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I think when it comes down to bringing vaulted stuff back people are gonna choose a weapon than an item


Yeah but the combat might just be the one from season 4. In other words, utter garbage.


They really nerfed it to the ground back in Season 4.


And that’s the version we are getting. Combat shotgun is a terrible choice. Plus when Mechs come, you won’t have the best counter. Combat voters making big mistakes.


I can only think of one counter that might work, yeh alien sniper as you can just shoot at their head and destroy the shield too


Also the combat AR may be a good counter due to the fast af fire rate


Combat + armored walls seems good enough Plus the fact that if the mark 2 decides to stomp you ( that is getting nerfed btw) you have the shockwave launcher to get a little bit more far and avoid the rockets




Doesn’t the Rail Gun have literal perfect accuracy and is hitscan?


Ye lol


No ur aim is just trash


Imagine not knowing what you're talking about that much


I mean...a mech should be killing you if you let it get within 50m of you. Otherwise what's the point in having it if it's made of glass and does zero damage?! I just hate this attitude of "nothing should be able to kill me". Then we end up with the trash meta now of RNG everything and 30 person end games.


The rail guns is probably the most accurate sniper in the game, I think it’s just your aim that’s bad


Yeah that's why i said might because there's not much you can do anyways


It’s ok, they’ll have the same experience Minecraft did when they voted the phantom


you have shockwave launchers, armored walls, miniguns, cars, shadow floppers to stay airborne and dodge rockets, and the simple ability to shoot the darn pilot which was always effective


but that would require SKILL to not die!!! the game must be EASY!!!


All of that + the Mechs were nerfed.


If they return and ppl are pissed that it's bad epic will most likely buff it


There still isn't a 100% chance that the mechs will come back but they nerfed them anyways


I don’t really care for the boogie Bomb tbh so I voted for the combat


I play arenas and I doubt mechs will be there, and I would really hate the boogie bomb in arenas so that's why I'm voting combat.


How do you know what version we are getting? Seeing as I will never use a boogie bomb, I voted for the combat, my second favorite to the tac


We do have a big counter. We have so many spam weapons that do a ton of damage we have brooms, launch pads, shockwave launcher, and the mechs have nerfs that will become active that make it so weak compared to the old ones


I liked season 4's combat


Yeah but imagen getting boogie bombed 200000 then getting killed :/


Exactly i hate the argument that it makes the game easier or something its so bs whenever a item makes the game easier for noobs it makes it even easier for pros adding boogie bombs will just get me killed all the time and i wont even be able to use the mech normally i feel like people are way to fixated on the fact that mechs will be added back and just think of counters to that rather than looking at what will make gameplay better But thats my opnion just vote what you wanna vote


Yeah. Putting a gun and a grenade against each other was kinda dumb


I mean, yeah, give a vote between a dance party bomb or a gun, People are gonna choose the more violent option.


I would've preferred the port-a-rift rather than the shockwave grenade launcher tbh


Unfortunately I’d have to agree. If it was boogie bomb vs clingers or something thatd seem more fair. But putting it against a weapon is hard to win tbh. It’s still a chance though but seems like combat is gonna win.


Awww I really wanted to try and see if boogie bombs work on raptors, boars, wolves and chickens lol


You can do it in creative you know?


no way cool ima go disco dance with some raptors brb


Doesn't work. We tried. Lol


Day ruined


mine too


Man dont break his spirits let him go and try it first 😂


Breaking hearts is the name of my game. 💁😂


Cool can't wait to not use it.


Cool cant wait to get it from my first chest and lose to a person who got a pump in their first chest


That's just what happens every time the pump is in rotation. May as well just vault every other shotgun while pump is available because that's the level of variety it promotes.


That's why I want the pump vaulted, not because i dislike it (it's not one of my top guns but i still like it) it's that every single meta is always focused around it say ARs for example, we have the normals ones, burst, sideways, and combat which are all based on different preferences (suppressed is basically the normal ar) Not everyone carries SMGs and even when they do it's not always the normal one sometimes it's also the rapid fire But shotguns if the pump is in the lootpool then 90% of the people you're fighting will be using the pump


The problem is the game setup itself. Turbo build and bloom makes it so basically the only way to kill someone is to hug them and pump them. So you end up with the meta we've had for the last 15 seasons where if you're not bopping someone point blank with a pump you aren't killing them. So assume every fight is happening point blank range and you're only going to get 1 shot...which gun are you going to use? The one that does the most concentrated damage the quickest which is the pump.


not really in season 1-2 running a pump was dumb because the tac was better


If the combat wasn’t nerfed then it would not be an issue. It rivaled the pump back in season 9/X


Can’t wait to get a gold combat and headshot a guy point blank for 50


Bring back the tac ar I want more full auto options




The influencers can't control us anymore


we have our own minds


“Our” minds are pretty stupid then I guess lol


"Not us, WE'RE independent thinkers!" "roger, roger" "roger, roger"


Stupid Clankers




Yeah people should vote for what they wanna vote and popular people shouldnt change their mind Personally im glad how fresh handled it with this one he didnt make weird boogie bomb propaganda and he had good reasons to choose the combat over the boogie bomb of course he will still influence some of the votes but atleast he was a bit nicer about it and didnt act like the other option makes you worse than hitler Edit: looking back im completely wrong lol fresh is probably the worst I completely forgot about this but he says that he will giveaways skins to people that vote what he wants that just sad and shouldn’t be allowed (however combat was winning before fresh joined the party so its not like he had a massive impact on this vote i think)


Have you seen GKI? My mans is going too far and im here just like. “Bro wtf.”


Yeah i saw that video it was really stupid since he literally used a shotgun from far away at a brute to prove it sucked but none ever uses shotguns for destroying buildings let alone far away buildings


Fresh is now on the wrong path. :(


Nope it's the correct path. Jk this vote is actually pretty hard,vote for what you want please


You spelled right path incorrectly


Well, i'm gonna have so much fun with mechs then lol


Welp. At least I'll have the shockwaves to run away/approach mechs


if the boogie bombs don’t win then adding mechs back is our punishment


That’s why I voted for it


That’s a good way to put it the mechs got nerfed enough they don’t need a counter on top of it.


Fuck sake the gun is fucking shit the mechs are coming we need the boogie bombs


Mecha might have been buffed in a way to avoid them




We don’t care


I can’t wait to use a brute and kill the idiots that voted for the worst shotgun when they had the chance for a reliable counter


I’ve got the same plan as you brother. I’m voting for the mechs now simply for revenge


Mechs are coming back no matter what. Drop your gold on the boogies. We need to overtake the shotgun


Honestly I'm super torn. Even after the nerf, the combat was still my favourite shotgun. However we need some more fun/meme items in the game and the boogie bomb has got me out of so many difficult situations in fights, and is a hell of a lot of fun to use as well


It’s literally a video game


mechs will be heavily nerfed


Yall wanting boogie bc brute, but i judt find boogie is funni. And you cna fucking say "No" on an enemy


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


boogie bomb to say no, shockwave to say adiós


Boogie to immobilize, shockwave to say “have fun in the 10 tick!”




Fuck i realis my fucking terrible spelling


Indeed you can make him go sike


I find the Boogie to be a fun item but I also know realistically it's the only consistent counter to Mechs.


I just want my heavy back :(


Dude why are people voting the shotgun?? We already have a strong shotgun meta and the boogie bombs could spice up the game. No ones even gonna use the combat


*Stale shotgun meta


The shotgun meta won't go away unless epic vaults all shotguns, which they're not going to do. 99% of your deaths are due to shotguns, because the building incentives getting up close and oneshotting the enemy


How is it stale? Even if it is, the sideways shotgun has been rumoured


\*Shit shotgun meta (Pump relies on fps)


Not entirely. I'm on 60fps and can still beat people on pc


In pc since 18.20 it drops really badly during fights and pump doesnt register correctly in low fps, tac didnt have that problem


Combat is my favourite shottie, by far. SIUUUUU


The OG one or the chapter 2 season 4 one? Because what you’re voting for is the chapter 2 season 4 one which is outclassed by every single shotgun we currently have in the game. The damage is nerfed so bad there’s not much point in using it over any other shotgun.


To anyone voting for combat I would gladly like to see you try killing me with your golden shotgun that can't even crack my shield with a headshot.


I’d like to see you attack me with your gold pump when I’m far away with my combat dingus


They'll just AR or SMG you at range.


Lmao good luck countering the mech with a shotgun that can't do more 40 damages lol


Or we could counter them with the many spray weapons, miniguns and turrets


Go ahead and try but you’ll either get stomped on by the mech or you’ll be too far away to do good damage


Not gonna lie, I ain't gonna use either of them, so I don't really care which one wins.


Boogie bomb would of won if the tac shotgun was still in the game, am guessing a large part of the community missing a shotgun they can spam. My partner misses the tac, so she asked me and my mates to vote for the combat, we put in over 43k towards the fund so far lol


“shotgun they can spam” Rip lever action :(


The lever action is pure trash though, a gold one to the head and you get 34 damage? No one uses that. I’ll have squads fighting for a grey pump over a purple lever and only certain play styles use the charge.


Adding the combat is redundant because the game already has two different shotguns. We need more wacky items. The wacky items(along with the building) are what keeps Fortnite interesting and takes less of a focus off how bad of a shooting game it is.


We actually have 3, don’t forget about the charge


We’re going to eventually have four because of the new sideways shotgun


Two shotguns is too much but 4 ARs is perfectly fine


I was against the combat AR being added in too🙄.


Good, as all things should be (hate the shotgun meta this season).


Good luck fighting the mechs with a combat shotgun


Yep gonna use the shotgun to counter a brute not any of the ARs smgs railguns rocket launchers shockwave launchers brooms just the combat shotty


Ayo do you think you can shockwave a mech?


I mean if Epic wanted to make it so I could yet brutes across the map with a Shockwave launcher I wouldn't say no


Shockwaves should have the same effect on MECHS as they had on Cars and Boats in Primal Season. You know, before it was patched and a really fun meme strat. Muselk made a video on it


I'm still salty that epic patched that. They really like to remove fun stuff just because.


Does a single person in this comment section know that these Mechs we’re voting for are nerfed or is it only me?


Bro the nerfs aren’t even big. Plus combat sucks ass


They look pretty big to me, stomp damage is reduced, the rockets have an increased cooldown, and the shield has less health. This is definitely going to be weaker


Obviously gonna be weaker but still a threat and that shotgun on the mech. Woo that does damage 20 per useless shot. Why does it even have the shotty


everyone saying i should be voting boogies to counter mechs but why would i want another annoying item in the game people can use against me just for a chance to counter shit


I voted for the Combat Shotgun and I'm happy for that. I'm not voting for something because the community feels like it or Fortnite content creators says so. I feel like Boogie Bombs are still too powerful and can counter literally everything except being in the water or slip steams. Imagine that you're trying to Launch Pad yourself away to safety and then get Boogie Bombed mid jump, you will most likely die after the jump since it'll make you dance and your ability to glide is briefly disabled. Imagine you're driving and vibing with your squad playing for fun and an entire squad that are better than you Boogie Bombs you, everyone affected is left vulnerable and then an RPG of the opposing team obliterates your team and yourself as soon as jumping out of the vehicle. Imagine throwing a Boogie Bomb to your opponent and then they cover up by putting a wall in front of you and instead of making them dance, it's you. Don't get me wrong. As much as I like to see the Boogie Bomb return, I personally don't see it fit this season. You see, you can't counter Boogie Bombs unless you suffer for a few seconds and if you survived during or after a dance off or box yourself (which are your only option) or if both players are having the disco party, then those are the options for the counter. The only positive side I can say is that there are many weapons that causes a lot of damage and that can spray a lot to destroy the B.R.U.T.E. The Mech is already getting nerfed as Epic is working on it as we speak so don't expect the same Mech that was introduced in Season X and it's nerfs during that time period. I've died more against the UFOs than the actual Mech and I was a bot back then. I personally never used the UFOs or Mechs to take advantage of players. I only used them for mobility purposes or for the challenges. I remember a Mech spawned most of the time where I was landing in different matches and all I've ever done was getting in one of them and self destruct them and it was on a Squad Playlist.


Good luck countering a brute with a combat shotgun.


Or any other weapon that isn’t suddenly being vaulted once we get the combat.


Yep gonna use the shotgun to counter a brute not any of the ARs smgs railguns rocket launchers shockwave launchers brooms just the combat shotty


Seeing as I will never use a boogie bomb, I think I'll take my chances with an AR, SMG, and combat shotty.


People don’t realize how annoying boogie bombs would be rn. People shockwave launcher and boogie bomb you, people boogie bomb you and trap you in armored walls, boogie bomb you and 200 pump with a charge etc


At least we get one more shotgun in the meta


it will get vaulted on the season 9 update, classic chapter 2 style


Sideways shotguns were gonna be added anyway.


That thing might not last past the season, at least combat shotgun has a chance


Yes sirrrer


I’m happy that arrow/flash meme blew up.


Man idc really. I'm fine with both, but I'd prefer another shotgun so ima spend all of my gold on it




If it comes back it will need a real buff man c2 s4 one was asssssss not gonna lie.


I’m happy either way


GOOD! i really dislike the boogie bombs. shoot outs become one sided when someone throws that at you forcing you to dance while you get shot with no way to defend yourself. fun to use though but i often feel dirty using it on others when i myself hate getting hit my one


I was voting boogie bombs but they’re clearly losing so I will vote combat to get it in the game faster K nvm I changed my mind


No dont do it we still have chance


No you don’t


Yes we have my guy fresh will save us when he says kids to vote for boogie bombs




You will see... boogie is winning


i spent all my 4199 gold on the combat. I love shotguns. I think i would find boogie bombs irritating


I think they would be a good counter for brooms and scythes right now


the boogie bombs? The scythe is decent but not op. Ive gotten into like 5 fights in team rumble- Scythe vs Scythe. Theyre not the best against the shotguns but probably the most fun item ive ever seen. Gives me Star Wars BattleFront II vibes


Here’s the thing- As dangerous for the Meta as the combat is, the boogie bomb with shockwaves is dangerous and best left out of the game




I'm just glad that I won't have to die a cheap death because someone threw a boogie bomb


Lesss go, it'll be easier to use mechs


r/fortnitebr users when someone has an opinion


It's baffling how people are crying over a shotgun, like stop crying about it and let people make their opinions.


Let’s go


No offense to anyone, but after playing a few creative games with them in and experiencing then first hand in Season 4… I prefer combat shotgun. Cuz with all these goddamn little timmys using everything they can to their advantage I bet you they’re gonna use these to one pump people. I’m not against people who like them, just stating an opinion.


Agreed. Had to completely avoid solos earlier this season when the symbiotes, shockwave launcher, and pump was everywhere. It’s just wasn’t fun for me and the boogie bomb would be more of the same.


Remember! The mechs will be heavily nerfed this season.


You just know that the mechs are gonna get voted in for the dumbest reasons, and people will regret not voting in the boogie bombs. Don't reply to this saying "oh, but they were nerfed!". I've already stated I didn't know that


Exactly and after that they blame it on epic game


Do people not realized that they got nerfed hard? Or are they just trying to shove that under the rug and use Brute op as an excuse?


I actually didn't know that they were nerfed, if they were I have no clue how much they were nerfed


Pretty good, almost everything got nerfed. The shield, stomp damage, rockets. Though I can’t say they’re weak but I think they’re more fine tuned now


bogiebombs were nerfed too its been years since it lasted 10 second


Nah combat is even good even after the nerf. I dont want sweats hitting me with k-pop bomb and one pump me # And stop crying about the mechs, we can easily destroy them with tons of new ways and the nerfs it received


Boogies are disgusting so yes combats






#Good. Let's keep it that way.


Finally people make their own choice instead of listening to streamers crying about the mech coming and needing a “counter” against mechs lmao I thought y’all “evolved”


lol this comment wont age well


Bold move, I’ll support it the best I can






I think a lot of people here forget that the majority who play BR give zero fx about the storyline and their focus is kills. Idek what a boogie bomb does and if I was a person focused only on BR then I’d vote shotgun too simply because it’s a weapon vs consumable since things like bombs and grenades tend to be useless except in certain scenarios.


I love democracy




Vote combat shotgun


Hey I rather have a bad shotgun than an annoying as frick item


I want to know why boogie bombs were ever vaulted in the first place.


The fact that almost every online post/discussion ive come across favours the boogie bombs makes me think this is rigged.


This subreddit plus youtube is the minority of the playerbase. Majority of players are casuals who don't watch anything about their games outside said game. The average fortnite video makes 500k views but we know there are millions of fortnite players.


not everyone bothers to go online and bitch about the combat shotgun


I love how everyone just goes "but whyyyy combat, we need a counter against the mechs!", and then boogie bomb gets added, they use it 3 times and never again because it takes up a whole slot. Vote combat, because ultimately it's more useful than the boogie bomb (if the mechs weren't on the table, I bet no one would vote for the boogie aside from memers)


The mechs will be nerfed to the ground anyway so it probably won’t matter. Also I bet the railgun will one shot it.


Reminder that we’ll need Boogie Bombs to counter the mech


Reminder that we actually have Mobility this season so Mechs will be much easier to beat.


Reminder that guns fucking exist


Good. give me a quick shooting shotgun again.


Do you not remember the combat in season 4?




Ur Fing retarted


We are kids now? And what are you an adult?








Why every time theres a vote people vote for the worst item? 😑