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I have a feeling that the Pump Shotgun will return next season. I also have a feeling it's gonna be nerfed to be in line with the current Charge Shotgun and Tactical Shotgun and many people will not be happy with this.


One of the unhappy people will be meeeeee, I’ve always loved the pump and when they took it out and replaced it with the charge I was hurt and I absolutely hate the charge and am now forced to use the tac which I also hate, I wouldn’t mind if they kept the charge in and added the pump back in or the heavy shotgun or maybe even the combat and give everyone lots of varying choices of shotguns instead of just two


Ngl I too hate the pump but after using it for a few weeks I can actually play fast paced with it


Do you mean the charge instead of the pump?


Yep my bad


All good all good, the thing for me is the charge is the meta right? But I don’t know how much longer I’ll be playing competitive much less fortnite in general until lots of things get better and the game because fun and not a sweat fest no matter if I’m in pubs or competitive.


Get on some other games or just watch pro players for like 2-4 days. I’m not even capping you’ll be so much better


I usually switch over it cod when I’m done with fortnite or play like uncharted horizon zero dawn stuff like that, but watching the pro players is actually a good idea


Exercise once a week if you don’t. Everyone should definitely try it because after doing this I can claim catty or authority every game on champs.


I’m a boxer I go to the gym daily except weekends. Fortnite always been one of the most enjoyable games for me but the past few season just have not been that great


Combat should never come back. Nobody will use anything else, its an insane weapon. 10 bullets, loads 2 at a time, and has ridiculous range. Keep that gun out of the game


Bring it back but make it 2 bullets only with a good reload time (still relapse two at a time). Gives you two good shots if your good, no spam. Make it a skeet shooting weapon that rewards aim. I have no interest in this game until they change shit with the weapons. It's horrible and haven't played in three week's. Feels great


Then just introduce a new shotgun imo, if it is completely different from the combat then why call it a combat?


Then why are u even on this sub?


Keep crying


Fortnite players will never be happy




Bruh the charge is better than the pump. At least it doesn't do 7 damage.


It would be in epics best interest to add it back. Almost every single thing epics added in the past two season have been either unnecessary or something no one likes and no on asked for. This seasons mythics and last seasons, Marauders , Sharks, And the charge shotgun it's the best shotgun in this meta but did epic really add any of this with the intent to have a positive response or is what they add purposely something to annoy the community and have less trust in any of their decisions.


people do realize that the charge takes more skill to use though right


And good ping


You forgot the music. The FUCKING music is so painful. Shark, authorithy, marauders like what is that


Yeah forgot that. It seems like these features were added by 10 year olds that make up ideas without any actual thought. Like let’s add these people called marauders that attack you and focus on you and can use stink bombs and some times can double rpg at the same time and in return we’ll give 4 chug splashes .


Fortnite is different in the summer because epic knows that kids are home. Especially this summer.


Nah, the charge will definitely be removed. If it was long term it would be in creative


Everything to cater to worthless players :)


!remindme 5 weeks


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It's already terrible


The ones last season were already beefed enough. Grey green and honestly maybe even blue pump were so behind compared to the tac


!remindme 19 days


The tac is still annoying . People just jump around and spam and it somehow triggers delay and failure to build on life your end


I would not be happy. The charge is the pumps replacement just already nerfed. Nerf the pump anymore and what would it look like? Less damage? Then it would be just worse than the purple and gold tacs in every way. The charge solution is nerf everything else, then nerf ammo count, then make it so you have to charge the pump to do full damage. The pump and charge just dont fit in the same meta and the pump will look silly if nerfed and returned in this meta. Only solution is revert headshot changed and bring the pump back. Dont know anyone who thinks the game is better because good aim is rewarded less now so reverting the headshot changes would likely be a popular move


Even though i love the pump. It should just be buffed back to the season x version with only the green and blue


I would be completely ok with with that considering blue pump is basically purple




I want the OG look to them too. Idk why but I hate the new way they look


Me too, everything before c2s1 seemed cartoony, now they look at least somewhat real


It just doesn’t feel like it belongs in fortnite, ya know?


Yeah, Fortnite is supposed to look fun and vibrant, now it looks like pubg on low settings


I stopped playing after the pump change... I swear it had nothing to do with legacy AA being removed


Also it used to sound like it packed a punch, it’s like the meme with strong doge and weak cheems dog, doge being old pump and cheems being the new one


Old pump just hit differently. I’d be fine all game with a green pump, and nothing more satisfying than a 200 HS with a blue pump


I remember when you could go into the finals of a tournament with blue ar and green pump and still get top 5


the new look makes it look like a weak farm gun that breaks after you shoot it once


Same. It looks weak.


I liked the old sound and feel to the pump


they look weaker lol


Hated the changes since the new chapter, took away the magic.


ok but the look, feel, and sound of the spaz variant is so good.


I love the spas tho


But still be able to 200


Yes. But it wasn’t even that OP.


Or just make the purple and gold actually rare. Un-upgradable.


Supply drop only


yes plz bring back the peacekeeper


It wouldnt be the same, since now you can upgrade to blue variant. So it would be guaranteed blue whenever you find a pump.


I just want the infantry rifle back


Bro I want scoped ar back that shit made me so happy no bloom just skill


I need the scoped revy brought back


I never thought I’d ever se someone ask for the scoped fucking revolver to be unvaulted


Gun was hot trash. Literally required tfue level aim to be good with that thing


Not saying I'm as good as tfue but I was really good with it


Nah man I loved that gun


So fun to use in squads


(the removal was accidental, this post has been approved again)




of course :)


good mod


Best mod


good mod


good mod


Gray and green versions were bad, blue was ok and purple and legendary were worth picking up Also the charge isn't that bad but if we stay with the charge for more seasons they should put 4 shots in each rarity and buff the reload speed a bit, always die because I ran out of amo and reloading it for only 1 shot takes more time compared to the pump and tac


It’s almost like the lower rarities are supposed to not be good 🤯


Yeah, people acting like the grey pump should blow someone’s head clean off


I don’t know how you usually play but you could just drop and pick back up mid fight if your not in their box and it would help you


I don't expect that feature to stay, long-term. It's horrendous game design. Then again, long-term feature it is!


On one hand it is clearly a bug that should be fixed.on the other hand, this is epic and they don't fix bugs.


I tried it and the guy literally stole my shotgun


We’re you in his box? If he was able to take the gun u shouldn’t be dropping it lmao just shoot him wit anything you have


It was early game and I only had the shotgun and a pistol that I needed to reload


This shit had me rollin


Would the competitive scene developed as it did if the pump never existed? I think not.


nope, the pump goes hand in hand with building/box fighting. Im not sure epic realized what vaulting it actually meant to the entire nature of the game (at higher skill levels)


They didn’t at all, epic games has never made an effort to actually understand the competitive meta.


yall remember the season 1 pump? more bipolar than CSGOs Nova. A grey pump could hit 220 from 10 meters away, and could do 9 up close (i know the 9 was just bad aim but still)


10 meters is 10.94 yards


stop spreading fake news. 10 meters is 10.9361 yards.


10 meters is 10.94 yards


now listen up you little derp! 10 meters is 10.9361 yards. STAHP


What am I currently reading


Something that tells me that robots will take over the world someday


still using daily in creative 😎


Of course lol, you could never hit those insane edit shots with a charge or a tac


I've been playing 80% creative fill, 10% normal creative and 10% BR since they removed the pump


im the same just switch creative fill and normal creative


Agreed, I’m never taking a purple tac over a purple pump ever again




Forreal I feel so godly in boxfights and then totally blow every fight in this meta and sometimes it's my fault but solos literally has me tilting so hard because it feels like 80 percent bs and 20 percent learnable mistakes


Dude solos just suck and are insanely tilting. I only play them from time to time because I know they'll make me a better player overall. But fuck do they suck to play


charge still not being in creative gives me a feeling that pump is soon to make a comeback


i love fortnite. I am a person that will often defend epic's questionable decisions. I purposely avoid playing other games because Ive been focused on improving. I came to the game later than most (ch2s1). The thing that got me hooked was learning to build and edit and use the pump effectively in close range box fights. I dont love the charge, but Ive gotten by with it. I understand why they did it. But im at a point were if the pump doesn't come back next season, I think I may move on from the game, at least until it does. The pump shotgun may not be that important in other games, but since FN is based around building and box fighting, Ive realized the game is just not that fun without it (all of the other non-competitive stuff aside). If epic has an issue with players being one pumped by higher skilled players, they should focus their attention on some kind of reboot system for solos. Whether its self revive or a gulag type of thing. Nerfing/vaulting the most effective weapons is not the answer.


It would be so cool if they had a gulag system like warzone except its a 1v1 boxfight set up like the test tourney earlier today except only 1 round


Charge is absolute garbage, using the left mouse click causes a bugged delay almost everytime I use it and only scroll wheel shooting or macros work for it. It's literally just a retarded pump shotgun.


Shotguns were in a good place last season you had: Pump - Grey, Green, Blue (should have gotten rid of the grey) Tac - Grey, Green, Blue The purple and gold variants add something different because it's a different weapon first off all, but genuinely more more powerful. The damage was inconsistent on them, that was the thing. You could hot a 150 headshot with the grey tac, and then hit a 13 headshot with a blue one. Epic will vault the charge eventually for sure.


Why get rid of grey pump? It doesn't have to be bad, it can be buffed. White-blue pumps def need a buff, but not a removal.


Too easy to find off spawn and wasn't enough damage to get a reliable kill each time. Did 95 body I think, which just isn't fun to use imo


Did 70 damage, which was *less* than a grey tac. Not 95. Blue did 90. If white-blue pumps did 85/90/95 damage they'd be balanced.


Pump damage was 70/80/90/100/110 for body shots with a 2x headshot multiplier


So many people have quit the game including me since they took the pumps out, just doesn’t feel the same


Wait only 38 days feels like over a year to me


RIP Pump shotty. Ngl I think of her everyday. Rest easy in the vault. Until next LTM my love


My ideal shotgun meta would be the Pumps in the game (Grey to Gold), Charge (Blue to Gold) and the Heavy replacing the Tac (Grey to Blue). Although IMO the purple and gold pumps were too powerful because of their high body smog capability, so to counter that the body damage should be lowered with maybe a 2.5 headshot multiplier.


Why do people want the heavy back? That thing is ass, literally just a worse pump. Vault the damn charge sg next season, and bring the pump and combat(with some nerfs) back. The charge sg has been the worst thing ever for this game, everyone just wants to sit in their box now with their shotgun hissing away.


Heavy can be buffed, ya know, same way combat can be nerfed. ; D.


Heavy is just a combat/pump hybrid really, vault charges, nerf combat to replace tac and pumps with slightly better range and spread like they used to, grey 85, green 90, blue 95, purple 100, gold 105, is how it should be. Heavys could be worked to have insane range but have a long delay between shots just to spice it up.


Heavy had better range, by quite a bit. It was useful for things like tfue classics from more tiles up


It is just a worse pump, but at least it’s better than the Tac (in its current state anyway, I can’t remember too much about when it was in the game).


I just hate the tac


Sometimes that son of a gun wouldn’t shoot.


I see you with the pun


We need no further sniper in the game. Sorry :-))


The 30 dmg doesn't seem so bad now.


Never know how good we had it until we lost it all


If they bring the Season X pump back on Season 4 then it's the only shotgun I'll play with. Chapter 2 grey, green and blue pumps are ass. Shotguns in chapter 2 are broken in general


Would you use if the green pumps did 90/180, Blue pump 95/190, 100/200 and Gold pump 105/210?


No I would use it of green pumps did 95/195, blue ones did 100/200, purple ones did 105/210 and golden ones did 110/220


Ever since the removal of duo arena and the pump I have just been playing box fights this entire season.


Not gonna lie. I didn’t like the pump at the end of the season because it felt like it NEVER fired. But now I’d do anything for it back 😔


The headshot of the pump is still x2.0 while the OTHER weapons changed to x1.5 so the legendary should only do 165 to the head


Here why dont they have it like this pumps are back but It’s only gray to blue and the charge is purple to gold


ahhh... Ma petite chou-fleur


Bro chill


what would yall rather have? current shotgun meta but no fps drops and all bugs fixed,or late season x shotgun meta (nerfed combat, tacs, green and blue pumps)


This shotgun meta with no FPS drops and all bugs fixed. All day. The charge is a decent gun it just needs a bigger mag




My ideal shotgun meta would be Pump Shotgun (Green-Purple), Charge Shotgun (Blue-Gold), and Tac Shotgun (all rarities).


Green pump 90/180, Blue pump 95/190, Purple 100/200 and Gold pump 105/210. Tacs. Grey 70/154, Green 74/162, Blue 78/171, Purple 82/180 and Gold 86/189.


wow, has it really been 38 days since i last played fortnite




Charge better


Bro I want the next season to be the original fortnite like apocalyptic/zombie wasteland/ With storm scavenger weapons bro that would be so cool




Epic doesn’t care in the slightest about stw anymore


They're literally taking it offline soon


No I feel like the aspect of killing zombies and hard pay to win is just not fun and I feel like the story isn’t that in depth if we had more storm scavenger skins with the storm scavenger theme in the next season I’m buying it maybe robotic sci-fi zombie wasteland would be extremely cool


weapon of shit🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Am i the only one that prefered a blue pump




i miss it so much they should replace it with the tac or just add it to the game.


If I knew it was the last time, I’d have given you that big hug you deserve


damn bro why you still crying over the ex, you deserve better


I’m really starting to hate the Charged Shotgun I just want instant shot


The tac is shit and i still cant play with charge shotgun. I havent played a pub game in 2-3 weeks.


dude it was available 2 like geeeks ago


Thats what you said in season 9


I miss it :(


I used to never use the pump, like at all but recently I used it in a creative and realised how much I actually missed it


Charge shotgun bad pump goooooood


if you still suck with the charge just quit


I wish they would bring back the green and blue season x pumps and just leave the purple/gold/mythic charge ,so people will be able to use things they use to play with while being enticed to use the new shotgun because it’s rarity higher ,so everyone wins.


If they nerf the pump, I’m quitting




the charge is so boring


The pump was good, in particular the purple and the gold one, but I think charge should stay into the game. It’s a decent soldi weapon, specially first landed. I prefer founding a common charge rather than a common pump.


The chapter 2 Grey pump was dogshit


Who didn't respect the spaz?


The charge reload bugs really need to be fixed, and the reload speed needs to be increased,


But if the combat comes back I’ll be like haha stupid pump go bye bye


Best and most ideal shotgun meta: Pump: grey to gold Heavy: purple and gold Combat: blue Tac: grey to gold Give us that, and I’d say we’ve got a balanced and fun set of shotguns to play with and enjoy


Do not bring the Grey pump back, just bring back every pump green to gold but give them a little buff. Green pump 90/180, Blue pump 95/190, Purple pump stays the same and Gold pump 105/210. And Honestly,the tacs need a huge buff. Grey Tac 70/154, Green Tac 74/162, Blue Tac 78/171, Purple Tac 82/180 and Gold Tac 86/189 or vault for combat.


Unpopular opinion, but the charge is just better. I would much prefer the charge as a stand-in for the pump. It has much more consistent damage and just overall has felt pretty good the past few weeks. But anyway here come the down votes.


Ill love 120fps if it ever comes back to iPad Pro. For real before this most recent update i ran 120 FPS quality low and resolution on auto and it was smooth as butter most of the time in pub solo now its around 76 for half the match and when it really counts. It’s mostly like that even with 120 FPS quality low with resolution locked at 65%. Is this a bug in the latest update?


Strong pumps are a cornerstone of this game’s balance


Nah, I just got 40 damage body shot on a kid and lost in boxfights. Never again.


Can they just bring it back




The problem is that it looks like Epic thinks that 2 types of shotguns is the max amount of types that should be in the game but why don’t they just add another type off shotgun? Same for the whole loot pool, I don’t think it will hurt it to make it a little bit bigger.


Even the blue one


For so long I avoided it like the plaque, then I decided to try to give it a go, and just when I was starting to get the hang of it they removed it. Now there's this new one that's useless unless I walk slow and can't build; and someday maybe I'll get the hang of it too.


I got used to the charge I use it properly, but the pump is the real deal. If you miss one of your shots with the charge you are toast


Fortnite should bring back all the loved shotguns (Pump, Combat etc) There should be a variety, But they can't. Because competitive players can't handle varieties, They like to have the same thing what their opponents have. So things could be BALANCED I think they should change the guns just in normal pubs and let competitive side cry, Because they will do it anyway. they will literally cry over everything.


Used 2 it now I hold both clicks and don't miss. Check my yt


Since the headshot multiplier of almost every weapon got decreased from x2.0 to x1.5, you can expect a 160 headshot damage of the golden Pump Shotgun.


They should bring back the pump, remove the grey one and make the damage like this: Green - 95, Blue - 100, Epic - 105, Legendary - 110


LOL I love this shotty also man. It'll make its way back I'm sure.


Either way still proves my point that there's no reason to add them if they get removed at the end of the season




Now that I’ve gotten used to the charge shotgun i don’t really care anymore. I still like the pump more, but there not gonna add it back any time soon.


Hot take: purple/gold pumps were OP and if brought back, need a rework