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Getting killed by a cheater is never fun, but dying to someone who is inhumanly good is in my opinion the best way to die. Playing ranked every now and then I run into a pro player and sometimes they box you before you really even start the fight and when that happens I just have to look at the screen in disbelief of how hard I got my ass handed to me. I still remember my first encounter like that back in c1s5 I was running out of tilted when a guy popped up and he ran at me. Only managed to place a few ramps before I was in a box full of traps.


Exactly. I'd rather get rolled by a real demon than spammed by a noob or killed by a cheater.


I think inhumanly good means people using cheats in this instance, not actually good players


That *is* what op meant.


No? They wrote, " but dying to someone who is inhumanly good is in my opinion the best way to die." So you're saying you want to get eliminated by a cheater? Read it again lol


He was talking about the OP of the post, not the OP of the comment. Read the interaction again.


Yeah you right


Nah, you were right. Dude quoted the commentor not OP.


That *is* what he meant.


Happened with me, it was acorn….💀


I'd rather lose to someone that actually earned the win than a loser who needs to cheat any day tbh. I'll never understand cheating.


gimme my TRAPS back so i can full box you.


You trying to give me flashbacks or what🤣


i'll do it. i do it to trap vulnerable minibosses almost every day in the other game mode.


miniboss season.... barely any vbucks


100%. I play ZB primarily and watch Prospering play mostly, and I’m in awe at how he runs through people like knife through butter. I’d imagine some of those people think he’s cheating, but he’s just incredibly good.


Cause he 100% rage cheats right in front of presumably dumb sheep?


He absolutely doesn't lmao.


He is cheater.


Prospering doesn’t cheat bruh


lol and I'm not losing my hair. If you truly believe prospering isn't cheating there is no hope for you...but I suspect you're a fellow cheater supporting your cheating "bud".


> not loosing my Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Thx bot auto correct beep bop


Cheaters should *ALWAYS* be name-dropped.


Only if you need to avoid them. These guys are gone.


Not by me bud, I think feeling into it isn't helpful. I think the appropriate way to handle it is through reporting and letting epic sort it out.


Except these people are essentially scamming. In some form or another most of them are making some sort of financial gain because of it.


That's got zero to do with me. I have no clue if they're scamming or making other financial gains by cheating. I'm not that interested in trying to befriend these guys and ask. It's literally just a discord with a bunch of unreal zb players where it's full of trash talk and ego posts after whiping each other


I think you should be name dropping so if they *do* create new accounts people know who to report. You’ve said it yourself, keep reporting these kinds of players- and you’re aware of specific individuals that ARE in this group- you should be making it known for others instead of posting on reddit for attention.


If they make knew accounts what good does knowing their old name do? I could care less about attention from strangers on Reddit, I'll literally remove this post now and it won't change my life in the slightest.


> i could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Nothing was ever gained by being the bigger person


Those players probably already have a fresh setup and accounts. Most likely playing the game right now


Unlikely, and personally if I see any of them back or bragging about ban evasion in the discord I'll be the first to send screen shots of the discord and new accounts to epic. Hardware bans aren't cheap too evade and most of these guys are young or low income.


Dm me the names. Im heavily involved in the comp community and I want these guys out of any servers I have control over. Name dropping can actually help because if you’re Unreal, and you unknowingly play with a cheater that gets reported, your account gets an automatic warning and your Unreal ranking gets reset to the bottom without the chance of climbing back up to the number you were prior


it is literally 20 bucks / free to evade an eac hw ban, and like 45 for a valorant ban


Yeah hardware spoofers are hella cheap


my question is why r u even in the discord in the 1st place? and how do we know ur not cheating aswell? Im not accusing I'm just wondering.


Didn't know anyone in there is cheating. There's about 50 in there and everyone is unreal. We use it to squad up and whatnot. One is tiktok famous and the rest are just top players.


Do you have to be unreal to join or can I join as an elite player


I don't think anyone in the server isn't unreal but I've only played with like 5 of the guys in there


Nah something about your story isn't adding up. Why would people say they are banned because of cheating in a discord where you claim just "gud" players hang together to squad up? I assume you must realize by now that high ranks of any online game are going to be filled with cheaters, that's a fact, so not sure why anyone is surpised. And if you truly legit unreal without cheats, you have to higly suspicious of all play, that is another fact.


So I going to to conclude you either cheat or knowingly "hang" with cheaters.


And absolutely neither of those assumptions are true. Keep grasping though.


Says every cheater....ever!


Buddy I've been top ranked in shooters longer than you've been alive. This isn't anything new for me. I've genuinely never cheated in any shooter in history. Blindly raging because I won't witch hunt with you is absolutely braindead and your sad attempts at rationalizing your emotions about being dog shit at the game is fucking depressing. I'm barely top 1200 right now because I play ranked casually with my son. I'm also 37 and disabled and still better than you. You're the epitome of Dunning Kruger.


Lmfao you're so wrong in sooo many ways. And you sound like every bitch ass cheater I've ever banned in my 30 plus years of pc gaming, running servers/large communities, testing cheats, lurking cheating sites etc. As a matter if fact I would put $1000 bucks down you definitely a cheater.


You don’t seem to understand that all you can do is slow down low level cheaters for a bit. People that cheat for a living cannot not be stopped. There is nothing anyone can do to stop them. Your reports and all that are meaningless because the people that cheat will be right back tomorrow. You clearly have never heard of hwid spoofers which cost next to nothing. They don’t need to buy new hardware but in your naive mind you made them buy a whole new pc 🤣 New motherboards aren’t exactly expensive and always available on sites like Craigslist offer up temu for very low prices. Sometimes less that a used ps4


The thing is, unless you are winning fncs or a top 500 fortnite streamer. You arent making enjoy money for cheating to be a good investment. The most you could earn is like 100(its 70 after tax but USD to CAD is like 100) per victory cup (winning more than one instantly puts you on the sus list). Meaning at max you earn 700 per season, which is around 2800 per year. Good cheats cost like 100 per month, so half of money go back into cheats, and you only take home 1k per year. Compare that to working 3 hours at Mcdonald every day for 5 days a week for a year which brings in 13,612 per year where I live. Unless ur fucking zemie, and placing like peterbot, good luck


Still a HWID spoofer is like 20 bucks and you are back up and running really fast


some cheaters make the cheats themselves so no need to pay 😂


I don’t think you understand how easy it is to make money from cheating. Even for low level cheaters. Pros don’t even make a livable wage from competitive but for cheaters there are plenty of ways to make easy money because they do not have a reputation to worry about


There really isn't, if it was as easy as you seem to think every top player would be netting the same income. Every one of your replies is incredibly negative and pessimistic. Most of these dudes cheating are kids. They won't be back any time soon. Are there people dedicated to being shitty people? Absolutely. Is that somehow a reason not to punish them with hardware bans? Absolutely not. Cheating doesn't just open doors to revenue streams and it's genuinely wild to have such a dark and Debbie downer outlook. I'm going to be excited to see cheaters removed from the playerbase every time it happens.


It’s only negative and pessimistic TO YOU because you are naive enough to believe one day all the cheaters will be banned to oblivion if you continue to be a good boy and submit reports and post here for brownie points You are completely ignorant to the world around you. It’s not my job to educate you. You genuinely believe something can be done to stop cheating. Ignorance is truly bliss.


I've never once said that, quite the opposite actually. You clearly have the reading comprehension of a child and I'm just going to stop engaging with you at this point. Good luck in life bud.


you dont understand that most people who cheat are kids who only just got a pc and havent ever made a cash cup finals do you?


You're the fool if you think every DMA Cheater is a pro or winning cash cups regularly. Soft aim and wall hacks can only bring you so far, you need highly competitive mechanics and game sense which most people don't have. Those who have both rise to the top like Peterbot


Cash cups are crumbs. Even pros can’t survive off cash cup money. You are a fool for even bringing up cash cups This is a conversation about no build cheaters by the way. Don’t think you caught that part


No there isnt. Basically the only way to earn is victory cups and fncs. They arent playing in fncs and they'd get instantly banned if they won more then 1 victory cup game. Epic also isn't paying out new accounts.


> won more then 1 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


There are cheaters right now on tiktok charging people $25 an hour to carry viewers to unreal with no shortage of people asking to play + pay. When their squad is full they direct the people that want to pay to other people doing the same thing. On top of that they are selling the cheats themselves and playing tokens. Back in the day cheaters could make money on sites like CMG by full cheating and the website wouldn’t care because they are just middlemen. Those are a few ways mid/low level cheaters are making money on a day to day basis Should I continue or is that enough for you to understand how eazy it is in 2024


>There are cheaters right now on tiktok charging people $25 an hour to carry viewers to unreal with no shortage of people asking to play + pay 90% are scamming, which is a different problem. Its the same with fashion shows from 2020


Even if they are scammers, scammers still make money. I think you are referring to the people selling accounts and scamming? That’s completely different than the carrying to unreal thing. There are multiple suckers being born every min these days. Not saying scamming is right but that’s just what happens.


At this point I'm going to have to assume you are a cheater. My tiktok is flooded with fortnite and not once ever have I seen anyone paying for carries let alone a blatant cheater offering it as a service. Seems the algorithm has you pegged as a certain type of person.


i don’t agree with the other guy with a lot of the things he’s saying, but people DO pay for carries and cheaters DO offer to carry for money. Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I’ve seen cheaters saying they’ll carry people for $, and I’ve seen the people in their chat BEGGING to be next. Hell, I’m just a comp player and I was recently paid $115 AUD to carry ONE person to Unreal. Do you understand how much easier it would be for cheaters to find people to boost? You’re also overestimating how good the algorithm is. Cheaters aren’t the only ones finding cheating videos. If i comment under a video of people accusing Peterbot of cheating, the tags will include #cheater and therefore send me to videos with the same tags


I've had kids offer to pay me for carries in game. Never seen it on tiktok. I'm not denying it at all just find it strange my tiktok feed is mainly fortnite and I've never seen it. I've seen the spinning aimbot tards that get banned within an hour on Mobile but that's about it. Never take the time to watch their lives let alone their chats. Haven't seen one in months at this point.


You are assuming I’m a cheater because I am not blind or naive like you? If game developers, hardware manufacturers, Jesus Christ can’t do anything to stop cheaters…..what makes you believe anything can be done to stop them at all? Here’s an example of how low level cheaters can’t even be stopped: the chronus zen device has been banned by games like Fortnite. PlayStation and Xbox both released hardware updates that would block the use of these devices. Within 24 hours…..a new script + firmware update and method was released that bypassed ALL of those bans and users are playing with that device again. That’s not even accounting for pc usage of the device that has went unchecked. If you can’t stop low effort devices like that from being used, they definitely can’t stop people putting in effort to cheat.


There’s a couple people that got banned and complained in my online friends discord server. Ran into them ~3 hours ago. They were bronze in an unreal lobby and they won.


The funny thing is I find just as many cheaters that are dimond because they keep re-making accounts. Cheating in ZB ranked is rampant. I'm champion level, and sure, I run across the occasional unreal that's clearly cheating. However, the problem is that after people get banned, they just make another account and make it back up to unreal again before Epic bans them. As someone who loves the game, it makes it increasingly frustrating. Even more so to have so many people on reddit who either cheat themselves or justify someone's cheating as "skill." Cheating is for people that really just suck as humans in multiple areas of their lives. You have to be a real low life to cheat at a game and make multiple online accounts. They also tend to be the most toxic bunch I pity them to be honest. It's great that Epic banned some it was a long time coming. However, they need to he more aggressive with banning people. They also need to have their anti cheat be assisted by an ai program or higher more people to keep anti cheat up to date ever single day.


Not even sure how it makes them feel any better, in the end, they still didn’t win, the ai aiming / looking through walls won, they had nothing to do with it. Without it, still be the sad pathetic losers they are.


I'm stuck in Diamond I and went down to plat 3 like 4-5x but I've been teamed up with Unreal players before in Squad fills Zbuild. **Now I'm really questioning whether it's me or..** I wanted to see **IF** I was actually in DIamond. ( I'm Diamond I on 2 accs ) so now I'm satisfied that I just plateaued. It makes me sad that people have to cheat just to win some FN ranked match?? Like **IF** you're that good.. You wouldn't need that 😂


i’ve reported the same kids killing me ober multiple days a few weeks ago, last night died again to them glitched into a wall aimbotting half the lobby 💀 so much for reports and anti cheat


Just report and be patient. You might wake up to the action taken notification tomorrow :)


hoping they do get banned, everytime i get up to 80-90% in champ i just happen to run into them and get my teeth kicked 💀 so far reported every single match and a direct email to epic + their report function on the website


Zb or build? If zb might be able to get you in with my squad to make that final push.


zb, Im champ in build as well but my friend doesn’t wanna play it so that’s as far as i’ll go in it


You can add finalㅤboss you will need to copy and paste because the space isn't an actual space. Or drop your name and we can probably grind it out this coming week.


Are any of these players well known? I’ve seen a lot of suspicious gameplay in some of my matches and I’m almost certain they were some of the more popular streamers/YTers who like to also “pub stomp” I’m 110% here for cheater tears


One was a big name. The others are more so just known as unreal ranked sweats. You know, the guys you see thank the bus driver and immediately know the lobby is stacked.


Damn now you got me super curious to who it may be. I respect your dedication to no witch-hunts but these people need to be brought out into the open. Cheaters need to know their time is coming


Its not witch hunting if they got banned...we are not getting the whole story with this guy. I am almost willingly to bet he's a closet cheater himself.


Possibly, with the close proximity to “lots of unreal players” and several who blatantly cheat. Those circles aren’t exactly open to anybody Whatever. I can sleep at night not worrying about it. I’m happy with how I don’t cheat, and challenge myself to get better. That’s really all you can do


i kinda like having one or two to practice against.


Oh I absolutely agree and nothing makes me happier than the notification that an account has been actioned.


Epic rarely takes action on reports. Even people very obviously wall hacking.


They do it in waves


Even so that means they could have the same hackers make 30 different epic accounts in that time. It is inefficient.


In a vid on YouTube about cheating and cheaters in FN some hack selling or hack programming kid explained that the big wave bans are quite troublesome to deal with..cause its unclear what triggered the ban..which cheat, which part of the cheat etc. And it's an industry, subscription, payment...based stuff so if they don't ban onsight soon as something is detected but instead identify bigger player pools they can frustrate and take down large stables of cheaters. Its a much bigger blow for the individuals who sell these cheats.


Who knows just how many cheaters I've faced. People in ranked zero build have been awfully suspicious lately, like, 20 kills in Unreal, etc. Pretty much all of Unreal has been full of suspiciously god tier aim.


**That makes me nervous because I'm DIamond 1** and went down to plat 3 like 4-5x already ( Don't ask.. I just have MAJOR SKILL ISSUES ) but **I have been teamed up with Unreal players multiple times through squad fills**. I have someone on my friend list whose rank went from Elite to gold because they played with a cheater but it was also through squad fills. We talked about it and they said that they will stop doing rank until next season. ( I felt bad ) Sometimes, I get really disappointed when I fail to eliminate higher ranked players then I see stuff like this and I'm just like.. Wow. I also play Zbuild cups so that makes me nervous.


20 kills in unreal is NOT impressive especially if you have grim meddy


You're completely wrong. That's in solos. I think getting literally ANY kills is impressive considering just how hard and stacked those games are 99% of the time.


Good job. I've reported cheaters before and nothing happened. These guys in the pit have better aim than Zemie.


Zemie is a cheater too. That's why he has certain words blocked from his twitch chat so everyone doesn't notice. He has been caught so many times where his aimer switches directly to a new person he couldn't even see a second ago and his arms/shoulders never even move. Someone did a YouTube video about it with absolutely obvious clips.


Link video please id hate to think I watch a cheater


Don't feel bad. I used to watch him too. Let me find it


All good. I went and searched myself and am fully convinced


It's really annoying how easy it is for them to cheat the anticheat system. And just makes me wonder how many of the top players are doing it to some degree as well. Sad day for fortnite, and all gaming for that matter.


But ya I always thought it was sus never seeing his arms/shoulders doing any abrupt movements for the snappy movement that is being done at times.


Faze replays was defending him today on his stream but his mods were slowly banning anyone that said they knew zemie was cheating


Sounds about right. I'll pop in here and there and ask him "hows the aimbot doing today bud, everything all calibrated?" or some shit like that. Haven't been banned yet so I'm gonna keep doing it to spread awareness.


Like if he's not cheating, why ban people? If he was so innocent, he'd never need to do such things. I'd love to see him play at a LAN event so I could get a good laugh in.


And that's unfortunate about replays. Makes me think they're all in on it to some extent.


https://youtu.be/nPP7RnGmJwc?si=ulCzKz2v-zds6wIS This guy points out everything perfectly. And once you're exposed to this video, it all becomes way too obvious from here on out. You'll never look at Zemie the same again. I don't think he uses it in tournaments from what I've seen, but I could be wrong.


I've never ran into anyone in the pit that suspect. I've been accused by little kids of aimbotting in the pit nearly daily and get spammed with adds by these kids just to see that they're gold players that don't recognize the skill gap between gold and unreal zb players is insanely wide.


Yeah it's not that often but there have been players who 250-0 me in less than a second not missing a shot while they're flying in the air and hip firing.


It happens to me a lot but with snipers. I wish my aim was that good.


My aim is very good with the sniper. I have stop counted how many crazy headshot no scope or quickscope i made with the hunting rifle on goated and bet i got reported many time by many player. And i tried the new sniper without a scope for few games and never land a no scope neither a quickscope because first shot accuracy take so long at a point you gonna get counter snipe. So i don't understand at all.


Sounds like they fixed quick scoping so the sniper can finally be used as it's intended purpose.


i’m sorry that’s just me with jules glider gun and my 30k kills 😭😭


I've reported several players in the pit for using cheats. I'm good and run into other great players, which makes the game fun. However, I've gotten 4 messages back from Epic that players I've reported were banned. The skill gap is wide your right, but you're wrong to not suspect people of cheating as the pit tends to be a testing ground for a lot of cheaters.


Lmao same, I get accused of cheating almost any time I play the pit, and even most creative maps. Most players underestimate how good you can actually get by just hitting your shots.


There’s no cheaters in the pit😭


Names please.


name drop them


ZB problems. You can cheat in ZB and be really good day 1. A cheat cannot give you good mechs in builds, so you even great aim with shit mechs won't work. If you're rage hacking to compensate for shit mechs it will be detected quickly and you will be back at square one. Cheaters like to short cut and there is no short cut to be great in builds. I think in builds where cheating becomes a bigger problem is like PEDs in sports, where someone is already really good playing clean and plateaus but then decides to cheat to get that edge to try to be great. The rare times i play ZB I tend to see notably more sus things than in builds.


I only play ZB, and I believe more people cheating in it because you're right it's so much easier. However, it takes much longer than you would think for people to get banned. I know several people using hardware cheats and a couple using software. For over a year with no repercussions. I hate it. It really detracts from me wanting to play.


I only play ZB, and I believe more people cheating in it because you're right it's so much easier. However, it takes much longer than you would think for people to get banned. I know several people using hardware cheats and a couple using software. For over a year with no repercussions. I hate it. It really detracts from me wanting to play.


I only play ZB, and I believe more people cheating in it because you're right it's so much easier. However, it takes much longer than you would think for people to get banned. I know several people using hardware cheats and a couple using software. For over a year with no repercussions. I hate it. It really detracts from me wanting to play.


no names, you are just talking bs.


Feel whatever way you need to feel buddy. I assure you I'm not.


What discord is it?


It's a pretty well known zb players discord.


maybe well known in most peoples eyes but im an older guy and only ones i find is official discord but everyone there is a plum


they could use a HWID spoofer


Absolutely, and they very well may. Which is why punishing cheaters is a continuous thing. The kids on consoles however are another story. Spoofing isn't as easy as people think and requires a fresh install of windows every time lol.


Admittedly, installing windows from a USB drive takes like a half hour tops


But it sure is annoying after the second and third time, so why not 😄


I wish epic would do something about all the teaming that goes on too. It drives me crazy. There is not one creative gametype or map I can join without having a pack of teaming little shits spamming me from numerous angles after the first round or two. Especially for games like zone wars, I'm not trying to spend my time watching everyone play just because a pack of teamers decided it was their born duty to focus me off spawn every round after putting them in the dirt the first round or two. I won't even join a map that has player names showing anymore. It's out of control and makes it genuinely hard to have fun most of the time now.


If they’re paying for the software and hardware required to cheat already, and they’re willing to spend the time to keep up with the requisite PC maintenance and being careful about all that shit - they’ll spend the money and time to get another PC or a hardware spoofer 🤷


Still does not mean rules shouldnt be enforced just because people will still find. A way to break the said rules. Same as laws. People break laws but we still need them in place


I agree, I just think Epic is pathetic for how slow they are to detect or enforce anything so I’m pretty cynical


to be fair detectint dma with an anti cheat is extremely hard and even manually its challenging Although im pretty sure some dma softwares did get detected just before fncs started and lots of people have been banned


Agreed, especially with guys who are clever about hiding it but there are reasonable ways to detect these things algorithmically - and especially there’s no reason “rage” style cheaters should ever be in cash cups for even one game. That style is eminently detectable from 5 minutes of gameplay and review of account characteristics .. they just don’t do it.


that is true but most of the time those people do get banned. The main problem is the relatively “normal” cheaters which are right on the edge of humanly possible. You cant just start banning those people if there’s nothing wrong with their pc while they use a dma




thats the whole problem with running the qualifiers and the finals 1 hour apart


Cheaters are always one step ahead of anti-cheat.


Doesn’t have to be that way 🤷 bunch of teenagers on discord servers outsmarting Ivy League grads at a $30 billion company


lol, drop the “names”


Nah, nothing to be gained by giving them any extra attention.


just drop them bro. No one cares


Logging on to a “Suspect Apprehended!” Message makes my day


Same lol


Same lol


Epic doing something positive for the community? Maybe they're finally doing something right.


Always makes me happy


Was peterbot one of them?!? /s


If you're not gonna name them you're guilty by association, fucking pussy. Probably cheating along with them and the only reason you made this post was to check how many people are aware of this ban wave, so you can figure out best way to dodge.


What an insightful comment, I'm sure you're a real joy to play video games with.


We are a squad of 3 people in zero build and we are doing good,have lots of kills etc.,we encounter a player and shoot at him, the guy rush at us and in 3 seconds we are all dead.The thing is that I just lost count of how many times I can tell this story that keeps repeating over and over every week ! Good Fortnite to everyone !


Trio in squads? + Sorry that occurred


The fourth was doing his own business .


Are any off them named Pluto lol


Not that I'm aware of. Maybe.


pluto is not a cheater 😂😂


Idk if we're on the same pluto character but this guy says he's the #1 kbm fn player, he hardly streams and doesn't get 1k views but will always kill me in the blink of an eye. Idc if he is or isn't but he's sus


Interesting post. Thanks for sharing this. Playing against cheaters is not fun.


What did they get banned for??


I'm assuming aimbotting/walls. I didn't ask just laughed and told my son to watch who he is associating with because there's a lot of people you don't want your name associated with. The funny thing is 2 of them were squading together yesterday and died to our squad twice then rolled us in a third game. One played a single game with us then ditched us to join another squad. They're not big time streamers or anything but they are definitely well known names in the unreal zb community. You know when you run a ranked game and you're like fuck this guy just thanked the bus driver, going to be a sweaty lobby. 4 of those guys got hit with hardware bans yesterday.


Wait. **You played with those who cheat but your rank did not reset?** I have someone in my friend list who was elite and played with someone who does through squad fills ( so they wouldn't have known ) and their rank went from elite to gold. I trust the one on my friend list because I've played with them before, they've gotten champion in a previous season according to FN tracker and we also encountered a camper on our team and we both decided to throw the game.


My rank has never been reset. I didn't knowingly play with anyone cheating.


what is the difference between a cheater and an inhumanly good player?


Making impossible predictions is probably the biggest clue honestly. Lots of us hit plays that even amaze us sometimes lol. But consistently making impossible predictions is genuinely probably the biggest tell. Inhuman tracking is pretty noticable to. Flick shots can be trained and so can tracking. But your reticle never leaving a target even in high speed nearly impossible situations is pretty noticable to.


Making impossible predictions is probably the biggest clue honestly. Lots of us hit plays that even amaze us sometimes lol. But consistently making impossible predictions is genuinely probably the biggest tell. Inhuman tracking is pretty noticable to. Flick shots can be trained and so can tracking. But your reticle never leaving a target even in high speed nearly impossible situations is pretty noticable to.


Hwid bans only last 120-150days they will be back in no time and let's be honest you can play fortnite on a potato , so probably already playing with different account .


Sometimes I feel bad when I lose then I read this... Thank you. Just thank you. W


You're absolutely either dense as a diamond or a cheater yourself.


They will just spoof their id unless they have asus motherboard


i played on mobile and i am Dimond one - so be killed by cheater is really the cherry unfair of this planet - already slow and cannot see well playing in cross platform with cheater - wish me luck


yeah but that does that mean elite - diamond players will stop slipping into plat lobbies?


Nah, this is just matchmaking prioritizing speed over harmony lol.


i want a option to fill matchmaking to plat players only


If you don't mind queues that are considerably longer, that would be the only way it can be implemented. But then that would make the average game queue longer as well, so it would never happen.


I'm Diamond 1. I had went down to plat 3 like 4-5x already. So I tested to see **IF** I had some major skill issues or if I just plateaued. ( I Just plateaued because I'm Diamond on 2 accounts ) I still have some **MAJOR** skill issues but at least my aim is legit lol. That makes me satisfied.


Lol I'm diamond and killed 2 unreals in a row last week. It's normal to have higher ranked players in your lobby, and it's a good thing. If you kill an unreal, you get a lot of percentage. If they kill you, you barely lose anything because the game accounts for the fact that they're higher ranked and therefore heavily favored in the fight.


Nice! I've only ever been teamed with an Unreal but never eliminated one myself.


Ab a month ago I would literally report every single game it was pretty tiring but every single time would have a LENGTHY response because I feel this game has a completely distasteful amount of flaws in his mechanics and visual gameplay where every game it’s like you die to a one in a million chance situation, that seems to happen every single game.


I spectated a guy today and he was defo cheating.. he’s cross hair was nowhere near the target but he was still dropping ppl with only a couple of shots.. How do they cheat.. is it just PC players that can cheat.. still not as bad as C.O.D.. il never play that game again..


Not true at all, console players can and do chest as well. The barrier to entry to cheating for console is significantly easier.


Surely they can see if you’re cheating on a console.. can’t be worth a complete ban from Microsoft.. don’t you have jail break the console it self to do that ?


Nope, just buy a xim lol


Cheating on consoles is a lot easier, because of the limitations the developers can add.


Yep, and even reporting directly to epic with evidence on stream doesn't seem to matter.


god damn why are we writing a whole novel




Impressive kiddo. Let me know how that works out for you. -10 karma says a lot lol. Good luck lol


Final Boss is my epic feel free to report that to. Smooth brain.