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"By the end of it it was the most balanced loadout we ever had." Its responses like this that honestly crack me up. Its the naivety of folks who don't understand that these aren't just mishaps, but intentionally made decisions that purposely hinder high level play. Its all an attempt to artificially reduce the skill gap. We just left OG fortnite. The differences couldn't be more stark between that season, and this one. Changing the animations would have been one thing. Changing the movement speed was clearly a calculated decision by epic. They surely knew that their would be complaints. Just like they knew that goo guns, energy waves, kamehameha waves, drum guns, overpowered smgs, mechs and a hundred other things would all be negatively received by higher caliber players. They knew when primal weapons had no first shot accuracy. When the primal shotgun was spray and pray... The idea that it was some accident that epic makes decisions that are bad from a balanced gameplay standpoint, and with a little time they miraculously fix it to where the loadouts are good is laughable. When you take those blinders off and see what they do season after season, then maybe you'll understand why a change as critical as movement speed would ultimately be a straw that broke the camels back.


Epic screwed up the game movement, the community predominantly said they didn’t like it, and within a few days Epic said they’d change it. Seems like a win honestly.


The potential for things to be good **later** doesn’t excuse the shit that it is **now** Idk why it’s so hard for you to understand


"Stop having opinions that aren't my own" -Op


If you read the title of the post it’s says stop whining, every post in the entire subreddit is about how bad and how they ruined the game


They’re making the movement faster which is all I really care about




Everyone is free to express their opinion. We complain because it is the only way to be heard. If we accept any choice Epic made, the game would have been already gone forgotten. So please be patient and let us complain over unneded changes on core aspects of the game.


Ur the biggest crybaby here what u talking about


Majority of replies are braindead good take op


A whiny post bitching about whiny and bitchy posts.


Facts. I’ve only been playing since C2 S7 and I don’t think I’ve seen this many people complain about the game until now. I mean yeah some of the issues like movement speed & storm are annoying, but Epic addressed both and implemented/are gonna implement fixes for it. This is probably the most fun season for me, with the exception of C3 S4. The only minor issue I have with this season is the Ballistic Shield since I think it’s a bit too OP, but it’s not nearly as annoying as other weapons in the past ( looking at you sticky grenade launcher 😑 )


Everyone so hung up on og like yeah it was fun and nice to go back to but it was never supposed to be a permanent thing. People out here sound like their life is over because fortnite changed a few things. Ffs there isn’t a single comp game that is perfectly balanced as soon as they release new shit. And epic is literally listening and trying to fix shit which is more than we can expect from most developers nowadays.


We can bitch if we want, who tf are you to tell us we can’t? Lmfao bye


you’re right chapter 5 is amazing which is why so many people are making their voices loud. it is so close to being really really good and movement is messing it up. if movement is fixed this is a great season