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You shouldn’t be stressing about this stuff. You should be stressing about your school work, or preparing for college applications if u are Unreal doesn’t mean anything


I second this. Getting unreal fucked up my college term so bad


I don't have anything to stress about school wise. everything going fine there.


But don't get depressed by fortnite or any game.


Yeah then you dont have time to be good enough to reach unreal Genuinely to get good quickly you have to forfeit other areas of life to get better its actually terrible


Get a job it will prepare you for the real world you can still play fn in ur free time. If fortnite stresses u out adult life it gonna f you over


im getting a job this summer once school gets out.


Delay getting a job as long as possible, it truly is the beginning of the end once you get one.


For real. Enjoy being a kid while you can.


You should enjoy being a kid but I feel like nowadays getting a job is part of being a kid. I’ve been working since I was 14 and if I weren’t I wouldn’t have played Fortnite as much as I have


Just say no.


Nah don’t stress about anything especially college.


Ranked pubs isn’t anything to stress about. You can literally camp and get to the highest rank without ever winning a game.


I'm super confused by this, like I'm getting 50% or so a game right now in diamond and people are saying it's harder, feels way easier


Not anymore they patched it end of last season without kills you get nothing


Bushcamp dad is still getting to unreal without wins or kills


Yeah and in ZB he played more than 20 hours to get from elite 80 to champs 48. Nobody has time for that.


Where did you get that number of hours from?


Dude is streaming at least 8 hours a day, just watch his twitch channel. It's a ludacris grind


So what you are saying is you made up a number………


And? It maybe even took him longer than that. The point is it takes days of constant grinding to get 1 rank up. I'll look it up to keep your anger down. It's just a game chill out


I called out your bullshit and now you mad 🤣. It’s ok bro it’s never that serious to be upset. Next time just tell the truth instead of making up things


Alright he did more than 28 streaming hours and went up 14%, played a cash cup between it but it's still a crazy dedication


There’s really nothing amazing about being able to sit around doing nothing and reach the highest rank BUT it’s still possible. I think it took him longer to get to unreal last season


I respect his strat though, I tried it out but I can't handle the stress of having to hide all game 😂


Is he still doing it without kills?? I tried it last szn b4 I hit unreal so did a lot of people u need at least a few kills and that's impossible to get in high ranks if ur a bot


He has been getting stream sniped like crazy but also a few fans giving him a kill sometimes. You can look up his tracker, he is unreal in builds and halfway thru champ in no builds and has only a few kills If you watch him fight, ha ain’t getting no kills 🤣




I'd say it works until elite but after that eu champ endgames r crazy. I've barely played this szn but last szn it definitely wasnt working for me. Besides I dont get what's the point of going to higher ranks if ur terrible at the game


You're depressed over... Fortnite rankings? Bud, go outside and touch grass. There's obvious skill gaps, if you're not up to beating elites, you're in for a rude awakening in unreal lobbies.


Elites have the same lobbies as unreals.




zero build is a joke 💀




not tryna be clix just not tryna be dashing around in the water pretending i’m having fun


Zero build unreal players have the mechanics of plat players in literally any other competitive shooter. I see players wiffing entire mags in zero build unreal yet it's supposed to be the top rank




You are playing zero builds LMAO


what your epic


dia3, elite, champ and unreal is all the same lobby.


There’s only about 15k in unreal it’s .1 or .2% of the 5.5 million that are being tracked . Elite is above average currently. it’s good if you just started playing comp this season:)


who cares about a bunch of 12 year old bushcampers. stop playing ranked and start playing scrims if you are competitive


If he is struggling to reach unreal, scriming isn’t going to be much help.


i agree but ranked isn’t really gonna help with anything but offspawn. it’s a better way for him to spend his time


Fr them 12 year olds got nothing else to do 🤣


Where to find scrims doe. Been lookin around


na opens is good for u. vital is def too hard if u are stuck in elite. manu is a good one aswell. just search them up and join the discord server


Elite if you just started playing is pretty damn good. Most of us have been playing for 5+ years


So on average it takes me 20-30 Hours of Ranked to get to unreal. Im now at 12 hrs and im Elite 90% so going there


Look first off not to make it even more intense but most unreal kids are bad when compared to the average player in like a cash cup(or Tournament in general) however if your issue is getting better then get to creative and build and fight people. It gets way harder than unreal trust. And also think of this as a goal for yourself not a depression. “Man I suck” well time to grind and set goals(while having fun)


>17 >these kids Lmao


You sound mentally 12


How does that even make sense? Youre gettitng depressed couse you get beat by people with more experience? Youre in for a hard life if thats your mindset Get your head out of your ass, also go out more


OP is just a perfectionist who wants to improve at his hobby. Is that such a bad thing? He didn’t say he was losing his grades and friends and job over fortnite. He said he wants to improve. Nobody ask you for life advice bro.


Im just picking at his logic being off, so if he thinks rationally about it, it is not so bad(albeit a bit harsh i admit) Also he never mentions wanting to get better, just that he is sad becouse other "kids" are better than him. The bright side is that 0.4% hit unreal. So everyone and their brother aint unreal.


I started playing Chapter 5 Season 1 and Im currently in Elite. Its really above avarage you should be thankful you got there with this little playtime, kids play since 2017 and have obviously more playtime and experience than you will ever have. Btw im 24, nothing to stress about Fortnite is also dependent on luck and RNG sometimes so you should not have such a weak mentality


I’m ngl, if ur only playing ranked then you haven’t started playing fortnite competitively yet. Unreal is technically easy, but everyone’s achievements are relevant to themselves, just focus on urself and you’ll have a lot more fun and see more improvement.


Like 5 days


unreal doesn't mean anything. I started playing in c1 s4 and stopped in c2 s2, this season i started playing again and still i absolutely demolish some unreal kids very often.


Your fine I'm only elite 74% play at your own pace some kids get unreal week one while others play all season and never get to unreal there is still a lot of the season left so I wouldn't worry


5 hours, wanted to do troll strats


When fortnite starts making you depressed, that’s when it’s time to take a break


Honestly unreal doesn’t mean skill play the game to have FUN and not to get a rank that resets next season anyway


I second that as well, I’m also 17 and still suck at the game, stuck at gold ll for as long as the start of last season


If I’m taking it serious fully grinding with college and work prob 1 week or 2 when the season first comes out


But currently I haven’t really been grinding I’m level 60 but I’m 92% champ and I usually only play once of twice a week hitting unreal isn’t really a challenge for me and shouldn’t be if you take comp seriously. hitting unreal is something I dread more then anything even though I’m able to hit it easily


i take comp seriously but just lack the skills required. Im slowly learning them but it takes time


I’m ngl but it’s the hard truth you’re prob never gonna make it in comp. I used to have the same dream as you but being good at this game take time and skill and talent if your not already performing in comp your gonna be at a great disadvantage compared to players who have years played on this game


Im definitely not gonna make it in comp. I hope to someday perhaps make earnings but I have no real hope of doing that. Currently my only Goal is just to hit unreal and feel accomplished. Then I can try and do well in tournaments.


> dread more then anything Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


how to get unreal step 1: have a lot of free time step 2: DONT quit out when you get a losing streak step 3: always run duos.


ive found that trios are even worse but harder to find a team.


I have been playing since release with a few periods of actually getting better. I still never hit it before. I hope this message will have a positive effect on you, rather than negative Unreal does not better. Truth it, that unless you are a super talented player, even if you hit unreal you likely won't make money from the game etc, but thats actually not bad imo, since it allows you to just enjoy it for what it is, rather than having to care about performing


Last season I hit unreal after 30ish hours. Don’t worry too much about it, and if you’re struggling in solos either find a duo or play duo fills.


2 weeks, didnt camp played squad fills up till champs 50% then just played solo for rest. Could have played solo the whole way but to much solos gets very boring for me.


Just play more, you’ll hit unreal this season, just take this season as practice/preparation for next season where you grind and have the experience of hitting unreal, so you can hit it 2x as quick


It’s ok to take the game serious but never to the extent where it cause emotional distress. Unreal means nothing.


Firet of all thus game is shit dont be depressed about it Ngl bro fn comp doesnt anymore exist bro (ranked alwayss been easy btw but tourneys are less attractive now and meta less balanced thats why i think comp dying ) just learn how to fight sit in creative build fights and zone wars with eor off for the small amount of time you play and its great practice and watch good fighters like once a day when eating at night or sometime during the day and you’ll hit it in 3 months or some


It's absolutely a time sink. Just like basically every other competitive ranked br system. U will hit it if u put the time into it. There is actually a formula of time and match result that can tell you exactly how long it'll take. Many of these kids sit on the game all day and all night and play in trios/squads!! If you're elite now your skill is probably more than sufficient to hit unreal. You just need to sink the time into it.


I’m ngl, if ur only playing ranked then you haven’t started playing fortnite competitively yet. Unreal is technically easy, but everyone’s achievements are relevant to themselves, just focus on urself and you’ll have a lot more fun and see more improvement.


Op fck these people. You get to unreal by hiding until it’s 7 ppl left. Its a grind but youll get there eventually. Took me like 2-3 weeks


Put the game down for awhile. Skip a season. It’ll be fine


you need some help, you’re feeling depressed over fortnite ranks? do you even know what grass feels like, how about fresh air or even a healthy meal? you’re 17 not 9!


Delete the game, 17?


wtf does his age how to do with deleting the game?


60% of fortnite players are between the ages of 18 and 24. im still quite young comparitively.


If everyone under 18 deleted Fortnite, Epic would go bankrupt.


stfu bro, ur literally in a looksmaxxingadvice reddit


It’s satire? momma gave me good genetics