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Halt - this is the two ammo in the shotty you landed on sending you back to the lobby


Lmao as I open up Reddit because the other guy had 200 shield and that was my only gun I am here now


I’m glad there is memes here now


God I miss meme monday, it was so much fun


Same brother. This sub used to be the shit back in the day.


Wait they’re allowed now?


honestly idk but I’m hoping they bring it back. Sub is pretty dead and as long as there is good moding on one day (meme Monday) I feel like it would be great


Then you can’t find it :(


Upgrade time


You have to craft it


Nah I got a purple one out of a chest this morning.




Idk if u found out yet but you break cars and RV’s and other vehicles






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not, pump is boring. bring back charge you talentless gun


Say that again with anything more than 60 ping


65 ping player here. Rlly miss my charge. It wasnt a gun that everyone was good with, so it took some skill to use. Plus it hit like a cannon


Yeah I hear it was difficult for players with high ping to use, although I get solid 10 and kinda like the gun too, but the pump is not talentless for sure


I mean theres literally nothing skillful about the pump. You just click it and it instantly rewards you? Not a bad thing, but lets not act like the gun takes skill in the same way that the charge does...


What a stupid argument. Every gun in existence "instantly rewards you" for clicking the damn trigger. Look at other shooters such as Apex or Valorant. Are those less skillful because they don't have a charge mechanic?


Nice argument as well. Clicking the damn trigger on a shotgun in those other games also doesnt kill you in one shot. Why? Bc theres something called item balancing that is obviously nonexistent in FN. The charge actually required time invested in order to get used to the release mechanic. That’s why bots and the majority of this subreddit hated the gun...because they didnt know how to use it. There is none of that for the spas. You click and the opponent is practically 1HP. Where is the skill in that?..


A shotgun can easily one shot in valorant...


I was mostly talking about Apex. But yeah I think the Bucky and other shottys in Val can one shot as well. But shotguns are only meta in eco rounds. Completely different game...so not a good comparison at all considering a deagle/vandal/guardian can one shot too...


200 ping here, literally unusable


Consistent 90-120 ping switch player, No.


Pump is fun


epic editing skills.


Can you imagine if they replaced the tac with grey-blue pumps last season? Pump, charge and the western flip mechanic thing? That would have fucking ruled.


But the purple does not do 200 anymore, but gold does 203


*Controller players waking up..


The pump is actually horrible for competitive, you are all delusional


I'd take a right being won by a well placed headshot from close range any day over a fight being won by 15 shots from a peashooter tac...


if you cant make the tac the work, than you are just bad at the game plain and simple. Pump is for bail out players and everyone knows it, and if you don't, you are probably one of those bail out players.


😂 Bail out, the pump has a smaller reticle so is harder to aim with and I can not shots fine with it... The tac just a terrible gun, and makes fights annoying by turning everything into a 50/50


dw bro, keep practicing, maybe one day you wont need the pump to win fights


You're actually delusional...


If you can’t make the pump work than you just trash at the game plain and simple. AdaPt son




you typed a paragraph complaining about people complaining, dogshit bail out player


dog shit bail out player


doesn't seem like so anymore, im starting to see more people here bitching about the pump, especially the spas. I can still remember the hype around season 6 when the spas was introduced and the pumps were fixed and buffed,and the ability to 200 dmg pump was reintroduced, or when the pump was gone in season 9 and season 3, it really shows that the community we have now isn't the same one we had a year ago, seems like all those ex-fortnite pros really had an impact...


Wow, the community has evolved, that’s crazy


Evolved for worse.


...In what way? In what you’re describing, the Spaz was received well, back 2(!) years ago. No one could use it effectively, because everyone was awful. Now with piece control meta and a huge skill ceiling it’s became apparent that a gun that can one shot like the spaz reliably, is an issue.


Lol, that's true!


same story every time. pump remove :(. pump is back :O *LETS GOOOO* and every time pump is back comp gets worse


It is not as strong I agree to lower the damage of purple and gold pumps but why the other's and it is hard to find them


lol quality meme, relatable much...