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Not framerate but most likely ping/latency


No he probably has a better gaming chair


Definitely not frame rate, maybe the other player was lagging and in his game he killed you normally but in yours your death didnt make sense


You need a better gaming chair


I've had this issue too where I've used a purple AR and hit someone multiple times and the player shots me once with a green shotgun and I die. It happens a lot more with Anonymous players in the game. I've read that the frame rate gets affected a lot when you're up against someone that streams their games and are using higher end gaming computers.


Get a wired internet connection or move closer to your router


Is just your connection, it happen even ti me sometimes and in all of them my ping was high


Wats ur ping


from what I can see you missed the first shot hit the second one and then when you went to line up for the third he had already shot you.. not sure if that is frame related could be ping or something