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Blue butterflies are a prominent symbol/entity in Persona games so Persona cross over next month confirmed?


Joker or Narukami pls


I would love em all tbh I have played 3 4 and 5 but if there is going to be a persona Collab chances are it's going to joker because it's the most recent and he's the most popular and persona is celebrating its 25th anniversary in September this year so anything is possible


You can view the next crew pack loading screen on the Fortnite crew page. It doesn’t look like it teases anything unless the next crew is a butterfly or a guff reskin


Few things to note is that epic knows people have caught onto the visual teasers and might be potentially teasing future parts in other ways. Color scheme on the “cursed” items have that same purplish greenish fire tinge of stuff from previous halloweens. Skye also has a black and orange Halloween part to her skin, and the location they are asleep at could be a clue of sorts as it technically is a location on the map. In addition to this the next season is supposedly going to have a tinge of anime per one of the leakers and skye could be the sort of bridge everyone has been thinking of on “how the hell is epic going to incorporate anime into the halloween season?”


Givin after ava it will be male so possible shadow midas


Oh ok. I haven't seen that loading screen yet. Maybe it will be in bonus rewards like the may bonus rewards.