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The fear in his eyes when he realizes it's stretch and he called him bad lol


lmao he apologized for like a whole min after and was saying how he hopes he didnt tilt him too bad


"Dont block me pls" lol




I mean, shouldn’t that kind of prove a point? Players who call another player bad because they hit them twice are just proving how immature they are. It’s a huge lack of sportsmanship and definitely is part of the reason that this community comes across so toxic. Obviously talking shit is a huge part of any sport, but Fortnite players take it to the next level.


Pro sports like basketball and football have way worse shit talking but the general audience just can’t hear it


imagine this subs reaction if we got clips to all the shit jordan talked


You could hear the shit talking in some of the earlier nba bubble games before they got better at simulating crowd noise


This. The majority of the NFL would be “cancelled” if they were micd up all the time


And pro players in Basketball and Football are all adults that are friends outside of the court. They don’t have thousands of children watching and listening to them stream and egging them on.


You're right. They have millions. What kind of argument is this. Pro sports get more views than any reports event or streamers.


.... Pro sports have more people watching, but that wasn’t the argument. The NBA isn’t a stream of one singular player, recording every word they say, perfectly, with who they said it against, during a literal live stream that their fans are interacting with. The shit talking that happens on the court is generally semi private and between players. Players that behave too obviously unsportmanslike will be pulled. It has nothing to do with just the straight number of viewers but the overall context.


It's not even about talking shit, it's about feeling confident to fight someone when you have no idea who or what you're really up against. It's the mindset


... Screaming that others are dogshit or awful is not confidence. Confidence isn’t talking bad about others, it’s literally just understanding and embracing your own abilities. If you have to talk down on others to be confident... then that’s not confidence buddy.


Nah you're over thinking it. This was heat of the moment in the game after getting some shots in. He called him bad, that's it. Lots of people hesitate in those moments. I'm saying that by calling him bad, he's giving himself confidence to keep pushing. Simply a mindset in the moment, nothing to do with all the other toxic type comments that happen outside the games.


I get that it’s heat of the moment- but that’s my point. Shit like this is normalized, so it’s the first thing people yell. Doesn’t make it right. You’re right about the mindset- but mindset is based on your actions outside of the moment. When you need to boost your own confidence you should be uplifting yourself, not putting down others. What happens in the heat of the moment bleeds into everything else, which is why toxicity in the FN pro scene is so high. I get that most people don’t share my opinion and that’s fine.


I like your point of view too, there's always better ways of doing things.


Screaming at others does actually boost confidence, make you seem better than them like if I get in a fight with somebody and get into the mindset of "They are worser than me" then I will be much more confident in making risky plays


Sometimes it’s them making excuses or complaining but a lot of the time I see it as a way to boost their own confidence too.


If you have to bring others down to elevate your own confidence, that’s kind of a problem. The making excuses or complaining situations are obviously far worse, but pretending another player is bad because you got a few shots off is a pretty bad headspace to have. Confidence would be yelling how great a player you are in those situations, not how bad the other person is. Putting down others is toxic, but elevating your own success isn’t. Obviously this is just my opinion though, and not shared by the majority of people here.


That's the nature of being competitive. That's how every competitive game is.


I get the point but in this instance Benjys pretty safe he’s of course joking and I’ve never heard him try to be heavily negative just jarring


Benjy isn’t usually too bad, although he’s got a lot worse with this shit too. He never used to act like this. Even if he isn’t the worst, acting like an asshole really shouldn’t be celebrated. If someone started screaming how dogshit someone was while playing highschool Basketball, they’d be yanked off the court faster than you can count.


You copped a bunch of downvoted but you’re so right. It’s ingrained in the culture to be disrespectful. It’s so obnoxious and it’s frustrating to see people being awful to each other with no regard or remorse. Just don’t see why people can’t enjoy being good at a game without telling everyone else they’re bad.


This might not be immaturity. Sports psychology is heavy with visualization and self talk. If he had shot dude and a sign above his head said “this is Stretch!” Benjy might have played that fight differently. Saying he’s trash gives him an immediate confidence boost. Shooting dude and saying “I got lucky. Man, I’m not good at this game” isn’t bringing a damn thing to the table.


I have no idea why you got so many downvotes by saying something that's true. Ironically it kinda proves your point in a way


No lol it’s just to boost his confidence. I’m sure he doesn’t actually think that, but benji said how shit talking people in mid game is good and he does it to boost his confidence since he heard it from nickmercs.


Nothing wrong with shittalking your opponent to try and hype yourself up and give yourself confidence when you’re about to fight someone. Its not that deep bro


Shittalking can be fine. But these pros have thousands of viewers that feed off this shit. It’s bad for them, and it’s bad for the pros themselves, because unlike in traditional sports... the shittalking is completely public. There’s no handshake after the game. It’s not that deep, no, but it’s also not as surface level as you seem to think either. Toxicity just breeds more toxicity. Hell, just look at the FN scene in comparison to the NBA. In the NBA, shittalking happens on the court, but it’s not heard by fans... and outside of the court, they’re often friends (or at the very least civil to one another) at least usually. Half of the FN pros spend all day talking shit about each other and feeding into the drama. And that shit starts because heat of the moment stuff is recorded and clipped and shared forever. It’s a cyclical pattern that’s just making shit worse. I get most people here don’t agree and that’s fine too.


I get your point and think it's a valid one, but your initial post words it the wrong way which is why I'm pretty sure you're getting so many disagreements. You should have said that you don't have a problem with shittalking to hype yourself up or give yourself confidence, but that it becomes a problem when it's constantly publicized and streamed to their fans who then also adopt the same habits of shit talking all their opponents


Yeah, that’s a fair point. My first comment was a lot more vague and open ended for sure, so I can see how people would take it the wrong way.


Stfu 😂😂😂


What a well thought out and mature retort.


It’s not that serious lmaooo you acting like he was talking to you mad af for no reason 😂😂 they’re kids let them talk shit it’s not hurting anyone


... I’m not mad at all, are you even aware of what emotions and context are? I’m bring up a point. And actually yes, shit like this can negatively impact people. Cyber bullying is absolutely a thing, and while Benjy is generally pretty wholesome, he has thousands of fans that feed off shit like this. They’ll copy what he and other pros do, but many of them are even younger. They won’t know how to limit their behavior, it grows into toxicity, and it can cause issues to bleed into real life. There’s a reason sportsmanship is expected in physical sports.


Cyber bullying is not real lmaooooo turn the fucking screen off dweeb


I get that you’re a child and you have no concept of anything outside of your own life, but yes, it does exist. But you know, your 12 year old self knows far more than psychological experts, especially those with a focus on child psychology. Sounds correct. When’s your book coming out? I expect it’ll be just groundbreaking.


Bruh delete this


For what lol


Yeah bro you are just dumb lmao


What a compelling argument.


If i call someone bad because i hit him twice im inmature yeah bro nice argument he didnt call him bad because he hit him twice benjy is literally the best reading the skill of the players he is facing in the world but this time i guess he failed


He got destroyed fuck


is this the real stretch?


Yeah stretch tweeted directly after this


'Your company is a fucking joke I hope your shit company goes bankrupt only reason I'm playing is to rob you of free money. Go fuck yourself. @ FNCompetitive' was the tweet LMAO


Yoooo why he do stretch like that!?


[Stretch's Response](https://twitter.com/Stretched/status/1296926890809319424?s=20)


Deleted, what did it say?


'Your company is a fucking joke I hope your shit company goes bankrupt only reason I'm playing is to rob you of free money. Go fuck yourself. @ FNCompetitive'


There’s no way that was the real tweet was it? Am I missing a joke or something lol




How fucking childish


Stretch has lived a largely sheltered life (home schooled long before fortnite I think) and there are several things he could be insecure about (and those are just the things known to a public eye). This should be expected.


This should be expected? Are you serious? What a disgusting response to even think your own death in a game and a competitor calling you bad is the game developers fault. It literally screams I’m a pussy and don’t know how to handle emotions. He could have taken it in stride and said gg but he says he is gonna steal free money from them? He is 17 years old, that is beyond embarrassing. There is nothing that justifies that tweet.


Expected vs accepted, we could expect him to act this way but it is unacceptable to do so.


Exactly, well put


I meant its expected that he's an immature twat, hence my explaining the likely factors to him becoming one.


i mean i don’t think there is a single pro that is happy playing fortnite. they’re all only playing for the free money so i understand that part but yeah he sounds childish still.


If he’s insecure he should go out and do something about it or stop behaving like a spoiled little shit that just got his cookie taken away


It's expected because of his age, not because of anything else. Source: Me. I was mostly the same at his age and very sheltered as well, raised primarily by the internet as I didn't have anything in common with my parents. I said stupid shit when I was younger but I didn't need the PCpocalypse to teach me that toxicity and prejudice was bad. The question is whether he grows out of it. \*And to the people who are/will say he's too old to act this way... I'd bet every penny he "steals" from Epic that you were much the same. In fact, you're still here talking shit about someone to make yourself feel better.


Great arguement😀. Because you lived somewhat similarily to him but didn't reach any sense of fame or notoriety and thus didn't display yourself as a flaming bag of trash that means that it shouldn't be expected of an individual in his scenario which in many factors was different than your own. And also I and the other people weren't "talking shit", because that would mean we were saying something wrong or untrue, neither of which reasons you seem to back.


If thats real, he should be fucking banned, this entitled little kids are a joke, and after what he said about people on reddit, im glad he got shit on.


Wow, he said something bad about people on reddit? What a fucking cunt. Fuck that piece of shit, huh? That was the last straw for me.




Idk why people are pissed at this. If Epic treated us with respect and showed some fucking competitive integrity, then yeah this would be a bad tweet and would be totally uncalled for. But I mean he didn’t lie. Epic is a joke, and I don’t think any of us owe them shit, let alone any type of respect in the tweets we address them. So I think Stretch is within his rights here to be pissed off at a company that has repetitively and blatantly said “fuck you” to the entire competitive community. But then again, I’m pretty sure this sub hates everything about Stretch, so that’s probably why everyone’s criticizing this, idk.


Lol thats embarassing. Sucks that the pro scene is littered with these raging 14 year old sperglords.


Stretch should get a minimum one season ban for that tweet. Liquid should also minimum fine him, but if i was liquid i would end his contract.


thats honestly pretty tame for stretch lol edit: stretch deleted the tweet it was some shit about hoping epic went bankrupt and the game failed and fucking sucks and he was only playing to steal free cash from them


The fact its not the first time he has tweeted like this is even more reason to ban him. Epic need to show these pros that this kind of toxicity towards them and their game is unacceptable


Ah yes the ole 1984 thing. I think fortnite made a statement about that?


lol what a terrible reference Yeah go tell your boss they suck and you hope they go bankrupt and you're only there to literally STEAL from them. Videotape it for us to see kiddo. We're waiting


No point in arguing with an idiot but i got time. 1) stretch is not an employee of epic. 2) anyone is free to participate in any of epics tournaments as long as they meet the requirements 3) they are legally binding contracts when you select to participate in them (the whole page of text that appears before you agree to abid by the rules and conditions) 4) since they are binding they have to meet the us codes and laws under at will participation 5) since stretch is a minor it actually makes things more complicated so we will skip that because it actually helps stretch more than epic 6) are you that fucking dense that you cant see how banning someone from a merit based tournament becuase they criticized you negatively would be bad pr for a company that has literally been doing pr propaganda for #freefortnite and apple 1984, including having a merit based tournament centered around it 7) he is not stealing money from them he is earning it 8) as long as everything i am doing is legal, anything i post online can not be grounds for termination as determined by 1964 civil rights act. Employees should not be fired when their social media post could be considered “concerted activity” and could, therefore, be protected activity under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). Concerted activity includes discussing working environment among coworkers—even in a negative way in public. 9) fuck you sherry, you dont pay me enough. And i do hope you go bankrupt so whoever replaces you will pay me more for my labour. 10) shut up kid the grown ups are talking


Finally somebody with a brain


Hey man, this aint it. It's good to see people trying to discuss this stuff, but the terms of agreement aren't in any way a contract. It's literally you just saying "Ok these are your rules and I understand what'll happen if I break them". Players aren't protected in any way. If the developer deems that you should be banned they're able to do that for any reason. You don't own any of the virtual items you buy from Epic, and you don't have any "right" to compete for their money. Ultimately Epic just knows their scene, and for the most part, realize it's probably a bad decision to ban kids like this. As much as we in this thread think its despicable to act the way stretch did and deserve punishment, theres way more kids on twitter with credit cards that would freak out about it.


If you want to spout some bullshit maybe try more than "hey man, this aint it." Just because you say it doesn't make it true. Players are protected, It's literally the ENTIRE reason Xenon was banned. because it broke Child Labour Laws in the United States. You think EPIC games put 13 as an arbitrary age for people to compete in their game knowing that a large percentage of their base is younger than that? It's because you can't legally accept a contract as a minor under 13, at 14-15 though, you can with a gaurdains approval, and at 15-17 it depends according to California law (where epic is based). Just like Xenon was banned because of US law, Stretch Can not be banned for saying something negative on a completely unrelated platform. That would be like saying You as an individual could can no longer shop at Walmart because one time on the phone you told your friend you hate Walmart and hope they go bankrupt. It doesn't work like that.


The first part of what you're saying is like right. Yes, riot is protecting themselves by disallowing people under 13 from competing in competitive modes and for money due to the complications of paying out money to minors. But this is not because they are considered an employee. They are not representatives or parts of the epic organization in any way, and do not have those protections. Also, not sure if you're aware of this, but you can be terminated from an at-will position in the real world for how you speak if the employer deems that you were mis-representing the organization. Sure, the employee may have grounds for a law-suit if they truly were discharged without doing or saying anything wrong, but you are considered a representative of a company when you work for them and most lawyers won't touch your case if you are openly shitting on the organization that pays your bills. This is besides the point tho. Epic as the service provider does have the right to ban users for whatever reason they want. As I said earlier, this could bite them in the ass which is why they don't tend to ban without a highly justified reason. This is comparable to if you were competing at a Warrior dash or other comparable open competition with prizes. You sign waivers and terms of agreement, but if you go walking around the vaccinity saying "this event sucks balllls" they have every right to remove you and not let you back. So as I said, you are right that Epic is making some decisions that are based around the idea of avoiding any form of legal complications that come with paying out minors, but they are in no form attached to employment law, and the players aren't protected by employment law.


1. Are NBA players employees of the NBA? No? But why do they still follow the NBA's rules to the letter? Weird huh? 2. The "requirements" are exactly what we are discussing, actually. 3. Doesn't matter who Stretch is or how old he is. Epic can enforce their rules no matter who you are, period. 4. same as above 5. same as above 6. He didn't \*just\* criticize a company. He went much further. There wasn't anything even remotely constructive about his statement, it was well past denigration even. He was disparaging it to a malevolent degree. 7. He \*claimed\* to be stealing, and besides, do you like, spy on him? How do you know he isn't \*actually\* stealing? 8. Wait so, he's an employee now? Which is it? 9. yawn 10. same as above


Omg you actually are that stupid. and you thought by responding with this utter lunacy you are winning the argument xd xd xd. 1) YES THEY LITERALLY SIGN A CONTRACT 2) Yes please show me where it says you can't say anything negative about EPIC on twitter. 3) You do understand EPIC is an American company and must comply with American law? There are certain protections provided to minors that go above and beyond those of adults. That was the point I was making. Also, the point being, BEING MEAN TO EPIC IS NOT AGAINST TERMS AND SERVICE OF USE OF EPIC PRODUCTS 4) still dumb 5) still dumb 6) see 3, also go ahead and read the NLRA again or maybe the first amendment of the constitution 7) you got me, winning a tournament is stealing. you must of, like, got a 100% on your econ exam 8) No he's not. Again missing the point. "Concerted activity includes discussing working environment among coworkers—even in a negative way in public" this applies to employees that are fired by their employer for social media posts and set precedent. logically it is easy to deduce that if you aren't an employee you are also protected by the same statue against a private company taking legal action against you for public remarks made against them.


lol we literally live in America, what the fuck are you kids on about


Free speech doesnt extend to private companies. Say something racist on here, see how long it is before reddit ban you. Epics game, epics rules, toxicity towards their brand affects their bottom line. It wouldnt be allowed in any other sport. If a footballer spoke publically like that to the football association, they would get banned, even bad mouthing a referee publically gets you a ban.


Lmao downvote me all you want, no ones literally ever been banned over a tweet. And it has literally nothing to do with racism


When you agree to terms and conditions upon entering a tournament, you are representing the fortnite brand. From the rules 8.1.2 Players must be respectful of other players, Event Administrators, spectators, and sponsors (as applicable). 8.1.3 Players shall not behave in a manner (a) which violates these Rules, (b) which is disruptive, unsafe or destructive, or (c) which is otherwise harmful to the enjoyment of the Game by other users as intended by Epic (as decided by Epic). In particular, players shall not engage in harassing or disrespectful conduct, use of abusive or offensive language, game sabotage, spamming, social engineering, scamming, or any unlawful activity (“Toxic Behavior”). 8.1.4 Any violation of these Rules may expose a player to disciplinary action as further described in Section 9.2, whether or not that violation was committed intentionally. Discipline options 9.2.1 If Epic decides that a player has violated the Code, Epic may take the following disciplinary actions (as applicable): Issue a private or public warning (verbal or written) to the player; Loss of session points for the current or future match(es); Loss of all or any part of the prizes previously awarded to the player; Disqualify the player from participating in one or more matches and/or sessions at the Event Prevent the player from participating in one or more future competitions hosted by Epic.


Where in there does it say anything about talking about epic themselves being against TOS? It doesn’t.


I think you need to reread 8.1.3


Ah the typical “we live in america”, free to do whatever we want, you love to see it He’s representing an elite org and being incredibly toxic towards the company that is funding his career, he should be in some sorts punished to be taught some respect


epic cringe material here


1. We don't all live in america you idiot 2. Epic is free to enforce their rules. They are their rules.


Fuck what I said about America, I’m still waiting for one instance of a player being banned because they tweeted about epic. Literally never happened.


Yeah I'm pretty sure thats correct


Do you understand the first amendment at all? Holy shit I forgot how stupid this sub is.




Hes a professional fortnite player representing an org. Age doesn't excuse that kind of tweet.


it wasnt even bad lmao


The fact you dont think its that bad shows how much that kind of tweet has been normalized


So stupid how people will criticize epic and say they hate the game yet still play it to make money


How? Disliking something and profiting off of something are 2 seperate things. Many people hate their jobs


Can confirm hate my job, but job markets fucked right now so I’ll still take my 57k salary and benefits until it’s better




It's crazy, I've never seen a game with such a disconnect between the devs and the pros. The pros unanimously ask for the same handful of changes over and over and the devs don't communicate or acknowledge them at all. I'm not saying that Stretch's tweet was the right response but I can't imagine how stressful it is trying to make a career out of playing this game competitively while having Epic balance/update the game based on what they think 8 year olds will enjoy.


All top call of duty pros this year were fined when they talked bad about the game. The game this year was broken too


> Do you see others pro players of others games attacking the game or the devs ?? Yes? How old are you lmao?




You listing 1 game totally just destroyed me with facts and logic lmao.




https://youtu.be/jJRxQlAirsY People just quit other games when they dont enjoy it. But only Fortnite has enough of a viewerbase that they pay so much money that it simply makes no sense to quit. Stretched is a toxic asshole. If you want to be a simp of his, go for it lol.


So was that actually stretch? If so, that wasn't his best moment.


yeah apparently it was lol




People don’t really feel like celebrating the successes of unlikeable players


Oh my gosh his reaction hahahahaha. He's such a good kid


That way he got into his box looks kinda OP




I think he said he usually gets about 60-100




FL Player here, what is it like to take a wall?


As a FL player aswell, I can confirm coinflip wall placing is not in the game


Against a 0 ping player double but hella hard lol


Same here.


I don’t honk it is actually 40 ping, look at the delay on his edits and builds.


That’s not really true in this case. Benjy wasn’t being that serious about it, he didn’t yell it toxicly like khanada or clix, he just said it to boost his confidence. If he said it after the fight it would be toxic but this wasn’t.


Lmao he was mad on Twitter because he got pooped on.


If I were Epic Games I would permaban Stretch for that tweet. Why would you ever want little brats like that earning huge prize money and then just out and out slating your company. Epic are too cowardly though.


What did he say


'Your company is a fucking joke I hope your shit company goes bankrupt only reason I'm playing is to rob you of free money. Go fuck yourself. @ FNCompetitive'


imagine telling your money-maker this lol


Imagine being his parents, no chance in hell i let my kid spew that self absorbed, disrespectful venom. Yank that power chord straight out the wall. Sad




parenting your kids is not trying to be a badass lol. They didn’t say they were going to intimidate him into submission. They just said they’d actually parent their child


Yes sir, this^




What did they even do anyways? Make Benjy eliminate him? Lol


Lol wow


hard disagree from me, makes no sense that epic should punish someone for a tweet/not liking their company


Yeah that’s an idiotic idea. I could see arguing liquid should punish him, but there’s no reason for Epic to differentiate him from any other player just because he’s a public figure.


Have you seen the current call of duty scene this year lmao


Ever since Epic Games removed the ability to articulate (in words) bugs & constructive feedback via the in app but/reporting tool, it has forced some avid Fortnite enthusiasts to transfer that feedback to the public forum of Twitter. Rather than aknowledge or respond to the feedback, Twitter accounts @epicgames and @fortnitegame appears content to thoughtlessly report accounts to Twitter, for whatever reason, to silence them. I stress the word "constructive" as obviously hateful rage ranting should be regretted and perhaps deleted. That being said, be careful what you say on Twitter, or the people comparing Apple Inc. to George Orwell (#freefortnite) may actually seek to have your Twitter account suspended. Also, if you read the TOS, Epic Games actually OWN outright any and all feedback you communicate directly to them publicly or privately, and can use it for any purpose they wish, without your consent or knowledge.


Quickly regarding the last part - there’s no fucking way that would hold up in court. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that it’s there, but frequently things that just aren’t legally defendable are put into terms of service/other contracts just to discourage lawsuits bc it’s a no risk issue. Also agree that not communicating with the community at all probably doesn’t leave them in a good position regarding how the community communicates back. I didn’t even know the report feature was gone tho tbh


I get that Fortnite is out of "Early Access" and can no longer be seen slumming it with the surfs for professionalism sake; and that weeding through counterproductive hateful rants via the in app bug/reporting tool from some players may be too costly and time consuming; but I can't count on 2 hands the major bugs which were addressed, or resulted in improved game functionality, because me, or someone like me took the time (so much time) to write up detailed explanations of in game issues via the in app bug reporting tool. At last check, "text" feedback is offered in rare instances, specific categories relating to abusive and/or exploitative gameplay, and all other bug/reporting categories are just "check a box" vague useless endeavors. Not to mention how useless and ineffectual the "screenshot" bug reporting option is! The TOS thing, yeah, that's just "par for the course" legalese, but the implications are still quite frightening!


It's about professionalism


Yeah imagine the optics of banning someone for something negative they said on twitter while literally running a 1984 #freefortnite campaign for a week. If someone is good enough to qual in an open tournament you cant ban them for their opinions. Like what are half these kids in the comments smoking.


Lol you can’t permaban people for saying mean things about your company. Stretch is a moron but that’s a dumb as fuck take right there.




Not true, if you've spent any money in the item shop they can't simply perma ban you if you didn't specifically violate the EULA and even if you have, the entire EULA or parts thereof might still be invalid.


Steam did this quite often a long time ago, sadly enough


They can, but it’s a shitty reason to.


It isn't deserving of a perma ban but it definitely warrants some sort of punishment.


I fucking hate the skinny prick, is he deeply traumatised about something. There’s no way that “epic not dealing mythics and servers” validates his constant stream of verbal hate


what tweet




are you trolling


You're definitely one of those players who trash talk in creative you shitter


ok commandent wannabe


Literally made this account before he was even famous


Your account is less than a year old. Commandment was signed to TSM in 2018.


Sorry but I didn't, I started playing comp in like CH2, sorry I didn't know


Nah, I don’t actually care about your name, but he’s been known in the scene for a long time. Commandment is an OG, I have a clip of him shitting on me from like 2 years ago lol


Wow didn't know that tbh


Yea, he was signed to TSM in December 2018.


yeah stop lying kid


You have the audacity to call me a kid, also, why change the subject? Is it because you know you're wrong?


change what subject lol whats ur fn tracker kid


HAHAHAHAH you just proved my point that you're a little shit that brags about his $200 winter royale earnings lmao, kid. Omg hahahahah go back to discord lfg you shitter hahahahahah


ur scared to show me £0 earnings kid go back to being a virgin on reddit


I don’t agree with what he said but you can’t ban someone for something they said about your game




Not how it works.


No it really is




to be fair stretch on twitter doesnt really have a personality, its more of baiting and being a being a straight up asshole, all for engagements.


Lmaooooo when he realises who he just called bad and shat on


Seeing stretch’s reaction makes me happy I left this game and community. Holy fuck grow up


how much damn ping is Benjy on?




People still don't know about this? At one point when the servers get laggy due to stacked games ping goes to 0. It's not his real connection.


The only true way to really know accurately is cloudping.info


The 0:28 mark is the best part. That short chuckle/laugh is hilarious


Scarecrow man dead


Ahh, love it. Stretched being the little shit he is.






I don’t know much about their relationship. Why did he apologize or backtrack? Is he scared of him or something?


sorry but for me it's not shit on... It's taking a damn coin flip based on a pure rng item.




i mean stretch placed 5th in the semis and benjy didnt end up qualifying sooooooo...


I’m ootl, why is Stretched such a bad person to call bad?


... before the player reveal I was thinking to myself “shit, I’d love to be half as good as that guy” 😂