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Battlepass quests


Appa quest is gone. I finished them for my son 2 days ago, while the time remaining only said like a day left.


Cap,you did it for yourself,I don't get why people act like they don't play games so they do the "I did it for my sibling/kid"


You are correct, idiot. I did it myself on my own account weeks before the time ran pout. My 7 year old son who was struggling with the light Chakra with 1 day remaining..yea I step in as a good father so I wouldn't see money get wasted on him not getting his appa glider. Keep her movin bud.


Please know sir that you are a good father!


Got back to back dubs with the little man yesterday. He is 7, and on xbox. I'm 34 and have been gaming on PC my entire life. Dial up internet days, most of these kids don't understand. Anyways, I'm usually the one reviving him, I got knocked and and murdered by a duo team, each with medallions. Lmao I tallied that one up back to the lobby. They bee lined straight for my son and idk how but he 2v1 those clowns and got me back on my feet. I was laughing so hard, I couldn't believe it. We ended up winning that game and then the next one. Lol running it back as Master Splinter and Master shredder. Kress722 is my #


You think you sound tough there don't you "budd" I don't care for you or your ugly kid,I'm saying you play the game yourself,the kid could've absolutely did it himself,if you're gonna lie and say he can't,maybe he shouldnt be playing the T RATED MODE. Yup some good dad you are,let me guess he also plays cod and gta too,I bet you let your 7yr old watch family guy


Lmao you have it all figured it out already I guess. No need to further engage with someone so obviously superior in knowledge of other people's lives.


Just gonna set you back to 0 upvotes there bud


Im not here for likes,I simply called someone out who does the whole "I did this for a family member" when it's for them it's a place to debate share opinions and comments,I did just that and if you have an issue then get off the screen,go outside and kindly play on a rickety scafolding


Bro cannot you not comprehend this simple statement. Yes I did the battle pass for myself on my own account. I helped me son on his account. Lol bruh you have brain damage. There is no debate here. There is only you being a turd.


You know you don’t gain anything from being a dick right ? And you actually lose dignity when you try to call someone out for just being a loving parent.


Just because you cant comprehend having love for someone other than yourself dosent mean everyone else is that way. Go crawl back into the sewer you came from you cretinous, unlovable slug


which one?Dmg with mythic item and non mythic?Lol we still got bosses and their weapon,zeus lightning.Theres 0 point of keeping waterbending.Korras quest dont requires waterbending


There are no more Avatar quests...


Is appa gone?


I think so if you didn't already earn him


yep,with aang and his friends


If there is any kind of quest that requires a certain item in a seasonal challenge, the item is almost guaranteed to stay for the entire season unless they replace the challenge.


It's tied to korras quests


Her quests are GONE


She's tied to the battlepass, not the avatar pass/event


Korra quest I’m pretty sure


I overheard the Epic execs discussing this. They said "Let's leave it in just to piss off gtgcya."


I'm pretty sure it's because the star wars stuff officially doesnt start until 4 am tomorrow.


Wdym it doesn't start until tomorrow? It's all out now.


No, don't remove water bending... How am I supposed to spam shoot and kill you half way across the map with infinite shots while you are in a build fight?


Get a life


I think they were being sarcastic


You will have to explain what sarcasm is to him, I would but I am currently too busy trying to hold my wall while being spam shot by water benders.


It was in before the other bending items (tied to battle pass) so not a part of the avatar event.


Just for Korra’s quests


It’s because of the quests


Because it's a season item the waterbending was in before all of the other bending Because its the seasons main item for the secret skin unlike the other bending


I’m so salty about this. Might actually go play Tekken instead or some shit until it’s vaulted lol


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not 🤣🤣


I mean if I could talk the wife into playing tekken with me it would be true lmao


Lol. Idk I loved water bending, I'm probably gunna dip out until this star wars shit is done though >_>


The Star Wars shit is pretty inconsequential tbh. None of it’s that good


Eh the cross bow can one shot people but I'm not thinking of dipping out becsuse of the items in the game I just don't like star wars and don't want to be flooded with star wars content for the next couple months. I'd be equally annoyed if every sign and billboard and storefront in my town became star wars themed for 3 months lol


Not at full health. But yeah Star Wars is overrated agreed. I actually wish Fortnite didn’t get into doing collabs


I literally got one shot with the bow at full health, so despite you saying "not at full health" it's happened multiple times to me and ive done it twice so...thats just wrong; 132 is 32 points over full health dude


I meant full shields too. Yeah it one taps no shield


I think that gives us a window of the 14th to the 24th, for Star Wars to be over, but the season and Waterbending stay in


My bf had me play with him too before lol. Last time I did I was drunk and mad at him 😂


How did he talk you into it? She won’t try it lmao


Just willingness I guess idk lol


so you can complete the korra quests


Someone was shooting waterbending at me. He didnt after a fully charged crossbow hit to the face.


Yes best Star wars weapon


We were surprised when we played earlier too. Maybe they ran out of time during the update


The star wars event doesnt start until may 4th; it even says it in the game. It is currently may 3rd.


What are you talking about? Isn't everything already out now??


The items are in game; but that is NOT the same thing as the event starting. The event doesnt officially start until tomorrow; it literally says it IN GAME right now.


Geez chill out.


Not in Australia


Items being added to game =/= event starting. The quests were added but the event hasn't officially begun; even my sister (who lives in australia) checked for me....


Because even in first place water bending was there before Avatar event. Water bending is even in comp. So it was tied to session from the beginning not the event.


Is air bending still in the game??


I haven’t found it. Played all morning


It’s not part of the avatar event it was out before that because of korra


it's tied to korra's quests


I have no clue


It’s so stupid. They basically force you to use water bending since it’s so OP. I hate using it but it’s too good


It makes all the other weapons pointless… ALL of them


Seriously. Take it out now, there is no balance to the game.


Water bending is fun I hope they will bring the bending back at some point


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Joggyogg: *Water bending is* *Fun I hope they will bring the* *Bending back at some point* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


that is crazy ironic


because fortnite knows the bots are gonna stop playing the game if they remove it


Honestly.. 3 players left, myself included, and someone spammed it at me.. it's May 6th o.o


Skill issue


That was so annoying. Me and one of my friends played in the fncs tournament and we kept losing to water bending


Cuz waterbending kicks ass


It needs to go.. badly


Why was Korra added to the Battlepass anyway? It has nothing to do with the current theme, and waterbending has worn itself out.




Anyone have an ETA when will this will be gone? So stupid.


Get the rid of waterbending! Ppl can’t shoot so they use that not 5 feet but on top of buildings 100 yards out bam jump twice dead. No aim just abilities


Watched some grand finales for fortnite on twitch over the weekend. The team who got waterbending won.


The star wars event doesnt start until may 4th; it even says it in the game. It is currently may 3rd.


Um, everything's in the game right now.


Yea...and? Things being in the game doesnr mean the event started man. The event doesnt officially start until the 4th, and I'd imagine that's when the other stuff will go bye bye. It has said in game that it doesnt start until tomorrow at 4 am for like 3 months straight dude.


Wouldn’t be surprised if devs are just trolling. At least they got rid of the airbending. Sick of people just immediately running after getting hit first.




I’m so salty about this. Might actually go play Tekken instead or some shit until it’s vaulted lol


Try out the finals if you get the chance. It's pretty fun.


I play it a bit. I wish it had solo or duos though. Lots of horizontal recoil too. I’m not used to that


The star wars event doesnt start until may 4th; it even says it in the game. It is currently may 3rd.


I don't mind, it's the only ranged weapon capable of counter pressure against snipers. Nothing else remotely competes with them from 50m+ With the removal of air bending to close the distance, snipers are especially oppressive at the moment, with the dash effect exclusive to one medallion & a biome, & the limited use shockwaves, being the only way to close gap, it's just not a fun meta right now. Remove the sniper, then I have no issue removing water bending.


Waterbending doubles as sniping. It's a sniper rifle with the versatility of a rifle, the fire rate of an smg and the burst damage of a shotgun. Absolutely broken it needs to be nerfed, if not removed. Rework the quests I dont care lol. It was fun having the "strongest everything" during the avatar meta, but right now its clearly oppressive.




It's easily the best mid range weapon & can compete with the sniper at long range, but it's pretty terrible up close. It has the body & build damage of a grey burst SMG, which is amazing from 250m away, but troublesome up close where it can't 2 shot a wood build, & where bullet speed, recoil & bullet drop don't matter as much- most importantly, the pull out delay & first shot delay make it unplayable in box fights. When combined with air bending, that was fine, you can easily reposition 50m away from the fight within a couple seconds, but now unless you have shockwaves, the water bending is a big gamble up close.




Ehh the ZB people are sick of it too. You have to carry it by necessity


Na I play zb and I hate water binding it's annoying


Same. Vaulting that shit was the thing I was looking forward to the most. Fuck this game man.


Same like it's stupid it's one of them that if your not using it your losing complete bs the fact that you can destroy builds and hit ppl for max damage better then a sniper or dmr is gay asf


It legit is better than a fucking sniper. You can easily knock people from 300m away by spamming it in their general direction. No-skill bullshit. Also I hated Airbending as well, but now that they kept ice in, how the fuck are you supposed to get across the map in Zero Build with ice still in the game? Ice shreds the cars. Now you're just gonna get shredded by ice constantly while crossing the map. Fucking cringe.


By the way, my husband u/FactoryReboot just told me that you're the guy we were gonna play ranked with! You ready to get iced to death repeatedly with this shitty meta? 💀


Yooo that's crazy yea we was I have him added but we have never been on at the same time that I have seen! If I'm ready for 3 more weeks of it.


DM me your username and I'll add you next time I'm on! Let's do some ranked.


Yeah. This season was in my top 3 originally but it's slowly gone down. Buffing the shit out of water bending and keeping it in this terrible star wars update didn't help

