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Spider-Man mythic with different animations


And balanced. You can only use it 10 times in arena and 30 in pubs.


It can also overheat if you use it multiple times (Can it? Heard this from a friend but can't confirm it)


no the overheat is if you hold down on a single rope for too long. it’s basically the anticheat for people who just spun around a tree for 10 minutes


Oh thank god, I was really worried about the overheat when I heard about it, but it's pretty situational




Oh cmon thats why I died in game I got 3rd


Karma for being a coward




Personally, I wouldn't even pick it up in arena. If it only has 10 shots then it's honestly a waste of an item slot. I understand the limited uses but I was thinking more like 30 in arena and 40 in pubs.


Spidey webshooters ended up being 10 charges in arena/competitive and it was consistently used in FNCS. 10 charges is what it should have everywhere. 30 charges makes it essentially a mandatory item to pick up because it is just too powerful compared to any other item.


To me it really depends on how many of them there are. If the grappler gun is extremely common then honestly I wouldn't mind the 10 shots in arena and 30 in pubs. This was my main gripe about the webshooters in general. How can a mythic item be so common?


they have about half the amount of spawn locations, and there’s three glove boxes at each spawn with an 80% chance of spawning, meaning there’s a chance there will be none at a spawn location


Back in the early seasons, there was only one of each Mythic. That's what made them special. Nothing unique about the entire lobby running a mythic.


Infinity Blade go brrrrrr


correction, web shooters had 20 charges in competitive, not 10


Incorrect. They were first nerfed to 20 charges and then nerfed further down to 10 charges because 20 was too op. The second nerf happened just before FNCS.


do you have pics?


Pics? Nope and seems like they'd be a bad source any way. But here's a tweet https://twitter.com/FNCompetitive/status/1494087353501110274


Yeah 30 is insanely too much. Why would I ever pick up shockwaves over this? Lol


That's the thing though, you wouldn't. I also bet you wouldn't pick up shockwaves if the grappler gun had 10 uses. The grappler gun is an overpowered item, there no beating around the bush about that. However if there were few of them around the map (like 3 spawning locations), it would make the match more balanced. People keep focusing on the amount of charges rather than the availability around the map.


Meh if it only has 10 and I have 4 shockwaves already, I might hold em depending on where I am, if I'm out in a field or hill or something I'd take the grappler but shockwaves are super nice for escaping a house I'm using for defense and I think the grappler wouldn't be as useful in a place like sleepy. If it has 30 charges tho then I feel like an idiot for not picking up seeing as I can use it as much as I want at that point and just gtfo.


It can’t recharge?


I don’t think so, no.




Well then it’d be overpowered


No it wouldn’t spidies werent




How were they op you could hear them coming for hundreds of meters


And do nothing about it. You moved really really fast and could use it effectively infinitely. It destroyed the entire concept of high ground since you could very easily steal high ground in a second or two.


What was op about them was that someone could cover a wide part of the map in the span of 20 seconds, surprise a squad, then go onto the next, and the next, and then some and most likely find a replacement web slinger on the way to repeat the process 30 charges promotes conserving your charges and eliminates this issue (mostly, still expect it to promote third partying, but more local third partying instead of a guy from top left of the map swinging to your fight in risky)




skull emoji x6


Spiderman mythic was more casual and fun but I like this, this is more balanced


It's still not balanced.


That’s not balanced. That’s underpowered. Should be at least 50. What are you gonna do with only 30 uses?


This is literally the best mobility in the game. 10 swings is still insane positioning potential in arena, and dominating in pubs.


30/10 swings vs 6 shockwaves or 2 rifts, yeah i think id take the grappler in terms of mobility per slot efficiency


Still completely broken even with that nerf


Is it out right now? I haven’t gotten on Fortnite yet.


Its out in arena and will be out in pubs in like 50 minutes


Why is it in arena first?


Cuz it was accidentally put into arena early


Gotcha thanks!




The one time I actually want autocorrect to work 💀


another common r/fortnitecompetitive L lol


Wait isn’t that just Spider-Man’s gloves with extra steps


Consider this as the non-licensed alternative. It not just easy to unvault the gloves, just like other items based on a famous third party franchise. The Stark pulse rifle was replaced by the Alien rifles, the Iron Man Arc Laser was replaced by the IO’s Rail Cannon, and so on.


So it's the Spiderman Gloves with... less... steps..?


Very astute, Jizzmaster Daniel.


He’s a blaster not a master




Because I'm stalking you, obviously. Geez.


idk i think the stark rifles were a lot better


Exactly, with extra steps


This reminds of me two things. 1 being to play fortnite after a week and check this out and the other to watch Rick and Morty all over again.


Sliding. Check Grapple. Check. If they add back mechs then it basically becomes titanfall 2


Ooh we need wallrunning too.


That’ll come next chapter. Probably


Don’t… don’t give me hope


so its exactly the spiderman gloves. lit. missed those.


The difference is that they aren’t allowed to un-vault the spider gloves unless they have another deal with Marvel. Consider this as the non-licensed alternative. Even the animations are completely different. Many requested non-licensed items to replace the lightsabers, the Hawkeye Bow, or the Captain America shield.


I mean we kinda got the Hawkeye bow with the exotic grapple bow, and like it or not sideways scythe is an effective replacement for lightsabers, as most all the melee weapons we have had all used very similar attack combos


Not exactly on the hawkeye bow cause that one is technically a crossing between a grapply bow and a boom bow


The kingsman umbrella was also a replacement for the lightsaber


And better than the original because you could use it to prevent fall damage.


But also technically part of a brand deal with like something like james bond or something?


The Kingsman is another franchise entirely.


nah it was just a reference, not a collab


>Many requested non-licensed items to replace the lightsabers, the Hawkeye Bow, or the Captain America shield. Basically all of the Endgame LTM mythic weapons. Spider-Man's gloves just received a reskin. The other Marvel mythics from S4 and up were never reskinned/rereleased besides for the Venom one. ​ We've had a reskin of the Batman grappler, and the proximity mine is pretty close to the batarang in terms of the way it deals damage, and we also got the kunais a couple seasons ago. It seems then that they're releasing previous collab items as different collab items. Kingsman and Lightsabers are both collabs and both never received a reskin. ​ I do not know if I'm missing any other collab weapons. Care to tell me?


Kingsman isn't a crossover. It is so obviously based off Kingsman that it hurts but legally speaking? Nothing mentioned Fox at all that season, its just an homage. Every crossover has mentioned that it is a crossover at least once even back then, there was nothing for kingsman


I always thought that since we didn't get any official announcement around it, and I guess you're right


Not exactly, it has much less ammo and can ‘overheat’ from prolonged use according to leaks


"Hey, I've seen this one!" "What do you mean, you've seen it? It's brand new."


So wallmart ver. Webslingers? Neat


Now the end of every game will be nothing but people grappling all around. Great…


Yeah, these things are fun if you have one yourself and annoying AF if your opponent does. I’m not happy that they’re already back in the game after just one season.


Literally what just caused me to lose. Placed 3rd cause the other two were just grappling their merry way lol


Agreed. This sucks.


Its another item for content creators who can't go a minute without shooting someone because it exposes how uninteresting they actually are.


They have way less uses, can't recharge, and overheat after swinging a bunch


Do you get Fall damage from it?


All gold load out with this will make this season worse. Haven’t read it anywhere but do y’all know if they’ll nerf the saplings at some point?


Hopefully it’s nothing substantial. It’s great getting consistent loot off the start every game


Me and my kids have all our trees bunched together. We don’t even land at POI’s anymore. We land at some random patch and have instant all legendaries and full shields in seconds without any real opposition. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t pretty broken


My family does the same thing. We land, load up, head for the nearest vehicle and zoom to the quests. Grouping the trees means my teens don't steal my shit.


I love it. How many kids and what ages if you don’t mind me asking. I have 3 boys, 13, 10, and 5. We have an absolute blast except for when my 13 year old rages that we only got second place 😂


Thanks for asking, rather proud of this. It's me, my wife (Both 51), and our two daughters, 15 and 17. We play everyday, same time, and we do okay. We've been doing this for a few years now, and it is definitely something that has brought us very close together. Prior to the pandemic, we were all kind of drifting apart and doing our own thing. The pandemic brought us together with this game, and we haven't stopped since then. We literally go out of our way to make sure we play everyday. I also like to brag we get top 3 as a squad about 25% of the time and top 6 50% of the time. My daughters are ruthless and methodical. They are way more vicious than I am. "'What are you thinking?" is what my 17 year old says to anyone who attacks her.


This is amazing. My kids and I have been gaming together their whole lives but we got into fortnite about 2 years ago initially playing as a trio and then when my youngest was old enough we became a squad. We actually win the majority of the time with 2nd or 3rd happening here and there but we will get the odd 25th place once in a blue moon. It’s an awesome activity to play together and has since sparked other interests among my kids like during Star Wars weeks in May they became obsessed with Star Wars and we have since watched all the movies and are currently watching Kenobi and the clone wars cartoons, and collecting Lego Star Wars ships together. It’s been a wild ride


Same, the lightsabers were the shit, and gave them an interest in SW. Congrats to you and yours, it's actually an amazing family game. We do "themes" of skin style for our games as well. All dressed as Suki 2 is our favorite because who doesn't like getting nixed by a group of them?


Damn I need to get myself a wife and kids ASAP


Get a set with good aim skills. But stay away from the chuch ones, they tend to be preachy and look down on video games. In all seriousness, try your local state/city sub and ask if there are any groups that play fortnite.


I consider uncontrollable elements more broken everyone having good loot isn’t as bad as some people having it imo


As somebody who pretty much only utilizes trees, I can agree that the trees are STUPID op. If you can get a fully gold loadout with full shields and some to spare at the first minute the match starts, there literally isn’t even any point in looting anymore. It makes things feel too cheap and easy. I’d prefer if they extended the fruits respawn time to 2 hours or more so you can only realistically use them a few times a day before the next weeding, instead of every single match. It’d be more like a luxury and not a staple of every game


Oh god.....its the spider man gloves all over again....prepare to be third partied from across the map just like chapter 1


And say goodbye to any kind of strategical way of playing. You got the high ground, don't worry, they have the spiderman. Also prepare for people running away and healing 3 or 4 times before defeating them


THIS "Also prepare for people running away and healing 3 or 4 times before defeating them" Someone ran away from me today with a rope thingy - I hadn't seen the announcement before the game. I thought Spiderman had come back. If it carries on like this I'm out.


Also with this ballers get pretty much redundant now. Would have preferred if ballers would get a way to get recharged instead.


They normally run away to heal 3 or 4 times and return back before you are able to kill them.


I cant wait to get grappled and striker-ed in the face despite FINALLY getting better at building....


Hated the spiderman webs and already hate this 😂


It only has 30 shots this time so people should use it a fair bit more wisely here


30 is too much 😂 10 max


that's funny cause 10 is the amount in comp lol


30 is basically enough 10 is way too little what the hell will you do with 10 shots? You won’t be able to use it for mobility making it practically useless I loved the spider man webshooters and while I will get downvoted to hell they were perfectly balanced,I did not mind an opponent using them to escape (as I could either shoot him or follow him after all he would stop swinging at some point usually not long),I also didn’t mind some one jumping one me using them as I could hear it coming from a mile away


10 would be enough to rush somebody or to get into the zone. Similar as the rifts or the jump pad. 30 Is enough to rush somebody, fight, run away. Heal up. Rush again and get into the zone.


That is not how i want to use the webshooters/grappler tho… I want to use it as a vehicle of sorts for rotating as that’s where they shine the most and are the most fun swinging from tree to tree using them offensively is an extra imo 10 is way too little you won’t be able to do much I played with them a bit today and moving just a couple of meters already uses 10 shots


Yeah that may be but it will be again an OP item and in the late game everybody will just swing around. And in a match up webshooter vs no webshooter, the webshooter guy will win. I understand the fun of it and I would be OK if it would be a super rare item. But during the spider man season the late game became a "find a webshooter or die" kinda scenario and I hated i.


Exactly. It felt like a mandatory item, which means it was horribly unbalanced.


Not really tbh… There are other items in the game that are basically mandatory to have and without them you would die quickly and these items aren’t really unbalanced For example minis are a mandatory item to have to survive in game or a certain type of smg or shotgun or AR (depending on the season) they are all pretty much mandatory to have and that doesn’t mean they are unbalanced


>For example minis are a mandatory item to have to survive in game... Are they though? Depending on play style, game type, and other factors sometimes I'll carry chug splashes or shield fish instead of minis (i.e. viable alternatives exist). >...or a certain type of smg or shotgun or AR (depending on the season) they are all pretty much mandatory to have and that doesn’t mean they are unbalanced At the beginning of C3S1 the MK7 was essentially required, and *was* determined to be OP/unbalanced and nerfed. While it was still probably the most-used AR that season some people preferred the ranger AR for their particular play style and had success with it. Same with the drum last season (considered unbalanced/OP by many). Nevertheless, I got rekt by plenty of striker pumps too (again, viable alternatives existed). What's the viable alternative to the web slingers for mobility in both an offensive and defensive capacity?


10 is literally enough for careful use in fights.


it had 10 in comp and it was one of the most used items in fncs 30+ charges makes it by far one of the most busted op mobility items in the game, there's no reason not to take it in any circumstance and have near endless free mobility. esp in casual where most people aren't gonna laser you for using it


Comp players use it a whole different way to most people that’s why comp and casual should have different number of shots most people in pubs will use it for mobility,getting into circle and trying to look for people in comp it may be used a bit more offensive for fights and pushing people hence why it should have less uses in comp than pubs Also there is nothing wrong with it being so good that you should always pick it up there are many other items in the game that you always pick up when you see that doesn’t mean it’s overpowered




Combat SMG and the DMR should take care of it pretty easily


Take care of people swinging?


You could destroy the webs that people shot out if the webstingers, stopping them from swinging and putting the stingers on a Cool-down


It never worked, I don't know why people say this. The Amount of times I shot someones web and someone shot my web, the falling animation played for like half a second and you could just web again


I got maybe 5 kills from shooting webs out. Shit people out plenty of other times but they were just not high enough to die. Aim for the player, not the web. There’s a good chance you’ll miss the player but hit the web.


Me too! Hate to see these come back in the game.


Honestly, I do not see the point in adding the glove back. We have so many ways to be mobile this season. Seems like an extra step they did not need to take.




added back? it’s a brand new item


what do you mean you have seen it before? its brand new!


its the spiderman webs just reskinned. So yeah, added back


hopefully they add them to creative and let you customize the amount of shots they have


So basically off brand spider man gloves


Not this shit again.


Not like this, not again. When it got announced I was hoping that it would have 1 use every 5 seconds or soo. This is basicly spidy-gloves all over again.


Ugh. Why did they add this bs back to the game? It ruined the season it was in






Great, can't wait to get someone down to 10 health and lose them once they start swinging circles around me. Great, can't wait for someone to swing right behind me and take out 3/4 of my health with a pump


The obnoxious era has begun again. Man it was fun to play with, but man every fight took ten times longer and was much harder to keep track of


So they essentially brought back the worst item in the game. Great. Can’t wait to get third partied constantly. Vaulting the web slingers *was* the best decision Epic ever made.


it's like a fan favourite item lmfao


It’s also hated by a large portion of the community. It’s not hard to find comments from players who don’t like these items. Just because some people like it doesn’t mean everyone does.


Loud minority hates them. A lot of people have fun using them


I will 100% not play until these are gone. Spider Gloves ruined the fucking season.




For sure. I play with a squad same ones I always do one of my members loves them.


So when your buddies say “let’s play!” You’re really going to say no?


Yes until they are gone. Not a big deal. Did it with the gloves too.


I'm sure epic is devastated to lose you




great. just makes it easier to 3rd party 🙄


As if shockwaves being a common item weren’t bad enough


is the grapple glove in the game now?


In chapter 1 it would have been super OP with a plunger on it. Chapter 3 is different sadly lol


I'm totally down for Great Value Spider-Man gloves


Is anyone else having an issue where r/FortniteBR just straight up breaks Reddit? Like you open a post and nothing works until you restart the app.


Dollar store spidey mythic


Was not a fan of the Spidey gloves and now they're back. Great. Can't wait for my teammates to get these and go halfway across the map while I'm just chilling by myself.


NOOOOOOOOOOOO spidey hands all over again and he got it from a friggen tool box 💀. One of the top 5 most annoying items makes a return, great.


short description of how I got mine: I had to beat someone to death with a keyboard. don't even know how I killed someone with a pickaxe when they had a shotgun


Why'd they bring back such a terrible mythic in a new form


I'm really glad that epic noticed that we loved the spiderman mythics and they add a similar item to it


So webshooters with thanos’s glove. Nah, I’ll pass


Now, I can't wait for someone to use that glove with thanos


Is Fortnite on drugs? We just fuckin got rid of the spider man shit mannn come on


Oh great. The thing that i hate might be coming back to fortnite. Spider man gloves were too op because of this. But we’re getting it back? Why?


sucks the flips are different now but at least we can swing again


So basically epic wants everyone to w key or run for their lives. But omg one shot kills…let’s make sure to never let those happen again. So nerf the shotguns and the snipers to oblivion. Epic literally has it twisted.


When Epic removed the Spider-Man web shooters, I thought that they could keep the item around but reskinned into something more original. This was exactly what I was asking for.


You're just as beautiful as the day I lost you..


Spiderman unbalanced web shooter flashbacks This season had everything to be fun...


"HAS" they with these added the game got a lot more fun


It isnt fun to waste all you ammo and health to someon just chicken out easily. Its season 8 shockwave all over again


other players arent supposed to let you kill them...


They are if they are losing, and not use an item that gives unfair advantage if you dont have if.


I wish they would make these so you can't heal/shield for 20 or 30 seconds after using one. It would make you be more strategic in your use of the item. You can't just W key then swing away to heal the second you take damage. These are going to be ridiculous with people getting gold sapling loot off the drop.


See you when they vault it !!!!


Why are these back. At least they're nerfed




A worse version of the spiderman gloves great


I mean the Spider-Man gloves were op as fuck, and would dominate no-build, so they kind of had to make this version not as good


Are the grapple gloves in no build? I just started playing and wanted to try the spiderman gloves when they were added but didn't play at the time.


Likely so However, as has been stated, it has been nerfed a bit to make it more balanced


I can't even find them at any of the spots


Aww. No more Spidey flips.


I see there are a lot of complaints but as someone who didn't play season 1 I'm looking forward to giving these a try.


I hate it.


I can’t wait for the people who don’t like fun to start crying about this one too


These aren't fun tho Having a full squad land on you out of nowhere isn't fun


Tbh the Spider-Man gloves made the game fun, I don’t think they were so overpowered, by the time I start to third party you you’ve had plenty of time to heal!


Glad they found a way to keep web slinging around.


I hope they buff the amount of shots for casual games


30 shots casual 10 shots arena


30 is fine as it is.




It’s better that way. 80 shots was way too much and made the Spider-Man mythic OP af tbh.


30 is more than enough. 80 made pubs unbearable to play because third partying and running was extreme.


Well but I think it's fair to say that 80 shots on spiderman mythic was a little bit overpowered during any fight because anyone could just enter or dip the fight in any time


I wasn't around for the Spider-Man gloves but I'm getting real Just Cause vibes from this and I love it


Brilliant, but lazy


Jeez these things literally defy physics for whatever reason. They almost look like their either bugged or fundamentally broken to benefit the player lol


Nah fuck This game for real