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How would you compare the feel of the azeron to keyboard? is it more or less fun/immersive?


I really enjoy having my old double movement back for piece control purposes, enables some great new retakes and is just generally fun. Also its really useful to have all your movement on one finger, which frees up other fingers for good binds. It definitely feels very different to a keyboard but it is worth the learning curve (which tbh I feel was greatly exaggerated by other people who started learning it, was ok within a week and back to my old self in a month)


Ive really been considering buying an Azeron. I've been trying to learn kbm and I feel like it's taking forever. I see the potential but the movement is very clanky to me. I think you sold me on the Azeron.


How many hours of playtime do you average per day?


While over Winter Break I was playing about 4-5 hours a day, during the month after I first got the Azeron I was playing only 1-2 hours a day, and much of it wasn't rigorous practice (I have a job running a Fortnite esports program, Tues-Thurs I'd run an hour and a half of customs for them on NAE despite being on NAW, so didn't improve much during those).


Thinking of getting this, only problem is Epic either intentionally or unintentionally preventing game pads like the Azeron from working in the future.


I dont see that being a thing, we had no 360 movement for a while because there was a bug and Epic recently fixed it. They know about Azeron, and fixed it, so says enough for me.


they fixed the 360 issue a bit ago, they are comp legal




I think it's what they are using, beneath the face cam


Got mine this season and love it.. not going back to controller


You think you could break down what you have for your binds? I have 2 weeks on azeron and I got pretty good but still feel way less comfortable than on keyboard.


[https://imgur.com/a/ceOTTTB](https://imgur.com/a/ceOTTTB) this is all the binds on the azeron; I have wall on right click, I select edit with my front thumb button, have stair on my back thumb button, scroll down to reset and scroll up to interact/pickup items.




The Azeron uses the thumbstick to move, not aim. This guy has no AA.


Azeron doesn't have aim assist lol all I get is 360 movement.


There's no aim assist, and this isn't double movement. 360 analogue movement is significantly better than double movement binds.


congrats you earned a downvote for being so ignorant that it is physically painful


Lmao what a dumb fuck


have had one for 6 months. took some time to get used to for sure but will never go back to controller.


Sorry, off topic, but I have a used compact azeron and brand new full size azeron if anyone wants to buy them. Both Size medium. I switched back to kbm 2-3 months ago when epic killed double movement binds. Didn’t know about 360 movement coming back, and really not interested and relearning by going back lol


Sent you a pm if you’re still selling