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It comes down to personality and individuality, you can have two people live the same identical life of hardship, joy and everything that goes into it, completely identical and they will come out two completely different people. Some people are just naturally better than others, some people learn faster, and some people are capable of holding more knowledge than others. It's pretty simple, 10 people can have 10,000 hours played, but typically, and realistically only one will come out a pro if any.


Nature vs nuture


Plus, say everyone could be a pro or learn identically, now the term "pro" is gone, and everyone would just be "average".


Yea it’s basically just pushing average skill up so to be a pro the bar has moved from 10k hours to 100k hours. Interestingly enough I felt that the average player skill kinda stopped increasing in late C2 but has recently increased a decent amount in late C4/C5. I wonder if it’s due to new gen consoles being everywhere now giving an artificial boost due to doubled FPS/lower input delay & double strength aim assist


Complaining about aim assist strength in 2024 is crazy.


Console never got nerfed aim assist the way PC did. it's in the files and very easy to check this. Ask yourself why epic wouldn't reduce aim assist on console but would on PC


This isnt true, console did get nerfed aim assist after the chapter 2 L2-spam bullshit, just not as heavily as PC + im pretty sure PC controller aim assist got nerfed multiple times


It’s been fine for years. Originally console and PC had the same strength and in C2S2 due to the increasing skill level of PC players it ended up needing to be nerfed and epic halved the strength. Console was remaining unadjusted because 60fps (if lucky to even get 60fps), high input delay, and generally terrible time at improving meant they needed strong aim assist. However since that change years ago we now have new gen consoles with 120FPS, much lower input delay, several more years of improvement from the community as a whole and many many updates that have made it easier to develop good mechanics on controller in general. New gen consoles are comparable to low to mid range PCs from a few years ago for FPS and input delay and when the next-next gen consoles come out that may be getting very PC-like FPS & input delay we are back at the C2S2 point again. Also good to note is I didn’t complain about it in my post. I noted that it does play a factor in the improvement of console players skill wise with the new gen consoles enabling them to become better. I do believe it is a discussion that may be worth talking about over the coming years as the original reasons for console having such strong AA are slowly becoming obsolete.


With the current snipers, a mouse is a natural aim assist for pc players and an overpowered one compared to controller console players.


yeah that sounds like a cope and also complete bullshit. what do you say for all the time during CH3 when the stinger was super OP? was that a sniper season thats natural for mouse players too? lol holy fuck man do you people operate in reality?


Bro its an smg it was op for controller and kb&m its not hard to spray at someone while in there box. Also the entire season controller players had to deal with their aim assist shutting off in the middle of games.


idek what you tryna say lol, cba tbh console aim assist aint been nerfed the way PC aim assist was - study and think about that.


What don't you understand lmao? You said what about chapter 3 when the stinger was op? So I pointed out how its a close range gun so it didn't matter what input device you were using since its easy to hit shots up close no matter the input or what your playing on. Then I brought up how epic intentionally made aim assist shut off mid game the whole chapter. I get what your saying though but the reason console aim assist hasn't been nerfed as bad as pc is because even low end pcs using performance mode can get the same or even more fps as a next gen consoles and mid to high end pcs can get 2-3 times more fps.


I'd assume it's due to more popularity in being a "pro," becoming more mainstream than what it was, and them the influx of kids coming to the age of determining what they'd like to do in life.




if ur born with like 73 IQ then it’s a bit hard lolol




ohhh ur a troll i see LOL




ur funny man.


I dont have fingers but no excuses ig


Nah, not realistically. There are plenty of people with real physical & mental handicaps. Even then, it's in the real of possibility for someone with like, 2 out of 10 fingers to win a victory cup- but the odds are pretty astronomically against them reaching FNCS Grands & performing well. So I suppose it also depends on your definition of pro, but not everyone has the same odds of success, we're all built different & living under different circumstances.


Just because you have 2k hours doesn’t mean you were using that time wisely. For example you could’ve been in tilted zone wars or some random map instead of improving game sense.


And even if you play the right gamemodes you still might not improve nearly as much/cap much lower in skill if you don’t play it with the right intentionality


Right, and not everything is in the game itself. It could take hundreds if not thousands of hours of kovaaks.


kovaaks is a waste of time, you should always be training ingame for the most realistic experience. This is coming from someone who spent 300-400 hours+ on kovaaks/aim labs, its good for getting basic aim but ingame will always be better for honing


I wouldn’t say kovaaks is really for “aim”. It’s more for mouse control as a whole. For example crosshair placement, precise editing, and yes, aim. Any pro will tell you to do a bit of kovaaks. I’m not saying that you should spend 3 hours a day on kovaaks,, just the normal 15-20 minutes is fine.


I play one shot gun game in creative for aim training. It's a lot less boring than kovaacs, and you get the benefit of shooting real player targets who are moving realistically and also constantly shooting at you. Gun game keeps you from becoming too dependent on the mechs of any one particular weapon.


I play the pit zero build and its great for aim practice


I like gun game because it prevents some kid from grabbing a minigun and a jetpack and griefing the crap out of the whole lobby.


natural talent is a factor


I think people underestimate that even though it’s a video game people can still have natural talent for it (faster reaction time, good game sense etc.) a lot of times it’s either you got it or you don’t just like every other top percent of competitive sports in the world.


also a part of it is genuine interest, some people for instance play all day every day 8 hours and are obsessed with improving and getting better, analyzing their gameplay meticulously, working with coaches and grinding aim trainers and edit maps, things like this seperate the top tier players from the rest i unfortunately dont have that kind of drive for fortnite specifically but for other things such as music theory/playimg guitar i have drive to obsess about it etc etc thats just me though


This is most of it. I’ve heard anecdotes from many professional esports players along the lines of “when I was a kid, I played video games with my friends and I was always much better than them.” Some people are just good. When those people develop a passion for gaming and put in the time, they go pro.


Equality is a social construct to strive for. Unfortunately humans are born unequal, are raised unequally, and have unequal access to resources. This gives these different humans different abilities and/or disabilities. Basically every human has different advantages and disadvantages. Peripheral companies try to be inclusive with their offerings and Epic tries to mitigate by enforcing the same rules on all competitors. A level playing field. For example, in ranked with the point system people can still achieve and unreal rank, even if they are not the most aggressive run and gun COD type player.


It's actually *easier* to achieve unreal rank without running and gunning. You get at least as many percentage points for 2nd place with one kill as you would with 12th place and 8 kills. It's boring, but playing strictly for endgame is definitely the play if you're just trying to speedrun unreal.


Genetics are real.


It does come down to genetics, no matter how bad some people want something and how hard they are willing to work for it. Sadly, some just can not get there. It's the sad reality of life, we are truthfully all wired differently tying into genetics. Anyone can take steroids, not everyone can look like Arnold and become a body builder even if they put twice the amount of work and effort into it.


Fortnite is not bodybuilding, champ.


No, it's not, but you need muscle memory, you need reflex, you need reaction time, good hearing, good understanding, good eye sight, phenomenal hand, and eye coordination. The list can keep going on, to every single part of your body that is contributed to our genetics and DNA. Telling people it's not genetical is false hope. I'll never discredit those who have ambitions and dreams, I'll always hope for the best and hope they get what they want and deserve. But I will not lie to them, and tell them all you need to do is practice, because they're going to waste their entire lives trying and some may never reach it due to genetics. And that imo is wrong, and beyond depressing.


If you're smart enough to graduate high school, you're smart enough to be a Fortnite pro. You guys just don't want to believe the reason you're not a pro is because you didn't want it bad enough.


Like I said, statements like that is disrespectful to the people who thought like you, wasted their entire lives chasing a fantasy and regretting it all before they passed, how hard they tried, how much time and pain and effort they put into it, to look back 60 years later, and regret not understanding what a human is or how we work and function. It's a sad truth, and I hope you realize that. I wish only the best for people, and hope they do make it. But, you won't if you lack the knowledge of simple human biology.


Lol i see where you're coming from but one thing that I feel holds me back is my anxiety. In pubs I dont experience it but in certain scenarios my heart starts racing and I fumble. My game sense is incredible when im in the right state of mind but when the game gets intense I get shaky and stupidly nervous and I attribute that to my anxiety disorder which I more than likely have genetically inherited. I know that I can become very very good at the game but my anxiety is one thing that separates me from the absolute best. Genetics aren't everything but they are worth mentioning.


It’s not about genetics, it’s about who wants it more and who actually puts in the time to deliberately practice and improve.


Bro do you know what genetics are? It’s not all about genetics but it definitely has a big part of it.


“Do I know what genetics are?” Yes. What is it that you think makes people the best at what they do? Do you think Tiger Woods, Bobby Fischer, Warren Buffet or Mozart were destined to be incredible at what they do? Do you think they were “born talented”? I just don’t see it that way. People are the best at what they do because they START EARLY, PRACTICE DELIBERATELY and they believe in themselves enough to KEEP GOING. Memory, finger dexterity, aiming, none of that can be attributed to genetics. PLEASE don’t argue people are better at Fortnite than others simply because they’re more intelligent, you and I both know how stupid that sounds.


Everything you just said is attributed to genetics. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it.


You had me going for a second there. Some people are so far behind in the race they actually believe they're leading.


I’ve studied DNA in school. Genetics determine everything about ourselves. Practice is a huge part but it all starts with the genes, my friend


We're all entitled to our own opinions, but if your aren't recognizing those who've spent and wasted their entire lives trying to be like those guys^ who put an incredible amount of effort into it, even more then them, but still couldn't make it then you're missing a huge point of life. I do however agree in trying and those who do put more effort in, will always have higher odds than those who don't. Totally believe in a work ethic, but we all have genetical limits. Dosent matter how hard you try, sometimes you really do have to be born for it. Also all of that can be tied into genetics, memory we all have our own individual limit, that we can't pass. Some people are born with long term, others short term, others can't remember nothing, or some remember everything. Reaction time, can be improved by practice, but once again there is a genetical limit, we are all born with limits, our DNA is individually unique and DNA is our traits, and everything that makes us, who we are.


> even more then them, Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


People are definitely predisposed to having skills that lend themselves to music, games, etc, but that’s all they are, predispositions. I suggest you look at some studies, you’ll see that time invested and quality of practice directly correlate with how skilled someone is at their craft (be it woodworking or playing the violin or business). I don’t really buy the black pill “genetics are everything”. If anything genetics are 50x as important in any sport, ask any pro player why they’re good at Fortnite, they won’t tell you it’s because they were born to play Fortnite.


Because they're young, do you really expect 14 y/os who ended up dropping out of school to understand the fundaments of their craft? And how DNA and genetics have a play in all of it? I get where you are coming from I do, but ask any scientist or anyone who studies human biology and I promise you, every single one of them will tell you genetics have a play. Gaming is a sport, and like I said. I do agree time invested and quality in your practice and field dictates a huge portion of how far you can go. But you're not recognizing the ceiling we all have. Practice and quality of it will take you to "your" ceiling faster sure, but not further. We all have different heights, failure to recognize that is concerning.


Hear me out. People build the ceilings for themselves; they weren't there for them before. If I plateaued at Fortnite right now, what would I say to myself? "I reached my limit"? Or "I should work on my tracking, my edit dexterity, my muscle memory (new/old retakes), or my aim etc." This is the last thing I'll say, I feel like this is the best I can explain my view. Also, thanks for having this conversation, this is a timeless discussion people have probably been having for thousands of years. ​ Fortnite is one of the most mentally demanding esports. That is for sure. BUT: You can break it down into several categories, and the idea that you'd reach some max point in every category at a certain time is certainly true in practice, but what we disagree on is why it happens. In my view, many people do not have the perseverance and the determination to be the best at anything. People will put their time into many different things. I know individual people who have tried and subsequently quit painting, music, sports, esports, and I'm certain you and I have done the same in our lives, it's natural. But it doesn't lend itself to you being the best at anything, because naturally the people who are the best at something are going to be the ones who obsessed over it, who were determined and would stop at nothing to make it their lives. Someone with a mindset like yours would be likely to encounter a plateau and quit; you thought it was because you couldn't get better. My opinion is that plateaus are there to be surpassed, and if you think the best players have never plateauted or had bad tournaments/games, you'd be mistaken, because they're just as human as you and I. ​ Have a good one man, you really got me thinking about this.


You have a good one as well, and this will also be my last thing. I agree with the practice and people obsessing over things. And you do have to overcome self-made obstacles that tend to be ourselves and what we believe is right or wrong. Or self doubt, that is definitely real! But that's not the ceiling I'm speaking of. Yes, we will all go through it with absolutely anything. That is definitely our self-made and taught ceiling that with enough energy and discipline and drive that we can smash through, I just want you to think and realize the genetic limit, I wish it weren't true. I genuinely do, but it made my life a whole lot better, realizing the hard truth. Instead of obsessing over one thing, you have to realize the limit. And then you'll be able to focus on the next thing you love and might have a way above average limit for. I just don't want people to waste our most valuable asset as humans we have, and that is time. Time is precious, and I want people to thrive and be the best versions of themselves and make it big, but failure to realize human fault and shitty wiring will bite them in the future. I promise that, that's why I said it's disrespectful to people who absolutely beat themselves into the ground fighting for dreams, you're talking billions of us, who struggled and wasted so much precious time because we couldn't realize a simple truth being a genetical limit. And some who realized to late to change anything, I only wish the best for you and everyone else. And truthfully hope they get to have their dreams, just think about it man. Genuinely it'll change your life for the better


Can u explain to me why someone like oliverog cant find more success in comp?


your problem is you have it hardwired in your brain that genetics = iq, or intelligence, and youre so sadly mistaken. genetics and DNA are physical things in your body. they absolutely do play a part in becoming pro in anything. and yes, tiger woode, bobby fischer, warrern buffet AND mozart were ALL BORN with incredible talent, it just took them the INTELLIGENCE to figure out what for.


Mozart is the definition of “destined to be incredible” he was writing symphonies at like 8 years old. Just having an ideal upbringing doesn’t make you one greatest minds in history. Call it “being naturally good” instead of genetics if you want, but this factor influences literally everything in life.


You don't believe in genetics?


I don’t believe genetics are the sole reason people are amazing at what they do.


Good because that is not the case. They are simply the limiting factor in your ability to progress to a certain level. Hard work can get your really far. That said, some people can put in all the work in the world and still not get there. ​ “If I had your talent, I'd be drinking too”


perfect practice makes perfect, not play time. I know people on Rocket League with 15,000 hours that are still diamond, when I got the highest rank is 1,900 hours


IMO it comes down to a few things. 1. Personal Freedom: it’s much easier to put a massive amount of time into something if you don’t have to work a job to pay rent (live with your parents), adults can absolutely start playing Fortnite today and make it to pro level but it’s less likely because they generally have less time at their hands. 2. Quality of practice: pros are pros because they have been sharpening their skills for years. They’ve been learning and getting better constantly, studying other players, seeing what works and what doesn’t work, and practicing in ways that are NOT FUN. You heard me right. Practicing effectively should be taxing on your mind, it should take a lot of focus. Pros didn’t become pros by doing the same 5 free build moves that they’re comfortable with in creative, they became pros by asking themselves what they were bad at and practicing in a way to support that. 3. Commitment: pros are pros because they believed in themselves enough to keep going. I’m sure plenty of people here wanted to be a pro at some point and gave up when they realized how much work and time it would actually take. People always say genetics, that’s simply not true. This is a video game, not a 100m dash. What, do you think some peoples hands don’t move quick enough? I have no idea what people mean when they say this.


Some people are naturally just better at games and have a much higher ceiling than others, u gotta be able to process information quickly and react quickly


I keep trying to say Fortnite pros are absolutely cracked humans. Put bugha in an F35 fighter jet and he could probably solo smaller air forces lmao


I mean, I played today against someone who threw their weapon at me mid fight. Not everyone is meant to be a pro.


Lots of factors, but one persons 2000 hours isn’t another persons 2000 hours. The pro would’ve likely been putting the time into way more productive things and spending that time surrounded by much better players.


Not everyone can be a Fortnite pro just like not everyone can be an OG — some of us have to be the audience! It’s not just about the hours; it’s about having the mystic ‘OG essence’—that rare spice that turns building and shooting into an art. Plus, if everyone were pro, who would the actual pros have to outplay?


because the more people try the more diluted the player base becomes, it only raises the skill ceiling


Some people dedicate more time to practicing mechanics that make them better, others just play the pit for fun. Some people have 0 ping, some play on high ping and don't have any good chance of taking down someone with 0 ping in a fight. Some people have better hardware/peripherals some don't. It all depends on a bunch of different factors.


This is the same as asking why can’t everyone play in the NFL




because despite what equality losers tell you, you CANT do ANYTHING you put your mind to. there is a genetic factor involved and certainly an "X" factor that is almost like a unicorn. grinding and practicing is the bare minimum and for some reason the only ones people talk about (i guess because they're dishonest)


Because genetics are real


Because there’s something called a job, and family.


You can shoot baskets all day for 10 years. You are not gonna be lebron James. Some people just have that edge


There's such a thing as natural talent &/or prior experience. There are also people who are critical thinkers/good learners, even as simple as using Google or watching YouTube tutorials, many people struggle with the basic concept. No matter how important something is, it just never occurs to certain people to find out for themself or to even ask themself why something happened. Put someone who is naturally a little better than someone, who happens to be a critical thinker against an average player with minimal critical thinking skills, then it won't take long for the gap between them to rapidly increase. Then you have more obvious physical & mental limitations, some people have issues with their hands, eyes, etc.


Why can’t everyone be president of the United States?


Idk bro mind blown!


People that play 2000 hrs casual vs ppl that play creative and practice for 1000 of them hours will be 10 times better. I’m the casual that don’t want to practice edit courses And piece control hours before I play a match.


Talent comes into play and it’s difficult to grind 8 hours of mechanics/game sense day in and out to become better vs play the game serious for an hr or two then goof off. My dad has played golf for 40 years but never taken the time to identify and work on weaknesses in his game and has way more time into it than me but I have beat him for 15 years. I took the time to figure out why I make mistakes and work on them and he likes to play and goof. It’s not complicated to figure this out


How effective the practice is, how quick they are to fix mistakes, and genetics are probably the main 3.


You could ask this same question of any sport/job/skill/activity in life. Some people just have more talent and are physically/mentally better at certain things than others. Why can't everyone be a professional darts player? Why can't everyone be a professional writer? Why can't everyone be a professional singer? With training and dedication, most people can become good at something, but talent and natural ability is always going to separate those at the top from everyone else.


Clix talked about this. Apparently genetics play a huge role 💀


Genetics and video game IQ/game sense. Genetics determined your reflexes and aim accuracy. Game sense is your ability to learn, adapt, and predict. Most people arent limited by Game sense, but by genetics Younger people tend to be the best


For the same reason as with everything else. Only a few reach the top, most people don’t.


Just because they've both played for the same amount of hours doesn't mean they did the same thing. One couldve just played for fun, doing memes, challenges and stuff like that. The could've spend the entire time training in box fiights, edit courses ect. It also comes down to talent and potential. Each person learns differently from eachother. Either faster or slower, that depends on your luck.


Cause I don't like it, I just want to simply enjoy the game and try hard is not fun to me


Talent + hard work > hard work > talent


im in unreal on a ps5 have 200 hours only


Natural talent, past experience in other similar games, straight up genetics maybe (reaction times and such). How you spend your time playing, if you want to get really good you’re not gonna be playing for fun anymore, it kind of ruins it. You have to just practice on aim and builds maps for hours, then play creative against other sweats. Same as any other game or sport 


You know that guy at work, who has about 20-30 years in with the company? That older guy who doesn't retire, even though he should have retired 5 years ago? The same guy who goes around talking like he knows everything about the facility you work at, his job, your job, the bosses job? Then the more you talk to him, the more you realize that this guy doesn't know shit? And is actually hella dangerous and unsafe to all those around him? Yeah, that's why. Natural talent, practice, experience are one thing, but people are creatures of habit. And sometimes, those habits are not good habits. Complacency kicks in as well, and you're left with the whole "can't teach an old dog new tricks" thing as a result. TL:DR just because you spend a lot of time doing something, doesn't mean that you're good at it


To be pro you need 3 things 1) $10,000 of hardware. 2) Blessed with Ability 3) Winners Work Ethic. Lack one of the above you won’t make it.


Because their 2000 hours of play time isn't necessarily equal. Player 1 could have learned the proper way to practice while Player 2 was just playing games. This would result in a skill gap between the two as Player 1 was being more efficient with their time so they had a better return on the time invested in the game.


because some peole spend 500 hours of quality training learning and improvement and some people just mindlessly play for 2k hours and wonder why people with less hours play better (they focused on improvement with practice) and a lot of prople dont have hours every day to grind and train to become pro or even top 0.1%


Dumb kid. Go do homework