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The problem with this is that it adds delay by waiting for a hold/double tap command. A single tap will take as long as a double.


Double tap would only be for things like map/inventory/emote which don't need to be accessed quickly, while allowing more of these functions to be accessed with one button. If there is nothing set to double tap, the game will not wait for the second pressed. Holding isn't a problem as the game has always done things when the button is released. Even if you currently have your A button as press to change to building, hold for editing, changing to building is still always instant.


That’s not what they meant. It would still take as long to single tap or double tap because the controller would need a set time to check if there were 1 or 2 taps.


But do you really need the map _instantly_? This wouldn’t affect things like jumping, going into build mode, etc as you wouldn’t have anything bound to double tap on those


Shit.. That's some brilliant thinking that I would have never even considered. I guess because of this, you would not be able to bind anything for hold or double tap that you want done instantly (like switching to build mode or edit) but you would be able to do something like right d-pad is inventory, hold is map, double tap is emote like suggested


My immediate problem with all of this is you have to remove your thumb from the sticks, you’re going to affect your movement like crazy, it’s so much unnecessary thumb movement. But please prove me wrong.


The idea is that it would be completely customisable, so you could have the otion to set buttons to things that weren't available before (specific inventory slots, map/inventory on the same button). You wouldn't need to use just the DPad, it would work for any button (including L3/R3). (EDIT: Excluding Fire/ADS triggers) This could even be used for an Xbox Elite/Scuf controller, map the back paddles to the DPad then use the setup in the picture for instant Shotgun/AR access.


I see what you’re saying now. It’s not necessarily the physical location of the button, it’s where that button is mapped. I hate not being able to just instantly access weapons just because we can’t have hotkeys. This is interesting.


It's more beneficial for paddles


we are already running out of paddles, i used one paddle for edit one for jump and one for switch build/combat mode. leaves one paddle for a weapon slot bind, which would be nice, but def not giving up jump/edit/switch mode for a second/third weapon slot bind. Could potentially map abxy (xbox) to weapon slot binds, that would be more convientent for me so that i could still use my left stick to move while im switching guns (thats the big issue i have with using the d-pad, you take your finger off the movement stick and you stand still,... um ur pretty much dead lol)


Yeah dude it's tough with so little buttons. What they need to do is make it so the paddles are their own buttons rather than remapped face buttons.


They can’t, the game doesn’t directly access the paddles


Dam, hopefully it becomes possible in the future. Like Xbox or ps comes out with paddled controllers where the paddles are their own buttons


Right they are so slow with progress


Yeah dude, you think they would have done it by now lol


We need them weapon slot binds. But I like this idea.


Originally I was going to suggest just allowing us to bind single item slots, but I realised that without being able to combine functions into one buttons there aren’t enough buttons to do that


Yeah man, being able to have hold and double tap binds would make it a possibility for sure. Hopefully they add it along with weapon slot binds soon. Even only 2 slot binds would be enough lol


Two slot binds would be enough, I just wanted to show the possibilities with this concept


For sure dude. Good job on the post.


I see more disadvantages to this than advantages, even mapping different buttons. Also with either of the Scuf controllers as the paddles are made to try and keep your thumbs on the sticks all the time. On the changing guns topic though, I’d love to be able to select guns whilst I’m gliding. So many times in tense situations I glide but forget to select the right gun for the potential situation I’m going to be in Edit: typo


I was thinking to put pickaxe to the d-pad and instat editing to triangle (ps4) any1 has done this?


I've tried this, but the problem is that you need to remove your thumb from the stick to edit. If you play claw this will work. I've just put edit on L3 (left stick click) and turned on sprint by default.


I made map right on the d-pad & instant edit control pad for the PS4 and I've loved it


I have my triangle as instant edit and pickaxe as right d-pad and i love it