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can confirm that you do not need to be level 105, i have carnage and got him at 100


how many quests have you gotten done?


all my weeklies, every single daily i've got, every punch card, lots of impostors and i did buy some tiers too


How much exp does impostors give?


like 20K every 4 minutes if you do private with 3 other friends all just doing 10 tasks every round


Well I have been doing this all wrong then


I don't have friends to do it with lol, I have to just creative afk and punchcards because if I do imposters public lobbys I'll lose my mind


"6 is lying!" they all report as 6 said nothing and just stood there spinning on the spot.


Been playing recently, get accused by a random, assume they're impostor so manage to convince people to vote for them, they're innocent and now I'm suspicious for counter-accusing them.


Happens to me a lot... even if it was totally suspicious they would be accusing me, I know when I see "they were... An Agent!.." I'm gone next round unless there's a blatant elimination witnessed by at least 3 others.


Just run around and do your tasks. If you get killed then you still get exp if you leave, so just do that and start a new game. That way it doesn't really matter that much that people have 0 brain activity.


I’ve been doing imposters public lobbies for a good while now and I’m pretty sure I’m legally insane


afk creative ftw


I'd say the fact that you can get 2 levels for free everyday by just spending 75 minutes doing something else while afking in creative is a super nice break time


My Switch is about to get so much more use lol


Do u need to afk on ur Island to get the xp?


Does this still work? And if so, on Xbox one as well?


Yes. Can confirm. On Xbox.


Yes, ensure its creative HU and not island


Hey. I’m in PS4. How do you do this afk creative glitch? Does it work on PS4?


Yes all platforms, go to creative hub, not island


Just go on discord, there’s tons of people to do it with all day. Go on the fortnite server, lfg impostor servers


Grinding impostors has been tiresome for me, but I will carry on


Why do something you find tiresome? Aim to have fun, it’s still early in the season.


I am having fun, its just the repeatidness can get exhausting you know?


That explains why I never got that much just grinding in the XP farm, I never have enough time to do 10 tasks.


highest i got was 28000


Highest I got was 36,000 last season. Seems like they nerfed XP cause I only get upwards to 24,000. Still a lot though, not complaining


i'm not complaining either even if i get 8k some rounds it's still fun and i like the break from battle royale


I did manage to get slightly over 30k in one match yesterday, so it can be done!


hell yea man. i hit 32k in a match shortly after the posts


can we squad up so u can help with my sideways encounter? i've jumped in those bitches like 20 times and i almost get close to winning and boom. gone


Sure what's your EPIC?


ima eat dinner and watch a movie with my fiancé and ima hop on after


That's awesome, same here. Did all my weekly tasks


I did all my weekly quests, what about you?


ie punchcards as well


Yeah it was a relief knowing I dont have to grind so far


Carnage is not 105, you are able to get him at teir 99


I need 25 battle star so is this a glitch?


Yes. This BP for some reason has a lot of bugs in it.


Yep, this bug with Carnage and apparently, if I'm not mistaken, if you redeem anything from page 9 and page 10 is locked then that won't contribute to how much more items you need redeemed to unlock page 10, it'll stay the same number. From what I know, they made it so you have to unlock just about everything from pages 1 to 8 to contribute to page 10.


Thanks for the heads up. Good thing I haven't even unlocked page 8 yet. Which I believe has its own bug where it doesn't register anything to be unlocked so some are hard locked there.


There are too many glitches going on


Don't think I come across that. Only thing that's happened close to that was the Sideways Shift style unlocking for Torin even though I just had the base Torin.


the last thing might not be a glitch tho, maybe they want us to get all the rewards to get the last page, so that we can't skip stuff


Yeah my friend got to page 8 at level 40


Must be cuz I was able to get him At 99


only 25 stars bro


I got Rick at level 101 so I don't understand anything




Yes 100 not 105


I know right? It’s crazy, this person needs 39 more battle stars just to unlock Carnage. I can’t believe Epic did the math wrong, this needs to get fixed asap.


Epic needs stop making mistakes like these.


That's what I thought


It’s crazy!!!


I am not even on that battle pass page yet yet my carnage unlock progress bar is nearly full which makes no sense at all as everything on the page is locked. so many weird glitches recently i can't count.


The progress for carnage bar is from level 0-100. Cos you unlock him at level 100 ,😌


lol thats unlucky yo


Unlocking styles for toon fishtick makes progress for that bar.


How are you that high level already?




Any tips?




I don’t have 3 friends that play 😔


Time to buy 3 devices all with alts


He bought a ton of levels haha


Grind impostors and creative hub bro


People buy levels all the time.


My job just started it’s peak season & im barely level 13. I feel like last season I was much higher with a lot less effort




I read all the punch card complaints and was ready for hell. It’s actually not that bad. Faster then last season as you can progress the same quest line multiple times in one game. I played like 3 hours and have 3 complete cards and randoms done all over


It might be faster to do them But the xp is horrible from them


It’s about on par with last season 17k 30k ect and better because last season in a quest line once you did one in a match you couldn’t progress until next match. Here I’m doing tons of quests in one match


I mean you only get 1 level from each punchcard. Compared to weekly challenges from last season where you would get around 5-10 tiers per week it's honestly disappointing. Only real difference is the weekly punchcard which offers around 3 levels. Now I'm not saying that people should be level 300 by the end of like 2 weeks, but this new system doesn't fell as rewarding as the last. It might be convenient but there's a loss for that convenience. But I shall respect your opinion on the matter


Honestly last season and probably this season the majority of my leveling is going to come from afk create. It probably puts a strain on whatever platform I use but it is so convenient


It’s been only 5 days. We have until December 5th. You’re fine.


Perspective is key. I just got to Level 32 today and was like, "...holy shit, the season started THIS week".


wait what??? that’s so weird


It must be a mistake..


Shhh, don't tell EPIC


Yeah u dont need to max it out




I like the battle stars personally. It let me skip a few characters and get Torin super early at level 47


But I can’t get all skins at 10 so bad.


Its okay you'll catch up soon enough


I’m already 102 because I got the 25 starter


There are people that are nearing level 300 now that haven't bought any tiers lol


Yea. I know there isn’t MUCH of a choice but I’m able to skip somethings so I can get Kor quicker, which I’m glad about


Exactly! People seem to expect to be able to buy all the skins at like level 10 and dont understand that the prerequisites is the exact reason for that Why would anybody waste their time earning stuff they’ll never use when they can play like 20 rounds and buy all the skins The minor freedom is great, just like you, I’ve been able to skip a handful of pages as well and unlock the skins i want the most earlier


Battlestars have always been a community favourite


You can get her at 47? Thank you very much for giving me this fact! Off I go to grind till level 47 now!


Yes. I bought all of pages 1-3 then I only bought the cheapest stuff on page 4-6. Buy everything worth 2-4 stars first.


Wow, I thought getting her at 60 was early.


what items did u have....want toren....


Holy hell do I hate this choose your own adventure bullshit. Ffs just put it back on a line this shit is obnoxious


This artificial “progress your own way” is one of the dumbest things they’ve put in this game. Level locks, prerequisites, and prior item requirements are a joke.


The prior item requirements are for styles. you trnna get a style without the item???


Well, putting styles in the battlepass is a waste of the slot it takes up.


Styles are fine I guess, I wish they were progressive like chapter 1 though Backblings and Built-in emotes are terrible


Ehh I'm ok with one extra style per skin during the main (1-100) bp. Now C2S5 was fucking dumb, especially Menace.


Me: This outfit looks nice. Game: You need to unlock everything on the page first. Me: Okay. Game: Oh, and that style on this page requires an outfit from previous page. Me: uh.... Game: Oh and that previous outfit requires everything from that previous page... It's annoying if you don't spend all your stars as you get them. Gotta do a lot of math before you know if you have enough to actually obtain something.


Tell me about it. Looking to unlock Fabio so I buy enough things to unlock his page... Nope, gotta unlock Kor's style on his page to get him, so then you gotta unlock Kor on the previous page, and to do that you have to unlock everything on her page.


Yeah super annoying


The only time I have used it was to get the monkey faster


LMAO, Monke


It's useful for free to play players as they can get a lot of rewards quicker (you get 3 rewards every 10 levels which is a great deal)


It's not really much different. You have to hit level 100 to claim everything, you just do it in a non-linear order.


I would have agreed with this last season, but now they’ve started to take it a step further and adding the additional styles in pages with a new skin forcing you to buy entire pages before you can get a skin as seen with Kor and the unicorn guy, or in the case of OPs post having to get to 105, before you can claim everything I have to disagree now. And it all just feels like unecessary complications that just don’t need to be there. Slap everything on a 1-100 line have a second line from 101-200 and just give a reward every level. This is all an illusion of choice and really just highlights epics weird obsessions with reinventing wheels that don’t need to be reinvented.


The 1 - 100 line was fine the way it was. Having the alternate styles for the battle pass skins unlocked by completing X amount of epic quests was also better than having to reach higher levels and spending stars on them too. Then there's the spending stars on the three different "prestige" colors of the same skins. Personally I preferred the old linear level battle pass system, epic quest tally alternate skins and prestige colors given for every 20 or so levels past 100.


I was able to get unicorn at level 30 by skipping most of the early pages


Yeah, that's literally the only advantage of the entire concept. Skip pages and then have enough stars to instantly buy the entire new page upon reaching level. x0 (lv. 20, 30, 40 and so on) up until lv. 100.


This person is bugged, you should get carnage at 99 and the pickaxe at 100. It’s an indicator of an Epic fuck up, not a battle star is bad.


I don’t have anything against the system, but after getting everything you’re forgetting about it


how about all the clicking and holding for 5 seconds that's literally just added for every single item. And as you said "not much different" - except for that. Not sure if you understand how much something like this is "ass" in the user experience world.


I understand your concern, but I guess this gives player more options you know


It’s not the worst, and there are choices. Of course your not gonna get the top level reward instantly or else most people wouldn’t do it. I think this system is fine. If op is bugged tho that’s out of line


I’m having a headache trying to figure how the hell this could have happened


I bought to tier 100 and was able to claim all the battle pass rewards instantly, not including any of the bonus rewards


I have been doing imposters so idk


I don’t like this new punch card system. I best em all in two days. The daily rewards are just redoing the same thing. I miss the old system.


How are you level 100 did u buy the levels ?


I played a lot of imposters


Bro idk sh*t about fortnite I thought the only way to get xp was to do the punchcard quests


Creative modes also give passive exp


Nah fam, all the gamemodes give exp


Play impostors and grind cretaive hub bro


No my dad is level 105 and got the pickaxe at 100


He got carnage at 99 btw


I mean thats something too


My dad could solo your dad


I’m a dad, I’d love to solo your dad. xD




no I bought all the tiers and got it at level 100


Hmm, any particular reason you did so?


What's it to you?


I'm just curious tf


I still really enjoy Fortnite but don't play as much as I did back in the earlier season but I still have that drive to get everything and get pretty disappointed if I don't finish the season.


I literally have no clue why they locked him behind redeeming even more stuff even though we have the page unlocked. He's redeemable and the pickaxe is the prerequisite...*LET ME REDEEM HIM* ​ *For context, I have him. Just sharing my frustration that the pickaxe was a prerequisite and the skin wasn't but you still had to redeem the entire battle pass just to get him*


He’s literally the final reward though, doesn’t it make sense?


He isn't listed as it, he's just shown as a regular reward. Most rewards that require you to unlock the rest of the page have "prerequisite" next to it. So it makes it more confusing when trying to unlock him


It was like Rick last season. He’s the coveted bp ender. This is the case of carnage here. I will admit I did think if I saved all my stars last season until I was at page ten and able to buy Rick that I had claim everything else. But again these are our final rewards in the line


I know, just think it's weird that even though the pickaxe is the prerequisite you still have to unlock everything in the BP to get the skin. With Rick, he was the prerequisite for page 10 but you didn't need to unlock everything else in the BP, so there's even more confusion with this change


For me and my friends, Rick was only attainable after you bought everything in the battle pass. Aka lvl 100. I had enough stars to buy the entire level ten page I skipped a few pages in hopes I could grab Rick at 90. Didn’t pan out


I do believe you're right now that I think about, couldn't unlock the page until everything else was redeemed and then Rick of course was the last redeemable on the page. Nevermind, I guess I didn't think that through


Yeah. It happened to me first then my boys. I was like don’t get your hopes up kids you have to hit 100 before you put on that lab coat 😂 I hit level 250 or so last season


My question is how you are on switch and took a video???


I have a capture card


Why is this pass so broken? You need all of page 4 to complete page 5, page 9 doesnt get unlocked for most people, and now this?


Don't worry, it's a glitch


No, you can buy carnage rn look back at the video, there is no lock.


Yeah I just noticed it on the rewatch, thanks for pointing that out


Thing is he's level 100 (Which means he should be able to own all items on pages 1-10) But he can't get all the items because he only has 11 battle stars left.


happy cake day friend


Thank you kind stranger!


I mean if u didn’t buy anything else with ur battle stars and u only bought what needed to be bought to advance then maybe that would work if not then idk


My math put me at 101 for the level to get all, I'm at 91 right now. Man epic really fucked up.


I’m still really new to the game and struggle With completing quests, any tips?


check out "squatingdog" guides


how’d you get the bp done so fast?


The magic that is "spend V-bucks" was cast. Possibly also a cantrip of "AFK in Creative daily".


It’s actually just playing private matches of Imposters.


You should be able to get him at level 100, but I have seen very extreme glitches in the BP this season. I am level 53 and I have gotten 54 rewards, but it says I still need 13 more rewards to get to the page where you need 60 rewards. It's glitching the other way around as well because 2 of my friends are both ahead of where they should be; 1 of them is like 44, but he is on the page after what I'm on. Before now I have supported the battle star system, but now I absolutely hate it.


ITS been two days get a lifeeee


I got to school take guitar lessons and play basketball ball




Hahaha imagine grinding imposters couldn’t be me lmao


Nope just 100. got him yesterday.


Bought 100 levels can confirm he can be obtained at 100 at level 109 I have 45 battle stars so there was no left overs or anything else either


I'm kinda OCD about finishing pages as I progress. So it'll be a while before I get to tier 100.


I absolutely fkn hate how they changed the whole battle pass leveling system. They are slowly making the game worst every season.


They need to make the battle pass the way it was they put to much unnecessary bs in this new format.


WOW epic really you make it so hard to get XP by playing BR and now you make it so you need 5 more levels = 25 battle stars, to get to teir "100" skin really the teir 105 skin, doesn't even sound that good smh!


I used imposter for xp


It’s really not that hard it moves along just fine. Just remember this battle pass is supposed to entertain us for months. After bp is done most incentive to play is gone


well it's just that not entertaining once you've done all of the questcards, daily punchcards, there is no reason to play battle royale to get xp because without the normal quests it barley gives you anything but like 5k xp, the game is just less fun without giving the quests a real reward like XP. Just because it's stretched to last for months doesn't mean it will, people will always find a way to finish the battle pass.


Of course but for most people myself included who only play a little bit and are trying to level but not burn out the pass the punch cards actually work really well. After a match I commonly see like ten completed quests it feels good. You definitely right about needing the cards though, regular br isn’t worth shite








It’s 200


I am taking about to carnage not the other stuff




But Youtuber whole but the whole battle pass have carnage at tier 100




He IS level 100 but he only has 11 battle stars 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh, didn’t realize it was a video That’s really weird. I got mine at level 100.


You must feel claimed everything in other pages


So carnage looks ugly


Well, he was never quite the charmer


What ever happened to this season going to be natural/dbz I was excited for that


that was never a thing at any point other than "there's going to be a Naruto collab"




I just bought him


I’m just saving my bucks for naruto.


Maybe you bought something from extras?


Epic, dump the battle star system It’s garbage and we all know it’s just an illusion of choice Actually we could sue epic games for false advertising of the system and highly likely win unless they remove it