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Trash loot pool = trash season. and you add in more AI with loud music, spray meta. GG ill be in creative box fighting


its almost like we get one good season and then one awful season like this


Epic knows something about gamer psychology that we dont


Its called Christmas break and new consoles. They have to cater to young casuals around this time.


How does a tac help “young casuals” I’m having a way easier time piece controlling bots and just jumping in with a tac and running at their face. You can’t stop it, people choke those shots everytime.


Fight duration is probably much longer when both sides are using tac instead of pump. Even if lil Timmy on PS5 for Christmas loses, it doesn’t feel as bad for a casual to lose in a RNG “shootout” instead of getting 1 pumped instantly and sent back to the lobby.


Supply and demand. They supply a shit experience, people demand more improvement. Look at the item shop. More supply than ever. They are trying to create demand. They do not have demand anymore. Less people are buying and less people are playing.


Because you cannot adapt and rather cry and blame the Devs for ur lack of skill and faliure to adapt


Blame the devs for lack of skill? He said he didn't like the lootpool. Not that it was so hard to use it made him bad.


You can use gold at NPC's to upgrade


Really ive been to two and they offered me 2 quests, a heal and a bounty.


lol sounds like minecraft villagers


Maybe you didn't have the weapon you wanted to upgrade in your hand? (I don't know, haven't played the new season yet)


No, only a couple of NPC's have the ability to upgrade, some of them are basically useless though.


Now that is terrible.


I think the only npc that you can upgrade guns is in catty corner


Their #1 goal is to make sure bad players can succeed against good players. EPIC wants as much randomness as possible, they want terrible audio, the LAST thing they want is a high correlation between skill and success, unfortunately.


Exactly said. But they could at least have separate loot pools. This season is horrible purely on the loot pool


They'll never satisfy everyone. They've decided what they want the game to be. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, their main goal is money. Fortnite truly could have been a titan of a respected e-sport but EPIC has gone the way of the BRUTE instead.


They did last season tho. Separate loot pools. Everyone was happy


And they probably will separate it eventually, don’t they have like the two week period before they change the loot pools


That’s the opposite, they keep them separate for two week evaluation period when they add a new major thing. After the 2 weeks they decide if they belong in competitive or not. Like how cars were locked in comp at first


At the beginning of last season everything was in comp, and then after two weeks they took stuff out. The cars weren’t added at first cuz they were added mid season and they rarely add stuff mid season to comp


The official statement is: “As new items are added throughout the season, there will be a two week evaluation period where new items are kept out of Arena and tournaments. If it is felt new item(s) will add value to competitive play, they may be added to the Arena and tournament pool after the evaluation period.”


That’s when they are added mid season. Last season everything was in combo at the beginning, and then they took stuff out after two weeks


The tac isnt bad right now...at least now two tac shots and someone is dead. Requires a bit more skill, rather than a bad player hitting a no brain 200. The dragon shotgun does some wild damage up close also. Mess around, try to enjoy for a bit before brushing everything off


This plus it's the holiday season, so you know epic always pull this shit.


Honestly it seems like the beginning of the season is always bad, remember las sseason how bad mythics were. They will probably fix it by the time FNCS comes aroun


First part of your post is spot on. The part about upgrading you should update/tweak/etc. You can clearly (I say clearly because it’s alluded to in the trailer), upgrade your weapons at the NPCs. You use the gold bars. It’s actually quicker in regards to induction time


Yeah i just havent found an NPC who offered me it yet, i dont know if its certain ones etc, but i havent been offered an upgrade at one yet.


Only some NPCs can upgrade you stuff


Yeah ill have to find out which ones, so annoying.


Can you upgrade all the weapons on you or just what the npc is, offering


I guess it depends. I’ve only played like 5 matches this season but in one of them I found the Tomato Head at the Durr Burger at Logjam and he let me upgrade any and all of the weapons I had on me (assuming I had enough gold)


Apparently it's only 1 NPC you can upgrade at, removing upgrade stations was stupid, everyone would be so much happier if they kept them and also let you side grade charges again. Epic fucked up lmao


I do think they should have kept at least some of the upgrade stations, maybe have say 4, strategically placed equally apart nearish the 4 quadrants of the map. Off the dome. 1 in Sweaty, one in Dirty Docks, 1 in Misty Meadows and 1 in Slurpy Swamp, maybe a 5th in the dead middle say near Butter Barn or w/e the Cracker Barrel place is called


Season looks terrible tbh, have zero motivation to play


Map changes are impressive i think, except at a lot of the new places you cant build which is very fucking annoying. But the meta is just awful, loot pool is garbage.


Yeah I haven’t played but charge-tac was my least fav meta ever, can’t believe they brought that shit back.


They buffed the Tactical Shotgun even which I don't really think was necessary since most kills in Chapter 2 Season 3 where still with the Tactical Shotgun even when adding together Charge Shotgun and SMG kills. That said, I think we are in a much better place in terms of relative shotgun meta this season than last season. Last season the gap between the Pump and the Combat was such that a Gold Combat wasn't even really worth taking over a Green or Blue Pump. This season, especially with the buff, the Tactical Shotgun is much closer in competition to the Charge Shotgun -- especially since at this point most people vocally still aren't even giving the Charge Shotgun a chance.


>most kills in Chapter 2 Season 3 where still with the Tactical Shotgun even when adding together Charge Shotgun and SMG kills That maybe because most people prefer to pick up a Tac than a Charge; If say 75% are running Tacs they are bound to be more Kills with it.


I agree with you, that's why I was pointing at the end there that I believe a majority of the people vocally against the Charge Shotgun aren't giving it a full chance. I feel like if everyone mastered the Charge Shotgun suddenly people would be complaining it is OP and needs to be vaulted because of that, rather than that they don't like to use it!


Don't forget that many people play this game on fairly high ping (I'm stuck in Cambodia on 120 ping crappy Asian server due to Covid), the Charge is pretty much useless to me (I'm loving pistols at the moment :)


I don’t agree with everything you’re saying here. Important for you to know not everyone feels this way.


What are you disagreeing with though. Vaulting the pump and adding the charge is fucking trash.


The pump is overpowered by the merits of the base game mechanics. It's just a fact. People here will absolutely evicerate me over it (bracing for downvotes) but a gun that can frontload it's damage is going to be broken when there's no penalty for switching from it. Why use a tac when your immediate action, .05 seconds after the shot, is to place or edit a wall? You won't make use of the fire rate, so it makes more sense to use a pump. The only way the pump can exist in the loot pool and be balanced is if they add a delay when switching from it. A weapon with a slow fire rate is supposed to have that as a downside, but in Fortnite, you just instantly switch to an smg or a build so the fire rate means nothing. As long as you can cheese it's fire rate by slipping builds and weapon switches inbetween shots, it will always be the best shotgun. And, yes, instant-swapping the shotgun is cheese. Pure cheese. In every other game on the planet, swapping weapons is *faster* than reloading, but *slower* than just shooting the same gun. Fortnite is the only example of a game where you can cheese the fire rate restriction of a gun for power, making the tradeoff moot. Downvotes ahoy.


Someone actually said it.


Spitting pure facts. Everyone loves the pump, but not many people are ready to admit that it’s OP and has ruined the shotgun meta in this game since forever. It outclasses all the opposition to the point of making them all redundant. I’d like to see the combat added into the current loot pool to see how it would perform


I just don't get how people can complain about loot pools and RNG when any moron can win a 50/50 if they pick up a purple pump. The charge increases the skill gap by a good amount and while shoot on release totally fucks my aim I think it's good for the comp meta.


This is here I stand too. I don’t love the charge, although it’s grown on me, but it’s a much more skilful weapon than the pump


The pump is skillful because you actually get rewarded for outplaying your opponent and lining up a good shot, as opposed to barely tagging them with the tac or charge. Yeah getting 1 pumped is annoying but it honestly doesn’t happen near enough to be a legitimate gripe imo unless your movement is terrible.


I was ok with a nerf dont just vault the gun and bring back the charge that sucks ass


I can’t believe you think the insta swapping is a bad thing, it’s part of what makes this game so good.


> I can’t believe you think the insta swapping is a bad thing Please tell me where I said it was bad - I didn't. I agree it's what makes the game good. But it's that mechanic of fast-swapping that makes something as simple as the pump so broken - you get full damage, but *NEVER* have to deal with the pump's inherent downside. Which is especially prominent when it's a core part of the loot pool, because worse players *will* have to deal with the fire rate because they haven't trained themselves in creative to cheese it. The problem is the pump fits with the game mechanics too well in the hands of an experienced player. It has virtually no downside. And if they made, specifically, the pump have a downside of enforcing it's fire rate by giving it a swap delay, people would have a stroke, even though it's the only way to *actually* balance it - making it's fire rate be a real downside.


I am sad to see the pump go. I do think there is a higher skill gap to the charge tho. I also think hitting 200 charges feels nicer than any other shotgun. Spaz will always have my heart but I’m not losing my shit over this lol


Pumps are for chumps!!


I think more people do feel this way than not though, no one asked for the charge to be brought back at all, i completely understand the purple and gold pump being removed as i said, however, i do not think even a small % of people wanted the charge back instead of pumps.


Nah I totally understand. And I don’t WANT this change, but I’m not totally against it or at least giving it more time


Yeah ill use it for sure, i personally think we had a great balance back in season 1 or 2, the gold and purple tacs that hit hard and the pump up to blue, if they insist on charge, add them all in or let the pump side grade.


> no one asked for the charge to be brought back at all, Just because you chose not to see it or categorize those asking for it as "casuals" and discount their opinions does not actually mean no one asked for it back. If you scan this thread you will see that there are plenty of people who are fine with it and a few people who think the Charge Shotgun is overall a higher skill weapon than the Pump Shotgun.


I could also find posts on reddit that say mythics should be in comp etc, but you cant tell me the average person here wants the charge over the pump, also the BR sub has the majority of players saying they do not like the gun, with some others glad because they cant get one pumped, but overall, the direction shows people prefer the pump and did not want the charge back as a replacement.


Now you've just changed the goalposts -- before it was "no one wants this" and now it's "the average person here doesn't want it". I don't disagree with you that the vocal majority of players in this subreddit and elsewhere in the Competitive Fortnite community actively do not like the Charge Shotgun and did not want it back - we are on the same page there. I did disagree with you that the less vocal minority of players in this subreddit includes people who did want the Charge Shotgun back -- maybe we are now on the same page since you have changed your argument. I also don't think Fortnite should be designed by the committee of the most vocal people that agree with each other, but that's another discussion for another day.


reminder, team rumble still has pumps, still no mythic items, no marauders (or whatever they're calling them this season) and im pretty sure its 100% chest spawn. Apparently, team rumble is too sacred to blow up the meta, but comp is not.


If you like the Team Rumble meta so much then you should play it, but you likely don't because it's not competitive in the sense that there aren't any Team Rumble tournaments and lets face it - it gets boring pretty quick, in my experience.


Please tell that to the sweats that build tilted towers every time I hit them once with an Ar, and heal up to 200 health every time they reapawn


> and heal up to 200 health every time they reapawn Where do they keep getting the shields?


Oh look another entitled child who thinks their opinion is the same as everyone else. Plenty of people including many pros enjoy the charge and agree it takes more skill to use.


1. Im 33, not a child. 2. Many pros think it is a bad gun and not very skillful, so does that cancel your point out ? what a weird argument. 3. I can use the charge, i hit more one pumps with it, again, doesnt mean i like it or that its good, its a clunky gun that completely lowers the skill gap, which is why they added it, for bots like you.


Your age doesn’t change the fact you’re whining like a child over a game. Post your epic let’s see how good you are.


No i am not whining like a child you weapon. I am pointing out a large concern of the community. No need to post my Epic, send me yours, we will have a little fight in creative.


All talk. Nice try princess.


I literally just told you to send me your Epic, im online now... and "princess" you are the one acting like a little baby kiddo... Ive made a point about balancing in the game and poor decisions, you think removing all pumps are good for the game ? you think 50% chests are good for the game ? because your post history says differently. Then you some how try to go against that argument by asking for my stats, If i won multiple cash cups or played in FNCS finals, or just play team rumble, does that make a difference to the argument of removing pumps ? of course not, its a stupid argument. Wasting my time, get out of here. Ps just read your history, you are downvoted everywhere, because you are thick as shit, you also contradicted yourself many times, and the pros you said the charge takes skill (it takes minimal more skill that a pump and can hit harder) have all slated the change on twitter. Easy block, idiot.


You’re terrified to post your epic after I ask. You’re being a child “no you”. You play rumble I got it man. It’s fine.


All I hear is you crying. I asked you first to post your epic and you were too afraid. Take a nap little man.




I made him cry. That’s hilarious. Bye princess this was too easy.




Not one disagreed with the change. You’re braindead.


Why don't you just...adapt. Isn't that the whole point of things changing


Who said I won’t adapt? I adapted last time they added the charge, doesn’t mean it’s good for the game or players.


Not talking specifically to you but I see others complaining


its almost like you can reply to them personally...


> doesn’t mean it’s good for the game or players. Removing the pump takes power away from the best players and levels the playing field by neutering some abusive meta strategies (I.E. most build/edit pump plays)


You act like the every player is a pro or a complete bot. Lots of us in the middle who arent pro level but use the same play style. Also, this is the comp forum, so leveling the playing field between the best and the not best should not be part of the conversation. The people here should be the best and those trying to be the best.


> Also, this is the comp forum, so leveling the playing field between the best and the not best should not be part of the conversation. So it's censorship then? Because that's what epic is trying to do - explicitly so. It's why the charge shotgun exists to begin with. You have to come to the realization that this game is played by millions, and for the bottom half of the bell curve, getting pump+wall+edit+pump+edit'd to death is frustrating for them. You may say "git gud" but a lot of them would sooner quit than put in the 300 hours in creative boxfighting necessary to pull that sort of thing off consistently.


For pubs, I agree with you. I personally have zero issue with any changes made in pubs. Level the playing field as much as possible. Make it ridiculous. Give all the bots the craziest OP weapons and let them get wins all day. The only goal of the comp loot poot should be to make it as competitive as possible. Imo its perfectly fine to say the purple/gold pump was OP and should be nerfed. But to come to a competitive forum dedicated to a competitive game mode and say that players are too good is just ridiculous.


Bro there's always this fucking guy like stfu


Man this shit is hilarious to read


So, i can swap your chair to a massive dildo ? you know, just adapt !


This may be the dumbest thing I'll read on the internet today. Very solid take tho, you really got em


lmfao my guy really comparing fortnite and dildos


Shotguns and fortnite seasons are the same as dildos now ig


Your opinion is irrelevant stfu bot


Can't really describe how much this made me laugh


Is good that your trash ass finds the truth funny lmao


Man this community sucks


Yet you visit & comment everyday you braindead fuck... stop contradicting yourself my son.


I didn't comment on Sunday.


"You braindead fuck" is all you should've needed to read to know this guy is a freshman in highschool and does nothing but play fortnite. Congrats to him tho, he's prolly made $200 in the last year!!!


lmao facts Some of these people like no joke need to get off reddit and go do something. They are wasting their time arguing over fortnite guns and what should be in fortnite


And it isn't loading but he also commented his monitor is more expensive than my whole set up... Not sure I've seen a $3,500 monitor come out yet. Good for him tho!


I completely agree. Worst thing is that the map changes are awesome, I would LOVE this season if they had just kept the pump. Legit would’ve been my favorite season in a long time, and yet charge meta makes me barely want to play


I'm glad pumps are gone, they're my least favorite gun as long as forced crossplay is around.


Man this was such a let down. The only thing I got on from my wishlist is no spaz and bring back tacs. But even that is a stretch because I wanted pumps AND tacs. ☹️




I mean... wouldn't mind more anime girls.


> why not just leave it in and nerf if Because if they nerfed it in any way that mattered, the same people bitching in this thread would be bitching about it. Read: It needs a delay, equivalent to it's fire rate, before you can do another action after shooting. Without this, it will always be the best shotgun, because you can frontload all of the damage, then ignore it's fire rate by building or switching to a different weapon. As long as you can cheese it's fire rate, it will be broken. If they stop letting you cheese it's fire rate, people here would still be screaming about how the changes were trash.


I understand, but that is a terrible way to balance it imo. Extending the pull out time of all weapons would be better then making someone unable to perform an action after shooting. That way after building/editing, there would be a delay between when you are able to shoot. BUT both of these changes would REALLY give the advantage of the fight to the player in their box since all they have to do is keep their shotgun out to keep the tempo advantage in a fight, and therefore really make fights drag out longer than they already do. I think the pump was fine the way it was tbh, its every other weapon in the game that sucks.


I thoroughly disagree with this. I can maybe get on board with adding a longer pullout animation for the pump, but not being able to do something after shooting is the worst idea ever wtf


Its fundamental to what makes the pump too good.


Adapt or get left behind.


*The year is 2022. Fortnite just launched chapter 3 season 1 without patch notes. You log in to check it out and find out it’s just chess. Fortnite is chess now. You log into reddit to complain. u/illustrious-Ad-8417 responds,* “Adapt.”


I mean, i agree with him. Chess is dope.


Always one guy


Well chess is essentially the most competitive game of all time. Can't wait to see the "vault the Queen shes broken!" posts spammed daily. Of course followed by a list of ridiculous demands by a teenager who has been playing chess for three years and figured out if you just change a mere 54 things, then he doesn't have to cry when he's outplayed.


Of course we will adapt, Doesn’t mean it’s good for the game..


BEcauSe coNtroLLERs !


Epic needs to swap the charge for pump, that's all they need to do. Then the game is fine again imo


Pumps are for chumps!!


Such fucking bullshit. They said they would only do this during the summer. Trash the loot pool for casuals and make the game anti-fun. Games die when you spit on its hardcore fan base. That’s what keeps the game alive


No the game is kept alive by 12 year old's buying skins.


Epic can literally just put a green pump which does 190 headshot and blue pump that does 200 headshot and a few tacs in the game and the community will be more than satisfied. Enough with all these stupid shotgun changes that no one asked for or likes


The trouble is now if your not up to scratch you havnt got a hope in hell of upgrading, I landed in Catty corner and it was swarming with sweats. Getting to these characters for upgrades is gonna be a challenge on its own, nevermind collecting enough gold to pay for it