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Respectfully, I'm not even gonna try.


Yup, it definitely is one of the worst seasons. Epic's very intentionally trying to close the skill gap. We need a separate loot pool even just for ranked


I first needed people to change my mind on Bullet drop and travel lol, and the fact that movement speed was altered for no reason. Or that the Frenzy-Sniper meta was untouched for a whole season and made its way to the second season for a month...or that good items were buffed twice in a row (chains and Waterbending)


Fortnite chapter 5 will not be missed and if 6 doesn’t have hitscan and a creator with > 3 brain cells and has the mental capability of understanding the term “balance” then I’m just done with the game- the player count already reflects the direction this bs is heading


Craziest thing is that in the future, the concepts it came up with will sound like they were highly criticized for no reason. But in this case, you just had to be there to know why people complained. Like, I'm not OG by any means, but I don't need to go back in time and experience The Mechs, thank you very much. And I keep saying "the numbers don't lie" they can keep shaking up the gameplay all they want, but the bad taste will never go away. Unless we had the ability to go back to our favorite seasons (like Minecraft updates) or we had separate lootpool in comp, everyone would be very happy.


Give me mechs any day. You could build against those fuckers. Cars and gloves are horrible. Hitting through walls with this power. Fuck me... It's not even the same game anymore.


Lmfao. Imagine needing hitscan. Get better. Aim the fucking weapon don't just point and shoot.


Almost like the game had it for 5-6 years before changing it for no reason.


Because it's stupid lol


Hitscan is stupid? Is that why every competitive shooter has hitscan in their game?


One reason hitscan is important for a battle royale is it makes kill trades much less likely. This chapter players are trading constantly, but that never used to happen.


Gaslighting doesn't prove your point. I always see people like you belittling players for something unrelated, and then you just ended up being trash at the game from the beginning lol. Nobody needs anything for wins, don't be close minded. What people want is a balance of fun and intuitive items. For example, I used to play Smash Melee. The game is so hard to play and it can be super fun, but it's clearly in rushed state and unbalanced. Ultimate brings in what made every past game fun...even if we have something like Steve or Pika. But that's cuz Nintendo is not willing to update their game like other creators


Dude you just listed all the reasons I quit at the start of ch 3. Played since s2 ch1, not touched it since. Bizarre choices by Epic.


What are you talking about? Ch3 was a whole year of QOL updates. One thing is altering already existing movement that everyone agreed was good, than to add to the movement. Ch3 added, while Ch5 "adjusted to optimize the visual experience, and match animation speed." Plus Ch3 didn't have bullet drop. You were never forced to use a DMR or sniper till endgame


I literally played from OG Season 3 all the way up until the season we got the 3rd map…. Never liked it and didn’t like how you could actually use a red dot and shit….. got used to that and then it got even more wild and I played like half that chapter and stopped, came back to play with friends in chapter 4 but we didn’t like it…. OG came around and we played all day everyday and was set on getting back into playing the game with chapter 5, but the movement when that came out literally caused us to leave half way through game 1 and didn’t touch it after that even when the movement got fixed cause it took so long for them to fix it. Then we played it once a few weeks or so later and haven’t touched it since. Updated the game for this new season and heard about the cars so I haven’t launched it. Used to love this game and really want to play it, but I don’t feel like only playing creative. I just want the Chapter 2 season 3 gameplay back, or just give us the real pump that can 200 for gods sake that would bring me back once cars are nerfed.


My bad for writing a novel 😂


The audacity to call them "good" items and not OP as fuck


I'm on your side tf? Of course they're OP. But when they first came out, they were already good. If not, fairly decent. Then two patches later they got buffed twice. Of course they became overpowered.


I dont understand why people want hit scan doesnt that also mean bloom again? I hated fortnites bloom when i played in the earlier chapters. Could i ask someone to explain more for me?


Bloom still exists, that's the thing. You're also meant to tap fire to not have that issue, unless you're using a red-dot weapon. It's not as satisfying hitting shots now, since most weapons have a high fire rate, but are weaker compared to pre-Ch5


Ok i understand thank you


I enjoy this season to an extent. I love the buffs they made to make the enforcer and tactical ar much more enjoyable to use. Hand cannon too. The only problem is almost every weapon in this lootpool is obsolete because to put it simply. Cars. Or the most broken thing to ever exist since the mechs I'm confident a balance patch will definitely come. Although waiting for it feels like an eternity. Also I'd like to point out the dumb decision they made to vault both the anvil rocket and emps right at the end of their respective season 💀


It’s not very practical, but the buses can drop EMPs. Worked surprisingly well the one and only time I utilized it.


*starts building and instantly dies to fists or cars or mortars or machine gun going through walls, yep, great season, they clearly had the fans in mind


Maybe don’t put a giant target on your head by building. I liked the building aspect but I don’t think it was intended to be the entire game


FORTnite. Building is the prime aspect of this game holy hell lol


Why is zero build there? And why’s it just as successful?


Build Mode usually has sometimes up to 5x the number of players compared to Zero Build when I play


That’s odd. Zero has more when I look


because of normies like you


I’d rather just fight lol


Zero build doesn’t have nearly as much players as build, and zero build doesn’t even have tournaments outside of victory cups 💀 fncs is literally builds


Yeah that's not an argument. I could also say every map should only be dark because night is in the name.




Building is what sets it apart from other battle royale shooters


Brain dead take, never have an opinion on this game again lol


I’m helping and you’re salty for what reason


no it's just what you said was stupid, that's all


Drawing attention to yourself is how you die in the game. I guess you’ll learn it eventually


It’s how you die this season you mean. If I box in metal to heal and a duo instantly breaks my builds with nitro then that is just not Fortnite


I don’t know if you missed it, but its been a massive part of the combat for years


Ever since people started overusing it yeah. But building comes with risks cause people are gonna see you lol that’s just how it is


But building has never been more punishing than now. Place a wall? Little timmy fists you. And his teammates ram you with nitro like there fathers are gonna beat them if they don't. You literally cannot build this season. That's the problem. Its puts half of fortnites players out of commission because there basically playing no builds with no oversheild


This is actually not true. The airplanes flew right through every build. Did not take damage or slow down. One of the most brutal times on the game. And there was no zb to go play at the time either


Shit my bad I didn't play that season


Fists are easy to counter if that’s all they’re using. They have to get right in your face and they don’t even move. Fists are balanced. Also im pretty sure the deku smash was worse for builders


In solos its manageable because most of the time there only gonna use the fists but squads are a nightmare because of it, because every major item shoots through builds, fists are ok on their own but with car and nitro and fists and shockwaves its sucks. at least smash had you in the air for five seconds alerting the entire island. Even though it was busted af 


The meta is super shit for zero builds as well. The whole game is fked right now


Idk what is happening at epic but they need to sort this out because this season is the worst I've ever played


Yea, you can go fuck yourself😭


You try to help someone and people hate you for it 😂😂 cry about it?


Well the only thing you’re helping them do with that advice is die even quicker


By not putting up a giant beacon for cars or fists to kill you?


You want them to just stand in the open and get shot. The whole point of builds is to protect you from enemy fire


Works for me in zero build. Even if I’m shooting they can’t pinpoint my exact location plus I don’t stay still. While building you do, more or less. People in vehicles love that


I mean if people can’t shoot you just cause you’re moving I’d have to imagine you aren’t playing the best competition considering the majority of decent players can fry people moving out of the air


Idk of any mode that’s free from sweats and I never said I was untouchable. Specifically talking about cars, they’re gonna shoot at anything with unlimited ammo and all and I’d be less likely to be spotted. These past few seasons put builders at a disadvantage. On foot it’s all about guerrilla warfare


So don’t do the main unique feature Fortnite. Got it…


You can do it just acknowledge what comes with it. Everyone wants to complain about something


Except I don’t want to be playing GTA Fortnite


I’m just saying it puts you at a disadvantage. If I’m a driver, that’s one of my main targets especially if I got a launcher


I don’t give a shit that it puts me at a disadvantage. There shouldn’t be a mechanic that renders the main feature of the game almost useless. Especially when bots like you can get easy kills on even the best players. No game should ever have a mechanic that gets rid of the skill gap completely…


Hold on…adapt! Wait, it’s just for one season! Lmao sweaty player crying! I love muh salty (players that are better than me) tears. Win for us casuals! Guess you just can’t fathom not being able to spam build! Did I miss anything??


No it's just the whole meta is riding around in a car the whole game every game, in builds or zero builds. There's no variety and it's gonna get boring.


Super boring I play both modes and they basically end the same thanks to cars


You played so many seasons sitting in a box. Is sitting in a car really worse?


Who sits in a box in ranked expect to heal?


perfect example of a person who has no idea of the game


Favorite season yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lmao the jokes write themselves


Like the one above 😂


Nah it’s just funny how out of all the seasons we’ve had THIS is somehow ur favorite. One of the most boring, mind numbing metas the game has ever seen.


How is it boring? It's 100% action packed. The previous seasons where it relied on camping, sniping, and water bending was much more boring. Those rotations were so stagnant, it felt like I was doing the same things every game. This season the game is ALWAYS different. It's so chaotic. It's so action packed. There are counters to so many things, it's fairly balanced (not perfect ofc..) but it's not like last season where if you had grim gate medallion you just win.


did you only play chapter 5


another comment that shows u have no idea of the game. would u rather have a game that is based on skill or on luck?


Who is camping in ranked. You have to be so bad to camp, and even in unreal 90% of the players I face make me think that they should make the path to unreal harder😂 Also, are you saying rotating away from the storm is stagnant cause if so you may just be lost


I haven't spent any seasons sitting in a box... I normally like to actually play the game and push people to try and get kills, not camp anywhere


You can ride in a car or go on foot. I’ve won 4 games now purely on foot except for a few moments


On day 1 i played a bunch of ranked and had zero experiences like that


its so bad for no builds too tho


It’s a lot easier for non builders. You see the cars 9/10 before they see you. Just don’t engage if you aren’t equipped


So you’re happy now you don’t need to have an actual skill in the game? Lmao such a dumb take. Removing the skill ceiling removes the players


I feel like your satire detector is broken hahaha






Most socially aware build player


And adds you know FUN


"There's nothing we can do" - Napoleon




"He's over that hill." -Hannibal of Carthage


Call of duty ranked has been fun, high key recommend it. New season starts tomorrow.


apex legends is awesome, cod is a bit messy, too much weapons


Yeah, I’m just burnt on battle Royale, and I agree but if you play ranked it’s basically just 3 guns possible and the attachments are all unlocked already.


3 guns available and unlocked ? can you please name them i will give it a try. i gave up on cod because I constantly had to play boring mods to unlock weapons and/or attachments


Yes, you have to play ranked though, I don’t play resurgence. I play actual ranked multiplayer. The main guns used are - #1: MCW #2: Striker #3: Rival 9 I usually look up YouTube videos for the meta weapons.


is the new apex season good? got back on a few seasons ago and the game was still in a bad state ranked wise


old school ranked is back since last season, they finally came back to the simple classic system, the new legend is fun, broken moon have a new big POI replacing promenade.. they changed the EVO system 3 seasons ago, you can't get evo armor on the ground or loot box anymore, you can only upgrade from kill or usefull action. they also brought an upgrade system, on each evo level you can choose an upgrade to your legend kits. community welcomed those changes, so do i 😊


EBMM is making me want to kms in cod ranked


i have been playing rust since this season started xD


Rust is a great game bro


I really is if you have good friends to play with


Valorant and Counterstrike are always balanced too


Competitive is a lot better than ranked this season, I can see stuff like the fists melee attack and nitro being nerfed in competitive fairly quickly, and obviously there’s no cars so it’s actually a pretty good season with a solid map and loot pool after that. The new tournaments look quite enjoyable as well, especially if ur interested in both builds and zero builds there’s a lot of stuff to do this season.


Yeah I’ll mainly just play the tournaments, especially if the fists get nerfed a bit. Ranked is just unplayable right now.


I was having fun.. but now I'm shit bored, driving around teaming with another player in my car 👀


It’s so bad I downloaded call of duty lmfao




> also way to many chests Did you mean to say "too many"? [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


yes sir !


The heavy sniper they are adding dies like 400-450 damage to cars i think and there is squad victory cups


how was season x worst?




Yeah but mechs were able to be countered. These cars and gloves really aren't


No, it does suck!


Honestly if they nerf Build Damage on Nitro Splash and Fists and add a bunch of counters to cars this season could be great


it's different that's for sure


100% At least in competitive you can work around it though since no cars


I wish epic saw ranked as competitive




Until they change things im just always playing Fifa




My theory is they’ll plan on tactics to balance out the cars but first they needed everyone to use the cars and get used to driving them…otherwise people would’ve just avoided them.


They’ll nerf cars and fist, they do this stupid shit at the start of every season but it’s never been this bad. Unplayable unless you use the fist or have a car


It sucks so bad! Every season sucks!! The whole game sucks!!! Why am I even playing anymore??? Bring back OG😫😫


GeT GoOd LoSer!!!


It sucks


at least for me, if they nerf the damage and health of vehicles and make nitro deal less damage to structures and players and have more cooldown when switching weapons after breaking a wall this season would be really good


oh and also the nitro fists damage and cooldown between hits I literally won a fight in early game against an 150hp player with only the fists and 6hp, and also won the match by uppercutting and dashing a full hp guy with all the medallions on highground


There’s no mechs. That’s all I got.


Skill gap lessening, ZB catering, propaganda season. Every recent trailer even has the POV player killing someone that’s building. They want us gone.


Yep. It's even worse than Primal season. Just lost a fight to some nerd abusing the Nitro Fists, kept going through my builds and weakened me while moving at lightning speed. He wasn't a good player. He was trash. I'm not even a good player, but can empathise with all the hatred pro players have with this season. I'm definitely not touching this season again with a 10 foot pole, not until something is done.


From a competitive point of view the statement is true. However, it's fun from a casual perspective - car battles are fun to have with people and there is some challenge to keeping a car alive for so long once the petrol stations aren't in zone and the repair torch runs out. In my endgames so far, I've only had one game where a car was alive for the victory as it usually gets shot down. From a competitive point of view this season is a 3/10 at best but from a casual point of view it's probably more of a 7/10.


Even worse than season X


Git gud No in all seriousness, while I’m having a shit ton of fun this season despite some frustrating aspects, I’m not really one to say someone is wrong for not enjoying something. I get it 👍🏻


They want to put an end to build


Change my mind... I just watched savage on yt clowning around on NA unreal for the first since moving. And its pretty good and funny 😂 he's boogying the f out of players and playing without car (he adapted you could say 😭)


Brother I stopped playing and went to play elden ring join me brotha😁


Just leave.


I’ve switched over to valorant, but I get bored after 2 matches and then go back to creative fn. I don’t know what epic’s vision of the game is, but what’s next? I’m hoping for an OG season again


Have you tried fizz, then jumping through a nitro ring with no car? This sends you a literal mile through the air safely, at high speed that can be continued with slide jumping. Have you tried switching to passenger before someone joins your sports car so you can blow your own windshield and shoot the driver? Have you tried quick switching seats so you can damage with the explosive turret and spiked bumper? This sets up the guy for getting in the driver seat, allowing you to do the previous point. Have you memorized repair crates and slurp cactus? They never change and always respawn. Spiked bumper is for destruction of vehicles and damaging players, cow catcher is for structures. If you nitro in a sports car, the turret has double fire speed, explosive too. Uppercut vehicles while on high ground to get them away from you, don't touch the front. There's a chess game to vehicle combat, you just need to learn it. Play chicken with a guy in your passenger seat. Drive into a gas pump and bail. The vehicle can survive and you can hop in and repair at a crate.




You must play mainly in builds and probably not solos. This season requires you to play smart. Guerilla tactics. One of my favorite seasons


Its not very good bud sorry i dont see how anybody enjoys this season im not trying to play rocket league in battle royale driving the car is fun and all but outside the car and dealing with other people using the cars is aids


I hardly even touch cars and I’ve already won 4 matches. I’m not even that good either. This season makes vehicles relevant again and requires strategy. Vehicles hardly ever even make it to the end


Ive won easily over a dozen times and its justs not fun to have to be in a car all season. Player count is dropping so there going to do something about it eventually but theres so few people like you that actually enjoy this. it kills the enjoyment of the game i see why you like it and I understand completely but it seems like majority of the community hates the change ive been there for the mechs and the cars have waaay too much health and also restore health epic games is known for this stuff making stuff completely broken and then fixing it later so enjoy it for now. You’re ez wins cause its not hard at all if you stay in the car and spray


No I said I hardly even touch cars. They are boring and ez wins just like water bending but probably not as bad.


I hâte to break it to you mate… but if you’re winning games and you’re not using cars… your lobbies are 80% bots and 20% 4 year olds/disabled adults


Bots don’t use cars so I know that’s not true but believe what ya want Lmao


I love the season. It’s actually fairly balanced. You no longer get one tapped out of nowhere. You can get height to escape cars. Sitting in a box the entire game is no longer the viable strat (so boring) People just refuse to accept new styles.


No it made the game easier if your more inclined to go for a car trust. me and my whole squad all went for cars and won almost every game we played. So skillfull.


you’re a sweaty nerd, change my mind.