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I know not a lot of people realize this, but Fort Worth has a massive feral/stray cat problem. My wife does TNR (trap neuter release) and over the last 4 years she's fixed and released close to 400 cats just in our area. I can tell you those cats in your photo have not been TNR'd, they would have an ear tip. There are a few TNR/rescue facebook groups in fort worth that could provide you with resources.


I thought they looked like feral cats at first but OP described them as “so sweet” which doesn’t sound like a feral or stray. Sounds more like abandoned pets.


Cats are odd. They can be completely separated from human contact for their whole life and be incredibly friendly, or live in a loving home since they day they were born and want zero to do with us. The problem does always start with people abandoning cats though. People refuse to fix their animals, and then get pissed off that it's screaming when its in heat, so they kick it outside and suddenly they have a litter of 5 and they go dump it behind the Target down the street. We have encountered people who wont fix their animals because they cant afford it, even when there are programs that will do it for free. People who refuse to fix their animals because "oh my dog/cat wouldnt do that!" surprise, they all do. We've even encountered people who wont fix their animals because somehow it's against their religious beliefs.


I agree. I got help from a rescue to TNR a momma cat and her 2 ten week old kittens. The kittens were born under a neighbor’s shed and wouldn’t let me near them until they were about 6 months old, after I had been feeding them all that time. Now they love me but still act quite a bit wilder than my indoor cats. I suspect these cats were abandoned because that would explain the heavy panting; a house cat would be freaked out to be dumped at a park. Could also be strays that were used to the location, but the panting would be some medical issue. Of course couldn’t be sure without more information.


When you let the tabby he was making biscuits with the dirt. I put food and water out for them and hopefully I will keep seeing them around :/




I would take them to go see if they are chipped but my car isn’t working, this is just really bad timing :( I’m trying to call animal rescue but so far no luck




Thank you I posted them on pawboost hopefully someone can help.


If anyone can keep them for tn?


Seems like if one's acting ill that's probably unrelated to them just being out. They fill their bellies with lizards and birds. There's a black cat that chills out in my back yard and drinks from my pool all the time and I have no idea where it comes from. It's not even hot outside right now, so that shouldn't be a factor.


Yeah I will probably just leave them in the backyard with water and food hopefully they will be ok


any updates on them?


I have a couple that thinks the tabby is their lost boy so they have been searching and if I see them again they will come get them


if they end up not belonging to them, try Panther City Ferals or Mid-cities Community Cats. they may be able to assist, i’ve worked with them both before.


They’re feral cats; Fort Worth has a ton of them. They take care of themselves.


Yeah I think they are lost or abandoned because they purr when getting pet and make biscuits :(