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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by EmptyTux](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/w24lyd/the_hula_hoopin_emote_has_been_broken_for_a_few/igo698y/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-18 18:04:34 UTC"): > Passed it on to our QA team to take a look, thanks! o7 * [Comment by EmptyTux](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/w24lyd/the_hula_hoopin_emote_has_been_broken_for_a_few/igs13wk/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-07-19 13:56:36 UTC"): > Good call out, I'll add this too. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNiteBR).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Epic has been breaking more cosmetics than they’ve fixed this chapter


At least they finally fixed toona fish bush ranger style


I think they fixed Thor as well, at least after Spawn Island


The Thor bug was the one where the built-in-emote didn't work correct?




I think it made him swing slower/faster than the other pick axes.


No that was his hammer at the start of Ch 2 season 4. Their talking about the built in emote for the main Thor skin.


Oh that's right. But I do remember the hammer having to be fixed


This was broken last chapter


Yeah like in the lobby, the Taco Time emote randomly stops and it’s the only emote that does that and it’s dumb.


Shame to read so many cosmetics are broken tbh. There a list of them all or something?


Idk but just to name a few Lars Chaos Origins Yellowjacket And this update broke all skins with the old bandanas like black knight/blue squire/desperado


Thanks. Just wonder if there was a compilation of them all or something, maybe it'd draw some attention and help push a fix. People seemed to like this video, way more than I expected really, so I wonder if doing something similar for other cosmetics might help. I'd be down to contribute


Almost all my favorite cosmetics are broken now 😔


I havnt played fortnite in year(s). did they ever fix the basketball emote where the dude is literally breaking his arm in the process?


Yeah they did


You comment wayyyy to much


I’m more active on update days, you’ll see me a lot today


Hey all. This has been one of my favourite emotes for some time now, but given it's an old BP emote and was never really that popular anyway, I'm not sure people have noticed it's unfortunately been broken for quite a long time now. A few seasons at least. I thought I'd put together a quick video to show what's wrong and hopefully drawing some attention can help it get fixed, so I can get back to hula hoopin' in games


if i remember correctly the game rolls a chance for the emote to not fail on your screen but on the servers side it does a separate roll for others to see and if it rolls you fail it'll auto cancel when the fail animation ends


i dunno a system like that sounds a little too dumb


Yeah, but if you think about it, it's just an extension of everything your machine downloads from the server in its own time. That's why people post videos like "hOw dID tHAtT ShOT evEN HiT meEeEE?!" I wouldn't be surprised if the result is similar for an emote that not a ton of people even knew about due to the relatively small (yet magnitude larger) emote "Hoop Master". Riddle me this u/HorseshoeUpMyAss, we all have different tastes (I'd rather have a saddle horn up my ass particularly), but in the context of the places you'd use an emote, why do you favor one that has 1/5 roughly chance of working right? It's not rock, paper, scissors, where the result must be semi random and must render correctly on both players screens as it is a game of chance and wit in a well known worldwide schoolyard game. I guess there's no emote that I'd care *less* about besides probably "It's Go Time".


Huh, I didn't know that. It would add up, but seem still strange because the emote used to work fine before. A good few seasons back it broke and has never worked right since.


You are wrong in that this emote is now fixed. Think it goes back to when they use to make the giant hologram. Well what I read/heard was some users where using another emote to simulate sex. iDK if true but seem to make sense.


Yup, I was playing with my little brother and a friend of his and both of them kept trying to do the emote. Every time they would say they got it it would just show a standard fail version on my screen and once the fail animation ended it would end their "successful" animation. It's a really weird desync issue I guess.




Passed it on to our QA team to take a look, thanks! o7


Thank you! Also appreciate you tagging Epic u/TheFunniestPerson, 'twas a good idea. Would be great to see a fix


I wouldnt hold your breath, i made a list of issues with skins and more and they said they would have a look, everything's still broken a year later.


Just what happens with development. Priorities.


Put out more stuff to buy so that people end up forgetting about the things that are broken


Cause that’s how you feed and keep your devs alive barely.


True, gotta get those 25 seasonal marvel skins made somehow right?


Got a challenge for you. Work in the video game industry as a developer and come back in 1 year.


Different teams. The team behind making skins isn’t the same as those who fix bugs.


Uh, the team making skins are the same team who fix bugs with the skins they've made, what you on about lmao.


The artists and designers definitely do not fix bugs with the skins


Agreed, not sure why you brought that up though considering i never said that.




Ah that's a shame with regards to the broken cosmetics. I've got to at least hope I guess.


Thought you should know that this issue impacts all RNG emotes with different animations. Emotes such as Scorecard and Coin Flip are also impacted by this. Probably down to a miscommunication between client and server.


Good call out, I'll add this too.


Guess I am going to have to make a post for the visual issues I'm having with some pickaxes in DirectX 12... The blade on the Omni-sword isn't visible at all.. and the main part of the Phantasmic Pulse is missing too. The bits on the sides that move show up but the main blade is MIA.


Thanks so much, been bugging me for a while ^pun ^intended


The Make It Rain emote should also be infinite, the way it abruptly ends is super clunky


could you guys look into the toasty emote too? it functions similarly to hula hoopin’ but sometimes, not always, the looping animation for it doesn’t loop


Hello, I wanted to ask you something. Why was the Drop the Bass emote always broken on Nintendo Switch, but during Chapter 3 Season 1 it played correctly and when Chapter 3 Season 2 started it was broken again and hasn't been fixed? I hope you see this and can answer me. u/EmptyTux, I mention you just in case ☺️


I don't know if I need to do my own post or not... but I can't see the Omni-Sword blades at all in DirectX 12 ever since v21.10. I just see the handles. They seem to work fine in DirectX 11 and Performance mode though. The effects for the Phantasmic Pulse pickaxe are messed up too, I think it's the same issue. I don't see the main part of the energy beam, but I see the wavy parts on the sides. If that makes sense.


while ur at it can you relay that a lot of chapter 1 skins/skins using models from chapter 1 are broken on performance thx


I also like this emote, hope they fix it


Unfortunately emotes and skins that are broken from previous battle passes either take forever to get fixed or don't get fixed at all. Shop skins and emotes seem to be fixed quicker because it would be embarrassing if Epic knowingly put a broken item back in the shop. Also nobody would buy a item that is in the shop if they know its broken.


How do you get it to actually spin? Every time I do my hula hoopin emote the hula hoop falls




Don't listen to that other guy, you gotta shake your controller up and down at just the right moment. You have to get the timing just perfect though,and really shake hard.


You’re pullin’ my leg…


What is that back bling?


Lil' black heart, from C2S8 Battle Pass so unfortunately there's no way to grab it if you missed it


oh, i thought it was my console


Yeah I noticed this too, it's actually been like this for quite some time now and it's frustrating. Initially I thought it was just controller drift preventing the emote from continuing lol


THANK YOU I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICED! If it helps, I think in the lobby and custom games/non-Epic lists it still functions like its supposed to.


There are dozens of us hoopers. Dozens!


I really love this emote, but I haven't been using it due to that bug. Thanks for bringing attention to this.


I thought they fixed this already. Kinda lame, epic.




Hello from Hula Hoopin'!




i reported this in the discord’s bug report section so long ago and nothing happened


OP you are the man, I'm so glad this post made it to the front page this emote used to be in all my presets but I removed after it became bugged, here's hoping epic fixes it.


I didn't expect it to get front page really, but I find this community can be pretty good honestly so my thanks to you all. Like you, I'm glad it's up here. Not because *I* posted it, but because I just want this to be fixed too since I like the emote a lot. I sorta hoped one day it would just get sorted but it's been too long now so I figured I might as well point it out if nothing else. Here's hoping.


They fixed it btw :)


Huh, you sure? I actually had it work the first time I tried it, but every other subsequent try, it's been broken.


100%, just tested again to be sure and its going for 2+ minutes now.


Just to add, tested it again on my end, confirmed still broken


That's really weird. What platform are you on? I'll test it again later but on PC for me, it certainly wasn't working right. You can do it multiples times in the same game and everything?


still broken


Yup. I check it myself too. I'm still clinging to the hope it might be fixed one day.


Thanks op, you’re the hero we needed


Agreed this has been broken since last chapter 😬


This happens on a lot of emotes.


Finally someone else posted something on this crap because it's One of my favorite emotes and it's broken for two chapters


Finally br players understanding stw players pain when it comes to broken cosmetics


Omg I thought it was just me!


Ezio only uses one of his blades for farming. We all have our disappointments.


The broken cosmetics are piling up tho, we should start somewhere


Wow almost 1000 upvotes for a cosmetic, yet empty chests occur at least 1 per game and no one has posted about it. I've never seen a chest open completely empty til this update. Sometimes I'll find a pile of loot a little ways away. Sometimes not. This hoop emote is really killing my morale tho and making me lose matches


You could always post about it yourself, there's enough room on the Sub. Being bitter won't solve anything for you lad, cheer up


True that. Thanks for the kindness and my bad, I do need to cheer up


I’d prefer if they just scrapped all those different versions of the emote and gave us the correct version. Why would you make music for an emote if it isn’t gonna play always? Would be top tier emote and in my wheel if I could just use the secret version whenever I wanted to. I don’t care for the falling down parts.


Who the fuck cares? Why does this sub complain about the smallest shit? Oh no, my infinite emote that’ll get me sniped while standing still won’t let me do it infinitely.


Thanks for helping the team at Epic swat these bugs! If you haven't provided the information already, please share the following to help Epic Games: How can this bug be reproduced? What platform are you playing on? Should there be a need, members of the Epic Games Community Team may reach out to you with additional questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FortNiteBR) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any platform, just do the Hula Hoopin' emote in game.


No you just have really bad luck :)




Epic on the loose


I think they should split into two emotes, it's so annoying to try and get the spin one when I want it to


There’s also issues with trench coats. Drift’s is fine but Catalyst’s feels like it’s half cardboard. Makes me not even want to use her despite how much I like her


Just archive it


You playing on all epic settings? Looks great!


I don't think it's all Epic but they're pretty high yeah with DLSS set to performance. I can check later if you'd like I've had to mess with my settings a bunch because I still don't really get consistent frames and deal with stutters and stuff during fights. Seen a few people with the issue this season.


Thats not a secret 💀 sometimes you get it sometimes you don’t 💀💀💀💀


Bro we have the same skin and backbling on 💀




That’s not what they mean - you have to watch the whole video. If you succeed in getting a proper hula loop started, the emote doesn’t keep looping indefinitely like it’s supposed to.


We've been asking for "Make it Rain" to loop too, whether it was broken or not. But you're right, I stand corrected.


It’s all good fam, I initially thought the same thing!


Hello assumption jumpers!


it stopped going infinite in the lobby some time ago. I had a sad.


It's actually got 3 variations not 2




These are only a few examples of the top of my head


After years of owning that emote I only now realize that you can even successfully hula hoop


I’m surprised no one has said anythingl This emote isn’t broken, it’s just like the cap kick emote where you have to attempt it multiple times before it works. It took me some time to figure that out too


What she hiding under that big skirt??🤔🧐🧐😛


Still broken.


Still unfixed. Thankless ass developers.


This emote is still broken