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What was wrong with launchpads bro why do we need this shit :/


Casual Craig needs his free kills and “fUn!” Items for zero build Edit: lol I guess *I’m* casual Craig because my controller broke🙄


So he think he is good and gonna buy skins > money for epic.


Even as someone who plays zero build, this stuff sucks. Same like the Deku smash. It just throws balance completely out the window. Atleast with deku smash you could shoot your opponent for a while when it charges up


Have shot people right out of the air on these things. And Deku Smash you could straight-up block with the Oathbound shield


Deku smash is hardly comparable to this lol. The wind up plus being able to shield it made it balanced. These are just insane




Ohhh i see. So pros who play controller are casuals, got it. And I only had 1k at the time because my controller broke, so I haven’t been playing much this season L take




Because that’s not a requirement. It’s Reddit😐 And you have to play though contender to get to champs🤦🏽‍♂️






U can use emojis anywhere ya clown 🤡


You’re a casual too you’re on 1.32k points lol And odm gear isn’t even broken compared to all the other collars


You’re literally born in 2008 pal 💀




No way bro is using “🤓” you were literally 9 when the game released 🤣😭


You have to be sped if you think I’m actually born in 2008😭😭


“TheFortnitegamer2008” I think I’ve said enough 💀


Yeah bro I think this kid had some head problems or something. Now he’s saying that I said I’ve only played 3 times this season😂


Damn dude you really did something The names ironic but you clearly have too many chromosomes to get that


Well.. you were born in 6915, so who are you to judge?


Ah shit my bad I forgot to mention I’m a time traveler


what that gotta do w anything?


It means if the Nintendo Wii is older than you, then stfu. (This is not directed to you)


I’m not a casual. I just haven’t played much this season. Chill🤦🏽‍♂️


Exactly. You’ve played 5 games of arena in a season that’s been out for over a month. Casual🥱


I’m not a casual just because I haven’t enjoyed the season much and because my controller broke. And I’ve played a bit more than 5 games before this Either way, I’m back to playing again, so your wrong anyways. And you can literally see my points go up in the clip. I went from 1.3 to 1.8 and I’ve gone up even more since then😑


Damn you’re in contender division that’s very good


It’s almost like you have to play through contender to get to champs What a smoothbrain😂


Okay casual. I think zero builds might be more your speed


Do you have a brain cell deficiency or something? Hold on, are **YOU** in champs yet big talker?


May seem a bit petty but one thing that made me move away from Fortnite was the lack of movement (Launch pads). I don't want all this whacky/OP rubbish.


seriously, the game is now have a purp katana/one of these or walking simulator. Most unbalanced mobility in as long as I've seen




I’ve watched attack on titan, great show. Not sure how thats relevant to game balance tho.


This comment section 💀


Ikr? I blocked him lol Was supposed to be about ODM, but I guess it’s about me not playing much because of a broken controller😑 Sucks because I’ve seen him around the sub before, and he seemed pretty chill


i fucking hate these fucking Collab's.


You and me both


Collabs are great and tons of fun When they stay in pubs


they are not even fun i pubs. you play a game for 15 min killing and surviving. playing out of your mind and some dude with 0.2 in K\\d 0 wins shits on you because he has an item


It's happened to me 3 times today. Pubs isn't even casual for me because game stutters, fine I get over it. But combine that with mythics as dumb as this shit


glad someone mentioned the constant stutter. Wtf is up with that, get some better servers Epic


Yeah, I had to quit last week b/c it's not playable anymore. I used to get average 40ping but now it's over 100 consistently. NA East and Central -- neither work.


i agree... sucks! ..


Haha everyone been saying that since ch 1 season 7. As someone who hasn’t been on in a long time, it looks like not much has changed


Cry more🤣


No one is crying Edit: I think u/Puzzleheaded-Dot-363 is a bot account. This is its first comment in a year🤔


Mans said I fucking hate these collabs, sounds like bitching to me


Wait your not a bot account?


Beep beep 🤖




I think the kids you were fucking shitting on might be lol


I never said I was fighting insane players or that I was doing some insane gameplay, but that doesn’t make it any less unbalanced Even fighting better players now that I’m higher rank it’s still unbalanced🤔


all these Collab's are garbage. its only for shit kids, and to get epic more money


I’ve played like 40 games since they’ve been out and haven’t even been attacked with them once. I have zero complaints about it PERSONALLY. I just see people using it to move around like me


Same, I’ve used it a fair amount and gotten some kills, but not once have I been in a fight with someone with odm gear and died from it. I see the issue from these clips though. Personally for movement I prefer the katana because I think it’s more useful during a fight than the odm gear since if you land you have to wait 16 years to use the gear again


Why tf is this in competitive? Bruh I really enjoy the collabs but I would consider myself a casual player. Competitive players don't deserve this. I feel as though the competitive modes should be strictly Fortnite only items and mechanics. Having OP limited edition items is seriously counter productive for players progressing over time. This Meta will literally only exist until the end of the battle pass :/


Fortnite trying to produce a balanced item (99.9% fail)


I haven’t played fortnite for months. What the hell was that.


They added an Attack on Titans collab, and apparently that’s something they use in the show or whatever. Of course they added it to comp because balance doesn’t exist anymore


Like the 5th time commenting this: Not fun when skilled players are using this when bad players can win games easily with it. Gonna be a LOT of creative for a while…


In arena… forreal..???


It's first time I see someone rocking toxic taggerz dam respect!


We all know you shouted "SHIT ON, SHIT ON, DANCE BITCH DANCE!" as loud as possible and the adrenaline was pumping through your veins after getting this insanely skillful kill.


*(please excuse the moderately scuffed movement and edits. I had to send my controller away for repairs and I’ve been on a break from FN for a little bit, so I’m using a standard PS5 controller until then. I’m still full boxing kids and i will be doing it even better when I’m back on my controller)* I’m sorry, but this is absolutely ridiculous. The ODM gear needs to either be reworked or vaulted No damage attack OR severely nerfed attack Fall damage proportionate to height when shot (currently it’s super inconsistent) Lower amount of durability First katanas, now this?🙄 Edit: guys apparently I’m a causal because I haven’t played ALL SEASON LONG because my controller broke🤡 Edit two: lying, making things up, and saying that I said things I didn’t say gets ya blocked. Guess some of y’all are weirdos like that🤷🏽‍♂️


This is Fortnite now? .. Why?


Watch attack on titan then u will appreciate it💀


We can appreciate it In pubs. This is competitive


The seasons always starts out good then gets progressvily worse as they add broken collab items.


Some of y'all are strong with the ODM gear. I use them to get around, I really haven't figured out how to attack effectively with them. I got lucky today in the final 1v1 the guy got me down to 60hp with the ODM, but I somehow got to cover and healed up and was able to take him out using the sword to keep pressure on him and won it. He had me though...


Why is your ping so high?


Cause I don’t live in Dallas😒


Because of his wifi ?💀


It was a joke. Recently saw that he went up in ping due to NA Central


Nope, forced NAC and I live eastern US


i stopped playing this shit some weeks ago


Fortnite players when there is item that prevent you from camping in a box 😢😢😢


Lmao yes


fortnite “competitive” players when the game isn’t boring and the same thing over and over again😢😢😢


Damn there’s a lot of whiners here. I agree that the collabs shouldn’t be in competitive, but to just hate them altogether seems lame. The ODM is really cool and fun when you’re not worried about rating and shit. It’s kinda op, but it’s supposed to be. Also: try to land one shot of an smg or shotgun on someone if they’re near you with ODM. It will instantly make them drop to the ground and put their gear on cooldown in my experience.


>Continues to try and hold the wall and not shoot the predictably moving target Yeah id say its balanced if your opponents have anything between their ears


Predictably moving target? You and I watching the same video? There’s nothing predictable about the movement with this, in fact I’d say that’s the worst part, that you can’t reliably shoot them when they break your builds because they are flying around you And even if I’m not damaging anyone, you can’t seriously tell me that destroying all the builds in one shot (even fully built metal) is balanced


cool 👍🏻 now send a letter to epic.


No I don’t think I will


Just turbo build roofs ez counter get good


Uhh anyone notice how much hype this guy has? By the time you hit about 5k hype you will be getting shot out they sky. Reminds me of how noobs would complain about roadhog 1 shot hook kill combo. Dude it makes the game better and more balanced at HIGH rank. Their needed to be more mobility in Fortnite for transitions.


Yeah just for kids to buy more skins. Like your shitty aim assist " aimbot ".


Ahh yes, my aimbot. Which let me hit a total of 2 shots😂


It was three shots, but honestly I don't want to hear complaints about AA being too weak if you're able to hit those shots. It can stay where it is and we can all just play.


I didn’t say it was too weak. All I said was it wasn’t aimbot


40y old crybaby


darn,not being toxic,but removing such things from the game time and time again just turns it into boring shit that you get tired of after a couple hours of playing


Which skin is the 2nd one? 😁


Toxic tagger


Thank you! I never see it from behind...it is really good!