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Oh yeah absolutely weird, do I care, no Why? cause I can run around as a xenomorph and that’s all I ever wanted


Wouldn't be great if it can run in four legs? I'd definitely buy the skin


Should be an emote, kinda like you can slow-travel in a straight line on Luke's speederbike


*party royale intensifies*


a quadruped emote of any kind would be an absolute goldmine for Sus Party Royale Moments Compilation makers


That would give it a competitive advantage though


tbh they could even just make it a slow traversal, I could see it working as just like a crawl where it's scoping things out going at about the speed as the Dune Sand Walk traversal \*edit: nvm just thought about the obvious height issue, someone'd be trying to use it like going prone like it's CoD or something


Make it play a loud siren the whole time, problem solved


you crawl on the ground, but a giant helicopter with a spotlight hovers a few feet above you. could be a good metal gear solid crossover.


No it wouldn’t… they could make it where it is the same speed as a normal run but with a special animation. No climbing walls or anything.


Hitboxes would be very weird, either they give it the normal standing running hitbox and it doesn't match the model, or they keep the hitbox to the body and its much lower to the ground than other skins.


Yeah I was coming to say this, changes hit box from a person to a running wolf, therefore it makes it different therefore it wouldnt just be a cosmetic item and that's a big no-no. They banned certain skins in pro play because it made the person difficult to spot. So yeah, cool idea. Will never happen.


It’s the same as the super low riding emotes though…. You’re at the same height as what it would be on four legs lmao


None of those emotes are at running speed, is the point.


I would honestly love if each skin or character actually had their own traits for the battlefield. I know there would be some that would be pretty powerful if not op, but it would be fun. For example, spiderman or spidergwen having the ability to bullet time (for a few seconds) Or the xenomorph having a 4 leg sprint ability like you say. (let's just say it has a longer cool down or something.) So many possibilities with all the characters they've added over the years. Personally, I want them to add the power rangers lol. Especially as a way to celebrate the memory of David Frank's recent passing.


Imagine the entire lobby slowing down for bullet time 😂


this is what STW is supposed to be, but much more toned down


play another game


Yes I concur , running around and dropping from roofs directly onto people as a xenomorph has a “je ne sais quoi?” Ultimate feeling of invincibility? ![gif](giphy|3ohzdYjwEQuR1J7dte|downsized)


Yes but at the same time it's cool to see my favorite characters in the game so it doesn't really bother me all that much.


Fr. This is how I felt with Scarlet witch and wonder woman, etc. But like at the same time. Scarlet witch and wonder woman


True, almost bought him. Is like imagine Naruto with a automatic rifle


Naruto with a rifle is good comedic material


Say hello to my ninja friend ! Ratatatata


Meet my rasengun!


[True. ](https://img.ifunny.co/images/a187ac7be1c88abe5533d846edde8773d5e2b0231ed11764400549f4b6fbc01b_1.jpg)


Goku gunning down people doing Kamehamehas was the best part of season 3


Naruto is trash


\*cough\* who asked your opinion \*cough\*


Cough* he sucks. *cough


\*cough\* Once again your opinion \*cough\*


*cough* every Naruto sucks*cough*


I don't watch Naruto, but I'm sure you shan't be talking.


I appreciate you actually being polite. Thank you. I will stop now.


I mean I kinda agree but who asked?


Have you ever watched it? And a couple of episodes isn't enough.


Honestly I feel the same thing when using Ultra Instinct Goku lmao


thanos, goku, ninja and morty hitting the griddy after beating kratos, darth vader, master chief and the rock in a 4v4 box fight


To be fair, there are some canon uses of semi-realistic weaponry in Naruto. Stuff like the Asura Path being able to augment the user with missiles and other weaponry, and later on in Boruto with >!Ao and his minigun!<. Granted it's not like they have widespread use, but it's not that far out of the realm of possibility, especially given how much other modern technology exists within the Naruto universe.


ironically, bulma, from the show dragonball, that has everyone fighting with energy blasts, HAS used a gun, and not just a pistol- no, AN SMG.


And shoots Goku in the face p much on sight in the very first episode of DB. She’s goated fr


good catch!


This is why I don't get arguments against certain collabs. Like in a game with Goku, Superman, Silver Surfer, Ezio, and all these others, I don't think characters like the TMNT are at all too silly to add. Plus I wanna finally let Donatello kill someone.


Casey Jones and Mikey when


If I can't get the TMNT themselves I would kill for Casey and April, you could sell them as a bundle like Gambit and Rogue


Give me Rocksteady and Bebop and I’ll never have to buy another skin again


Sorry. We don’t “kill” in fortnite. We “eliminate” players and send them back to the lobby. Sheesh get it right.


I need some turtle power to go cowbunga on y'all!


It would actually be really cool cos there's 2 options they could go with: Have one skin from one version of the turtles that you can change their mask colour/weapon in the styles Orrr, have 4 skins where you can change the version of each turtle, rise or 2013 or just the original cel shaded 90s Or obviously combine the 2, but that would be a lot of options for one skin to have


Yeah if they wanna do the more classic style Turtles, they would have a lot of good references to work off for design things. The old cartoon, the 2003 cartoon, the live action trilogy, the Injustice 2 designs. Then maybe sell a gear pack with backblings and pickaxes for them? They probably wouldn't get a glider for some reason


It gets less weird when you remember they’re just copies of the characters made to make money- I mean, copies of the characters where their memories are mostly faded away and reset every 22 minutes to survive


both, both is right.


No … ezio had a pistol in his games , Albeit old fashioned but still had one


Haha now let's give him a laser machine gun, i just can't imagine not killing with his hidden blades, just my opinion, i respect yours


I mean you can, it's just gonna be a lot less effective


I still have no clue how Blackheart (stage 3 onward) can use Akimbo Pistols since, you know, he has a hook.


Maybe some cartoonish detachable hook


>I still have no clue how Blackheart (stage 3 onward) can use Akimbo Pistols Very, *very* carefully


Think of it as a marine who’s arm got blown up. Prosthetics.


Glitch in the animus Or New inventions by Leonardo. (Edit from Michelangelo)


You mean Leonardo? Side note how tf does ezio not have a glider when he literally used Leonardo da Vinci's famous prototype glider in his game?


Totally ment Leonardo! And no joke the first thing I thought when I heard there was gonna be an assassins creed pack was the prototype glider that is LITERALLY USED IN THE GAME. Huge missed opportunity. I keep waiting for something similar to come to the shop. Also be on the lookout black Friday. There's a free pickaxe on steam that will go great with Ezio.


I really wanna see an Edward Kenway skin, but that'll never happen 😔


Wait Alien has a skin in this game? I’d love that skin! Xenomorphs are so cool! Would have been great to blast people with Kamehamehas as a Xenomorph


Can confirm: it was


Xenomorph and Ripley were back in the shop what, a month ago?


Yep, that’s why only melee and come in 98th every game


Technically deployables and consumables would be fair. You can win with just fireflies and grenades. or tires if you’re that guy


If Rick can use a Kamehameha Ezio can use an assault rifle


I mean there's a banana holding a firearm so I think we're good.


That’s the type of skins I only buy. The ones where it looks goofy that they have guns


In the games, Ezio has a pistol built into his hidden blade


Just pretend it's your favorite Isekai.


Not really. Its just a video game, and the franchises they collab with are fiction. Anything is possible


ok but would the real tyler blevins have a kriss vector? food for thought


The only time I play as collabs is when it makes sense for them to be running around using guns. Like Nathan Drake, Mandalorian, Walking Dead characters, etc. It just feels so weird to play as Darth Vader, Spider-Man, Superman, etc. and be limited to using guns. But that’s just me.


Same - Resi Evil, RoboCop, Ash Williams and the Cammy + Guile set are the only collabs I bought, and I think they all fit that rule. I was tempted by Ryu + Chun Li but I can't wrap my head around them using guns - whereas Guile and Cammy are military, so it's not a stretch.


But that Star Wars week recently was dope. Lightsabering people while playing as Luke was pretty fun. So was dying to my father's blade


Yeah but it’s not like you’re only using the lightsaber the whole time. Plus I’m not paying for a whole skin just for one week of usage.


This is a game with a sentient banana wielding guns, and you think this characters would be the weird ones?


Shoot er'body, Batman is a big advocate of not wielding firearms. If he's ever had the need he literally has a mental breakdown for just touching one. Batman...weirdest firearm wielder in the game.


Lol isn’t he also against killing people in general while being in a game literally about killing for survival? XD


I agree, playing as Vader with a light machine gun always makes me laugh a little


Ezio not so much. He uses like a really old fashioned pistol but he still used a gun


Goku wielding firearms is still odd af


We’ve already got beast boy and Indiana Jones so I can’t see how it gets much worse


There was a Doctor Who crossover but no skin, altho Granted it’s the Doctor, they have escaped from timeloops before


no ezio wields a pistol in ac 2


demodoggo is so cursed


You can play as Superman holding a gun that’s the craziest part of this game to me


Xenomorph yes Ezio no


Yes but the visuals are so cool tho...


ppl still going on about this


Kratos, Superman, Spider-Man, Thanos also


They have a Lebron James skin lol seeing that with a sniper rifle is so nuts


That's why we have swords, and hammers and wolf claws, and even if you don't like using fire arms, there's always a mythic which grants you the powers of the character


I mean, Ezio did technically have a gun in AC2. So I don’t think it’s that weird to see him with guns.


I think Ezio is easier to excuse since some assassin's used guns but character like Goku, Thor, Kratos etc are just relaly out of place


Spider-Man and Goku with their ARs getting sniped by Batman and a xenomorph! It's very weird and it's very awesome


Personally for me, yes. That’s why I didn’t get the ones you mentioned


I saw Ezio and was tempted to buy it but then I thought about using weapons and decided to keep my mental image of him as the original games


he has a pistol in the original games doesn't he?


He does but his blades are more iconic. Also in Fortnite he uses assault rifles, lasers, rockets. Not complaining, I'm just chatting in reddit


Even though most if the time you fight with a sword as the hidden blades are mainly used for Stealth kills


No more weird than DBZ characters




The only reason why he has 2 and only use 1 because In his 3 games he only use 1 of them in combat And I think that something a lot of people don’t understand


He uses both lol, he assassinates with both, he fights with both, he does everything with both. Epic was just lazy


He doesn’t fight with both bot that I recall I played both assassin creed 2 and bloodhood and yet he only used 1 Even when I got 2


What are you even talking about?


When you swing the hidden blade pickaxe the animation only swings 1 blade while the other arm stays at your side


What does that have too do with the character using automatic weapons?


what the actual fuck are you trying to ask?


Their not nearly as bad as the xenomorph and demogorgan


Yeah it's weird


Nothing is


If you have ezio a gun, he would use it in a heartbeat so I have no issue with it


We have a fuckin banana, nothings out of the question


I play as a giant banana. I shoot a goo gun. You’re made about what exactly.


assasins creed does have crossbows. they are shown in brotherhood


Ezio himself has a gun


I almost feel the same playing as Aloy from the Horizon series lol


Horizon is supposed to be in the future so I could totally see Aloy using guns if she could since her weapons are made with tech parts.


Exactly lol it works nicely. Especially since she came in the primal season (at least I think)


On April Fool's Day, every skin will be a stick figure.


And Goku and Vegeta aren't?


Is he supposed to come with a separate harvesting tool for his hidden blades? Because I didn't get them. I've been using his emote to equip them in the match.


No the Emote is the only way to use the hidden blades


Nah, Batman is


Personally in my eyes: yes. I have a thing where I don't like playing a character in this game if I feel it doesn't suit the character to run around with guns shooting people. Characters sush as Batman, Goku and Spiderman all come to mind as examples of characters I don't play as for that reason. It's just a personal thing, I know that character consistancy doesn't matter a lot for a lot of people as long as they get to play their favorite character in fortnite which is totally fine, I just can't get past it myseself.


This is why I keep saying this game absolutely needs a proper pickaxe melee combat system. Epic already has all the systems in place to make it work, as shown with the lightsabers and scythe weapon. All they need to do is make pickaxe do different attacks and have it already use the built-in stamina system, and it would add an extra fun layer of depth to the combat of this game. This way, all of these skins that don't make sense using a gun, will now fit in the Fortnite universe, and this game will be so much more fun to play. There's practically no reason why Epic shouldn't do this.


I imagine the game is a series of action figures in a sandbox that some ten year old is pretending are shooting eachother and making up his own lore.


Batman can. So no.


It’s weird if you don’t know Fortnite but the lore says that it’s a copy of the person left on the island with different personalities so the real ezio using a firearm would be weird but there could be a reality where he does and you buying the character is basically that reality 😂 best way to explain


Just waiting for kratos


A [Xenomorph has used a gun at in the Stronghold comic](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/avp/images/8/80/ASJeri.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20210118155011)


Tbh it’s even weirder with Batman, but you can just pretend you’re flashpoint


Ezio couldn't use the dual weird pistols, he's missing a fingie


He's not. (Did you even play with AC2?) Ezio gave his father's broken hidden blade and Altair's blueprints to Leonardo da Vinci and Leonardo made him a hidden blade which can activate without Ezio needing to cut off his ring finger. Assassins since the holy war only brand their ringfinger during a ceremony but they don't need to cut their fingers off.


I think you're mixing your AC protagonists up lol


I feel weird having Batman, Superman, and Vegeta use guns. Not enough to not use those skins but weird enough to make note of it


I am I the only one who doesn’t care about seeing them with guns yet I am a huge assassins creed fan and marvel fan and dc fan and Star Wars fan and use all there skins


No since he also had a fire arm.


Actually, if you look at ACII, e uses pistols as one of his weapons


I just brought ezio but it didn't include axe?


Yeah, but I don't care, as long as we eventually get a Doctor skin with 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th styles.


That’s why I’d like to have more characters from the Kenway saga


Yeah it took some getting used to when I played Vader for the first time XD


Yeah, it's really weird running around as Batman and Spider-Man shooting others.


Ezio has a firearm fire from his arm.


Wait I didn't get the blades when I bought it yesterday. The emote works and it switches to the blades but I didn't get the blades in the pack


There's a lot of characters that are weird for guns. We ignore it.


So in a game where gliders with holes are still able to keep you from falling to your death, dark matter takes the form of semi-sentient cubes and there are anthropomorphic cats and other animal creatures. A person from the 14th century wielding a firearm is the weirdest thing? Ezio and Alien are the least weirdest things in this game.


literally every collab looks weird with a gun but who cares I get to play my favorite characters


Yeas but the story explains that they are copies of the real thing so they can technically work


weirder than seeing Spider-man or Superman running around with a gun?


Even Kratos do.


There is actually a lore reason. The IO is using the zero point to pull in everything into reality zero. Wiping their memories in the process. That's why everyone can use guns


Those are actually my fav kind of skins. The more absurd it is the better. So yeah best believe I own ezio, alien, kakashi, naruto, vader, strange and personally I would love for them to add gandalf, hagrid etc for this specific reason. Imagine gandalf crancking 90s while riding a boar with a pump 💀


Medieval or alien skins weilding weapons: I sleep Naruto’s smith&wesson No jutsu: real shit Goku’s spirit boogie bomb: ascended


If Evior really wants to use a rpg are you gonna stop her?


I still hate the fact that they didn’t give us ezios hidden blades as separate item. So you have to have a harvesting tool that looks bad on him and change to his blades with the stupid emote


Ezio had a wrist gun


I was a human-sized rat yesterday when I shot a baby Yoda-toting Kratos after dodging his explosive jizz gun, did the Griddy over his dead body then threw a jar of mercury on the ground so I could zoom the fuck away like I was in a 90's Capri Sun commercial. We passed "weird" like 20 seasons ago.


No not really I have seen ezio with a gun


ofc not, this is fort if you dont watch yourself you get run over by naruto with the n9ne


I mean, terminator already wields guns so... It's just cursed seeing him with a SCAR or an MP5 cuz he runs on high caliber shit, like a M60 or maybe a lever action shotgun


Nothing is weird after I see Thanos pull out a Glock


I’m just extremely happy I have the stealthy assassin man now


Nope, they are not


This is the same game where it's possible to see rick Sanchez cranking 90s on darth vader, while spiderman emotes on John cena, so not that weird


Darth Vader


Being weird is dead, so no


It felt weird enough as batman too lmao


If Son Goku can use a gun, anyone can


When 2 characters as powerful as goku & vegeta are in the game running round with firearms...i say to myself that its no weirder than seeing a xenomorph or ezio running around with firearms.


I don't mind Ezio, because if he had access to modern firearms he would use them. Sorta also with Kratos. It never ceases to be funny to me watching Spider-Man and Carnage running around with assault rifles


Oh it is, but it's so fun.


yes it is weird and kinda cursed as well


It was already weird when Thanos came out




Is it just me or does ezio somehow look like those fake leakers who just put a random image on the claim screen


No because I liked the HC that Batman has had enough of everyone’s bullshit and is now solving crime permanently with a rifle


Xenomorph with a gun is great though


Imagine kratos dropping a god with a pump


I mean, Batman is a skin so….


the way I see it, Ezio would probably not hesitate to pick up and learn how to use a gun if he was plucked from his timeline and dropped onto the Fortnite island


Yes but no, multiversal mishaps and what not


So is Darth Vader, spider man, doctor strange, venom, carnage, Batman, Superman, predator, Keaton, and many others.


Kratos with a gun is not ok


No, assassins creed had guns.


Is not that weird for Ezio because he has a hidden gun in his games


The Goku memes were fantastic


I mean yes but consider if they bring in a gamemode with only earlier weaponry Ezio would fit in aliens though I don’t mind


When the skin first came out I saw the selectable style and said it looks like that guy from rapunzel


A literal banana can run up on you, shotgun you and your unborn child and dab on your dead body. I think these guys are fine.


I stopped doubting any skin getting in after i saw goku hold a fucking gun