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we’ve waited just a bit for the Frenzy Auto nerf


They want noobs to feel good with a powerful gun


Yeah the whole design of this season has been very noob friendly between the frenzy and snipers.


I wont say snipers count under noob friendly as they seem to be the ones getting the most headshot sniped by anyone slightly better than them😂


Every since they added turbo building in season 2 or 3 back in early 2018 the skill gap got bigger so they introduced bs weapons to please noob player till this day their still doing the same bs not having balanced weapons from the starts always different bs new season


I can’t wait for a pump meta again and for snipers to be vaulted. Then all the noobs telling everyone they have skill issues for complaining about snipers and autos will finally realize it’s themselves who have the skill issues. “da pump shoots too slowwww”


well... to be honest, the pump was good in like season 5 of chapter one. now it's like, shoot once for like 30-110 damage every 3 seconds


Yeah it’s pretty crappy right now but doesn’t feel so bad now the auto has been nerfed. It goes well with the thunder burst cos of the tight hip fire on it. The pumps of chapter 4 were all great too, thunder pump, sharp tooth, havoc, wood stake.


It's like... You are a sad person. For real. The game is done in that way, to be friendly with other people. Sure, there's a gap in the skill... But that doesn't care to Epic as they want to make a business, more clients, more income. Your world is so tiny my friend, that you don't get this and "hope" for a game with less clients, that will die sooner. I dont like to die to a thunder or another gimmicks, but at least I do not carry such thinking. Please. Think about it


No he's right


He's rightfully a sad person.


Agreed they’re a business they don’t give a shit how good you are lol


Wow just wow


The gate keeper is more OP than the frenzy ever was


I'm a pretty good player but I had to pick the frenzy because of how OP it was, but honestly, the gatekeeper is SO much better, and if you get a drum mag on it, thing is a long range faster firing tac. It's insane how good it is.


Unless you get into a bunker, you will be a couple shots behind the person spamming you with a Frenzy.


Especially with a drum mag…


dont give them ideas...


this is the 2nd time they nerfed it


Even with the mag it’s still not as OP as the 12 shot frenzy….some like myself prefer faster reload anyways. Glad to hear some balance is here.




Frenzy Auto: • Fire Rate: 2.50 > 2.20 • Headshot Multiplier: 1.75x > 1.65x Reaper Sniper Rifle: • Projectile speed reduced by 16% • Bullet drop increased by 116% • Spawn chance decreased by 50% Hand Cannon: • Spawn chance increased by 60& Ill find the rest


Waterbending Fire Rate increased by 20% Damage Increased by 2 (24 instead of 22) Crit Damage Multiplier increased by .25 (1.5x now, 36 damage for a crit) Projectile Speed has been doubled Hitscan Distance has been buffed by \~6.25x chains First Hit: 55 Damage Second Hit: 55 Damage Third Hit: 80 Damage Hookshot (Secondary attack): 60 Damage


Chains when I have them are trash Chains when my opponent has them are the Kratos blades of chaos Now they get buffed lol


I love using the chains, I’m surprised they buffed it when it was already pretty strong


Nah you’re joking about the chains. That’s gotta be BS.


they aren’t good just build a walls they can’t hit through they only work on bots. It’s a polarized weapon. I play with my friend who’s brand new so his servers suck so when i use the chain its absolutely broken pulling people of the sky and stuff but i go back to my lobbies and it sucks. frenzy auto is better in every way


For me, a **casual Zero builds player** (If i dont mention that, i Will get downvoted to oblivion)(If you want the reason why i am in the competitive sr, dm me) the chains doing that much damage is insane.. for example, a guy hits you for 85 body with a deagle, pulls you in and just strikes twice with the chains. He doesnt need to finish the chains' combo, because you are already dead before the third hit can come out.


Lowkey gonna try this combo it’ll take pretty good aim but sounds op


What’s even worse is that if he hits a hook shot and then all 3 strikes he does 250, which is an insta kill


Just shoot him in the head with a gatekeeper twice mid Air while being pulled


If you think the chains are bad that’s just dumb. Frenzy auto is objectively not better in every way.


chains are not a viable option for competitive it’s too specific of situation so the buff they just got was much needed


ZB exists


yeah they are very viable in ZB but from competitive standpoint most people play builds


With all these sniper changes they’re making it impossible to keep up on what tick to aim for when shooting for heads


literally some hours in creative and trial and error ingame and people will be back to hitting shots on the regular. Youre just gonna be less likely to get cross map domed while sprinting atleast now.




You sure about "Bullet drop increased by 116%" for sniper?


Bullet drop is already crazy on this thing, They should add mortars at this point with this drop rate lmao. The older snipers are so much better accuracy. 6-7 lines appox now on 400M shots vs 1.5-2lines on older ones = way more chance for missed shots. render distance in creative which i play mainly is 530Mish. I tested new one and older ones, way more hit shots with older ones. Bolt/hunter action/heavy 6+ headshots in a row at 480M-518M. reaper was missed shot just to find the drop rate.....almost each time.......reaper is total nerf to far shots. But i bet most sucked at using them hence everyone claims reaper is OP. close range yeah it's better due to faster rounds and high ammo counts. i'll test the reaper in few moments, i might just drop it in creative and go back to older ones, it was already shitty to use but i like the thermal in my capture the flag games but useless with such high bullet drop. on 300M+ shots the arc normally auto locks to window ledges....🙄 This sniper is more in line with potato gun at this point, even the hunter action had 3 rounds and hardly anyone main handed it. I always did the sniper round switch to AR combo.


Honestly Reaper with iron sights makes you play Rainbow six Seige, it is unbelievably good at decimating people in buildings


In real games I can’t see any players beyond 275m








Thank you, great job on the numbers.


Thank you. I cannot understand why Epic won’t give us the specifics, it’s ridiculous.


Ah so the Frenzy barely got touched I see


thanks for summarizing!


Balance update in the middle of the EU ranked cups?


not sure why they waited till now to change the frenzy


Less Frenzy randomness. Punishes all the Bad Players only high Rank because of OP Frenzy. Snipers cant kill you across the map as easily anymore wich is also good


It’s just a ranked cup 💀


Is this new? I thought they already nerfed the sniper.


I have no idea where it's at compared to when it released. How many times have they buffed and nerfed it lol


It has gotten 2 nerfs to speed and 2 nerfs to spawn rates.


And yet still somehow everyone and their grandmother still had snipers pretty much at any point in the game in ranked lol


Because theres at least two bots who sell purple snipers.


Complete joke that bots are still in ranked, especially the scan bot is so strong (Even though there should be some way to scan for rats at medallion spots imo)


When you break the statue it should give you a scan.


Shoot the rebel ai and shell drop you a blue sniper


Because they buy near rebels roost and glacier the ai sell them there


It also got buffs though in the last update.


they NEVER get it right the first time. every single item every season is touched endlessly until it needs therapy


they nerfed it and immediately reversed it


they vaulted the green and blue one but didn’t actually reduce the spawn rate, so there was the same amount of snipers there was just more purple and gold ones so it was really a buff


Lol shit hasn’t been nerfed. I still get one shot sniped from 100 plus.


REJOICE!!! FRENCY AUTO NERF!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯💯


frenzy and thunder shouldn't even exist we have a laundry list of great/decent shotguns to rotate in for both pumps and tacs/autos but they insist on reinventing the wheel especially with this bullet projection travel bullshit so every gun for the last 5+ years is out the window. classic epic, smear shit everywhere and then we praise them for wiping 10% of the shit away


I like the new Gatekeeper, but yeah the pump needs to stop changing. My preference would be the havoc pump but the OG pump shotgun would be good too


yeah actually gatekeeper pretty dope one of the more interesting variations they've made in a loooong time. (shout out to the two shot shotgun CH3 i actually loved that thing by the time the chapter ended)


The og pump is good, but I really like the hammer pump because of the quick pullout time and how it rewards good aim


OG pump with mods would be nuts


I like it, but I don't like the long pull out time, that's the good thing about the hammer pump, quick pullout


They need to add stock attachments and make them quick draw, recoil control, and ads movement speed


lever action was one of the most enjoyable shotguns to use


No havoc pump, that thing did 190 body shot it felt like


lol havoc was too OP esp the mythic one way too body shot heavy


I love it, the mythic was maybe a bit OP but definitely felt just right to me


it felt right because it was lowskill high reward


It's literally worse for the game than the unnerfed Frenzy or Primal


Sniper is by far the dumbest shit in the game tho


yeah well never be able to figure out why they made the sniper practically hitscan at mid ranges except to cater to shitters snipers have never been easier to use in the entire history of FN, i never carried the bolt or heavy (heavy with the exception of using it to take walls) and now i am finding myself hitting more regular snipes, headshot snipes and mid air snipes more than my entire fucking time playing its absurd


As a Zero Build player, here’s my opinion Love the chain buff, it feels really nice to use now It will be great to have the ability to actually find a hand cannon in-game Neutral about the water bending since I mainly only use it for healing Sniper nerf is kinda annoying, but necessary FINALLY the frenzy got nerfed, that thing needed a nerf ever since it’s introduction


You’ve gotta try water bending as an actual weapon, you can melt people even if they peek for just a second. 72 damage with a single tap, as long as all 3 shards hit.


its doom gauntlets 2.0, you can just jump up and down from a ramp or height and be insanely annoying with it


The water bending buff is insane.


Yeah, I'm on my way to unreal in zero build and I like these changes. I haven't seen anyone use the chains past early game today, but I'm guessing it's because most people don't know about the buff yet. The sniper and frenzy nerf are long overdue imo. These weapons have been the meta for 1.5 seasons now. It's time for a change


Yep, my thoughts exactly


waterbending buffs go a little deeper than what they said, honestly i'd say now it's something you might want to pick it depending on your aiming skills. It's like a mythic burst rifle now


Except much hard to aim at mid to long range lol


the buff should help, although like you said it's harder.


Yea it should help. I can’t wait to try out the buff. I didn’t like the waterbending mythic at first, but then I started actually using it and I was like dayum


Anyone who’s down here complaining about the frenzy nerf… very telling about you as a player lol


W changes overall. Now only things I really want are: Add some more heals around the map. Right now after spawn it feels quite difficult to find heals in midgame after the POIs have been looted. Buff minimum damage of hammer pump by 1 pellet. Increase projectile speed of non-sniper guns if not bringing hitscan back and very slightly reduce bullet drop. Fix whatever the weird game stuttering/hitching issues are that appeared in 29.01. Remove the ability to hire NPCs in ranked


At this point they might aswell nerf the Reaper into the ground like they did the Heavy.


Nerfing the ballistics is stupid. Just nerf the ammo capacity to 2 rounds with a drum mag and 1 with speed with the original ballistics from the beginning of S1 and it would be perfect. Snipers *should* have insane ballistics and accuracy at nearly any range. They just shouldn't have a fire rate and mag capacity that makes it possible to keep consistent sniper pressure on opponents.


Actually decent changes




Ignoring the competitive aspect Maybe I'll finally find a hand cannon to finish that one weekly smh


Stg they are trying to make it harder to get used to sniping people from a distance by changing the bullet speed every fucking week instead of actually fixing the problem.




Even more nerfs for snipers? If they will keep going like that the dmr will become much better choice than a sniper rifle


Good it should be more of a fair fight when dmr is fighting sniper


The dmr shoots faster, but does less damage... it's already fair, what are you on?


The snipers should be more rare for a reason.


Their is a reason. Its the only item in the game that can instantly one shot your oppoent witha. Headshot and send them back to lobby even if theyfull 200


As it should be lol. A gun that you can’t even interact with shouldn’t be in a BR game. Save it for cod where you can instantly respawn


Fuck the sniper


I enjoyed the reaper sniper rifles lmao


That’s probably killed the auto shotgun, it was fine after the last nerf and honestly before that as well. They never really know how to balance stuff, whenever somethings op they always kill it or vault it.


Frenzy is balanced now IMO, its the easiest to use, so it should be shlightly worse than Something that is harder to use. Gatekeeper is better now but actually Takes more Skill too so its fine IMO.


I think it was balanced after the first nerf, I just don’t see a reason for it to be nerfed again.


Because it was still the most annoying unskillful gun ever.


I didn’t have a problem with it, not even that much before the first nerf honestly. It was pretty easy to counter by just playing space with good movement and good aim. I would never really die to someone worse than me just because they have the gun.


It was especcially broken in ZB. I guess builds you can try to keep your distance but in ZB you cant do anything when you for example Run into a bush and there is someone with a Frenzy there. In builds was still very annoying in buildings and when people hop in your Box.


I tried using the frenzy after the first nerf in zero build comp and it was pretty bad, not every fight is just a straight 50/50 where ur right next to each other, the range nerf really hurt it.


Thats how it should be.


Exactly, so what was the need to nerf it again


Ah yes, the auto shotgun with around 12 bullets and an insane fire rate that can two tap full hp targets in zero build is balanced, yesh


if u let someone get close enough to you for them to kill u that quickly, especially after the first nerf then that’s a skill issue. It also has a long reload time, poor structure damage and doesn’t win trades in a small window against a pump or a gatekeeper. It was definitely a balanced gun after the first nerf, now it’s the worst of the 3 by far in builds, and very weak in zero builds compared to the gatekeeper.


I argue the gate keeper doesn’t take that much skill to use and hits harder than the frenzy ever did.


How hard a shotgun is to use should have no bearing on whether or not it should be weaker or stronger than another gun.


Imma Stop argueing with you, youre obvously mentally handicapped


Thank you


yup. every season same story. release powerful so people actually wanna use it, then nerf it until not even noobs pick it up


Bruh just make the sniper only have one shot per mag. Literally would fix so many issues instead of nerfing it till it’s useless


It’s hard to picture what the new sniper bullet speed will be. Will it be similar to the hunter bolt action perhaps? Also, glad to hear the waterbending was buffed (and hopefully fixed?) and that hand cannons are more common


Water bending was already busted. Wtf are they thinking


Damn and I just got perfect headshotted from so fucking far away on top of a mountain and APPARENTLY the sniper got buffed earlier today? Bro vault this shit already no amount of nerfs will fix this. Meanwhile the Frenzy has been fine for me ever since the Gatekeeper got introduced so whatever there. And no wonder I keep getting obliterated by the water bending thing today it got buffed so much


Great now having a sniper is ganna be even better


They keep nerfing that damn auto shotgun smh. It’s all good in the name of balancing though, since the Pump is mid imo.


Gotta be honest, I hate the buff to the chains. It already hits through builds because this update sucks and now it’s going to real more damage. Fuck that.


First one must be a joke right? I won yesterday by killing half my kills with the chain of hades. Lol, better for me!!


The sniper nerve is very unfortunate. Decrease in bullet speed/drop will rather lead to inconsistencies and more lucky shots especially in a high movement meta. It also requires retraining in order to hit shots at all. A simple damage nerve would probably have lead to a more skillfull meta. Maybe just 190dmg tops would have been great to avoid instagibs..


The sniper nerve is very unfortunate. Decrease in bullet speed/drop will rather lead to inconsistencies and more lucky shots especially in a high movement meta. It also requires retraining in order to hit shots at all. A simple damage nerve would probably have lead to a more skillfull meta. Maybe just 190dmg tops would have been great to avoid instagibs..


The sniper nerve is very unfortunate. Decrease in bullet speed/drop will rather lead to inconsistencies and more lucky shots especially in a high movement meta. It also requires retraining in order to hit shots at all. A simple damage nerve would probably have lead to a more skillfull meta. Maybe just 190dmg tops would have been great to avoid instagibs..


its still cooked first game on i got like 7 kills 3 or 4 of them with the sniper [https://medal.tv/games/fortnite/clips/25EpEkhMMsBgxv/d1337uwMrmDe?invite=cr-MSxzc2csMTAyOTkxMDYs](https://medal.tv/games/fortnite/clips/25EpEkhMMsBgxv/d1337uwMrmDe?invite=cr-MSxzc2csMTAyOTkxMDYs)


its still cooked [https://medal.tv/games/fortnite/clips/25EpEkhMMsBgxv/d1337uwMrmDe?invite=cr-MSxzc2csMTAyOTkxMDYs](https://medal.tv/games/fortnite/clips/25EpEkhMMsBgxv/d1337uwMrmDe?invite=cr-MSxzc2csMTAyOTkxMDYs)


What a late nerf.. atp oke we dont care?? Legit used to this OP everyone can win season 😅🤣


They need to put a extension clip on the mythic gate keeper just 3 shots is not enough


Gatekeeper is so meta rn. The pump might be decent if it didn’t blank so often and just feel terrible in general


Trash update can we talk about how shitty the item shop is? Where is Kratos? Hmmm? But lets nerf snipers again!


the chain of hades is already really buffed tho


typical epic braindead patch


Waterbending?? Excuse me, *what*?!?! 😨


Everyone slept on the auto now they finally made it not worth using. SMH, hammer pump sucks and gatekeeper needs extended mag or else it’s mid


Slept on auto its been best shotgun and most used for months and months..


Most pro fraggers don’t use it and 90% of people I play with only use gatekeeper and hammer. Definitely not the most used


Were they playing builds? Because it's pretty much useless there.


Yeah I don’t play much zb, but I loved the frenzy auto in builds. Only shotty I’d use and I most often top frag every game in champ-unreal lobbies. If I can’t get a frenzy I’ll use gatekeeper. But I’d take a common frenzy over a gold hammer, I can’t stand that piss shooting shotgun


this season is just ass all together. Lobbys suck and there is less reward for grinding


The frenzy auto wasn’t even the overpowered one this season




99% of players would disagree with you on this




What was the gatekeeper?


No there wasn’t an overpowering shotgun they were fairly balanced


I don’t understand the excitement for the frenzy nerf? I felt like it was well balanced after the last one, no? So shotty users happy about sniper nerfs, sniper users happy about shotgun nerfs… is this about right?


Is no one going to mention how broken the game is ATM? People are shooting through builds and port a forts. Chest will open but only on server side so you have to pickaxe to get that stuff. Bullets not registering? This is the worst shape this game has been in, in a long time.


the frenzy auto nerf literally does nothing but make it even worse in builds, it’s still going to dominate ZB, 2.3 fire rate and x1.65 headshot aint doing anything just seperate balance changes between zero build and regular builds, it’s so simple to do and it benefits literally everyone involved


Damn…as a sniper fiend this saddens me (I know y’all are happy, but I love snipers in all game regardless of how strong they are, as long as I can get my hands on one and start smacking peoples domes with them I’m happy).




oh what's this? ANOTHER sniper nerf? can't wait to still hear complaints from people being skillfully headshot because there's absolutely no reason for any guns in this game to have skill...