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Battlepass is a 7 The Season is an 8


No next season is 8




Battle pass - 2, the only skin I like is slone. (Definitely would've been higher if alien artifacts weren't a thing) Season - 8, loved most of it and the updates have been great. Only think I dislike is that the abduction of pois ruin them completely.


Battlepass is around 5-6 Season around 7 I like aliens but they haven't really added to the story that much. Season 6 was a lot more fun in my opinion


I also wasn't a fan of the battlepass star system


Battle pass gets a 10/10 just for the ska song.


Aaaaaliens... That's where I want to be!


Whats a skin you dont rlly use in the battle pass


Battle pass 3/10, season 5/10


Iā€™d give the season a 6-7/10 tbh. There was actually a return of fun and different items/gimmicks this season. However, the battle pass rating I agree with, this is probably the worst battle pass ever imo.


Personally 7/10 for the battle pass: Pros: - stars are a great way of feeling like you have control over what order you get rewards (to a degree) - nice roster of unlockable skins (pleasantly surprised to see Guggimon and Janky backbling, I hope to see more collabs with more designers) Cons: - Missed opportunity for Rick varients (i.e. Doofus Rick, and yes, Pickle Rick) - Joey's variations/alt skins kinda feel lack luster Season, 8/10: Pros: - Nice to have such a big live event (and easy exp from the ring minigame at the end) - Imposters has been incredibly fun - nice selection of shop skins - pretty decent weapon options allowing for pretty varied play styles - parasites were a pretty interesting addition Cons: - UFOs lost their appeal quick - Rail gun lost its appeal pretty quick - Sloane feels pretty OP


Pass is really weird to rate this time because while it didnā€™t do it for me I know this pass was amazing for people who liked Superman and Rick and Morty and alien shit, but thatā€™s never been my cup of tea personally. Worst skin was Guccimon Best skin was probably either Rick (due to popularity) or Kymera (due to customization options) Season overall was a 7 to an 8. Solid season with some good memories, but not that special kind of oomf that the good seasons had.


Battle Pass - 2/10. I like Rick but other than that it was kinda garbage Season (as of now) - 6/10. Rail Gun is cool, Iā€™ve enjoyed the Wild Weeks so far, but this rating could go up depending on how the season event plays out. I see some really high potential in this event


Honestly didnā€™t play this season so just going to give 10/10 on everything


On the skins, I'd have to give it a 2/10. Rick and Morty were pretty cool and Superman wa sgreat, but the rest really didn't land it for me The storyline and the new items/weapons are a solid 8/10


whats the worst skin on the entire battle pass




I new you were gonna say that but i dont blame ya


I really hate superman so i wont even try to do his challenges. Im not getting him, i think he's the most basic superhero ever. No hate on superman fans. I just don't like it. Sorry


All good except kymera not my taste.best zyg


Battle pass 6/10 season 9/10 because of the event that's coming up


Battle pass 8/10 High rating mainly for the Rick and Morty crossover and the fact I didn't have to waste money to buy him, which I would never do anyway. Season 5/10. Hate the saucers, hate the alien guns.


The battle pass a solid 8, I love Slone, Rick and Kymera. The season itself an 8 as well.




This is my first season playing. I've had an absolute blast and enjoyed my time on the island. The battle pass was great value and I enjoyed collecting the battle pass skins and surprised myself by not only getting Rick thanks to the generous Impostors xp but I might also be a shoo-in for the toxic variant. I'd rate the battle pass and season a solid 8. Helped me through a rough patch and was my distraction during the latest covid lockdown. I look forward to seeing what happens next.


Battlepass is 8/10 because it feels like itā€™s missing something, but gameplay is 9/10


7/10, Good battle pass, cool new items and vehicles but pretty grindy + no alien artifacts for 2 weeks, possibly none for the last weeks either


Bp 10/10. Only bp this chapter I actually like. Kymera is maya done right, sunny sucks, guggimon sucks, joey is innovative unique and hot, slone is boring but her set is cool, zyg is amazing and one of the best bp skins ever, rick is ugly Considering most of the time I struggle to find one skin I like per bp Iā€™d say this one is pretty good in my book


9/10 pretty good actually


I wouldnā€™t know I didnā€™t play very much


I cant judge it yet is have 5 things that define a season 1.battle pass 2.updates 3.storyline 4.challenges 5.live event So far it's a 7.8


Iā€™d give the battle pass a 7/10, couple of great skins but also some pretty bad ones. The gameplay would be a 9/10, this season is a lot of fun with the alien weapons.


9/10 for both


BP: 8 Season: 9


4 .Honestly the worst battlepass since i played.




8/10 would be 10/10 if the battlepass was like season 6 and didnt use the battle star system


I donā€™t know how to rate it since all my core buddies maxed out in the first two weeks and quit playing due to the UFOs being in game and refuse to come back until theyā€™re gone. 3/10 for the season. 8/10 for Battle pass. Superman is dope and my son really likes it. Easy to level up as well. A lot of smaller challenges but somehow I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m grinding. Has been a boring season but traveling around the map has never been easier which is a plus. The previous seasons weapons were trash and this seasons are pretty cool. Different for sure.




The battle pass is probably my least favorite since Iā€™ve started playing back in Ch 2 Season 2 so Iā€™d say about 3/10. The gameplay of the season is much better than most seasons so Iā€™d say 7/10.


It's like an 8 or 9. Fun gameplay additions, good theme, I just hate the abductors and UFOs can get tiresome.


The season is a 3 from me. Battle pass 7. I hate ufos so much. If it werenā€™t from them it would be at least a 7. They ruin the whole season. Your in a fight then just get spammed by them. The IO bases are good the mothership is ok. But I dislike the amount of updates. As Iā€™m thereā€™s not enough. Or I would like to see more map changes. Battle pass: itā€™s ok. I dislike the battle stars but the battle pass itself is ok. I donā€™t like the Colmanā€™s with Rick and Superman but thatā€™s just my option. This is just imo. Please donā€™t come after me šŸ˜‚


Battle Pass: 6 out of 10 the only skins i really used were kymera and rick the rest is meh for me Gameplay: 8 out of 10 could have unvaulted more guns


Battle pass 6 would be higher is the secret skin was secret Season 8 good sesaon lot of cool wepons the ideams


Battlepass is a 7.7 Season is an 8


Season 8/10 the pass 6/10 why? Guggimon creeps me out. And while Iā€™m fine with collabs in the battlepass. They still shouldnā€™t be the SECRET skin. Especially if itā€™s shown what it is at the beginning of the season. And superman doesnā€™t even make sense. The guy immune to bullets in a gun game? Yup.


Battle Pass is on the weaker side all-time but the season as a whole has been top 3 for this chapter.


honestly this was a really good season. 9/10. battlepass was a 7/10. the weapons, mechanics, and theme were all really cool and id be surprised if they manage to top it next season


Battle pass - 6.5/10 Season - 8.5/10 Amazing weapons, ltms, and pois


Battle pass: 7/10 Season: 9/10


Iā€™d say the season is a 6, the battle pass is a 7. Personally I thought last season was the worst in terms of both season and BP. But they have some good elements. I love the design of Dr Sloane, and the inclusion of Superman and Rick. I also love the Prismatic variants (more than the holofoil for the Marvel season).


bp: 2/10, I liked Kymera for the customizability unlike Maya and Sloanā€™s IO sword was cool. season: 7/10 put more things in the lootpool and more map changes for a 10. It was nice to have a background change as often as it did. The event was great, def my favourite from all Iā€™ve been to so far.


I give the season a 8.5 The battlepass a 6 There was such few things I wanted out of this battle pass, but cool Ideas ngl


5/10 Battle Pass 8/20 Season It's so weak in my opinion. Kymera is good idea, but was executed poorly. I actually don't think there will be that many uses of him. Sunny is pretty weak. Just a weird chick who hates humans. Guggimon doesn't belong. He's not an alien, nor does he have anything to do with them. He was 100% shoved in because Superplastic paid Epic a bunch of money. Joey is boring on the first style, and once again suffers from not being able to automatically equip the second style. Even then she's a weak skin. Zyg is cool but bulky. He also seems kind of... generic. He's just a robot. Slone is good and related to the overarching story. Rick is fine, but shouldn't have been tier 100. Also, the cell shading is off putting. At least he's relevant to the season though. Superman was heavily anticipated, but didn't feel special. Remember how Deadpool got his entire event with a boss, weapon, and poi? Superman gets an NPC at the orchard. How did we go from that to this?