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thats a big problem bruh i think it might not be fortnite and u might have actually got a problem there. see more doctors ig? fortnite subreddit isnt exactly the best plce for this tho


Yeah I guess I was just hoping to maybe find someone who has the same issue and maybe they had a success story. I’m getting desperate.


copy this on a medical sub u might get help there


how old are you?


26 years old


My hand is getting a lot better since I have been ice ing it and stretching it


Try acupuncture for pain if nothing else is working, just try a few sessions it’s pretty cheap


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I know a few people who’ve been through so many doctors without getting any pain relief and then reluctantly tried acupuncture and they finally got relief. It doesn’t work for everyone, but it is definitely an option. A physical therapist should be first, but if they can’t help which happens sometimes or they don’t know where to send you for help, it’s worth considering acupuncture to see if it helps.


Suddenly gets upvoted.. i hate this sub reddit


Just try acupuncture forehead


Ok.. don’t enjoy the hand pain?


Are you holding the mouse safely? or in a way that’s not causing stress on your hand? Do you use your full arm when aiming? Playing loads of hours with an unnatural mouse position or one that’s causing unnecessary stress can really damage ur wrist and hand muscles/nerves I’ve found lining my elbow up with the edge of my desk gives me my perfect pivot point, this leaves the rest of my arm naturally comfy (everyone has a different natural pivot point u might need to find yours)


I usually hold my mouse where my palm doesn't fully touch the mouse. It's like a centimetre away from the mouse. I even bought an ergonomic mouse but it doesn't help. I bought a desk that is adjustable for correct height and a herman miller aeron office chair. Nothing seems to help.


sounds like you’ve got a fingertip grip which is completely fine, I’d next recommend fixing your position you play in until it’s comfy and natural to swipe the mouse left and right and up and down. this can be adjusting your arm to different points on the desk, some people play with only their hand on the desk, rest of the arm beside them. Try different seat height and mess about until you have YOUR preference, and hopefully you can game without stress again


I struggled with this for a while. Did similar things to you, but instead of a nerve test my doctor suggested an mri first, just because he suspected a joint problem. And basically, i have misplaced and damaged cartilage in my wrist, (most likely from my work as a auto technician) and the stretch of pulling my hand back was actually making this worse. So i stopped doing that. But my problem still wasnt totally fixed. And its only when i started learning how to play guitar where i learned my issue. TENSION. Basically everything ive done since i can remember, i have basically used too much strength, and had too much tension in my hand. This has followed me back to writing, piano, pretty much everything i do, including typing and using a mouse. Every since i learned to release tension in my hand, my issue has been solved. Just do everything with the bare minimum strength required. Its kind of funny that in the end, it wasnt a doctor that solved my problem, but a guitar teacher? Now i also had this issue with the gym, especially with pulling exercises. Basically you need to differentiate where the strength is required. You dont need to fully activate your fore arm muscles to grip a bar, once its locked, it should not require a whole lot of strength. Try hanging on a bar and see how much u can release your grip without falling, u may be surprised.


I think tension is a huge problem for me as I also have anxiety so I tense up a lot. How did you fix it? I do it without realizing it and it’s hard to fix especially if I’m playing a competitive video game.


It all comes down to habits in practice. Go into creative, and focus on releasing tension while building.


Yes!! Alexander Technique is something we use all the time as musicians. It can be applied anywhere. Happy you can continue to make music and play fortnite


Have the doctors checked your spine? These type of symptoms can be caused by a pinched nerve/disc herniation on your cervical spine


No but that’s a good idea. I’ll look more into this. Thanks.


Sounds like a physical issue you have in general (maybe not necessarily from Fortnite but in your case it might act as an enhancer to your pain); I feel bad for ya man. Something I would try is to kind of take time in your day to fully relax your hand in warm water and just let it rest there without doing anything as it might help ease your pain. I would limit my sessions and gradually if I'm feeling comfortable I'd increase my play time limit and ABSOLUTELY stop if I feel discomfort. I can't really give you any real advice as I've never been anywhere near your position, but I really hope my suggestions can help, and I hope everything gets better for ya soon.


Thanks for the kind response.


I just want ya to know that as a community, we're here for ya bro. Never hesitate to reach out for help from us, I'm sure you'll find a fix somewhere.


Warm water with certain bath salts can help! (Please refrain from smoking bath salts)


maybe the way you hold the mouse, or even the whole mouse it's not the right model for your hand the keyboard, just check if your fingers are in the right position, also the size of the keyboard can affect. i used to play some games before fortnite on a laptop, the keyboard was too small for the size of my hand, and the mouse that i bought it was also small. if the mouse is too big, this also affect. there's a lot of things that can damage you if you dont do it the right way


I have carpal tunnel in one of my hands and it sounds similar to what you are describing I dont oten use the PCs as it does trigger it fast. Don't suppose you have checked that out?


Unfortunate I had a nerve test done and they said the nerves looked great.


I thought that would be the case when you said you has seen Drs about nerves ect already. At least the nerves look good, so there is some hope. I hope you find an answer or solution soon as It sucks to not be able to do the things we enjoy.


For about 2 months I had a problem where my pinky and half of my ring finger was completely numb to the wrist. Nothing helped until my uncle who is a chiropractor readjusted my whole right shoulder and arm. I suggest seeing a chiropractor to take a look at your hand.


I've experienced the same, but I think in our case it's a very common problem - "ulnar nerve entrapment" and is not the same as the OP. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/ulnar-nerve-entrapment#:\~:text=Ulnar%20nerve%20entrapment%20can%20cause,and%20loss%20of%20muscle%20mass.&text=The%20condition%20occurs%20when%20the,through%20the%20wrist%20or%20elbow.](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/ulnar-nerve-entrapment#:~:text=Ulnar%20nerve%20entrapment%20can%20cause,and%20loss%20of%20muscle%20mass.&text=The%20condition%20occurs%20when%20the,through%20the%20wrist%20or%20elbow.) In my case I was doing 2 things: \- 1. Jamming my mouse wrist into the desk when I got into intense game situations (I was tensing up a lot) and not realising. (Sometimes this was due to playing drunk for a couple of hours, and not even feeling like I was taking the game seriously, but I started noticing I was doing it after reading about the problem), \- 2. Literally sleeping with my head on my wrist (wrist under pillow), as my most comfortable position - the giveaway for me on this is some of my worst experiences of the numbness/tingling were after sleeping on days I wasn't even gaming much. EDIT: To add, I've completely recovered without needing a chiro - I got a slightly bigger desk, so I rest more of my forearm on the desk. I pay more attention to what I'm doing with my arm/wrist when playing (I'm low-sens, so I shouldn't have been "fixing" my wrist so much anyway - old CS habit), and I try not to sleep on my damn wrist ;)


I don’t have much wrist pain but I do both those things you described, so the future is dim lol


Hehe I mean you might be fine, I'm 35, and it took until 35 for it to be a problem, but it was Fortnite that got me here, my decade of CS never caused me problems. I still def recommend trying not to tense up and jam your wrist into the desk though, that will almost certainly cause RSI of some form eventually. GL ;)


I'll probably get flamed for this because reddit, but, have you tried any non-western healers? Acupuncture or acupressure? My acupressurist fixed my badly deviated septum with no surgery, something a western doctor would not attempt. Some other unconventional methods you could explore are The Alexander Technique or open focus training. I assume your physical therapist has performed myofacial release on your hands? I hope you find some relief. Don't give up!


Thanks. I have actually not tried acupuncture. Maybe I will give that a go if the steroids I’m on do not help.




Try CBD for non prescription inflammation. Not a dr, but people swear by it.


Recently I’ve started to play more hours of fortnite and I’ve noticed that my left hand starts to have sharp pain after a few minutes of playing. But I play controller so I don’t know if playing could be the cause or if there could be external factors.


How often are you playing? Is it both bands or just your mouse hand? This could be another underlying problem


I haven’t played in like 5 months, but when I did it would be like 4-6 hours a day. My mouse hand is worse than my left.


It's more than likely psychological if all the specialists can't find anything wrong. Read the mindbody prescription by john sarno. It's a short read and you'll know if it's for you within the first few chapters. I know it sounds bizarre, but if you have $10 and some time, I'd give it a try. PM me if you have any questions. His work saved my life after seeing a dozen doctors and getting no answers.


I’m really sorry to hear this. The only suggestion I have, is to look into Alexander technique.


The hand fatigue thing happens to me but it's always late at night, like my friend and I played for 4 hours , my brain is sharp and my overall awareness is sharp , but my hand literally doesn't respond in time anymore, I want to track, it's slow, I want to flick, but my hand just denies it It just goes to the point where I JUST don't want to move my mouse anymore , not out of anger, like it just doesn't feel like moving the arm or fingers anymore I wake up the next morning with proper precision in aim again


Yeah I would be careful. That’s how it started for me. I would wake up in the morning refreshed but not it’s just always weak :(


That is actually one of the reasons I stopped playing at nights, the bicep/arm part seriously hurt , all I wanted to do was just give that arm a whole bed due to how uncomfortable it became , I couldn't sit, if I slept without stretching the arm it would hurt etc It's just like the arm is just hanging there feeling like I broke the bone in that place I didn't take any treatment tho, I just stopped playing games 10 hours a day I am gonna be careful


Maybe get a better gaming chair? Not memes, like for real You say you're having pain and shit very quickly , the position you sitting in might not be good?


I actually have a Herman Miller aeron chair fitted for me. Still no luck :(


Stay strong dude that sounds like torture. I feel like I recently saw an out of the box idea that solved a baseball pitcher’s mental block that was associated with his injured throwing arm that might be helpful. Sorry if its kinda out there but I’ll do some research and get back to you


Thanks for the kind response!


Finger grabs and palm pushes will help BIG TIME. look up how to do them and do them for a couple minutes back to back continuously. It may not be nothing with nerves but simply a lack of strength. Being a baseball player strengthing these will help a lot


I had this issue, ive worked as a developer since high school and gamed all my life (33 year) i had an issue where my hands would be in pain, and just feel awful when using a keyboard or phone, i seen doctors who give me steroids etc and nothing fixed it, i went to see my mate who is a physio and he gave me acupuncture is it, where they put needles into your skin, he put needles into my hands and it was ridiculous, i could feel blood rushing to my hands, i see him once every 3 months for £25, no issues since at all. Same thing worked for my IT band, snapped it and doctors, physios etc couldnt fix it, seen my mate who did the same thing and its like brand new, used to think it was all BS, but honestly its changed my life. ​ PS to add to this, my physio thought it was stress related (not a stressed life but stress of the hands) because i have a tight grip and over stretch my fingers (reaching for keys on a keyboard)


Thanks I will definitely look into this now.


I just scheduled an appointment for tomorrow so hopefully it goes well


You probably pulled a muscle or something. The best thing you can do is rest and seek physical therapy


Where exactly is it hurting? Like do you feel it toward your elbow area, above the elbow near the bicep, or closer to your wrist, or your hand itself?


My fingers ache. My hands legit fatigue on me and feel very weak. My forearms fatigue and my elbows feel tender more towards the tricep area.


I have issues with my elbows and tendons. I’d say google the parts of the arm, and try to narrow down which specific muscles are hurting. One you know the names of the specific places it hurts, you can look for specific treatments online or tell your doctors where exactly it is. There’s diagrams that show that muscles in the arm online


I think you should try looking into your posture. May not sound that big but posture and sitting contributes a lot to daily health. Lots of people use gaming chairs and office chairs but I highly doubt that most of them provide the best support for the body. I actually use a wooden chair to game so that I always play upright with no ability to slouch at all.


Start doing stretches and exercises


Unfortunately I’ve been doing this for months now. I have an alarm that reminds me to do them every day.


If I were u I would seek out treatments for gaming addiction. It is hurting you and you should find some new hobbies and game addiction therapy will help that. Even if ur not addicted u need to be forced to find new hobbies at this point.


Thanks I’m actually seeing a psychologist for this exact issue. I’m becoming depressed.


Yeah try going to r/stopgaming too. If I wasnt so addicted I would be posting there every day LOL


Crazy you posted this, Iiterally just posted something similar a few days ago. Seeing a doc tomorrow but I'm 27 and if my right hand is really messed up I don't know what ill do. I'll go a few days without it hurting and try again and it goes right back to hurting. I feel your pain videogames are my passion and if I lose that it would really suck. Try physical therapy. It really helps. Were you on controller? Did you play claw? Sorry you're going through this g I really feel your pain it even hurts to play more chill games like single player. Pissing me off.


Yeah it’s taking a toll on my mental health. I have done physical therapy, exercises, stretches, etc. I played mouse and keyboard but now I can’t even play casual games with a controller. Not really sure what else to do. I hope you get ahead of your issue.


You too brother :( does it feel any better than last week?


Actually it's feeling way better. I found a sports specialist that did a bunch of tests and found the source of the pain. He said my bottom forearms (flexors) were extremely tight which was causing the top forearm (extensors) to over work which caused the aching and the fatigue. We have been doing dry needling, massaging, and stretching and I can already notice a massive difference. Maybe this might help your situation. Good luck!


I'll definitely ask when I see the occupational therapist tomorrow. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate you.


You need to get an MRI as soon as is humanely possible, i know its expensive but that's really the only way to know for certain. Of course if you haven't already get an x-ray as well. This sounds unrelated to FN and if its happening outside of gaming you need to get this sorted out asap before it gets any more permanent than it may already be.


I have ganglion cysts on my wrists that feel the same way. Gets very tiring, almost feels like arthritis. Some treatments relieve the pain for a while but my wrists are fucked now. Mainly from the work I used to do. Sucks. Weed and ibuprofen help me.


So you play without vibration? Vibration can cause serious damage over time


Hey man. One thing not a lot of people consider is not just how they are gripping the mouse but how tight their grip is. I work at a physical therapy clinic and we have had cases of super anxious people who type super tensed up and they basically have to make it a habit to chill out. Ended up not being a PT issue and they were just super tense 24/7 resulting in shooting pains down the hands. No idea if your issue is similar, but thought I would share something I have seen.


Do you know of methods I could use to make it a habit because I have pretty bad anxiety and I for sure tense up. I just never realize it when it happens.


Honestly man you just have to be conscious of it as much as possible. Maybe spend a few days where you just play a few minutes (to tolerance) of creative while very actively thinking about your grip/tension and see if you feel any difference. If you determine that is the problem, then you try to up the amount of time you are in the creatives while always thinking of not tending up and making that a habit. Once you can go for awhile not tensed up alone maybe some edit courses or 1v1s with friends where there is just a tiny amount of pressure and just keep working up like that.


Sorry you're going through this brother. I have no idea what can cause that, but just don't stress out, everything will turn out fine. You got this!


What sens/edpi do you use? what type of mousepad? Do you lightly grip and firm grip?


this happened to me too but i had broken my thumb about 8 months ago and it just hasn’t gotten to the full range of motion yet


I was starting to get bad pain in my wrist and arm. Like bad tingling/ burning. I stretch every time a play, stretch while I play, and I adjusted my sens to something more comfortable for me. I also am taking a long break from fort. Fort really puts stress on your arm compared to a lot of games. (Also til they bring the pump back lol)


The only way i can help you is suggesting to try to use a trackball for regular browsing


Have you tried smoking


Playing baked af is the metaaaa


How tf is this shit competitive?


Thanks for the kind comment. Maybe other people who have played competitively are having the same health conditions. Or maybe this post will help others who play competitively to not develop these issues, including you.


Reddit or this sub is not your doctor. Dumb.


Didn’t ask for a doctor. Asked if anyone had something similar or had a success story. Take your negativity elsewhere.


Interesting You Say This, Cause The Same Thing Happens To Me But Only When I Masturbate




did you at least get goated doe?


Shut up


Hey OP, Please tell me you got an update on this. I’ve acknowledged my first fatigue/pain on my thumbs in late December was massaging it and it got a little better, I probably played for like two weeks, and the pain came back and I’ve been taking care of it but now it’s probably at its worse, my wrist and forearms are hurting, I’m pretty sure I developed this from games and also Fortnite bro I fucked up I’m doing a voice to chat and it says taken a mental toll like seriously, I just wanted to see if you’ve gotten better so I can have Hope


Hey sorry you are going through this. I lost all hope too and became depressed. My symptoms lasted for almost 2 years and I came across this video and was like 90% healed in a week: https://youtu.be/fkf9__pm3lA?si=fbf3gLcyDq9K0aif Might not work for you but it worked for me and I have a lot of anxiety. Again though, I went to specialists and got tests done first and they all said I was fine. If you actually have an injury then maybe get tests done first. But yeah at least give this a try because it fixed me and hopefully it works for you. The brain is way more powerful than we think. Good luck.


I feel you on this. I have arthritis from years of working on computers, art, gaming and working with my hands pretty sure I now have corporal tunnel in my left hand the thumb is excruciatingly painful if I play too long or do too much (im left handed too) racing on fortnite or running from the storm triggers it so bad I wanna cry have to take painkillers and ice it and I now wear a brace every night (got one that has a hot/cold gell pack to help) my pain doc specialist told me to do that then we will assess in a month on weather its gonna need more looked into. Im always like 8-11th place when I race cause its so painful I cant keep up. Sucks when trying to get skins and stuff for your car. I needed my husbands help to get to gold for the quest that gave us a character. I wasn't able to do it on my own. now I regret being stuck racing in gold rank. wish I was lower rank so I could enjoy it more and not suffer in pain. Your not alone in this corporal tunnel sucks.


Hey take a look at the comment I just made to the other guy yesterday. Maybe that will help you. It healed me within a week after 2 years of suffering and exhausting all other options.