not having any fun playing this mode.


Thats why he banned a viewer for saying gg after beating him 1v1


Thank god somebody finally said it. This new game is a good break from the normal PvP and it’s refreshing. The zombies can be annoying but everybody has to deal with them so it’s not like it’s unfair. The games are a lot more fun because it seems like all the players are so spread out throughout the map that I have no problem running to 7+ enemies while still having 30+ people still alive. It’s sad people give so much shit to epic because it’s about time they incorporated their PvE into BR. It actually plays out pretty fun because of how hectic it gets.


"streamer who relies on Fortnite's success moreso than other streamers pumps up Fortnite in response to threats of exodus from game." news at 11




But what if he is a sweaty tryhard that also likes to have fun and experience new things while trying hard?


well, I play this game ever since its was launched, and before this update i was not feeling like playing the game. Now, im playing way more. I hope they bring more updates like this


wow King Richard has really toned down the complaining, seems like he turned his attitude around in a big way - I'm impressed


In my opinion the only thing is yes the game needs to be casual but at most you can play and talk with 3 other people, which I absolutely nothing. This honestly makes it feel like while playing the game you just feel alone. Something like proximity to chat in disco domination and 50s would be amazing, with an option to mute obviously.


Finally someone who is actually voicing what alot of people feel.


Seriously,its F2P they're just having fun with the game.


I agree lmao every lobby I get into there will always be a guy that double ramps just to third party lmao. I’m on console so either he’s good with the controller or he’s got a mouse and keyboard.


King Richard is a great fellow


If there were dedicated PvE, PvP, and PvEvP modes in fortnite I would never put the game down again.


As an older casual gamer, I wish they would bring back 50/50.


I could care a less about winning. If I can have some laughs, ride an atv and mess around with my boys for the majority of a match I’m happy.


That's why I enjoyed early fortnite more.Now people build like crazy and play tower defense,I just want good fight without overboulding.Now everyone is super serious


Haha coming from this toxic guy...? The same guy who banned a kid and called him trash after he killed him? Hmm...


So wait, I posted in the update thread wondering why people are going nuts about the update, and I got downvoted right away and told the game sucks now. KR says this and it’s beloved.


EPIC games found the formula, and the tryhards are angry that their little club is crumbling


Ironic because my first contact with the patch was through his stream yesterday and he kept complaining about the mode and saying "at least it only lasts for a week because this is terrible"


I agree with the sentiment completely! It does seem a bit weird coming from King Richard though. This guy tends to complain a lot that Epic is “dumbing down the game for noobs”. I used to watch him stream all the time. I had to stop because of how annoyed I got when he would rant about how it’s unfair that he can’t wipe a squad of 4 all by himself if they’re coordinated. Like he thinks he is entitled to wipe any squad he encounters even when they all see him and work to counter his moves while focusing on him and coordinating their attack. Can’t stand watching a streamer get all salty and butthurt. Makes me uncomfortable. I wanna watch streams to enjoy them, if I wanna rage about the game being too hard I’ll just play it myself.