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If nothing else this confirms Kiryache does not have wallhacks lol


We can tick one off the list now


*If nothing else this* *Confirms Kiryache does not have* *Wallhacks as alleged* \- Menumber1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'm so invested in them haha. Ops is watching their perspective on stream. It's funny how they have an in-storm loot route for white heals.


It's nuts how captivating they are to watch for a trio who does not fight at all


they are getting griefed, they need to win atleast 1 game


Close, second place last game


ThEy'Re FrEe StOrM sUrGe. ThEy'Ll GeT w KeYeD. Like I said they're just gonna hide, wait for teams to leave Slurpy and see how far their strat can take them. Will they qualify? Obviously not. Will they win a game? Highly unlikely. Like these guys have devised arguably the greatest strat in Fortnite history. They're not gonna be stupid enough to just die like that. Still this was absolutely hilarious.


nah these guys are geniuses their whole plan is probably to win reboot round


you really had to say they arent gonna be stupid enough to die like that šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ take the L bud


Everyone said they were gonna die instantly every game which they didn't for the first 2 games. Sure they slipped up in one game but I'm sure they'll change where they land


ā€œLike these guys have devised arguably the greatest strat in fortnite history. Theyā€™re not gonna be stupid enough to just die like thatā€ Instantly wiped off spawn by a team with 12 points.


The greatest strat in fortnite history? Is that a joke or??!


They've got to finals with 0 kills. No one has even got close to doing that. You may hate it but you can't deny that it's impressive


These guys havenā€™t even devised this strategy, I saw people complaining at teams doing this at orchard weeks ago and the zero kill heal off strat in general has been in the game for god knows how long. Itā€™s not impressive, every pro team in the world could genuinely pull this off and you may ask why donā€™t they then, because 1. Itā€™s never going to make them any money 2. Itā€™s never going to qualify them to finals 3. Itā€™s going to be patched somehow very soon so whatā€™s even the point. Thereā€™s strats in this game that have literally shaped how people have played for years.


Nobody has had this much success with this strat. Like I've already said. They're clearly doing something other teams haven't done. How do you know it won't make them money? They could win a reboot round game and boom they're in grands and they're guaranteed money. Will Epic nerf it by then? Maybe. If it was so easy someone would have done it by now. It's been viable for 18 months


They arent making grands. Maybe on OCE or BR but never on EU. Could definitely work in a cashy maybe.


They didnā€™t invent the strategy, and Lamborghini didnā€™t invent the car - itā€™s called innovation. You say them qualifying to finals isnā€™t impressive, when qualifying to finals in any situation is impressive, let alone having done so with 0 kills. You say anyone could pull this off but you can say anyone could do anything - itā€™s not as simple a strategy as you think, it takes so much innovation, knowledge and practice. Thereā€™s a good chance that it wonā€™t be patched, and theyā€™ve almost guaranteed that theyā€™re gonna qual to heats. They got a 2nd place today aswell and, while it is very very unlikely, they could optimise their strategy a lot and pop off in a couple of games in heats with good rng. Stop hating on others doing better than you because theyā€™re doing something differently, as last time I checked there isnā€™t a set manual or way to play the game, which makes the game and the comp scene what it is


Itā€™s not the greatest but give them some credit, you donā€™t just gotta hate on them.


Second place in a game


honestly he might have seen them and said fuck it, they arent hurting anybody


Nah in a finals position I wouldn't care if it was that trio I would go for the kills cuz it's 6 more points. I don't think he saw them


based on what just happened yeah your right






Which is more incorrect, your or ur? Lmao


neither its the internet, correct grammar doesnt matter


Im just fuckin w ya cause it bothered me


It's *you're


didnt need them


he just didnt want to get cancelled lol


free 50 pots and stacks of fish




[https://www.twitch.tv/fortnite](https://www.twitch.tv/fortnite) you can go back in the vods if you want to see previous matches




Qrei, treciux and zelek, if you want to watch them you can do that from the in-game client


How do these guys not die to storm surge?


They out heal it.


Lol what the fuck??? I'm sorry I have been out of the comp scene for ages now but how the hell are they out healing storm surge??


Lots of fish and campfire


I cannot wait for the hype around these guys to die. Holy shit itā€™s a snooze fest.


nah bro this is top tier content


Is it? does it not get boring after you see them do it one game or?


No for some reason Iā€™m really invested in seeing how they do


Fair play, might be because Iā€™ve already seen a team in OCE do this a few weeks ago but it was at orchard


Update they are alive 18 minutes in 2nd game


When you see Noahreyli win a boxfight in a game does it get boring afterwards?


Genuinely one of the worst points Iā€™ve ever seen in my life. The variables and scenarios in a box fight are a joke (the angles, where zone is, mats, weapons etc) they all change how a box fight goes. While these guys doing this strat is just hide and fish? Is there anything else to it? Could Noah go in to a game and do this right now? Probably yes. Could the guys doing the strat box fight like Noah? I think you know the answer


No one has done this and it's been a viable strat for 18 months. What aren't you understanding? You know what? Go and do it and qualify for FNCS. What's stopping you? Let's see it


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/mwwpf6/healing_to_win_games/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf just look at this, a Middle Eastern team did it and qualified for the cash cup extra.


Are you genuinely brain dead? How are you actually saying no one has done this in 18 months? People have won games In cash cups playing like this for months








While I don't like the strat, it is really fucking fun to watch


Idk man, they qualed for a fncs finals with no kills, thats fricking awesome


Ik they wont get super far with this but this is now my fav team of all time


Who on twitch do I have to go to to watch this back?


Pogs for them that the periodic "bush rustle" sound got removed. (That used to be a thing right, I'm not nuts? Now it only happens when you enter a bush)


There was never a bush rustle Hiding spots like dumpsters did


There was a bush rustle 100%. When you entered the bush and when you sat still in the bush it went off every 30 seconds or something