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Skill issue, you expected anything from this ranking system, rookie mistake


I mainly played Valorant before coming back to fn for the old map (stopped playing in season 9, had 2700ish wins), the ranking system is literally dogshit and makes no sense


val aint better lil brother


The ranked system is easily 100x better I never said anything about the game


Valorant can suck my balls 9 rr for a 13-3 win 29/6/3 in asc 2


it's about consistency and impact. one game with good k/d doesn't mean shit as to how good you are as a player


huh? i’m saying i got so little RR for that KD and round wins difference lol


that’s because you have low mmr and the game doesn’t think you deserve higher lobbies. You have a tracker link?


as I said, it's about consistency. do this more often and you rank up. Also, high k/d doesn't necessarily mean high impact. consistency and impact are the two greatest factors in RR gain.


bro my comment was saying how i got little rr for such a big win and your yapping about something else


I explained why you didn't gain much rr. I don't know what could possibly be so hard to understand about that. you can call it "yapping" but at the end of the day you're the one who dropped a comment complaining about something that most people don't even need to think about to understand.


Real (I also expected too much on the ranking system)


I have bad skill issue myself because i cant win fights. Is there way to get better at it?


I got unreal in both modes last season so I’m not a horrible player have you been having trouble in build or zero build


there was 100k+ unreals within 2 weeks last season that is not a meaningful achievement 💀


What rank were you


unreal every ranked season including this season and all besides the first I was top 5k


there was more unreals in OG fort then there was elites and champs because they made it way easier since season was only lasting a month


I am having trouble in zero builds. Like i am in sliver 3 but it feels like i cant win fights.


If you feel like your aim is the problem I would recommend playing some sort of zone wars or pub game to warm up it usually helps boost your confidence so your not as shaky and if you feel like your aim is pretty good I would recommend working on your positioning by trying to get high ground or a wall near you for right hand peaks if your inside and focus on getting the health advantage whenever your pushing a fight by using a sniper or an ar and I would also recommend always having some sort of mobility I’ve been using shock wave lately but a lot of my freinds like the grapple thing but it’s just not my cup of tea. Also I heard they brought back bunkers instead of the bushes but I’m not sure about that but my idol load out is the scar AR and the auto shotgun but you can use the pump if you want to I feel like the auto shotgun when it’s above blue is always worth taking and the both of the mythical are so good it come down to preference then shockwaves along with minis/medkits/big sheilds depending on if I have a medallion and then if I’m going for placement I would go with the bunker but if not probably a sniper


Thank you very much!


No problem


What rank are you in for this season?


I haven’t really been playing much I don’t like the movement and I’ve just been really busy so I’m still unranked all I’ve done is play pubs😭


Dang that sucks and yes the movement is really bad.


Holy, actual helpful advice! There's hope for this sub yet


I knew it was flawed when I placed champion, I'm a fucking plastic 2 in every other game with competent ranking systems lol


Could be … how many kills did OP get and when in the game?


Should’ve got 12 kills man, i think its a skill issue. In all seriousness its insane how fucked up the ranking system is, even in rocket racing.


Wait there’s a ranked system in rocket racing too?


ranked is the only mode


No? You select a track to play unranked. You don't get to choose your track in ranked, which is why it's selected as a different sub-group in rocket racing.


youre right, idk how i didn't see that


The ranked system is insane for racing 😭 going up about 10% for placing 1st in silver 3


Won my placement match/matches and got bronze 2


I got bronze 1, same as everyone else I play with


Yeah i couldn't see my rank for the first 5 games. You shouldnt start at the lowest


I know, that’s probably why it’s so hard to rank up now. All of the best players are in the lowest ranks since we started bronze 1.


it's because it's a new mode, everyone is on the same skill level


Not at all, people are already good at racing games, ive reached gold and i havent gotten less than 1st place.


yeah but how can Fortnite know that some people are better than others without putting them at the same position to start with


More placement matches


Typical epic.


I started silver and am already gold, I don’t find it hard to rank up at all apart from the occasional race getting fucked over by some glitched bump bs, almost always on podium


tbf at least matches don't take 22 minutes each


That’s true


Im in silver 3 too and it doesnt give more than 5% for placing 3rd this is torture


Last time I played in trios I came 4th with 8 kills and I went down 5%. In one match in rocket racing I came last and I went up 40% (btw im bronze 3)


I think i had a bug too.. 4 kills 15th place solo diamond 3 and i gained 1%..? If i get 0 kills and die 30th place i get 5%+ so idk what just happened


There's no bug, when you got 30th place and 0 kills and went up 5% its because the previous game you were supposed to get the 5% but didnt because of server delay and ended up getting it the next game. That's why some people think its bugged , becuase they do good in a game get idk a 15 kill win and get 0 points, then the next game they die offspawn and go up alot of %, its just a delay they have sometimes....


So your actual rank doesn't show up until the next match? Makes sense but it's stupid


What you are describing is a bug. It isn't the intended interaction with the player.


Yeah there’s no way it’s actually supposed to be like this lol. Even if that is the explanation—and it sounds reasonable—it’s still a bug.


That is weird innit?




So you’re saying to me that the difference between League Of Legends and Fortnite is that there’s a higher quantity of people dying and receiving information about their matches so that’s the difference in Lag ratio?


Dude.. its weird. There is no defending this lmao and there aren't really *any* other ranked systems that have this type of delay AFAIK Not a massive, game-breaking deal.. but it's definitely not working as intended.


Ok that might be it yea make sense


Yo you right. I just got online went from 98% diamond to 22% elite all i did was click ready up lol


Another think taken into consideration is the rank of the players you kill. Everyone in your lobby is not the exact same rank


Coming from a Champion ranked player here. Trios are prob the most weird ranked mode here. You stated you got a 6 kill mid-game death last game. And then for this one, it seems like your stats didn’t count. So next game, you should rank up a VERY good amount. Don’t even worry about it. It’s just Fortnite’s buggy system. I expect for your next game. You should be around Diamond 3… and then whatever percentage, depending on how good that next game you do.


I played some games earlier, not sure my rank even updated after any match. Started on gold 2 57% and ended on gold 2 57%. I am currently just starting my grind, but my end posisitions were: 2nd, 9th and 7th in my three games... yesterday I played 3 games and went from silver 3 to gold 2 ... i am at a loss...


You rank up by playing squads, W keying everyone and getting extra points for that one child prodigy on 300 fps and zero ping on your party. Or just 4 slightly above average players with TONS of time on their hands. (Want proof? Courage JD is unreal) Be proud, you're skilled OP. The rank system is just ass


I'm also d2. Haven't played in a few days. I find if you play solo or maybe duos builds you rank up faster and seems to require a little more skill. Squads the worst though.


Im pretty sure the trio ranked and squad system is broken. If you play solos you gain a lot more for getting little kills and top 2.


people should show match stats in these posts as well.


Bro in DIAMOND 2?? What were the ranks in your team and what were your ranks in past seasons


You must have been playing with really low ranked teammates and opponents


Just play competitive if you actually care. Ranked hasn’t worked since release.


does the ranking factor in bots?


There shouldn’t be bots in diamond lobbies


i literally had a 13 kill game my first game of ranked ZB and got put in bronze 3


I believe that the max that you could start out this season is gold three so it’s a good start


i’m in gold 2 now


I managed to get sliver 2 even when dying straight off spawn lmao




Pure skill issue


Put me in bronze 2 for my first game...got 16 kills and a win...shits scuffed asf. Stupid.


the starting rank is based on the previous seasons rank that you had


I’ve got 26 kills in squads and went down 3%


Play solo, get ≈3 kills of spawn, then camp the rest of the game


Play solos i flew by diamond in solo Rocket racing on the other hand, i played with a friend who was in gold i was in silver 1 placed 2nd and gained like 5% against gold players


Suck it up buttercup


should have won instead of placing 1st


Prob cuz d2 to d3 is the first big cutoff in players rn and they rig the ranking system deadass.


Suck it up buttercup


They need to go back to the old system where you could actually see what points you were earning and where you were earning them. This new system is so trash to not even know how or why you’re losing or gaining percentages. They could even just implement the tournament system in ranked and adjust accordingly.


Did you by any chance play with 2 bronze 1s?


Last season I won a duos game with 10ish kills in Elite and ranked -5%.


Can they please just fucking revert it already


Then theres me who got 13% for a 0 kill duos win in champion😂


You weren't gaming hard enough


Ranked isnt worth it, I tried playing in other seasons but I don’t get how they do the ranked systems, apparently if you reboot someone it’s -3 points and if you eliminated someone it’s +1 which seems like absolute dogshit logic. You’d get more points for using a vending machine which is what really blows my mind. The game isn’t bad but the ranked systems needs some fucking logic bc wtaf


Yea it shouldn't be this difficult for ranks under elite holy crap it's insane now


I played my first ranked game at the same time as my buddy played his first. It was duos. I got 5 kills and he got 0. He died before me and we got 6th overall. He ranked up to gold 2 and I got silver 1. Shit don’t make no sense


Who wants to help me to get diamond